Chrysolite stone: characteristics, magical and healing properties. Who approaches the zodiac sign?

Chrysolite stone: characteristics, magical and healing properties. Who approaches the zodiac sign?

Chrysolite is a bright and beautiful stone. Let's look at its properties in more detail.

Chrysolite is a stone that humanity has already known for many centuries. Means - "golden stone." The color of the mineral has many shades from light green to almost dark green, almost black. Chrysolite is endowed with extraordinary properties. Masters of jewelry call this mineral peridot, but geologists - Olivin. It is able to change color to green in artificial lighting, for this property is sometimes confused with an emerald. Some call it an “evening emerald”.

In the time of our ancestors, the stone attracted the views of many people, he fascinated. For the first time, the stone was found in the fourth millennium BC. As part of a meteorite that once fell to the ground.

Characteristic of chrysolite

  • This is a valuable stone of the Olivin clan.
  • A fairly solid mineral, but dissolves in acids.
  • Easy to polish. Then it will shine without the use of chemicals.
  • It has many shades of green. From gold to almost brown. The color can be intense, but often it is pale tones.
  • A polished stone has a glass shine.
  • Density - 3.3 g/cm3.
  • By chemical composition is iron-magnia orthosilite.
  • The color intensity depends on iron.
  • It also happens that the composition of the stone includes nickel, chrome.

Application area

Chrysolite is used by masters of jewelry. It looks very beautiful in both silver and gold products. They are decorated with cabinets, mirrors and other interior items. When embroidering church icons, it is also popular. He is robbed as an emerald, a diamond. But the masters always carry out the cut carefully, because the stone is afraid of high temperatures and can split. It is widely used in various rituals. It is inexpensive, but this does not mean that finding it is easy enough. He is rare.

Specialists of non -traditional medicine use it for medicinal purposes. The patient is cured if the stone is put in a sore spot for approximately 30 minutes. You can always have healing water at hand, if you put chrysolitis in the water. To prepare a therapeutic ointment or cream, you must also put a piece of peridote in a jar.

Types and shades of chrysolite

Basically, chrysolite is green. Often it is transparent, but with a pale shade. To find a bright stone, you have to try very hard. Scrapings in the form of strips, spots are also not excluded. Quite often, you can meet a stone with something reminiscent of a “cat's eye”.

Many shades
Many shades


  • The color of gold
  • Dark brown
  • Brown
  • Olive
  • Light orange
  • Yellow

Scientists still cannot accurately classify the types of chrysolite. The more saturated the color, the more expensive the stone. In nature, you will often find light green stones, but they do not have high value. Among the jewelers, such stones are popular:

  • Which creates the effect of asterism, that is, stars.
  • Chrysolite Mesa.

There are 2 grades of chrysolite:

  • Mark A. These are stones of all shades with the exception of brown.
  • Mark B. This is a pale minerals.

How to recognize a fake of chrysolite?

Although this mineral is not very expensive, it is still faked. Even glass and plastic can imagine how chrysolite. To determine the fake, it is necessary to press the sharp object on the surface of the mineral. The plastic fake will form shake, but the natural stone is so durable that it will not even be damaged.

If the fake is made of glass, then when heated for some time it will maintain heat, if you hold the product in the hand. The real stone will remain cool, and if it is heated, then it will cool quickly enough.

Chrysolite in nature is very often small in size, and jewelry stores sell jewelry with a small chrysolite.

In the product
In the product

The healing power of chrysolite

Modern doctors do not believe in the great power of this stone and its ability to heal. In the time of our ancestors, people believed in the power of chrysolite and treated them with chronic diseases.

Application in lithotherapy:

  • Chrysolite is able to restore vision, as well as treat eye diseases. The stone should not even be applied to the eyes, but only look at it.
  • Helps for diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, with pain in the spinal section.
  • With nervous diseases, influenza, cold, heart disease.
  • Heals from stuttering. You should just put the stone in your pocket and keep it constantly with you.
  • Normalizes the hormonal background.
  • Helps to recover after surgery or serious illnesses.
  • In childbirth helps to relieve pain.
  • Able to cope with a headache.
  • Improves sleep.

Chrysolite powder in small quantities is useful for improving the gastrointestinal tract, with ulcers, for purifying blood from harmful substances and toxins. To get rid of allergies or skin dermatitis, a chrysolite powder should be added to special ointments.

