Which lawn is better to plant in the courtyard of a private house, in the country, which seeds, fertilizers for the lawn: recommendations, examples. Lawn care in the spring, summer after winter

Which lawn is better to plant in the courtyard of a private house, in the country, which seeds, fertilizers for the lawn: recommendations, examples. Lawn care in the spring, summer after winter

Do not know which lawn to plant for a private house, cottages? Read the article, there are many tips in it.

Landscaping is a very painstaking work. But its creation is a very entertaining process that brings a lot of pleasure. The arrangement of a personal plot will require you not only forces and time, but also fantasies.

The choice of the lawn coating depends on many factors, and you must take them into account in order to achieve the goal. Which lawn is better to plant near a private house, in the country? A detailed answer is described below in the article. Read further.

Classification of lawns
Classification of lawns

The beneficial properties of the lawn for a private house, cottage

Green lawn is certainly very beautiful. But not only an attractive appearance is the reason why summer residents decorate their site in this way. The benefits of green flooring are huge, and manifests itself in some aspects. This is the useful properties of the lawn:

Highlighting the body:

  • The green flooring actively produces oxygen during photosynthesis.
  • In addition, grass absorbs dust and harmful substances from the air.

A positive impact on the psycho -emotional state of a person:

  • Experts say that green is soothing, gives a feeling of peace.
  • That is why people with anxious conditions and anxious disorders are recommended to surround themselves with household items painted in this color. And what could be better than fresh, odorous green lawn?

Improving the composition of the soil:

  • Greens covering the land, protects it from overheating.
  • In addition, when the cycle of its vital activity ends, beveled lawn grass serves as an excellent fertilizer for the soil.

Suppression of noise:

  • The lawn creates reliable sound insulation, this is known to many summer residents.
  • And specialists in landscape design make a special emphasis on this.

Natural and soft green coating adds comfort, and is also great for games in the fresh air and sports.

Which lawn is better to plant in the courtyard of a private house, in the country: varieties of coating with a photo

The lawn is a collective concept for different types of coatings. He also has his own classification by functionality. But there are other types of such green flooring. So, which lawn is better to plant in the courtyard of a private house, in the country? Below you will find a variety of coating with a photo. Read further.

Video: Types of lawns. Which lawn to choose?

Decorative lawn in a private house, in the country

Decorative lawn in a private house
Decorative lawn in a private house

This is the most popular type of lawn in a private house or in dachas, the task of which is clear and is to decorate the area. Such a coating can be seen in summer cottages, personal plots, in parks, squares. In this case, decorative green plants and some species of meadow flowers are preferred.

Grasses that have a beautiful appearance, carrying shadow, partial shade that take trampling, form a dense turf, and winter well for such lawns. Usually they combine herbs in this composition: 40% meadow is sore, 20% meadow meadow, 20% oatmeal is red.

Sports lawn

Sports lawn
Sports lawn

Characterized by high endurance. Sports lawn is difficult to destroy, since it is quite resistant to trampling. And all thanks to the special composition of the flooring, which consists of rigid and strong varieties of plants. Such “flooring” are unpretentious, and do not require complicated care.

The design of the sports lawn
The design of the sports lawn

Specialized lawn in front of a private house

Specialized lawn in front of a private house
Specialized lawn in front of a private house

Such a lawn is laid for a specific purpose. For example, to prevent crowning in places with fragile and shaky soil, or to suppress noise near airports. In addition, the properties of a specialized lawn in front of a private house are known to absorb harmful substances. Therefore, green crops can often be seen near industrial enterprises, gas stations, motorways and highways.

Stalling lawn

The ground lawn belongs to the premium class and is considered one of the best in the type of grass mixtures. But, at the same time, he is the most expensive and whimsical in care. It is used to decorate the most popular and significant zones.

Such lawns can be seen around fountains, reservoirs, where a large number of people, architectural monuments are gathered. It is not surprising, because the most stringent requirements are put forward to the appearance of such a flooring. The grass on it should be thick, completely the same in color and in height. To grow such a lawn are used:

  • Elite varieties of a rebel
  • Red oatmeal
  • Separate varieties of the field
  • Raigrass

With such a lawn, it is necessary to behave especially carefully, neatly and carefully. You can’t play or even just lie down on it. Too tender coating can suffer even from a slight mechanical effect. The composition can be from 40% of the meadow of the soda, 20% of the red oatmeal and 20% of the meadow meant.

