How the allergy to gel polish is manifested and looks: causes, symptoms. What gel polishes cause allergies and which ones are not: the difference between a dangerous fake and the original. How to treat allergies to gel polish drugs, folk remedies and restore nails?

How the allergy to gel polish is manifested and looks: causes, symptoms. What gel polishes cause allergies and which ones are not: the difference between a dangerous fake and the original. How to treat allergies to gel polish drugs, folk remedies and restore nails?

In this article, we will consider the symptoms and causes of allergies to gel polish, as well as learn about treatment and preventive measures.

Nail care with gel polish is a fairly convenient solution for many girls. After all, it lasts a long time, but looks neat at the same time. The advantages of this procedure are obvious, but there are also disadvantages. For example, allergic reactions to gel polish itself and related products. What allergies look like, why does it arise and how to deal with it, we will talk in detail in this material.

Can there be allergies to gel polish, which becomes the cause of it?

It is known that everyone’s beloved gel polish is far from a natural product-this is chemistry in its purest form. The procedure also requires the application of several synthetic products for good adhesion and the general coating of the nail plate.

  • The cause of allergies may not be gel polish itself, but for example, a base, UV lamp, primer or a banal violation of the rules in the procedure for applying all components.
  • We list the dangerous components that can be included in your gel polish and cause allergies:
    • rosin;
    • toowlol;
    • folmaldehyde and its derivatives;
    • metakrilat;
    • nitrocellulose;
    • diaceton alcohol;
    • phosphoric acid and other chemicals.
  • If you look at the number of components involved in your manicure, then the gel polish consists of 1, 2 or 3 dangerous components. It is clear that the more elements falls directly on the nail plate, the higher the danger of getting allergies instead of manicure.
  • Three -phase manicure is considered safer. After all, the nail plate in this case is protected by a colored layer. He has already passed the polymerization procedure, and there is no direct contact with a top or a dangerous sticky layer. Therefore, it is so important to adhere to all the necessary requirements for applying gel polish.
Such a beautiful manicure is often the merit of hazardous substances in the varnish
Such a beautiful manicure is often the merit of hazardous substances in the varnish

How does an allergy to gel polish manifest?

The industry of developing nail service progresses quickly. Some manufacturers think about customers, and care about their health, using high-quality components in the production of gel polishes. Others, without embarrassment, “chemical” crafts, whose quality is not talking about. So they are also very dangerous with complex allergic reactions.

If your gel polish turned out to be a fake, then the following deplorable consequences can be expected.

  • Symptoms of dangerous allergies. Such varnish can provoke itching, swollen cuticle, cause ulcers and rashes. It hurts, unpleasant and ugly. It is difficult to treat, and then remove the varnish from the nails with a whole flour, because acetone can fall into the wounds, while causing painful feelings.
  • The coating will be of poor quality and quickly gets off. If the nails are covered with fake varnish, do not be surprised that it is swollen and covered with bubbles at once or after a few days. But this is one of the most harmless "symptoms" of dangerous varnish.
  • The nail plate itself will be in danger. Such a fake can cause irreparable harm to your nails. They will extend, lose natural shine and color.
  • Evasions when applying low-quality gel virts are a danger to your lungs. It is very dangerous to breathe this, because some substances can settle and accumulate in our body. Thus, destroying it from the inside.
Most often, it is the nail plate and the skin around it suffers that
Most often, it is the nail plate and the skin around it suffers that

What does an allergy to gel polish look like: symptoms

The allergic reactions of the human body are always very unpleasant. It is not difficult to recognize them, but it is dangerous to engage in self -medication. Therefore, we do not recommend this. In any case, a visit to a dermatologist will help to recover faster. But what an allergy looks like, you need to know. If your gel polish turned out to be a fake product, then not only the nail plate can suffer from poor quality.

The pillows of your fingers, the cuticle and another nail roller can react with such symptoms:

  • the appearance of small blisters. Characteristic watery type. Such blisters burst and itch, painful sores form;
  • pillows on the fingers can blush and itch;
  • allergies are characterized by local rashes. The rash can manifest itself near the nail itself, between the fingers, on the palms themselves and even the hands;
  • the skin can suffer and blush, it can also become dry and start peeling;
  • unbearable itching is a companion of allergic manifestations. It can itch the whole palm and separately the fingers themselves;
  • burning feelings often arise, especially near the nail;
  • swelling of the nail roller and the pillows themselves on the fingers. They are still accompanied by painful sensations;
  • there are other serious consequences in which the nail plate can suffer strongly and move away.