The magical properties of chrysolite

Since time immemorial, man knew miraculous power chrysolitethat he received from the sun. This force is able to protect from evil spirits, evil spirits. Even more power, the stone will only have a pair of gold. The mineral has powerful energy.


Magic properties:

  • Helps to cope with conflicts, establish relationships between people, achieve mutual understanding and regain friendship.
  • Eliminates jealousy and envy.
  • Increases self -esteem.
  • Endows by force to cope with a bad mood.
  • Develops mind and insight.
  • Makes each act to think about before making a decision.
  • Able to prevent a fire.
  • Improves sleep. To do this, you should always hold a stone under the pillow.
  • Able to resolve difficult life situations.
  • Saures from enemies.
  • The male floor helps to increase sexual activity and regain sexual attraction.

Facts in the story of chrysolithic

  1. Chrysolite adored Queen Cleopatra. The first stone was found in Egypt. It was customary to engage in prey late at night. In daylight, he just hides.
  2. Emperor Nero had lenses from this mineral, with the help of which he watched a large -scale Roman fire, as well as gladiatorial battles.
  3. The ancient Slavs adorned the icons, the clothes of chrysolite.
  4. In the 19th century, chrysolite was especially popular in France. In those days, in order to recover from impotence and increase the sexual attraction of the male gender always had this stone with him.
  5. The Bible also has references to magic stone. The priest's cassock was decorated with a chrysolite.
  6. This semiprecious stone, which is robbed in a special way, is inlaid by the Russian crown.
  7. Also in the Ottoman Empire, this stone was revered. It is decorated with the throne of the Sultan, which is in the Turkish Museum in Istanbul.

Interesting facts about chrysolithic

  1. In ancient times, everyone knew that chrysolite Helps to cope with loneliness, attracts friends. Gives a person to eloquence.
  2. According to the note, chrysolite You can not give it, he loses his magical power and self -destructs. This means that chrysolite gets used to his master.
  3. Ring with chrysolite It is worth carrying exclusively on the left hand. The stone attracts happiness and success, and gold - holds it.
  4. If a stone is in a person who is engaged in entrepreneurial, banking, then luck is guaranteed in all matters.
  5. This is the keeper of the family hearth and love. After the wedding, there is a belief that the spouse and spouse should give each other a jewelry of chrysolite so that their love does not know the barriers and be eternal.
  6. Lonely people chrysolite are able to give a soul mate.
  7. Peridot figures are able to attract good luck and improve the financial situation.
  8. The magical properties of the stone will be larger if you buy the product from it for 28 days of the lunar month.

Chrysolite: to whom is suitable for the zodiac sign?

Jewelry from chrysoliteyou can wear everyone without exception. However, most of all they are suitable for such a zodiac sign: fish, lions, as well as virgins. It is worth abandoning such jewelry: Aquarius, Cancer, as well as Scorpions.

Suitable for many signs
Suitable for many signs


He helps this sign in making deliberate, accurate and correct decisions. Also get out of a conflict situation without loss. It increases self -confidence and decisiveness. Your self -esteem increases if you have a peridote decoration with you.


Chrysolite helps the lions make the right decisions. Lions love victory and always want to be the first, and in the center of universal attention, but their uncertainty does not allow them to do this 100%. Chrysolite will instill confidence and help to master the art of seduction. All hidden talents will be disclosed.


Virgo is quite demanding not only to themselves, but also to others. To calm down a little their ardor and betrayed patience to purchase jewelry from chrysolite. It improves brain activity, develops mind, memory and helps to remember more information. Chrysolite inspires confidence in himself, which they need is extremely necessary.


In order for all conflict situations to be resolved, it is worthwhile to have this mineral with you. He rid the owner of fear, as well as melancholy.

From conflicts
From conflicts


This sign is very stubborn and selfish. It is difficult for him to give in to someone, and chrysolite will help to cope with all this.


A characteristic feature of the sign is the lack of a goal in life. Often they do not agree with themselves. Chrysolite acts on them soothingly and helps to rethink his life.


This is a fiery sign. People of this sign are quick -tempered. That is why their life is associated with overcoming the difficulties that they themselves create. Chrysolite pacifies their ardor, and will help to think about every situation.

Video: Properties of chrysolite

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