Which side to apply a leaf of burdock to a sore spot?

Which side to apply a leaf of burdock to a sore spot?

Instructions for the use of burdock leaves for compresses.

Slub is a plant of the Astrov family, which is found in our country almost everywhere. It is thanks to wide distribution that folk healers often recommend using culture for medicinal purposes. In this article, we will tell you which side to apply a leaf of burdock to a sore spot. 

The benefits of burdock leaves for the body

Thanks to the rich chemical composition, it can be used both for the treatment of internal diseases and external. Accordingly, it can be used in the form of tinctures, extracts, use thorns, roots, as well as leaves.

The benefits of burdock leaves for the body:

  • The composition of the leaves containsprebiotic Inulin, stimulating the work of the intestine, as well as many minerals and trace elements. The calorie content of the product is low, so the leaf will not hurt the figure if you use it inside.
  • Basically should be used for detoxification. Most often, tea is prepared, which is able to improve the function of the liver, kidneys, and remove toxins, stones and slag deposits from the body.
  • The sheet is often used to eliminate acne and inflammation on the skin. It is precisely the sheets are used, since they contain a large number of natural antibiotics that kill pathogenic microorganisms located in the epidermis. 
  • For the treatment of psoriasis and eczema. In this case, not only leaves are used, but tea, soups that are taken inside are prepared. It is believed that in this way it is possible to improve blood circulation, and to establish metabolism. After all, psoriasis and eczema are diseases that are associated with internal problems, and above all, it is necessary to solve them, and not try to eliminate skin manifestations and rashes. 
  • Leaves and burdock root are characterized by a diuretic effect, so they will be useful to those who have kidney stones, chronic ailments of the urinary system. This is an excellent tool for those who want to eliminate cystitis, pyelonephritis. 
  • They can be used for sunburn. To do this, mix egg whites with chopped leaves and apply to burns. 
  • The plant is used to correct the hormonal background. Burry leaves are used to treat hormonal problems that are associated with the reproductive and endocrine systems. That is, they are effective in diabetes mellitus, thyroid disorders, and various gynecological pathologies associated with the deficiency or re -weight loss of hormones. Burry leaves are included in fees for the treatment of various ailments. 

Which side to apply burdock on the knee: photo

INTERESTING: Arthritis and arthrosis are often suffered by patients with overweight. Due to excess weight, the joints are subjected to strong loads, abrasion.

Which side to apply burdock on the knee, photo:

  • Run the leaf of burdock with warm water and do not wipe the water.
  • Provide the release of juice. For this, a sheet can be mixed or converted by a fork from the wrong side or beat the meat with a beat.
  • Juice will begin to flow out of the holes. Do not lay the sheet with a vile (wrong) side on the board or table so that there is no juice leak.
  • It is best if the villi is not crumpled.
  • Attach the prepared compress to the sore knee so that the wrong (white) side of the sheet is on the skin, the sheet is a wholefan or a food film, then a layer of cotton or other insulation, and wrap it all up with a bandage or fix it with another bandage.
  • We make compress insulation for the best effect.
The therapeutic side of the burdock
The therapeutic side of the burdock

Drying joints with burdock: which side to apply?

Most often, leaves are used for compresses to eliminate various abscesses, bruises, and skin diseases. These leaves have 70% of the daily norm of vitamin B.

The treatment of joints with burdock, which side to apply:

  • The leaves are distinguished by therapeutic properties, they are often used in the form of compresses, for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases. 
  • It is necessary to withstand the sheet in the refrigerator for 20 minutes, beat off with a grip and attach to the joint the “furry” side.
  • Apply an elastic bandage and leave for 1.5-2 hours.
Another recipe for the use of burdock in joint disease
Another recipe for the use of burdock in joint disease

In winter, you can use a dry leaf of burdock, having previously moistened it with warm water. Therefore, it is advisable to make blanks and dry them in the shade without the rays of the sun.

A recipe with a sheet of burdock with pain in the joint
A recipe with a sheet of burdock with pain in the joint

Which side to apply burdock to the head?

Leaves do a great manage with a headache. You can use both fresh and dried leaves. If you use the dried product, it must be pre -packed with boiling water so that it becomes soft.

Which side to apply burdock to the head:

  • For exposure, the villous wrong side of the sheet is used, as it helps to “wake up” the nerve endings, slightly irritating the epidermis.
  • Thus, its permeability improves, and the active substances from the sheet are actively in the necessary zone. Dry sheets usually soften over the steam.
  • You can create a kind of water bath. Submerge a colander into a pan with boiling water and put several dry sheets there. After a few minutes, the sheet will become absolutely soft. 

