Aventurine stone: therapeutic properties, magical properties to whom it is suitable, how to distinguish a fake, photo

Aventurine stone: therapeutic properties, magical properties to whom it is suitable, how to distinguish a fake, photo

Aventurine is a natural stone, which is a fine -grained appearance of quartz. In nature, it is extremely rare, but the mineral is obtained throughout the world.

Its origin occurs in places where clay and sand are simultaneously found. Another prerequisite is a high air temperature and increased pressure of the Earth's crust. More information about the appearance, use and features of the crystal will be described in this article.

Aventurine Stone: Stone History

  • Aventurine has been known since the time of ancient civilizations. Asian merchants believed that this the mineral helps to increase the forces of people who conjured snakes. It was they who brought this crystal to European countries.
  • In Russia, the mineral stone appeared in the 17th century. When the deposit was open in the Urals, the popularity of jewelry with adventurine intensified. It was also used in the manufacture of interior items (vases, caskets, candlesticks, etc.). Crystal was used even in the manufacture of handles for cutlery.
  • Now in the Hermitage you can see a vase created several centuries ago. The height of the stone product is about 1.5 m, and the diameter is 2.5 m. A very unusual exhibit of adventurine is presented in the geological museum. This vase was presented by Emperor Nicholas I as a gift to Aristocrat Murchison.
A variety of colors
A variety of colors

Avianturin deposit

There are several places where the adventurine is mined:

  1. India (Ballary);
  2. Russia (Siberia, Ural and Altai);
  3. Tibet;
  4. Tanzania;
  5. Brazil;
  6. Spain;
  7. Austria.

In Russia, crystals of yellow, pink, burgundy, gray and white shades are mined. In Asia and the USA, green gems are common.

The color of the stone is adventurine

There are many shades of unusual stone. Its magical and healing properties depend on the color of the crystal. Therefore, you need to disassemble each of the varieties in detail:

  • green Aventurine. It is also called Fuchsit. This shade is obtained when using chromium and small mica mica. The properties of green adventurers - this crystal helps to improve the financial well -being of a person. It also favorably affects fair -haired women. With his help, a female representative will be able to attract love.
  • yellow adventurine. If Muscovite is present in the stone, then a bright yellow shade will become characteristic. The properties of yellow adventurers - such a mineral protects a person from negativity, and also helps restore physical and emotional forces after a difficult day.
  • cherry Aventurine. This shade is given by hematite, which is part of the stone. The crystal helps its owner to become confident and calm. It also contributes to the development of creative abilities. Therefore, it is worn by artists, artists and actors.
  • pink Aventurine. The composition of the adventurine contains iron, which gives an unusual shade to the crystal. If you constantly wear a mineral, you can attract love and find the second half.
Soft color
Soft color
  • black adventurine. The use of such adventurers should take place with particular caution. It must be worn by those who are afraid of negative impact (damage, evil eye, etc.). Incorrect use of the crystal contributes to a violation of the human psyche, which is why mental injuries appear.
Saturated color
Saturated color
  • blue Aventurine. It is used by those who want to establish relations with others. In addition, it helps to develop oratory abilities.
Beautiful blue
Beautiful blue
  • red-white. Helps to protect against dangerous diseases and enhances the immune system;
  • striped. Promotes the development of creative abilities.

The chemical composition of the adventurine

Detailed stone analysis:

  • chemical formula - SIO 2;
  • color - several;
  • hardness on the scale of MOOS - 7 points;
  • a fracture - shearing;
  • singonia - trigonal;
  • density - 2.6 g/cm 3.

Aventurine: How to distinguish a fake?

  • Very rarely in stores there is natural adventurine. Consumers, if they find such an instance, prefer golden brown crystals.
  • Natural specimens have a more muted shade, without a brightly exposed radiance. It is necessary to carefully examine each stone to determine its naturalness. At the same time, it is difficult for an ordinary person to do this. It is better to contact a specialist.
  • For most people, Aventurine is somewhat different minerals. Most often, it implies an imitation of glass, which is called "adventurine glass." It turns out if add iron oxide, cobalt to the glass mass and other elements. It is they who stain the mineral in different shades.
  • Adventurine images have a more presentable appearance. Therefore, buyers prefer them, even if they know about the unnecessority of the goods.
Stone or not?
Stone or not?
Distinguish a fake in the product
Distinguish a fake in the product

Therapeutic properties of adventurine

  • Storeliness experts are convinced that aventurine is a healing stone. It positively affects the central nervous system and brain. An exception is only a black variety. Regular use of the mineral contributes to normalization of sleep and balance of the emotional background.
  • The stone helps in the prevention and treatment of skin diseases, including eczema and psoriasis. To see a noticeable positive result, put the crystal several times a day to the affected area and always keep with you. The use of light shades helps to eliminate head or toothache.
  • There is an opinion that adventurine helps to cope with respiratory system diseases. If you regularly wear a pendant or a pendant from this mineral, then you can cure thyroid diseases. Yellow adventurine helps to remove stones from the kidneys.
The stone is extremely useful
The stone is extremely useful

Wearing a ring from this stone contributes to:

  • excretion of excess fluid from the body
  • normalization of body weight
  • reduction of appetite

Aventurine: Magic properties

  • In ancient times, the adventurine was talisman for players. There was an opinion that it helps to attract luck and luck. He is also carried with them businessmen, sailors and travelers. That is, it must be for those people who love to take risks.
  • If you have a car, then there must be a magic crystal in the cabin. It can be inserted into a gearbox or put in a glove compartment. This will create a favorable atmosphere in the cabin, which will protect against accidents and accidents.
Magic stone
Magic stone
  • Thanks to the reflective surface of the adventurine, he helps a person defend against premature and violent death. If a negative energy is directed to the owner, the mineral will absorb it and reflect it. This means that a person who wants to someone is evil will suffer from him.
  • With the help of adventurers, you can get rid of paranoia, depression and despondency. If a person suffers from constant mood swings, then with the help of this crystal you can get rid of this.

Aventurine: Who is suitable for the zodiac sign?

  • Not all the signs of the zodiac can wear adventurine. For some of them, it may be a source of trouble. The stone is perfect for Taurus and Virgo. He will help his owner find love and improve the financial situation.
  • You can wear a crystal Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpions, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. These signs of the zodiac Stone helps to strengthen intuition and develop the best features in character.
  • Do not wear gem Aries, Lions and Sagittarius. These signs of the zodiac are too emotional. The use of the mineral will only strengthen the quick -tempered temperament of a person, which can cause him a lot of troubles in life.
Not all signs are suitable
Not all signs are suitable

Aventurine is a very common stone, but most often artificial specimens are found. Despite this, the crystal fits perfectly into jewelry compositions and helps a person to establish his life. But, magical and healing properties are revealed with constant wearing of the mineral. The gem is ideal for strong personalities that do not give up when fate.

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