Shrovetide in kindergarten, at school - scenario of a festival of Shrovetide: words of poems of songs, contests, games on the street

Shrovetide in kindergarten, at school - scenario of a festival of Shrovetide: words of poems of songs, contests, games on the street

Traditions make life predictable and stable. It is pleasant to realize that in the crazy rhythm of modern people there is something unshakable, allowing you to feel the connection with the past and stretch out your hand to the future. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: "Store traditions, and traditions will keep you."

Approximate script for the celebration of Shrovetide for children

Shrovetide in kindergarten, at school
Shrovetide in kindergarten, at school

The script below can be used as:

• Scenario of Shrovetide in kindergarten,
• Scenario of Shrovetide at school (for primary school children).

Acquaintance with Shrovetide should start with a fairy tale. After all, a fairy tale for a child is a vital necessity that allows you to create a model of the world.

Tale of Shrovetide for children

In some kingdom, two sisters lived in some state. One people called winter, the second - Shrovetide. The sisters lived in a magic tower.

Tale of Shrovetide for children
Tale of Shrovetide for children

Winter was very beautiful and very cold. The ice was in her eyes, and on her lips - hoar, so winter did not know how to smile. Winter was dressed in snow-white outfits. The servants of the winter were the north wind and a snow storm.

Shrovetide, unlike her sister, was kind and welcoming. I walked in a bright colorful sundress. Maslenitsa looked affectionately at people with blue eyes, like the spring sky and smiled at her scarlet lips. Not only people, but also birds, animals loved Shrovetide. Shrovetide came to visit people once a year, helped to prepare for the meeting of her friend Spring. For people, the arrival of Shrovetide meant that the hostess in a magic tower would soon become spring, and winter would go far north.

One day, winter decided not to let Maslenitsa to people. Winter I did not want to transmit the keys to the magic tower in the spring. And ordered the sister to her servants:
- North wind! Blizzard! Make people not able to go outside. Pour everything around with white snow, spin with snowstorms! May people never meet with Shrovetide! And spring will never come to them!

The north wind howled, the snow storm in a wild dance dancing and they took off away. People are sitting home, do not go out. There is no one to meet Shrovetide, call spring.

One week was left before the arrival of spring. And she came up with a kind Shrovetide how to help people. She sent bird birds and asked to tell people to be baked by the housewives all for a week round, like the sun pancakes.

She took hot pancakes and scattered them in the snowdrifts. Where the ruddy and hot pancake fell, there was a stray. The servants of the winter did not have time to pour the snow, because the housewives baked pancakes together and soon.

Maslenitsa image for children
Maslenitsa image for children
  • To children, Shrovetide said to collect snow in high slides and slide from them on
  • sled. And in order to annoy the winter, the children had to laugh loudly and fun!
  • She asked young guys to attack with snowballs a magic tower, which winter turned into a snow fortress.
  • And in order not to freeze and not turn into ice, all people had to eat many, many pancakes.
  • But nothing helped. Winter became stronger and stronger, and the heat in human hearts became smaller and less. And then she asked the Shrovetide to burn her at a large stake, so that the heat from magic fire would melt the snow and allow you to come spring.
  • People were saddened. They did not want to make Shrovetide painful, but there was no other way out. People with Shrovetide said goodbye, they asked each other for forgiveness and already wanted to set fire to the fire, as one of the children screamed: “And let's make a straw stuffed and burn it!”
Solomennaya scarecrow on Shrovetide
Solomennaya scarecrow on Shrovetide

Oh, how people were delighted. The whole world was built a huge stuffed animal and burned it on a high hill. The flame was so bright and hot that the snow melted. Now everyone was sure that spring would come.

Here is the end of the fairy tale, and who listened is well done!

Maslenitsa games for children on the street

No one can recall the authors of fun and outdoor games, in which not only mothers and dads played, but also grandparents of modern children. These games are part of the cultural heritage of our people. They are the same value as fairy tales, songs, ditties, jokes. Russian folk games develop resourcefulness, dexterity, perseverance, temper and strengthen.

Games are suitable for children of all ages, and even adults will not refuse to take part in fun games from childhood.