Stalling lawn
Stalling lawn

Park lawn in the courtyard of the house, in the country

Already by name you can guess the purpose of this type of lawn. Its material is not as durable as the sports coating, but also quite high quality.

Park lawn in the courtyard of the house
Park lawn in the courtyard of the house

They use a similar park flooring in the arrangement of parks, squares, recreation areas, cottages, city streets. Such a lawn should also be monophonic, homogeneous, dense and durable.

The park lawn has many advantages, including:

  • Nice appearance
  • Democratic cost
  • Easy to care
  • Good endurance
  • Stability to trampling

To create such a lawn, plants are used like a rebel, unconditional dust, white clover, sheep oatmeal.
An example of the composition of the mixture: 60% oatmeal red, 30% Raigrace and 10% meadows of Lugovoi. Seeds sow 40 grams per square meter.

Meadow lawn

Meadow lawn
Meadow lawn

Such a meadow lawn is in almost the same zones as the park. It is also often creeped in boarding houses, rest houses, sanatoriums and resort areas, in dachas. Most often, such a lawn is formed at the site of another, previously already laid, type of lawn coating. A meadow lawn is created by mixing cereals with field plants. It can be:

  • Horned ladles
  • Esartz is sowing
  • Red and white clover
  • Yellow, blue or hoplous alfalfa

Herbs are mixed and sown by a density of at least 30 g. per 1 sq. meter.

Such clearings look very natural, beautiful and neat. They are not too pretentious, but this is what gives them Sharma.

The lawns of this type soothe and improve the mood at the same time. In addition, such lawns are durable, endurance and unpretentiousness in care. It is enough periodically and moderately water the coating, and carry out a haircut 1-2 times During the flowering season.

Moorish lawn

This is a more attractive decorative lawn. It is not the green mass prevail in it, but by the flower part. It is suitable for planting under the trees, next to reservoirs, near the green hedge.

Moorish lawns
Moorish lawns

A beautiful view is a Moorish Luzhaika composed of a mixture:

  • Makov
  • Vasilkov
  • Flax
  • Lavender
  • Nogotkov
  • Carnation
  • Nemesia

But cereal crops are no less widely used, but in small quantities. Such a lawn attracts insects - butterflies, bees, etc. It is perfect for summer cottages, and will become a wonderful decoration for the yard. And most importantly, the lawn of this type does not require special care, since cultures on it grow on their own.

The sowing lawn is the best for a private house, cottage

The sowing lawn is created in the usual, traditional way. For its formation, specially selected plant seeds are sown, the soil must be carefully prepared before this.

Rules for creating a lawn
Rules for creating a lawn

Many owners of land are often asked: "Which lawn is better for a private house or cottage"? Therefore, it is worth noting the advantages of sowing natural coating. The main advantages of such a lawn:

  • Available cost
  • The possibility of using any relief and different structures on the basis
  • Independent formation of grass mixtures

But this type of lawn and its shortcomings have this type, among which:

  • The complexity of the process
  • The risk of obtaining poor seedlings of crops
  • Duration of germination of young plantings

But, despite such disadvantages, sowing lawns are still very popular. After all, all varieties of lawns have their drawbacks.


Rolling lawn

The roll lawn also justifies its name. The material for its manufacture is a mixture of turf and pre -selected herbs. It is grown in artificial conditions using special fiber flooring. Then it is twisted into rolls of different sizes - it depends on the area on which the lawn will be located.

Rolling lawn
Rolling lawn


In this case, grass is rooted very quickly, almost rapidly. This process takes approximately 21-28 days From the moment of laying green flooring. Plants are very easily adapted to new conditions, and you can start operating the coating immediately after placing on the site. The only serious minus of the roll lawn is its high cost.

Hydroposettic lawn

Hydroposettic lawn
Hydroposettic lawn

This lawn is laid in a rather interesting and unusual way: a special solution of green color is sprayed on the prepared soil, containing seeds of selected plants containing. In addition, it may contain different fertilizers and other components necessary for germination of a healthy and strong lawn.

Such a hydropose lawn is a relatively new option. However, every day it becomes more popular and in demand. The main advantages:

  • Available cost
  • Practicality
  • The possibility of landscaping even the most complex and inaccessible areas
  • Quick result
  • Simplicity of the process of sowing material for landscaping
  • Absence in complicated care
  • The durability of the coating
  • Attractive appearance

The main thing is to correctly and responsibly approach the choice of planting material, which is sold specifically for this type of landing. Indeed, with an increase in the popularity of this type of lawns, the number of fakes in the market has increased.

