Moonstone: meaning, magical and healing properties for humans to whom it is suitable for the signs of the zodiac. Jewelry and jewelry made of lunar stone in gold and silver, beads, bracelets: properties, photos

Moonstone: meaning, magical and healing properties for humans to whom it is suitable for the signs of the zodiac. Jewelry and jewelry made of lunar stone in gold and silver, beads, bracelets: properties, photos

The article will tell you about the magical properties of lunar stone and how it affects every zodiac sign.


Moonstone: meaning, magical and healing properties for humans: how to wear it correctly

Many call the lunar stone a "adular." Adalar is a rather rare mineral and it refers to orthoclase by potassium, low -temperature (scientific interpretation). The mineral got its romantic name "Moonstone" thanks to a pleasant blue overflow.

Interesting: for the first time, the Lunar Stone was discovered on the mountain "Adula", which is located in Switzerland.

How is it different from other stones?

Distinctive features of the lunar stone

Differences in the adular, like a mineral:

  • The stone is quite fragile
  • Sensitive to blows and even close compression
  • Most often a pebble has the form of a prism
  • In external characteristics, the stone looks like a halzedon
  • The stone is considered semiprecious

Interesting: in ancient mythology, you can find scriptures that say that this crystal comes from hardened moonlight. It is also believed that the brightness of the stone increases, depending on the phase of the moon - the crystal shimmers stronger into the full moon.

The lunar stone is most often mined in pegmatites and veins of the alpine type. Crystals in nature do not reach larger size than 10 centimeters in diameter. It is also mined in the western part of Russia, in the Urals, in the Irkutsk area, in the Khabarovsk region. Another famous volcanic deposits-Sri Lanka, Myanmar.

What is the difference between the stone?

Magic properties of moonstone

Strong magic is attributed to lunar stone, and indeed, every witch and wizard had such a crystal. It was believed that this pebble can both endow with abilities and take them away. If an ordinary person owned a crystal, he could count on luck in love and personal relationships.

Interesting: Adular - was an obligatory decoration for young girls from time immemorial, since it was believed that it was he who attracts the opposite sex to her and helps to find the groom.

Another properties of the crystal is to protect a person from evil and warn him from any negative:

  • Quarrels
  • Annoying people
  • Disputes
  • Speaking
  • Envy
  • Evil eye
  • Evil spell
  • Shock and lightning

Adular ("Moonstone") is one of the best amulets for humans. He is able to harmonize with any zodiac sign and will especially organically fit into the life of a creative person, allowing him to reveal the unknown facets of talent in himself.

The crystal will easily inspire its owner, to promote the awakening of creativity in a good and bad mood. Interesting, but the most famous scammers and gamblers had a lunar pebble, as they believed that he was the reason for their good luck. The Adullar was endowed with a special force in the days of the full moon and only positively carried, taking with him all human aggression and awakening tenderness.

Magic properties

Therapeutic properties of moonstone

It is believed that it shows its healing properties of pebbles in direct contact with the human body. It is interesting that it doesn’t matter where you wear a stone - it will still affect you, whether it is a ring, a bracelet, a necklace or earrings.

It is noted that Adular, touching the skin of a person, is the first to explore the human nervous system. He removes excessive irritation and tries to calm his owner. In addition, the lunar stone inspires self -confidence in a person and eliminates fear and simply “turn off” his master from worries that drive him into depression.

It is also known that the moonstone helps people suffering from epilepsy and all kinds of sleep disorders (insomnia, restless sleep, short sleep, not rash, nightmares).

Astrologers confidently claim that the lunar stone “belongs” to the water (water elements). It is this factor that helps a person to eliminate urolithiasis. Another property is to “wash out” deposits of salts from the joints.

The women in labor often take an amulet of lunar stone with them to easily cope with childbirth and safely finish this process. In addition, the peculiarity of the adular is to positively affect the hormonal background of a person, to improve blood quality.

Therapeutic possibilities

How to choose and wear a moonstone?

The cost of the hell may vary, depending on its transparency and "purity". The most beautiful crystals are considered to be pebbles of blue and blue, tearing deep shades during transfusion. The stone is very valuable in the circles of collectors.

A real lunar stone is not cheap, but there are minerals that mimic it, which are many times cheaper, for example, an Indian moonstone. It is multi -flowing and quite often in nature. Lunar pebble weighing 1 carat, costs up to $ 30. Some specimens reach $ 80-100 (up to 3, 4-5 carats).