If all this sounds unpleasant, it looks even worse. And most importantly, it is treated for a long time, and it is very difficult to completely restore the nails and their healthy structure.

Such an unpleasant picture happens from allergies to gel varnish
Such an unpleasant picture happens from allergies to gel polish

The allergy to the chemical composition of some gel varnishes is also manifested in a different, respiratory character. The respiratory system often suffers, and this is also unpleasant and carries harm to health.

Respiratory reactions to couples are different, but most often it is:

  • an incomprehensible sampling that causes a cough in some cases sneezing;
  • various kinds of breathing difficulties, allergic runny nose;
  • edema and unbearable itching around the eyes. There are even some painful sensations;
  • swelling in the mucosa area. Language suffers, sometimes lips swell;
  • the tearfulness of the eyes increases. A runny nose from the nose may accompany mucous secretions.

Important: an allergy of an acute respiratory nature often causes suffocation. It is equally dangerous for both masters and their customers. In addition to using personal protective equipment, you need to ventilate the room well or choose ventilation rooms.

Another manifestation of allergies on the fingers
Another manifestation of allergies on the fingers

Pregnancy and allergies to gel polish

Pregnancy is a special condition that requires a woman attentive attitude to herself and her health. Gynecologists do not recommend doing manicure, using even simple varnishes and especially gel polishes, as well as extend your nails.

There are two reasons for this:

  • chemical components are dangerous when they fall on sensitive skin. Some even penetrate the nail scales;
  • harmful evaporation that a pregnant woman inhales when applying gel polish. And also when using additional components of such a manicure.

Important: even if there were no allergic manifestations before, everything can change in a state of pregnancy. In this case, allergies are dangerous not only to a woman, but also to the unborn child. An allergy is capable of violating the immune system of the fetus, which is especially dangerous in the first trimester of pregnancy. If the manifestations of the disease occur, it will be necessary to treat them with medication, and not vitamins. Therefore, they will not bring benefits to the unborn child. In such an intimate state, it is better to breathe fresh air, and not in pairs of varnishes.

Pregnant women should be extremely careful, because all external manifestations are reflected in your baby
Pregnant women should be extremely careful, because all external manifestations are reflected in your baby

What gel polishes do not cause allergies, and which are included in the risk zone?

If we talk about safe varnishes, then they should be 100% original. There is a certain “folk” list of the best hypoallergenic varnishes:

  • and the primacy can be given CND Shellacthat it has established itself with both quality and safety;
  • next comes no less well -known Gelish Harmon. These varnishes were winners for 3 years in a row and stand out in one of the most sparing trains;
  • they complement the list as well OPI And his Gelcolor. I fell in love with many with the exception of cutting, which also harms nails;
  • of course, you can’t pass by the American brand Kodi. In addition to the fact that there are no harmful additives in it, the composition also nourishes nails with natural oils;
  • by the way, they are still rich in firm varnishes Ently. Especially popular is olive oil and argan oil;
  • another varnish that does not cause allergies and belongs to the varnishes of the premium class- Jessica Geleration;
  • INGARDEN - This is varnish, which is suitable even to problem nails;
  • gel polish of the brand IBD He has not lost demand for several years. After all, the safe composition and the highest quality will always be taken into account.

The list, of course, is incomplete, but we have listed the main leaders. The cost of varnishes of the original brand is higher than ordinary analogues, although it varies between them. For example, Jessica Geleration costs $ 30, and Gelish Harmon - over 750 rubles. But one thing is united by all these brands - the quality of the materials used. Manufacturers of these gel lacquers use proven formulas, conduct regular research and tests.

Shellac, which he gave gel polishes the second name does not give up positions on quality and safe composition. True, from a real brand
Shellac, which he gave gel polishes the second name does not give up positions on quality and safe composition

Dangerous gel polishes or fakes of famous brands

Let's talk, specifically about each poor -quality and possible reactions to it.

