Stone Chrysoprase: full characteristic, properties, influence - to whom is suitable for the sign of the zodiac? How to care for chrysoprase: compatibility with other stones. How to distinguish chrysoprase from fake?

Stone Chrysoprase: full characteristic, properties, influence - to whom is suitable for the sign of the zodiac? How to care for chrysoprase: compatibility with other stones. How to distinguish chrysoprase from fake?

In this article we will talk about Khrizoprase stone, we will study all its properties.

Chrysoprase is a stone of good luck, bringing material well -being and helping to achieve success in all matters to its owner. It attracts money and is a source of creative inspiration. At all times, this stone was appreciated by great, successful and influential people, using it as a talisman.

Kryzoprase stone: full characteristic

  1. In the Middle Ages, jewelry with chrysoprase were considered the privilege of the nobility.This stone was widely used in jewelry, creating real works of art. From it they made a rare beauty of beads, necklaces, bracelets, figurines. They were inlaid by snuffboxes, belts, homemade utensils and even crows. King of Prussia Friedrich the Great He was very proud of a crown decorated with chrysoprase, and on his finger he always had a ring with a large stone, which he considered his talisman.
  2. Great Alexander Macedonian On many canvases is depicted in military armor and belt decorated with large chrysoprase on a buckle. According to legend, he never parted with a stone that brings him success in battles. And also the stone warned him about the danger by changing color. But the day before his death, the commander decided to swim in the lake and folded his clothes on the shore. And then, dressing, he did not notice how he lost the stone. The next morning he died.
  3. Chrysopraz was decorated The interiors of the royal chambers and the houses of the nobility.The unique architectural structures of the XIV century, preserved to this day are the magnificent chapels of St. Vaclav and the chapel of St. Katerina in Prague, decorated with a mosaic of chrysoprase and amazing beauty, the Potsdam palace of San Sushi in Germany.
Symbol of good luck
Symbol of good luck

Physical properties of Chrysoprase stone

  • Chrysoprase - translated from Greek means “green gold” (“chrysos” - gold, “prassios” - green). It is considered a rare precious stone and one of the most expensive varieties of halzedon and quartz.
  • Has extraordinary, rarely found in nature pale green color, resembling the color of a green apple. Although other shades may occur - From emerald to bluish-green.
  • The stone received such a shade thanks to the intersperses of Nickel ions. By the way, concentration water-nickel particlesand sets a rich tone. A characteristic matte shine that distinguishes this stone makes it unique and unique.
  • Chrysoprase has sufficient density of 2.6 g/m³,it is used in the jewelry industry as a craftsman. Although a clean, transparent crystal is very rare. Most often, the addition of various minerals in the type of talc, opal, and serpentin prevail in the stone. The stone belongs to the translucent group.
  • Although it can skip light from 2 to 5 cm through its layer.
  • Hardness-6.5-7.
Color variety of green shades
Color variety of green shades

Deposits of chrysoprase

  1. The field of the best stones is considered Western Australia, Germany, Brazil, Romania, South-West of America and Kazakhstan
  2. There are deposits of chrysoprase in Russia, In particular in the Urals and Siberia.But in small quantities
  3. Previously a large deposit of chrysoprase Polish was famousbut in recent years, reserves of this mineral have exhausted there

Its formation in rocks is due to low temperatures and the weathering of the nickel -containing mineral of a high density called a serpentine. We repeat that it is Nickel that gives an unusual green color to this stone.

Found in mountainous areas
Formed in rocks

Chrysoprase and its jewelry groups

Chrysoprase is divided into 3 varieties.

  1. To the highest grade are the stones of almost monophonic emerald green color,without a pattern on the surface, having a cryptocrystalline structure and clearly visible to 5 cm in depth. It is rarely found in wide sale and is expensive. Sometimes it has interspersed hydroxides of iron and clay impurities.
  2. To the first grade there are stones of a homogeneous structure, without a pattern, apple green colortracking 2 cm deep into, sometimes with whitish-indescribable spots. Such stones are widely used in jewelry.
  3. Blue-green stones are grouped to the second grade, With both transparent and opaque whitish areas. These stones are not so attractive to the jewelry, but are used mainly as crafts.
Color saturation is responsible for the class of stone
Color saturation is responsible for the class of stone

The magical influence of chrysoprase

  • It is this stone that is considered talisman of wealth,since green color attracts and is associated with money
  • Also that The color of intelligence,therefore, this stone is simply necessary for entrepreneurs and scientists
  • Helps to find yourself
  • Green stone has the strongest effect on the psyche. Thus, he gives inspiration and inspiration even in difficult times
  • In addition, the mineral inspires Confidence in your strengthand even inspires on exploits
  • Chrysoprase gives a charge of positive.Therefore, it is suitable for everyone who is in a depressive state
  • As well as emerald stone helps to avoid conflicts, smooth out "sharp corners" in communication and find a common language
  • In addition, a mineral protection against the evil eye or damage.And also eliminate troubles from your life
    • By the way, it was even previously believed that the stone was capable of Save from punishment.What small scammers or thieves used
    • But decent citizens defended their housing from the same thieves or even evil spells

Important: but the main secret of the stone - it helps only sincere and kind people! In the hands of a lying and hypocritical person, the stone dulls, loses its glass shine. Sometimes it can even get blackened or completely abyss. Therefore, in the hands of a fraudster who had too risky and dangerous for others a plan, the stone stopped working and did not help.