From lunar stone is often made:

  • Rings
  • Earrings
  • Bracelets
  • Necklace
  • Beads
  • Brooches
  • Britics
  • Pins with stone inserts
  • Amulets

Important: in order to eliminate the excessive fragility of the stone, it is covered with a special substance - a cabochon. It not only makes the stone stronger, but also makes it overflow harder.

Most often, the stone is framed in silver or white gold, since the cold shade of these metals does not dominate the crystal, but only emphasizes its beauty, highlighting its blue shades.

Of course, wearing a lunar stone should be correctly:

  • The lunar stone should not be lost against the background of other jewelry. He must occupy his dominant place and combine with other elements: accessories, clothes, and so on.
  • Do not combine the lunar stone with other stones so that it does not lose its properties and can positively influence you.
  • Silver enhances the action of the moonstone, choose jewelry where the crystal is framed in silver.
  • The crystal should not be worn by an aggressive and overly evil person, since increased and frequent outbreaks of anger can only aggravate his situation, in the presence of lunar stone.
  • Wear a stone on your body but not on clothes
How to wear it correctly?

Types of lunar stone - agate, amethyst adular, labrador, white -brown: how it looks, where they get, color, photo

This crystal attracts many, and many people want to have pebbles at home, as an amulet. The name “lunar” stone itself has a great influence and, unfortunately, this “name” is attributed to many minerals that are not related to the original.

"Moonstone" is often called minerals such as:

  • Quartz
  • Amazonite
  • Whitemith
  • Gypsum
  • Selenite
  • Spar
  • Labrador

A characteristic feature of the adular is the white tint, but the blue is more valuable. The listed minerals have some similarities with the adular, but are unlikely to convey the whole depth and beauty of the original.

Photos of minerals:

Quartz is often given out for the lunar stone
Amazonite is often given out for the lunar stone
Whit does the whiter are often given out for the lunar stone
Gypsum is often given out for the lunar stone
Selenite is often given out for the lunar stone
Shpat is often given out for the lunar stone
Agate is often given out for the lunar stone
Amethyst is often given out for the lunar stone
Labrador is often given out for the lunar stone

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Aries

Aries (both women and men) is such a crystal as a lunar stone, approaches and will be able to act like a reliable talisman. He will enjoy a little, active and self -confident Aries, giving an opportunity to adequately evaluate controversial situations and not enter into conflicts.

Men Aries Moonstone is good to wear on a little finger, like an insert in a ring. Thus, the mineral will be able to touch the body and exert its positive effect on mental and physical health. It is better for women to wear a moonstone on the left hand (bracelet, ring). This will warn the ladies against temper and aggression, which often does not paint them.

Some Aries (both women and men) have such a feature as frequent mood swings and falling into depression. It is the lunar stone that can save Aries from such a problem and replace a bad mood good. Adular is a good gift for Aries at any age. If a person does not like to wear jewelry or it’s just difficult for him to please with a choice, give him a figure for a house from a lunar stone.

Men Aries The adular will help to develop such a unique feeling as intuition. In addition, those who wears adular are always good fathers to their children. Women Aries The adular will help to find “cold” logic and understanding, sympathy. He will reveal all the good qualities of the lady of Aries, hiding the flaws.

Influence on Aries

Moonstone: Magic properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Taurus

For Taurus, Adular is a panacea from the mental "wounds". The stone will not only calm the natural aggression of Taurus, both men and women, but also give him inspiration. The balanced Taurus in harmony with feelings and body can feel love, peace, happiness.

Taurus men This stone will allow you to gain self -confidence and its strengths, as well as the ability and ability to understand yourself: feelings, thoughts, emotions, actions and conclusions. The lunar stone will be able to favorably influence the health of the man of Taurus, who often plays sports and leads an active lifestyle.

A charge of positive energy from an adular will help Taurus cope with any mental and physical work. Too "loving" men to the Taurus, prone to "disposable" relations, the moonstone will help to settle down and find their true love.

For a woman of Taurus The adular will be very useful - it will help to reveal not only his natural beauty, but also femininity, will enhance the sense of motherhood and tenderness. Such a crystal will “reassure” the hot -tempered woman of Taurus, allowing him to make calm and right decisions.

Influence on Taurus

Moonstone: Magic properties according to a horoscope for a man and a woman Gemini

A lunar stone will be an excellent talisman for twins. Just as this stone shimmers with flowers, the twins are multifaceted and mysterious. The jewelry of the adular not only suit the twins, but also harmonizes with their mental state.

This crystal will be infinitely inspired Gemini manWhat will be the beginning for many talented works. In addition, the stone will help in the work: to give perseverance, confidence in their abilities, a positive mood and love of life in general.