Artificial lawn

Artificial lawn
Artificial lawn

An artificial lawn is a green coating made of synthetic fibers. It is produced in rolled form, which provides its maximum convenience in operation and styling. It looks like a coating as natural grass, and sometimes even surpasses it in characteristics. The length of the pile fluctuates within 0.6-10 cm.

Interesting fact: An artificial lawn can be painted not only in green, but also white. This allows you to use it to mark the football fields and sports grounds.

Advantages of such a green coating:

  • Durability
  • Strength
  • Reliability
  • Safety
  • Practicality
  • Ease of care

The artificial lawn has its disadvantages. Among them is the high cost and unnecessary material. However, synthetic grass looks so natural that it is almost impossible to guess about its origin.

Description and types of grass for lawn

Different types of grass mixtures are used to grow the lawn coating. But only some plants are most popular. Below you will find a description and types of herbs for the lawn in the courtyard of a private house, in the country. Read further.

Pastynny Raigrace for a lawn in a private house, in the country

Raigrace pasture belongs to flowering plants from the cereal family. The second name is perennial. The main characteristics of culture:

  • Smooth stems
  • Subtle and long leaves
  • Dark green color of the autonomic mass
  • Height - from 15 to 70 cm
  • The presence of vegetative and generative shoots at the same time
Pastynny Raigrace for a lawn in a private house
Pastynny Raigrace for a lawn in a private house or in the country

Raigrace quickly gets into growth and forms a rather thick turf. The grass is resistant to damage, but needs regular watering. Culture does not endure drought, sharp surges in temperature and too high humidity. Raigrace is perfect for sports grounds and decorative green spaces.

Lawns displacing weeds

Lawns displacing weeds
Lawns displacing weeds

Lugovoi rebellion, supplanting weeds for the lawn

This is a perennial herbaceous plant of the rod of cereals. It has soft green leaves, and can grow to 15 cm In height, without a panicle. The mezzanine forms forms a dense and smooth cover, which is distinguished by fleshy and resistance to trampling. The grass is prone to rapid regeneration, filling empty soil areas on which it grows and thereby does not allow weeds to develop.

The mezzanine of Lugovoi
The mezzanine of Lugovoi
  • The lawn from the rebel does not require special care, it is unpretentious to watering, haircut or other procedures.
  • Another property of the rebel is the ability to restore after mechanical exposure.
  • The plant loves well fertilized soil.
  • It has an attractive appearance, often used as part of herb -lane for park and decorative lawn coating.

But the mezzanine and disadvantages have disadvantages. In particular, it grows slowly, and is sensitive to many phytopathologies. Therefore, to maintain the health of the plant, it is necessary to use special drugs from time to time to avoid the development of diseases.

Lesnoy's rebellion for the lawn

Outwardly, the forest rebellion from the meadow is distinguished by the shape of inflorescences and a more saturated, bright color. It prefers shaded areas, during the vegetation it forms a soft sod, which is easily damaged.

Forestry rebellion, oak
Forestry rebellion, oak

This variety of a lawn rebel does not tolerate too frequent mowing and trampling. It is used mainly when creating ground lawns in places protected from the sun.

Red oatmeal for the lawn, suitable near the blind spots of a private house

Long -leaved red oatmeal is another perennial plant belonging to cereals. The names have received the name for its elongated shape and characteristic color of inflorescences. The stems are able to grow to impressive sizes, reaching 80 cm in height.

The oatmeal is red
The oatmeal is red

Red oatmeal is distinguished by endurance. This is an unpretentious plant that can be grown on meager soil in a shaded place. Therefore, it is often planted as a lawn near the blind in a private house. The plant prevents the germination of weeds, and also looks very attractive. For this reason, this type of plant is most often used to create lawns.

Ovilian Sheep: Original lawn

Ovlian woman of sheep
Ovlian woman of sheep

This culture is very fond of light, but not too demanding on the soil. It is resistant to low temperatures and has a powerful root system, which positively affects the soil. With its help, the original lawn is obtained.

Ovilian Ovlian parameters:

  • The stems are thin and porous
  • The leaves are rough, flattened, have a cylindrical shape
  • The inflorescence is painted pale green
  • Maximum growth height - 60 cm

The lawn from sheep oatmeal needs regular watering and periodic haircuts. But the mowing of the grass should not be too frequent!

Video: Mattlee or Oatmeal, only the difference in decorativeness? The answer is here!

