How to get rid of dandelions on a garden plot, garden, lawn forever? What means do you need to combat dandelions on the site, garden, lawn?

How to get rid of dandelions on a garden plot, garden, lawn forever? What means do you need to combat dandelions on the site, garden, lawn?

Ways to combat dandelions.

Dandelion is a very pretty plant with beautiful yellow flowers. This plant propagates with the help of seeds fixed on parachutes. Despite the small size, the roots of dandelion grow perfectly, the seeds also fly away at considerable distances.

What means do you need to combat dandelions on the site, garden?

This plant is very tenacious. Many gardeners mow flowers and place them in a pile of compost. If the peduncles are shallowly immersed, then even in this heap, seeds appear after a while. And already as the fertilizer is distributed, these seeds are carried throughout the site.

Methods of combating dandelions:

  • Weeding
  • Herbicides
  • Folk methods

Herbicides can be considered the most effective, but most often they affect cultivated plants. That is why processing is carried out in the fall after harvesting. At this time, you should not worry about the safety of crops and the purity of the leaves. Such drugs include tornado, round.

What means do you need to combat dandelions on the site, garden?
What means do you need to combat dandelions on the site, garden?

The fight against dandelions in the garden, a summer cottage site with folk remedies

There are a lot of non -standard methods of weed combat. Folk recipes have always been popular because of their cheapness.

Folk methods:

  • Salt. It is necessary to sprinkle around the weed with ordinary sodium salt. After that, watering is carried out. If the roots of the plant are close to the surface, then the weed will die soon.
  • Vinegar. For processing, a sprayer will be required. It is necessary to dial a little vinegar into it and sprinkle dandelions. The acid burns the ground part and gets to the roots. It is necessary that vinegar does not fall into vegetable crops.
  • Alcohol. This method is certainly difficult to use to our gardeners, since alcohol is used for other purposes. It is necessary to dilute vodka in a ratio of 1:10 and pour all weeds pointwise. The solution burns the roots and the plant dies.
  • Blowtorch. A strange method, but many gardeners claim that it works great. It is necessary to heat each weed for a few seconds.
  • Fure corn. These are waste from receiving grain. It is necessary to pour a little faraway grain under each weed.
  • Mulching. This is one of the safe and effective ways. Vegetable crops are grown on a dark film. Due to the lack of light, weeds and other crops do not grow.
The fight against dandelions in the garden, a summer cottage site with folk remedies
The fight against dandelions in the garden, a summer cottage site with folk remedies

Tool - a cornea for dandelions: photo

There are several options for weed removal tools. Each summer resident himself will be able to choose the method that suits him.

Review of tools for removing dandelion roots:

  • Fork. This is a device with two cloves that penetrates deep into the ground. With it, you can quickly remove the roots.
  • Mulchister. An interesting and unusual tool, which will be needed not only for removing dandelions. It is a device with crooked and curved teeth. Only 4 teeth.
  • Rake. Special rakes are used to remove weed roots that germinate deeply into the soil. In shape, this is not ordinary rake. It is necessary to immerse them deep into the ground and cream 180 degrees. Then remove the rake from the soil. A very effective tool that acts purposefully.
Tool - root -driver for dandelions: photo
Tool - a cornea for dandelions: photo
Tool - root -driver for dandelions: photo
Tool - a cornea for dandelions: photo
Tool - root -driver for dandelions: photo
Tool - a cornea for dandelions: photo
Tool - root -driver for dandelions: photo
Tool - a cornea for dandelions: photo

How to destroy dandelions on the site, garden, lawn?

Many summer residents believe that the most effective method of combating dandelions is their digging. And indeed it is. It is necessary to try so that there is not a single piece of the spine in the soil. Since this weed sprouts perfectly, and a whole socket will grow from a spine of 1 cm.

Ways to destroy dandelions on the lawn:

  • Boiling water.This method is very similar to burning an weed with a lamp. In this case, it is necessary to water the weed with boiling water. This is a point method, you should try not to touch vegetable crops.
  • Hydrochloric acid. It can be purchased at a household. Work in gloves and respirator. Put your glasses so that the acid does not get into the eyes. Using a sprint, apply a little product to a dandelion. After a few seconds, he will darken and die.
  • Packages. Cover each weed with a dark bag. It is necessary to fix the bags on the soil. Due to the lack of light, the plant will die.
  • Lawn mower. If the dandelions grow on the lawn, more often cut it. Do not let the dandelions ripen. It is necessary that the flowers are cut off until the appearance of the seeds. Otherwise, they again spread throughout the site.
How to destroy dandelions on the site, garden, lawn?
How to destroy dandelions on the site, garden, lawn?

What remedy is needed to combat dandelions on the lawn?

Of course, using herbicides is quite dangerous. After all, they poorly affect not only weeds, but also on vegetable crops.

Review of funds to combat dandelions:

  • Lynthur. This is a new generation herbicide that fights exclusively with weeds. There will be no prophashin when it enters the lawn. The product is almost harmless to the lawn. It is necessary to process in early spring, when the dandelions have just risen. Or in the fall, after the entire crop is harvested.
  • Lontrael 300. Also a great remedy that is relatively safe in relation to vegetable crops. It is also worth processing by vein or autumn. The most interesting thing is that when it enters the leaves and flowers, the substance penetrates deep into the roots and destroys them.
  • Sniper. A great remedy that is applied pointwise. This is the main difficulty. Therefore, it is recommended to process the Earth with a solution of vodka in early spring, and after the emergence of dandelions, it is processed with herbicide.
  • Fundazole, Ferazim. These chemicals should be carried out in the fall, after harvesting. The processing is not point, but continuous. Inheriting year in the spring, fertilizer is carried out by compost and minerals. These chemicals kill moss, rot and weeds.
What remedy is needed to combat dandelions on the lawn?
What remedy is needed to combat dandelions on the lawn?

Despite beautiful flowers and harmless appearance, dandelions are rather aggressive weeds that can cause significant damage to the crop.

Video: We remove dandelions

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