If men of twins are characterized by modesty or shyness, adular will help him to liberate and make himself “open” for others. In the men of twins, Adular inspires “prudence and wisdom”, while at the same time allowing romance and sensuality within the soul to develop more strongly.

Women Gemini This pebble greatly simplifies life, helping to establish contacts with others, developing speech and creative talents. Adular will allow the ladies to be more confident and achieve their goals.

Influence on the twins

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for man and woman Cancer

It is good to wear lunar stone and cancers prone to depression and mental disorders. This amulet will allow to hide, all negative and negative character traits, both men and women of cancer. In addition, the crystal will positively affect the mood and contribute to the development of creative abilities.

Cancer men It is good to wear a stone, like a pectoral amulet hidden from the eyes. Such a amulet will allow him to easily find communication, both with the women he liked and with higher ranks. In addition, Adular will protect from rash words, deeds and emotional “flashes” that do not paint men.

Woman cancer Adular will help to cope with uncertainty and constant discontent. Women should wear a lunar stone close to the body, for example, beads or bracelet, amulet. You can put on such a decoration as for important meetings and events (to calm down and eliminate excitement), or every day.

Influence on cancer

Moonstone: Magic properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Leo

Everyone knows that lions are eccentric and emotional personality. Often lions themselves suffer from their excessive aggressiveness and anger. That is why they should acquire such a talisman as a lunar stone. This crystal will help women and men of lions direct their strong energy to the “desired direction”.

Lions are recommended to wear any jewelry and amulets made of moonstone, which can be located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chest (heart). So the crystal will be able to have a positive effect not a lion, give him balanced and calm, the opportunity to make deliberate decisions. What can you choose:

  • Beads
  • Pendant
  • Brooch
  • Pin
  • Suspension

Men Lions Adular will give health to the soul and body, comfort and harmony inside. It will be able to teach Leo to forgive offenders and will not allow a man to do too reckless acts. Veritative and dominant women lions Adular will return natural tenderness and love for others. The lunar stone will make the lady calm and affectionate, take excessive pride. As a talisman for home, the moonstone will bring peace and happiness, understanding and faithful love to the lion family.

Influence on Lviv

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for the man and woman of the Virgin

Self -confident and hardworking virgins also need a talisman. A lunar stone is perfect for them, which can not only develop its best qualities, but also emphasize, the already present mind, conscientiousness, decency.

Virgo is strongly recommended to wear an adular, as an insert in the ring and only on the left hand. Only in this way can the amulet attract the magic of happiness and success. What will give the moonstone to a woman and a man to Virgo? - Self -confidence, calmness, patience, sympathy and compassion for others.

Virgo, which is often immersed in depression, the stone will help to improve the mood. If the virgins will store figures from an adular in the house - this will bring harmony and happiness, peace and consent to the house. Men Virgo Adular will be able to get rid of the stinginess of compliments and pleasant words to others. In addition, he will give them self -confidence and determination.

Lady Adular It will help to reveal in yourself femininity and natural tenderness and at the same time get rid of shyness. And some ladies who are distinguished by selfishness will help to “hide” the shortcomings of the soul, making the girl more friendly, sociable and communicative. The lunar stone will help the virgin easily start relationships and gain happiness in life.

Influence on Virgin

Moonstone: Magic properties according to the horoscope for men and women Libra

The scales of the ADUALAM will not only help to find harmony, but also save this sign that is vulnerable to the moon, from its negative influence. The lunar stone gives Libra spiritual calm and peace. To do only good deeds and achieve success, the scales should be worn a stone as an insert in the ring, and on the index finger.

Men Libra You should wear jewelry and amulets with a lunar stone every day. In addition, you should constantly talk to him in order to regularly teach a charge of positive energy. Adular will save a man of impulsiveness and explosive in nature, allowing us to make correct and reasonable decisions.

For a woman, this crystal - More than "find." It will help to reveal all the beauty of the soul: tenderness, spiritual beauty, care for loved ones, motherhood. Having such an amulet, the ladies of the sign Libra easily find a way out of any difficult situation, they always treat loved ones with good, sociable, confident and not shy. The lonely scales Adular will help to find and build a strong relationship.

Influence on the scales

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a man and a woman Scorpio

The lunar stone for Scorpio is an excellent talisman. This crystal helps to “hide” the natural aggression of the sign, revealing only its positive qualities. Adular gives Scorpions calm, peace, tenderness, desire to take care of their neighbors.