Waste -bearing field for the lawn in the courtyard of a private house, in the country

The field is a shoot
The field is a shoot

The shoot -bearing field is often used to create a lawn in the courtyard of a private house or in the country. This is a perennial plant from the genus of cereals. It differs in the presence of creeping autonomic shoots, outwardly similar to those that are present in strawberry bushes.

  • The field has the ability to quickly take root and grow.
  • In a short time, she forms a beautiful herbal cover of an emerald color, which is formed by neat, but rather magnificent bushes.
  • The height of the cover usually does not exceed 40 cm.
The field is a shoot
The field is a shoot

Waste -bearing field is perfect for sowing lawns. It does not need to be mowed, because it grows not so much up as in breadth. And the plant prevents the reproduction of weeds on the area where it grows. The field field is well resilient, resistant to different negative factors and phytopathologies. However, in order to maintain the lawn from the field in perfect condition, it must be regularly and generously watered.

Fleeper thin for the lawn

The field is a filamentous thin - unpretentious lawn plant, the height of which is approximately 60 cm. The main characteristics of culture:

  • The rough surface of the stems
  • Narrow and long leaf plates
  • The rhizome is short, superficial, forms loose sod
  • The leaves are painted in saturated green color
The field is thin
The field is thin

The plant does not need special care. It is resistant to drought and frosts, and also does not rot with high humidity. It is used, as a rule, when creating park and sports lawns, as it has high resistance to trampling.

White clover for the lawn

The alternative name of the clover of white is a triliary. This is a very pretty decorative plant with spherical inflorescences and an unusual appearance. The plant is perennial, belongs to the legumes family and is stunted.

Clover white
Clover white

White clover can be used as an independent lawn coating, or is part of complex grass mixtures. It is able to bloom throughout the summer, and goes well with other plants on the lawn. When growing, the flower forms a dense carpet, thereby preventing the appearance of weeds. In addition, culture improves the structure of the soil, and is unpretentious in care.

Hedgehog for the lawn

Hedgehog for the lawn
Hedgehog for the lawn

Another cereal plant used in laying lawns. Hedgehog can grow in cold regions, but is afraid of severe frosts. It requires moderate, but regular soil moisture, otherwise dies. It tolerates dry weather well, but under such conditions, the yield of hedgehogs is noticeably reduced.

A big plus of grass is its high resistance to loads. In addition, she is not afraid of pests or parasites. Hedgehog has a strong and well -developed root system, so it can be sowed on the slopes, and not just on an even lawn.

Problems of landscaping soil, lawn

Even experienced gardeners do not always manage to grow a lawn without a single flaw. This is a time -consuming process that takes time and effort. The process of laying green spacing is performed in several stages, each of which is worked out very carefully. As a result, not everyone has enough strength and patience to bring the work begun to the end.

But there are other problems that arise when growing a lawn. They greatly complicate this process, or even stop it at all. The main negative factors for landscaping:

  • Low quality of grass mixtures
  • Adverse climatic conditions
  • Inappropriate composition and properties of soil
  • Uneven distribution of lawn grains when sowing
  • Poor care for green spaces
  • Weather

If you want your lawn to be healthy, it looks attractive and delights the eye as long as possible with lush flowering, be sure to consider the above points. Otherwise, all your efforts, efforts, money spent and time will be in vain.

Choosing a lawn: which seeds to buy, fertilizers for a lawn?

Before buying seeds for the lawn, decide to lay it. Also consider all the details of the design and make sure that you can provide green crops with the right care. You can not sow the area with the first mixture of herbs. When choosing a material for the future lawn, rely on such important criteria:

  • The climatic conditions of your region of residence
  • Location, landscape, composition and properties of the soil on your site
  • The period of operation of crops (annual or perennial lawn)
  • The timing of the formation of crops

Think about whether you can devote the right time to care for the lawn. If not, then you will have to choose the most unpretentious varieties of herbs. Do not forget about fertilizers. They can be bought at any flower store.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that, perhaps, you or one of your relatives have an allergy to a particular type of lawn plant. In this case, you will also have to choose a grass mixture based on the situation, and not from your own preferences. Cultures of neutral varieties are suitable, which are not provocateurs of negative reactions of the body. In extreme cases, you will have to resort to the purchase of an artificial green coating.

Interesting fact: If you believe the reviews of gardeners, the best option is the meadow type of lawn. It looks very attractive, and is also unpretentious in care and hardy. In addition, it can be decorated at your own free will and discretion, choosing different types of colors.

Interesting options for additions to the lawn:

  • Flower lawn
  • Painted paths and paths lined with small decorative pebbles
  • Decorative flower beds around the perimeter of the lawn or directly on its territory

There are many more interesting options for decorating the lawn. But this is already a secondary task. First you need to choose the right green coating that will last you for many years.