Russian folk game "Golden Gate"

Two players stand opposite each other, take hands, raise their closed hands up, forming a “gate”. The remaining children take hands and form a long snake. The snake should go through the gate.
While the snake is moving players, the “gate” says the words:

Golden gate game
Golden Gate Gate Gate Game Game

Saying the last word "gate" sharply lowering their hands. Children cut off from the main snake also become a “gate”. The number of players, the “gate” during the game increases, and the snake decreases. The game ends when all participants move into the status of the Gate.

Finger game "Sunny-Vedryshko"

Finger game
Finger game "Sunny-Vedryshko"

In Russian culture, there are a lot of games that can become the basis of any lesson of phonemic rhythm.

Cacyeen dance-game "At Melania, at the old woman"

The round dance has always been not just a dance or ritual. Round dance is the state of the Russian soul where
X - Eternal cycle,
OR - a scattered set, united into one whole,
O - Energy enclosed in infinity,
Water - traffic.

But even among serious traditions there will always be a place for a cheerful joke-probe.

Cacyeen dance-game
Cacyeen dance-game "At Melania, at the old woman"

Video: "At melania, at the old woman"

Shrovetide carousel

The host stands in the center of the circle and holds in his hands a hoop (wheel), on which long bright ribbons are fixed. Children take up the free edges of the ribbons and move in a circle, "rising" on the carousel. During a round dance, you can use the phonogram of the Russian folk song “Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes ...”

Shrovetide carousel

Video: "Oh, pancakes, pancakes, pancakes ..."

The mobile game "Gori, Gori is clear!"

The mobile game "Gori, Gori is clear!"

Video: "Gori, Gori is clear!"

Maslenitsa contests

Among the competitions that can be held on Shrovetide can be
• Competition "Best Poem about Shrovetide"
• Competition of guessing thematic riddles
• Proverbs competition
• Competition of the most funny ditties
• Maslenny scenes competition

Poems about Shrovetide for children

Poem about Shrovetide

This holiday goes to us
Early spring,
How many joys bring
He is always with him!
Ice mountains are waiting
And the snow sparkles,
Sancti from the slides run down,
Laughter does not stop.
At home, the aroma of pancakes
Festive wonderful,
We call on the pancakes of friends,
We will eat them together.
Noisy, fun passes
Cheese week,
And behind her is a great post
Time to pray.

Cat and Shrovetide

The cat walked, sat, lay,
I waited a long time to Maslenitsa.
Songs sang, hiss, snot:
"Not winter, but lawlessness!"
Under the window is a battery
He warms with warm cat!
And hopes that: here!
Spring will come in a fastest!

Steam about Shrovetide for kids

They baked pancakes a little
Cook on the window
We will have them with sour cream,
We invite mom for dinner.

Damn we ate with pleasure -
We got down with jam.
To remove the jam from the lips,
The mouth needs to be licked.

Grandmother pancakes

Grandmother Pancakes Specla
Shrovetide came to us
Guest is desirable.

The sun is round as damn,
Smiling, shining.
We are glad to meet him with a warm meeting
Adults and children.

I'm on Masna Maslenitsa,
And with your arms and legs,
The pancakes helped bake
Unprecedented width!

Wide Shrovetide is a cheese week!

Wide Shrovetide
Cheese week!
You came elegant
To meet us spring.
Bake pancakes and have fun
We will be all week
So that the winter is jelly
Drive out of the house!

Morning ... Monday
“Meeting” comes.
Bright slide
They glide from the hill.
The whole day is fun.
The evening comes ...
Having rolled up,
All pancakes eat.

"Zagrysh" careless
Tuesdays of Otrada.
Walk, frolic
We went out like one!
Games and fun
And for them - a reward:
School and ruddy
Shrovetide pancake!

Here the environment is suitable
The "varnish" is called.
Each hostess
Salming up at the stove.
Kulebyaki, cheesecakes -
They succeed in everything.
Pies and pancakes -
All on the table are swords!

And on Thursday - the strip
"Walking" comes.
Ice fortresses,
Snow battles ...
Troika with bells
They enter the fields.
Guys are looking for girls -
Their narrowed.

Friday has come
"Evenings at the mother -in -law" ...
Mother -in -law invites
Zyatya on pancakes!
There is with caviar and salmon,
You can slightly simpler
With sour cream, honey,
We ate with butter.

Saturday is approaching
"Zolovki treats."
All relatives are found
Drives a round dance.
The holiday continues,
General fun.
Gloriously escorts
Zimushka people!

