How to choose a home exercise bike, for weight loss: tips, criteria

How to choose a home exercise bike, for weight loss: tips, criteria

From this article you will learn how to choose an exercise bike for home, weight loss.

It is always worth starting the choice of the simulator with its design and the type of load so that you are comfortable to engage in it. The structures of the exercise bike are vertical and horizontal, and behind the type of load, mechanical, magnetic and electromagnetic. Read more below.

How to choose a good bike for a home weight loss: tips


The best option for losing weight is vertical simulators with adjustable pedals. Smeners with computer control are best suited, with a special program for “burning fat”. This program helps to deliberately get rid of excess weight. The weight loss process will be much faster if you follow the following advice of sports instructors:

  • Exclusion of high -calorie products from the diet of your food.
  • The training should be from forty minutes to an hour.
  • It is necessary to gradually increase the pace of training.

When choosing an exercise bike, be guided by the following tips:

  • If possible, try to test the simulator in the store.
  • Tear your choice and carefully study the functionality of models for the same price.
  • Pay attention to the comfort when using an exercise bike.

To make sure that the equipment is convenient for you, test it right in the store. Without this, you will not understand which exercise bike is suitable for you.

Which exercise bike is better to choose for home, which company: Svensson Body Labs Crossline BCM, ALEX, Ketler, Oxygen Jet Star, Kettler Golf, Xnerra, Svenson Body Labs Crossline, DFC VT 8012, Oxygen, Spirit Fitnes, Body, Body, Body, Body, Body


Equal traffic is a great opportunity to let sports into your life. Now in the market of sports equipment, many different brands are represented. Let's look at the advantages of some of them:

  • Svensson Body Labs Crossline BCM - It is perfect for beginners, differs in its small size, does not take up much space. The load levels are controlled by the SpinMaster drive system. The simulator is able to withstand weight up to 120 kg.
  • The main advantage of the A-class simulator Oxygen Jet Star, which passed Japanese certification, is the smoothness of the pedal. It includes 12 installed training programs. Also, upon completion of the Body FAT training (fatanizer), upon completion of training, it provides detailed information about the state of your body.
  • The top of budget simulators includes Oxygen.It has a stable design with a basic set of functions. The simulator stands out among its competitors with a stylish look. This elliptical sports projectile for weight is designed to 140 kg.
  • Alex - With it, comfortable training will be provided at home.
  • Ketler simulator, Kettler Golf -pulse control, individual adaptation, fitness test, which allows you to evaluate the ability of the body to recover after training, load regulation.
  • Xnerra - It provides a full -fledged sports load, does not create noise, adjustable seat, a strong frame.
  • Svensson Body Labs Crossline -There is an on-board computer with a LCD display, displaying the distance traveled, current speed, calorie consumption.
  • DFC VT 8012 - A stylish case, takes up little space and weighs a little (up to 10 kg), adjustable seat, the handles do not slip.
  • Spirit Fitness - Electromagnetic load, a person weighing up to 205 kg, sensors on handrails, a wireless cardio receiver can be engaged.
  • Body Sculpture BC - Measurement of the pulse, magnetic loading system, user weight - up to 110 kg. Pedal straps, which is very convenient during class.

Equipants will allow you not only to lose your extra pounds, but also to strengthen your cardiovascular system. Most importantly, to choose the right simulator for yourself.

How to choose a home exercise bike: views, price


Given the tastes and preferences of users, manufacturers of exercise bikes make many types of this home sports. The exercise bike is suitable for both girls who want to have a slender figure and for men seeking to support the results already achieved.

It is difficult to call the exact price of this equipment, as it is affected by a number of aspects:

  • Manufacturer
  • Quality
  • The material from which the exercise bike

It is impossible to say how many models and brands exist. The sports equipment market offers a wide selection of options for every taste and budget. Nevertheless, choosing the best is quite problematic, but possible. There are two most common types of exercise bikes.

Vertical exercise bike:

  • Suitable for people in good physical condition and with excellent health.
  • Users who have overweight or problems with the spine, this type is contraindicated.
  • The fact is that with a long vertical training, the human skeleton experiences great stress.
  • The pedals are located right under the seat. When classes on such a simulator, the spine is very loaded, so people with the problems of the musculoskeletal system are not recommended to use this simulator.
  • In this regard, before going to purchase a new sports equipment, it is worth consulting a doctor. Perhaps his decision will be the main factor when choosing an inventory.

Horizontal exercise bike:

  • Usually used during rehabilitation, after transactions and other prohibitions on sports training.
  • The horizontal model has only the difference from the vertical - this is the location of the pedals and to start the lesson on such a simulator, it is enough to stretch the legs forward.
  • In terms of functionality, horizontal cycles are not too different from the vertical ones, it follows that they are also suitable for physically healthy people.

Combined exercise bike:

  • The most practical option of the above.
  • This device connects the functions of these two models.