But the stone helps only kind people with pure intentions
The stone helps only kind people with pure intentions

Healing properties of chrysoprase

  • The healing properties of this stone were noticed in ancient times. In particular, his ability was noted Stabilize the well -being of weather -dependent people when changing the weather.
  • Chrysopraz charged the water used for the treatment of infectious diseases, gouts and skin rashes,pre -immersing the stone in a vessel with water and leaving there for several days.
  • Also, the water that was infused with these pebbles has long been used for the treatment of colds.
  • It was also believed that it favorably affects vision and reduces the thread in the eyes with fatigue. Even more, this stone acted as a kind natural doctor for the eyes.
    • By the way, modern lithotherapy also uses chrysoprase to treat eye diseases.
  • And also to normalize nervous stress with stress.Chrysoprase helps to calm down and even overcome depression.
  • Its unique green color is able to improve mood and normalize sleep, overcome insomnia.
  • This stone He aligned sexual energyand he established an intimate life.
  • Chrysoprase helps to survive separation from a loved one.

Important: the stone “loves” contact with the skin and body of a person. That is how he shares his energy and strength.

However, it is believed that prolonged use of stone can adversely affect the body and contribute to the formation of bile stones.

Chrysoprase with a bluish tint
Chrysoprase with a bluish tint

Astrological aspect or to whom does Chryzoprase suit the horoscope?

Astrologers also believe that Chrysoprase does not take root in people with poor energy. He darkens in their hands, is lost from the field of view, and can even disappear forever. But people with positive energy and a good heart serve this stone for a long time and true - it allocates trouble, normalizes health, brings good luck and material benefits, gives inspiration and a large charge of energy.

Important: Chrysoprase is able to warn its owner about the danger that threatens him - in this case, he begins to dimly dull.

This stone is controlled by Venus, reflecting its inherent features - Love, patience and compassion. He is gaining greatest strength By the thirteenth moon day,at this time, it has the most favorable effect on the human body.

  • Chrysoprase is a stone of Aquarius! It is he who brings good luck to them and provides the greatest assistance on the path to achieving the goal. Although its owner can be other signs of the zodiac - this stone does not have contraindications in use.
Perfect stone for Aquarius
Perfect stone for Aquarius
  • But there are small recommendations:
    • Ariescan use chrysoprase as a talisman
    • Tauruswith this stone will become more active and will be able to achieve the goal
    • Geminithis stone will bring peace
    • Crayfish, possessing chrysoprase, can count on a warning before danger
    • For lions, this stone is neutral. But still, astrologers recommend that with caution to wear jewelry from chrysoprase to a fiery and imperious sign
    • Virgowisdom and rationality of thinking will acquire with this stone
    • Librachrysoprase will help in making the right decision. But you should also be neat with such jewelry
    • Scorpionsthe stone will bring good luck and happiness. But long -term wearing can suppress internal power
    • Sagittariusit is better to have a stone in a silver cut to improve your financial condition
    • Capricornwith the help of chrysoprase will get rid of depression
    • Fishwill draw energy and positive from this stone

Important: in general, this stone does not really “love” screaming gold frames. The magical and healing influence of the stone enhances the modest, even slightly blackened silver.

The stone reveals its properties in silver
The stone reveals its properties in silver

Jewelry from chrysoprase and caring for them

  • Today, Chrysoprase is widely used in jewelry. Various jewelry framed in gold and silver is made from it. And also worn without frame in the form of pendants, beads, bracelets. The most valuable are deeply visible stones of dark green color, which can easily be confused with emerald.
  • The care of chrysoprase is simple. In case of contamination, it can be washed with a light soap solution and wiped dry with a soft tissue.
  • When exposed to direct sunlight, the mineral can lose its color! But fortunately, it is easy to restore it, wrapping a stone for a while with a damp cloth.
  • But contact with chemicals,including household chemicals, it may be destructive for stone. Therefore, before any homework, jewelry from chrysoprase should be removed.
  • You can not constantly store the stone in the box, From this he loses his healing and magical properties. He needs air contact, so temporarily arrange him a “walk”.
Unpretentious stone, but you should not constantly store it in the box
Unpretentious stone, but you should not constantly store it in the box

How is chrysoprase combined with other stones?

In principle, he is very “friendly”, but most of all The transparent or green stones of Venus will suit him.A stone with diamonds looks especially harmonious and magically looks. Also suitable:

  • amazonite
  • amethyst
  • white and green pearls
  • turquoise
  • emerald
  • sapphire

Important: Pavel Globa urgently does not recommend a combination of solar carnelian and green chrysoprase.

But do not wear together and even store in one box with:

  • onyx, especially black
  • sardonics
  • agatham
  • malachite
  • a grenade
  • obsidian
  • jasper
The highest and first class of chrysoprase misses the light well
The highest and first class of chrysoprase misses the light well

The difference between natural chrysoprase and fake

The most common fake of chrysoprase, found today in the jewelry market - This is a ketsaite. The synthetic substitute that is produced in China. Sometimes cheaper chalcedons, painted with nickel salts, are given out in green for chrysoproz.

  • You can distinguish them according to an unnaturally saturated bright green shades,uncharacteristic for natural stones.
  • In addition, Ketsaite directly has such The structure of the type of "cat's eye". Since the natural splendor of chrysoprase is difficult to recreate.
  • Sometimes in size - natural chrysoprazes found in nature, usually no more than two cubic centimeters in volume. While Fakes are often much larger.
  • When buying a stone in the store, you should pay Attention to the price.Natural stone costs much more than fakes.
  • In addition, it should be remembered that homogeneous and evenly colored stones are of the greatest value. But in nature, they are still not perfect.Therefore, the presence of natural inclusions and uneven coloring is a guarantee of the naturalness of chrysoprase.

Video: Properties and influence of chrysoprase

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