Sunday is bright
It comes quickly.
Facilitate the soul
All on the "forgiven day".
The stuffed straw -
Winter - burn,
Dressing in a sheepskin coat,
Valenks, belt ...

Lush festivities
The fair is crowned.
Goodbye, Shrovetide,
Come again!
A year later, the beauty
We will meet again.
We will celebrate again
Pancakes to treat!

Songs about Shrovetide for children

Video: "Collection of children's songs on Shrovetide"

Video: Song "Fragrant pancakes We meet you with you ..."

Ditties about Shrovetide for children

Video: "Oblings for Shrovetide"

Riddles about Shrovetide with answers

We know this holiday
Winter wire time.
People these days should
Have fun, bake pancakes.
(Pancake week)

Before fasting - folk festivals,
Meat -eater, fun and pancakes.
And with winter farewell
According to the covenants of good antiquity.
(Pancake week)

The sun fell in the snow,
The dairy river joined,
Floating into a hot country
There is a moon in holes.

For your beloved grandmother
I bake pancakes.
So blush and tasty
These lush ...

Shrovetide - Assumes!
We bake pancakes in the morning.
To them - sour cream and jam
And, of course, ...!

And with caviar and sour cream
They are all sorts of tasty!
Nostril and blush -
Our sun - ...

On Sunday, Sunday
All tried old Titus
Ask everyone forgiveness
And answer: ...
("God will forgive!")

Proverbs about Shrovetide

• not life, but Shrovetide
• Shrovetide walks for seven days
• Afraid of Shrovetide of a bitter radish and steamed turnip (i.e. post)
• Maslenitsa goes, damn it and honey carries
• pancakes, pancakes, pancakes, like the wheels of spring
• olives are not given forever
• Shrovetide without pancakes, nameless names without pies
• Maslenitsa of the Oakuha, the money of the priest
• We thought Shrovetide for seven weeks, and she is only seven money
• so that you get used to your elbow, and eat your throat
• How did pancakes fly in the ceiling in the ceiling
• Without pancake is not oil
• at least lay everything from yourself, and conduct Shrovetide
• Damn is not a sheaf - you can't get a pitchfork
• Looking for where for forty years Shrovetide and three years small holidays
• damn it is not a wedge, the belly will not split
• And the most cold -blooded person loves hot pancakes
• Pancakes and kisses of account do not like

Scenes for Shrovetide

Video: comic scene "Gypsies with a gypsy on Shrovetide"

Video: comic scene "Matrena and Yerema"

Maslenitsa children's holiday

A festive Pancake week will help create objects of folk life in the interior of the hall (group): embroidered towels, clay dishes, wooden spoons, painted Russian shawls.
Among the obligatory accessories: the sun, pancakes, a doll of Shrovetide.

Maslenitsa children's holiday
Maslenitsa children's holiday
Designing a children's festival of Shrovetide in kindergarten
Designing a children's festival of Shrovetide in kindergarten
Designing a children's festival of Shrovetide in kindergarten
Designing a children's festival of Shrovetide in kindergarten

Video: "How to make a Pancake week doll"

Video: "How to make a straw scarecrow of Shrovetide"

Saslenitsa costumes for children

Bright scarves tied on the heads of girls will already create a festive mood. For boys and girls, “beads” from the lamb will be appropriate.

Saslenitsa costumes for children
Saslenitsa costumes for children

For the room, it is better to use simple outfits in a folk style.

Saslenitsa costumes for children
Saslenitsa costumes for children

Mandatory guests of the holiday should be buffoons and a bear.

Festive tea party for Shrovetide

At the end of the holiday, children treat pancakes and tea from the samovar. The general festive feast will unite children, and the samovar will act as a center of children's mini community. This will allow children to develop generosity, because you need to share goodies with friends, and not try to pick up the most delicious piece.

Festive tea party with pancakes on Shrovetide
Festive tea party with pancakes on Shrovetide

DIY Caste Crafts

DIY Caste Crafts
DIY Caste Crafts

The most coveted guest at the festival of Shrovetide is the sun. You can make it from paper, ribbons, cereals, children's palms.

DIY Maslenitsa Crafts
DIY Maslenitsa Crafts
DIY Caste Crafts
DIY Caste Crafts

Video: "Shrovetide in kindergarten"

Video: "Children about Shrovetide"

Video: “Living Encyclopedia. Wide Shrovetide "

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