By the type of design and supply of loads, such types of this equipment are distinguished:

  • Mechanical - One of the simplest options. Great for home training, but they publish a lot of noise.
  • Magnetic - They work quietly, a special system allows you to vary the degree of load.
  • Electromagnetic - Modern models, there is a computer, which is very convenient to use.
  • Bicycle egrometers (spinbikes) - You can feel like on a real bike.
  • Mini - An unusual, but convenient model. The designers removed all the excess and left only the pedals that the user can twist, having settled down even on the chair.
  • Folding - It is convenient that after use, you can fold and remove.
  • Vacuum exercise bikes - The lower body is located in the capsule. The load is intense, but it is not on the joints, which is very good for classes.
  • Bikes - They are rarely used at home, as it is very bulky. This is a regular bike that is screwed to an iron base.

There are also children's cycling trends. They can be used for training for children from 4 years old.

What is better to choose: an exercise bike or a treadmill


In the 21st century, when hypodynamia is the destiny of many, simulators at home became relevant. Our apartments cannot boast of such dimensions as a gym, so you cannot accommodate the entire arsenal of cardiotracers at home. Therefore, you have to choose between a treadmill and an exercise bike.

On an exercise bike, muscles that are most amenable to the load are located on the legs. But with regular loads, such equipment will help to lose weight, strengthen your heart, blood vessels and increase the endurance of your body. The disadvantages of this simulator include the fact that it involves only a certain muscle group.

Running paths are divided into two types:

  • Mechanical
  • Electric

To use the first type of treadmill, you need to take up the handrails and start walking exercise, gradually gaining speed. In this type of path, you cannot control the kilometers and the load on the muscles. Unlike the first model, the electric treadmill is more functional. It has many modes and is equipped with a comfortable control panel.

It is worth concluding:

  • A treadmill, unlike an exercise bike, allows you to burn calories faster.
  • Also, when classes on the treadmill, endurance increases and the heart is strengthened.
  • But unfortunately, the treadmill is contraindicated for people who have problems with the joints of the knees.

What to choose you need to solve strictly individually. Consult a doctor so that sports equipment does not harm your health.

Choose a home inexpensive mini exercise bike: choosing tips

Mini exercise bike
Mini exercise bike

A mini exercise bike is a reduced copy that does not have a pen, and on average it does not exceed 0.75 meters in height. Why do many choose this “mini equipment”? In modern apartments there is little space for a large sports center. In addition, mini exercises are many times cheaper than their "large" versions.

Here are the tips for choosing a home inexpensive mini exercise bike:

  • Pay attention to the size of the flywheel, because it depends on its size which mass can take on the equipment.
  • Of great importance is the material from which the case is made. It is better to choose a steel case, since with any external exposure, it will not be deformed, but unfortunately such an inventory will cost more.
  • The options of the built -in computer are important. The better and more new model of built -in functions, the better. Be sure to have an option to adjust the load, measure the distance, and so on.

In the store, try to choose a device with pedals and straps convenient for you. Try the equipment for yourself and only then buy.

What is better to choose - an exercise bike or an elliptical simulator?

Training apparatus
Training apparatus

Before every person who decided to bring his body to his body at home, sooner or later the question arises: “Which simulator is better? Elliptical? Maybe an exercise bike? " To understand this issue, you should consider their disadvantages and advantages:

  • The exercise bike takes less space than the orbiters. Some professional models of the latter can occupy a pair of square meters. However, if a spacious apartment or house at the disposal, a bridgehead for training should not be sacrificed.
  • Regarding on -board computers - in both situations they depend on the model. There are more complex and simpler. Therefore, it is impossible to say that the exercise bike is inferior to elliptical and vice versa.
  • Regarding the level of noise, it is also low in both cases. The same relative to the effectiveness of classes.

It doesn’t matter what kind of simulator from the presented will be chosen by a novice athlete. With proper observance of the technique of performing exercises, the results will not be long in coming.

It is worth knowing: Both the elliptical and in the exercise bike, there are restrictions with excessive body weight and disturbances in the cardiovascular system. Therefore, start doing after consulting a doctor.

Remember:Any sports equipment can even be dangerous for the body. It is important to soberly evaluate your physical data, correctly and gradually distribute and increase the load.

As a result, we can say that there is no consensus about which of the simulators is better. Different models of this or that equipment have their own, individual differences. You should choose, based on your own taste: someone likes to engage in an exercise bike, and someone on an elliptical inventory.

How to choose an cycle bike for the elderly for the house inexpensively: criteria, tips


To maintain a healthy spirit, older people often choose exercise bikes, but the main task is to choose the right inventory for classes. When choosing an exercise bike, you need to rely on the following criteria:

  • Budget
  • The purpose of use
  • Sports training
  • The dimensions of the place of residence

Here are some tips:

  • Do not buy too heavy and large exercise bikes. Firstly, in a small apartment it will have nowhere to put it, and secondly, heavy exercises will be difficult to transfer to another place.
  • For older people, a vertical model is best suited. He has a back, it is convenient to sit on it and pedal. Such a simulator will strengthen muscles and blood vessels, which is so important for the elderly.
  • When choosing a simulator, take into account the growth and weight of the people who will engage in it. There should be a minimum weight 15-20 kg below the permissible value indicated on the exercise bike.
  • Pay attention to the price. Equipants are considered one of the most budgetary.