Fertilizers for the lawn
Fertilizers for the lawn

Where to buy lawn seeds?

The purchase of grass mixtures for the lawn is not particularly difficult. You can purchase plants in a regular store with goods for the garden. But a large selection of products is also represented by online stores that ensure the delivery of goods throughout Russia. Where to buy lawn seeds? Here is a list of the best sites:

If you have doubts about which mixture of seeds to choose for sowing the lawn, consult with a specialist. In many stores, you can give a lot of useful tips on this. If you listen to them, then the acquired lawn coating will last you a very long time.

Lawn care in the spring, summer after winter

After winter, spring and summer, any plants need special care - fueling. The same applies to the lawn coating, which also needs fertilizers. First of all, cultures require replenishing the balance of phosphorus and nitrogen. The introduction of fertilizers based on these substances allows us to strengthen and “awaken” the root system, and also causes the active growth of green mass.

How to fertilize the lawn:

  • To fertilize the lawn coating, the mulching method is used.
  • For this purpose, the peat is mixed with sand, after which the mass is evenly distributed around the perimeter of the crops.
  • Positive results from this procedure are manifested very quickly and are preserved for a long period of time.

Features of watering:

  • If the winter was low -snow, and in the spring there is no required amount of precipitation, then the lawn should be additionally watered.
  • The volumes of the liquid used depend on a specific grade of grass and the degree of dry soil.
  • But do not overflow plants, because in this case they will begin to rot.
  • Do not forget that watering needs to be done regularly in the hot season. At the same time, focus on the above parameters and criteria.

Cleaning weeds:

  • In winter, garbage and weeds are collected on the lawn coating.
  • After the snow is melted, they must be removed, otherwise they will interfere with the full growth of grass.
  • In addition, special drugs will have to be used to destroy weeds. It is necessary to choose such means that will be safe for the lawn coating and destructive for weeds.
  • Another good way to fight weeds is to weeds manually.
  • To begin with, carry out such a procedure, and destroy the remains of weeds with the help of drugs.

Such complex events will give higher and persistent results, and you will not have to regularly face the need to clean the weeds on the lawn.

Lawn care
Lawn care

Which lawn is better to plant for a private house, cottages: reviews

Lawn for private house
Lawn for private house

Each owner has his own preferences and ideas about the ideal landscape design on the site. Therefore, it is not surprising that reviews and tips for choosing a variety of the lawn coating also vary. But in any case, all commentators agree that such green crops make the personal zone much more beautiful, more comfortable and more attractive. So, which lawn is better to plant for a private or country house? Here are reviews:

Oleg, 29 years old

I do not have a very large personal plot, but he still needed landscaping. To begin with, I decided to try a lawn from synthetic fabrics, that is, artificial. Yes, the purchase is not very cheap, but the quality of the product fully justified its cost. In addition, such a lawn is very convenient, it can be laid in the spring, with the onset of warm weather, and removed for storage with the advent of cold weather. I recommend to everyone who does not want or cannot spend a lot of time on watering, fertilizer and haircut of natural herbal lawn.

Irina, 40 years old

The Moorish lawn is the dream of my whole life. I saw such a miracle on the site of my friend, who lives abroad, and upon arrival I decided to decorate her cottage in this way. The lawn looks gorgeous, even I don’t want to take the eye from it. In addition, the street is a wonderful floral smell. Children really like to play on such a lawn, and I noticed that it is not particularly damaged, even if you run around it all day. Checked on personal experience. If you want to decorate your site, then the Moorish lawn is just what you need!

Andrey, 39 years old

Contrary to all the protests of my friends, I decided to equip a sports lawn at home. And never regretted it. It is stable, and is also easily restored. The grass on it is practically not damaged, and we really do a lot, because sport in the fresh air is a real pleasure. And in care, he does not bring me a lot of trouble, it often does not need to water it. It is quite enough to make up for the balance of moisture in the soil, and we carry out the haircut of the lawn only twice per season. I am satisfied with my choice 100%.

The arrangement of the lawn at home is not a too complicated process. However, it requires a responsible and serious approach when choosing design, varieties and grass mixtures. If you follow simple rules and tips, you can choose the most optimal option for the lawn, which will be durable, and for many years will reliably serve as an excellent addition to the common landscape of your personal plot. Good luck!

Video: We sow the lawn with our own hands

Video: DIY lawn at the price of seeds

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