Wear the lunar stone with scorpions need to be closer to the heart and head. Therefore, earrings, pendants or beads, brooches, pins will be ideal decorations. Try to make the stone touch the skin so that it affects.

Men Scorpions The adular will help to gain prudence and calmness, the ability to restrain himself, not to get excited and not make sudden decisions. Women Scorpions The lunar stone is necessary in order to be tender, faithful and devoted to their husbands.

Influence on scorpions

Moonstone: Magic properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Sagittarius

Sagittarius is often subject to doubtfulness, depressiveness and ability to experience a breakdown due to their own uncertainty. Such a stone as Adular will help to return life energy and interest in life. It lurks a special power that can give the Sagittarius inspiration, the desire to engage in creativity.

Men Sagittarius Adalar is needed in order to reveal in yourself eloquence and interest a woman. The lunar stone completely absorbs all the negative qualities of Sagittarius: fear, self -doubt, give liberation, the desire to create romance. Women Sagittarius Crystal is needed in order to find a loved one, the desire to create a cozy family hearth.

Influence on Sagittarius

Moonstone: Magic properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Capricorn

Moonstone is an ideal talisman for Capricorn. He will wash away the “live” with this zodiac sign in harmony, revealing positive qualities and hiding the shortcomings (shyness, fear, aggression). Capricorn is always creative personality and adular, like nothing better, will help to reveal creative abilities.

Adalar will become a Capricorn man Not only an assistant, but also a talisman, inspiring confidence. Equipped with a lunar stone, Capricorn easily end any business and achieve the desired goals. In addition, he will allow this zodiac sign to boldly express his thoughts, have a good mood, and use intuition.

The impulsive and hot -tempered Capricorn Adalar will help to cope with temperament, eliminate the “flashes” of anger and add softness. Lunar stone vulnerable men will not allow you to absorb negativity from the environment, and for women in Capricorn attract love. Adalar to cope with any mental disorders. The crystal in love with Capricorn will “give” the desire to remain faithful to his partner.

Influence on Capricorn

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for a man and woman Aquarius

The lunar stone will open the best features of the character of Aquarius. He will reliably protect his owner from any evil and give self -confidence. If the man Aquarius is hot -tempered, the stone will give him calm and peace. Family Aquarius Stones will help strengthen relationships, and lonely get a family.

The lunar stone belongs to the water element, because it can give an Aquarius harmony, not only with the outside world and people, but also inside the soul.

Influence on Aquarius

Moonstone: magical properties according to the horoscope for men and women fish

For men of fish The lunar stone is a very good talisman. He will reveal their creative abilities, will eloquently communicate and clearly explain his thoughts, endow with wisdom and confidence.

Women of fish Adalar will be able to warn against emotional breakdowns and depression, reveal feminine features: tenderness, sensitivity, desire to take care. Uncertain fish, the lunar stone will help to find a spiritual rod and influence.

Influence on fish

How to distinguish a real moonstone from a fake?

The lunar stone is very beautiful, but, unfortunately, its deposits around the world begin to dry out and therefore the crystal is getting more expensive. In turn, manufacturers try to replace an expensive crystal in every possible way, selling a fake.

How to distinguish the moonstone:

  • A real adular shimmers with deep blue-blue color.
  • The blue shade disappears at the stone, if you look at it at right angles.
  • The original adular does not heat up in his hands, does it for a very long time.

How to charge the moonstone for love?

Reading a conspiracy over the adular will help you achieve more success in love affairs. This should be done on the growing moon or in the full moon. It is necessary to read the conspiracy alone, it is good if the sky is clear and moonlight can fall on your amulet.

Love conspiracy:


Jewelry and jewelry made of lunar stone in gold and silver, beads, bracelets, earrings, rings, pendants, pendants: properties, photos

Jewelry with an adular inserts, as well as jewelry, look incredibly beautiful and feminine. They are suitable for women and men at any age, in any frame.

Products with a lunar stone:


Video: "Moonstone: Magic properties"

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Comments K. article

  1. Good article! But half of the photographs of opal glasses. The lunar stone does not have such a high transparency. The whiteness belongs to the lunar stones. Like the classic adular.

  2. And instead of whitemoret in the photo, lapisit with the inclusions of the pyrite. White white -colored white -colored with blue and slightly yellow tint (irritation)
    Decoration in the photo at the sign of Scorpio and Earrings and Beads below - synthetics

  3. Coboson is a method of cutting, not a special substance)). Here is your phrase: to eliminate the excessive fragility of the stone, it is covered with a special substance - a cabochon. It not only makes the stone stronger, but also makes it overflow harder.

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