For older people who just want to keep themselves in good shape, you should not buy too expensive, professional exercise bikes.

Which cycle tractor to choose: magnetic, electromagnetic or belt


The home exercise bike is not only convenient, but also profitable, since you do not need to spend more money and time on the gym, you can spend all classes at home. Today, choosing a home exercise engineer is not a problem since there are a lot of models. According to the principle of action, they are divided into magnetic, electromagnetic and belt. The difference between them is in the loading system.

The most inexpensive and simple option is belt:

  • This simulator is driven exclusively due to human muscle strength.
  • Such a model with a mechanical braking system.
  • The advantages of this model are that the simulator is easy to operate and in repair is quite cheap.
  • Of the minuses, you can highlight the noise and wear of the parts with intensive use.

Magnetic and electromagnetic:

  • Their principle is the same - the effect on the flywheel with a magnetic or electronic field.
  • The advantage of these two models: lack of noise, light move, multifunctional computer, load adjustment.
  • Of the minuses, you can highlight a high price.

All this sports equipment has a long -term operation time, even if it is intensively used.

Home exercises for home how to choose: what is the Sportmaster offers?

Extreme trains in the Sportmaster store
Extreme trains in the Sportmaster store
"Sportmaster" It is one of the flagships for the sale of equipment for sports and outdoor goods. Accordingly, the assortment of the exercises recommended by him is quite wide. There are models of various manufacturing countries. The choice of the buyer often depends on his budget, as well as personal preferences. What does the store offer, how to choose?

Torneo Duo mini-wound:

  • It will become a real salvation for those whose living space and finances do not allow to purchase full -fledged inventory.
  • The model has good functionality, pleasant design and democratic price.
  • Of course, she will not be able to fully replace her “real” brother, but it may well become a temporary partner for training “until better times”.

Torneo and Kettler:

  • These are better and more interesting options.
  • Sportmaster offers a huge number of goods from these companies. For example, Torneo Jazz, which is far from the most expensive in price, has quite good functionality, ease of control, a wide selection of programs, ergonomic and ease of transportation.
  • Also, this model of an exercise bike saves energy and has 24 levels loads.

Lifespan C15W magnetic bike:

  • This is more expensive, but quality goods.
  • It has a comfortable landing, is able to control the pulse (this is very important during cardio loads), has a smooth course and wide selection of programs.
  • An additional advantage is that the model measures all the parameters of the training: time, speed, distance, calorie consumption, speed, pulse and temperature.

Torneo compacta exercise bike:

  • It has a relatively small price, but the name speaks for itself - it is perfect for limited living space, since it has a folding structure.
  • Of course, it is less functional than the above model: load levels only 8.
  • But its compactness and price, of course, can be considered as those pluses that can encourage the buyer to choose it.

Naturally, this is not the entire assortment presented and recommended by the store. In fact, there are much more worthy equipment models. Given that "Sportmaster" - One of the most famous sports shops, frankly bad goods in it can hardly be found.

Select horizontal exercise bike: reviews

Horizontal exercise bike
Horizontal exercise bike

If you cannot decide on the choice of a horizontal exercise bike, read the reviews of other people who bought such an inventory and successfully use it.

Irina, 29 years old

I chose at home between an exercise bike and an elliptical simulator. From experience (I tried my friend, an exercise bike, and in the store ellipt.) I can say for sure that the load on the joints on both of the above devices is minimized. The exercise bike has a greater simplicity of design, and will surely appeal to those who cannot live without a “street” bicycle. The ellipsoid is able to strengthen various muscles at the same time, provides for graceful and smooth movements.

Alena, 33 years old

I, before buying a horizontal exercise bike, the question arose: “Which equipment is better not only for effective training, but also specifically for weight loss?” In fact, the main thing is the right technique, the diet, competent exercise, their systematicity and regularity. My coach told me about this. So any sports equipment will help to achieve the maximum result if you use it “wisely”.

Alexander, 26 years old

When choosing home simulators, the price was important to me. First, I examined an exercise bike and elliptical equipment. Regarding the cost - it is not particularly different. So, in this case, you should choose based on personal preferences. I was pleased with the price of a mini-car. In addition, it is very convenient and does not take up much space in the apartment.

How to choose an exercise bike: video YouTube

If you still do not know which equipment for classes to choose, watch a review on the video from YouTube below. Thanks to him, you will know how to choose an exercise bike.

Video: Thinking which exercise bike is better to buy? Overview of all types of exercise bikes

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Comments K. article

  1. I also thought at first the exercise bike to buy, and then I took an ellipse) This helps out in winter, and when lazy to go to the hall or even go out of the house .. I always either drink a strong coffee on such lazy days, or a portion of Sportexpert Energy (half a shot At least the energy). Otherwise, there is no way to force yourself, and so it becomes more at times and motivation to do it too) as for me, by the way, you need even more will for home training))

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