  • Bluesk - The first in all antitopics. It often causes itching and acute burning, rash with watery bubbles and painful hyperemia of the skin.
  • Popular among our masters of an American manufacturer Cody Although it is considered hypoallergenic, it requires great caution. Saw, burning and blisters can be obtained if their Chinese analogues are used.
  • There is a slightly consonant brand Cannithat often even scares its composition.
  • Another coating that is masked for hypoallergenic, but sometimes gives allergies - Fox. Symptoms do not differ from the above signs. True, in the case of Fox, the reason is individual intolerance to the body of some components.
  • You can’t get past China Glaze. Already the name does not even hide the fake. But the most dangerous thing is that these varnishes have formaldehyde.
  • Gel polishes from manufacturers are also considered dangerous Civi and Cristina.
  • Complement the list with a bouquet of dangerous components Sally Hansen, Divage, Alessandro and Flormar.
  • Speaking for the case of varnishes from Color Club, then in their composition the camphor was revealed. And it does not affect the nails themselves in the best way, drying the plate itself.
The greatest danger is fakes of well -known brands
The greatest danger is fakes of well -known brands

How to distinguish high-quality gel polish from fake?

It is difficult for a non -specialist to distinguish a fake from a high -quality brand. But still this is possible if you know how the product actually should look. Consider the example of the famous Gelish brand. The “father” of the brand and creator of the brand Danny Hale defended him at once with three patents and received more than one award for quality. But no one is protected from fakes in our industrial time. Therefore, we offer you information what you need to pay attention to when buying high -quality varnish so as not to confuse it with a fake product.

  • The price is a rule that always works. After all, fakes are much cheaper than the original. Since they do not undergo certification procedures and other studies.
  • Banks can be almost the same, so pay attention to the label at the bottom. It should not be just a number with a number, but a label with a barcode and instructions.
  • It is important what the brush looks like. For example, Gelish has a transparent brush. Indeed, high -quality thin fibers were used in production. The fake has a standard black short brush. The fibers are very hard and rather rude. All varnishes of poor quality brown a little lame.
  • Also, if you look closely at the name, the difference is visible. The original has the inscription "Gelish", and a fake is Ido Gelish, also Gelish CCO. The same picture is with other firms.

Famous world manufacturers understand the importance of the situation, the danger of fake gel polishes for their customers and reputation. More than one study was conducted, the results of which are frankly shocking. The same Gelish studied the chemical composition of the IDO Gelish and Gelish CCO fakes.

Important: as a result, fake varnish was not varnish at all, but a product for repairing a small scratch in cars. Such a paintwork, which contains arsenic and even heavy metals, as well as potentially dangerous substances for human health. Canni, Cristina, Bluesk and Civi are considered the most dangerous brands, which they could not even pass the examination.

A bad brush often gives a fake
A bad brush often gives a fake

Allergy to gel polish and additional components of gel manicure

Applying gel polish is a multi-stage procedure. It includes the use of not only colored varnish, but also other components for high -quality coating. For example, bases, dehydrator or primer. Also, the master will definitely use a professional lamp to dry the layers. Allergies may not cause varnish itself, but other drugs. Let's try to figure it out in detail.

  • Allergy to the base or base. It manifests itself if the master uses a poor -quality base. The components enter the skin, causing an undesirable reaction in the form of blisters or edema.
  • Liquids with acetone for demonicure, as alternative methods of removing manicure, can cause allergic reactions. Gel polish has a complex structure, thanks to this it lasts a long time on the nail plate. By the way, special fluids can also cause unexpected reactions of the body.
    • If you remove it with acetone, then you have to suffer. After all, you will find a long soaking or lining of nails in foil. And breathing fluid with vapor is dangerous, because respiratory allergies and suffocation may appear. First of all, it expresses peeling and even cracking of the skin of the hands.
    • Removing by cutting or a machine passes faster, but inhaling nail dust is also harmful. In this case, you can use the mask and boil the room well.
  • Violation of the technological process also causes allergies. It is dangerous for masters to work without gloves. For customers, sterilization of tools and their proper storage is important. And also it is simply necessary to observe the alternity of all stages of manicure. This manicure itself will make it persistent, and your hands will protect.
  • An allergy to ultraviolet radiation lamps is also possible. Although such manifestations are rare. In most cases, people with sensitive and damaged skin suffer, and still patients with photodermatosis. In cases with such customers, the procedure should be held without a polymerization process. And for this there are special varnishes.