Slub Sheet: Which side is applied to the sore spot?

Of great importance is which side to apply the sheet. Almost all parts of this plant are therapeutic, therefore it is used as a root, thorns, leaves and even the stems of the plant.

A sheet of burdock, which side to apply to a sore spot:

  • Due to the fact that fluffs or scales are very soft and thin, when contacting the skin, they quickly break, highlighting a large amount of useful juice. That is why, in order to accelerate the effect of the plant, it must be applied with a fluffy light wrong side. 
  • If the sheet fades, lay in your bag for a long time, the villi became completely thin and lifeless, you can resort to cunning. To do this, you need a chopper, through a plastic bag, hit the leaf several times.
  • Thus, juice will perform, damage will contribute to its flow to a sore spot. The value of a leaf of burdock is that its juice affects the sore spot. By laying the sheet with the vile side on the affected areas, we stimulate the release of nutrients from the plant. 
  • The outer, brilliant side is rather dirty, it accumulates a large amount of dust in itself. During careful washing, it is not always possible to completely remove dust. Thus, there was a recommendation to apply a sheet of burdock in the inside to the sore spot.  
How to apply burdock to a sore spot
How to apply burdock to a sore spot

Which side to apply burdock to the chest with lactostasis?

The plant helps well with stagnation of milk in the chest. For these purposes, cabbage is usually used, or a leaf of burdock.

Which side to apply burdock to the chest with lactostasis:

  • Iflactostasis It is observed in the summer, you can successfully use burdock. It is necessary to cut a few leaves and bring home freshly. Next, they are rinsed with cold water, slightly wrinkled with their hands, so that the plant puts the juice and applied with the felt, that is, shaggy side to the sore spot.
  • Due to the fact that the sheet is crumpled, a large amount of juice stands out of it. At the same time, the villi themselves, scales, irritate the epidermis, stimulating the penetration of the nutrients of the plant inside the skin. Thanks to such compresses, it is possible to completely remove the lactostasis, and dissolve the seal.

Do not hope exclusively at the means of traditional medicine, if necessary, contact a doctor or a midwife in order to explode the remains of milk and massage the chest, eliminating hardening. 

Which side to apply a leaf of burdock with irritation?

With the help of burdock leaves, you can get rid of irritation and allergies, after bite of insects or mosquitoes.

Which side to apply a sheet of burdock with irritation:

  • Some of them on their nose accumulate a small amount of anesthetic, which can serve as a kind of poison. After a bite, red spots often remain, irritation, which itches greatly.
  • Remove the painful syndrome, as well as itching, allow the leaves of burdock. Necessaryfreshbreak the torn sheet with your hands or beat off with a chip. You can knock the back of the knife so that it let the juice. After that, the sheet is laid on the sore spot.
  • It is necessary to change such compresses every 2 hours, because after a certain period of time the flow of juice in the sheets stops, all beneficial substances are absorbed into the skin. Do not forget to update compresses. 

Which side to apply a sheet of burdock to a boil?

To cure a boil, you needapply a sheet of burdock to it with the wrong side and fix it. The simultaneous intake of the infusion of burdock roots will enhance the healing effect.

To prepare an infusion of burdock roots, take 1 tbsp. Pour a spoonful of dried and crushed burdock root with a glass of boiling water and let it brew in the thermos for at least 3 hours and strain. Take the infusion in warm form at least five times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Leaf treatment and burdock root
Leaf treatment and burdock root

Many interesting articles can be found here:

To eliminate the headache, you need to know not only which side to apply the sheet to the head, but also to which area. In most cases, applications are applied to the forehead, but this does not always work. A sheet of burdock on the forehead is effective if there is a slight headache from fatigue. But if the migraine is triggered by the impact of the virus, the cervical region, the back of the head, then should be applied to this part. If the headache is caused by high pressure, then the leaves of the burdock are applied to the temples. Please note that for an active action you need to apply the vill sides to the skin. 

Video: Which side to apply a leaf of burdock?

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  1. where can you read or watch a video how to properly apply a leaf of burdock on a sore knee? Which side is brilliant or wrong?

  2. i don't understand how to properly apply a sheet of burdock on a sore knee? How to properly apply compress from a sheet of burdock?

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