If you saw an allergic type reaction to the components listed above, try to avoid them. It is better to be healthy than treat the consequences with expensive medicines.

Allergy can also be to relieve gel varnish
Allergy can also be to a liquid for removing gel polish

How to cure allergies to gel polish?

If you have a good manicure, but strange symptoms or allergies appear, then not everything is so smooth. The first medical care in this case is to quickly remove the entire gel polish from your nails. Your master can be removed qualitatively. There is no way to sign up for the master, remove the manicure at home with accessible methods.

Important: after it is better to consult a dermatologist. If you conduct diagnostics yourself, allergies can be confused with other skin diseases, fungus, eczema, deprived or scabies. In these cases, treatment will be carried out by other drugs.

As for allergic manifestations, they treat them with such medical drugs:

  • antihistamines (suprastin, Eden, Erius, Claritin and friend). The doctor selects the shape of tablets or drops individually;
  • hormonal -based ointments (acriderm, dermmiate, synalar, etc.) treat manifestations themselves. They eliminate inflammation, unpleasant itching, blisters and pour;
  • non -hormonal drugs of the local direction are also used, which will help relieve inflammatory processes on the skin. For example, exoderm, phenystil, etc.;

With allergies of respiratory organs, drugs are used that relieve manifestations of edema, suffocation, lacrimation and swelling. Combined nasal drops can be the best option. Use Alergodil with, vibrosyl, Erius and others.

Any antihistamines are suitable
Any antihistamines are suitable

Treatment of allergies to gel polish can be carried out by popular traditional medicine methods:

  • increased baths from chamomile and a series should be used. We brew herbs in a ratio of 50/50 and give time to brew, at least 30 minutes. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day for 15 minutes;
  • use ointments with such grass components as chamomile, a series, celandine, mint, bay leaf, sage and others. It is good to use petroleum jelly as the basis of the ointment. You can cook them yourself. And you can use both fresh and dry fees;
  • essential oils are also well suited. For example, black caraway oil is just a remedy for this allergy. It is used orally in its pure form, as well as outside with brown flour and pink water. Proportions on a glass of flour: ¼ cup of oil and the same amount of water. The procedure must be done in the morning and before bedtime for 15 minutes.

Folk methods will not be superfluous. But in cases of allergies or its manifestations to varnish, consultation with a doctor is mandatory. Moreover, it is better to use such methods as additional treatment prescriptions.

It’s good to make baths with herbs and make oil masks
It’s good to make baths with herbs and oil masks

Treatment of allergies on the nails after gel polish or how to return to them a normal condition?

After allergies, it will not immediately be possible to stabilize the condition of the nails, because you will need time to rehabilitate and restore the nail plates and skin. Remember that proper care is the key to success. For this, experts recommend:

  • consult a doctor, choose and conduct the right treatment;
  • eliminate the cause of allergies. Effectively get rid of gel polish and not carry out the procedure for some time, for at least a month;
  • take care of the nails. And for this you need to use vitamin oils, glycerin and vitamins of group E and A;
  • take care of the skin of the hands. It is advisable to use nutritious and moisturizers;
  • use baths on herbs. And after healing the wounds, go to the baths with sea salt and iodine to strengthen nails;
  • severe cases of allergies provide for the procedure for removing the damaged nail plate. The procedure is carried out under the obligatory supervision of a doctor, a chemical or surgical method. Therefore, always choose good and high -quality varnishes. Especially if there were manifestations of allergies.

If you have suffered such a nuisance as an allergy, you do not need to waste time, but you need to quickly start treatment. This will get rid of serious consequences and complex rehabilitation.

Video: How to recognize symptoms and how to treat allergies to gel varnish?

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Comments K. article

  1. I had the same allergy. She stopped completely doing this procedure and was cured thanks to Naftaderm's ointment.

  2. That's when the temperature rises a day after application under 39, here you really want to do such a manicure. And it all started with bubbles around the nails, but no experiments were needed, but suddenly he was lucky and there would be no allergy. But alas, even the vaunted CND cause allergies no less than Chinese brothers.

  3. I have an allergy after removing the gel polish by PNB Gel Removed. I myself do a manicure, use the same varnishes, there were never problems. But I simply violated the nail and skin structure with the above remedy, although I applied only once, strictly according to the instructions.

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