What names can you call your children and what?

What names can you call your children and what?

Choosing a name for a child: what names should be avoided?

Choose a name for your child? In this article we will tell you which names are categorically not suitable for children, but worst of all, misfortunes can bring.

The divine beginning, or by what divine names can not be called a child?

What names can not be called your children? The answer is categorical - religious. Faith should be submissive, and never fanatical. In Orthodoxy there are shrines by which you can choose the name of one or another saint. In Catholicism, this movement is also traced, as in other religions. But at the same time, in any religion, it is strictly forbidden to call a child the name of God, as well as divine principles.

So, it is considered blasphemy to call the child God, Angel, Jesus, etc. In this case, the priest will categorically against dubbing the child with this name, or at baptism will give a different name, righteous, in order to clear from sin of parental stupidity.

Choosing a name for the unborn child
Choosing a name for the unborn child

Remember that a child can win the love of the Lord and people with any good name with his life and activity, but if he is called the blasphemous name of God or the Son of God, his life will be full of obstacles, troubles, misunderstanding and negative emotions. But we walk for our children not at all.

What names cannot be called their children: Satanism, as a cult in the name of the child

Many people wonder - what names cannot be called their children? Regardless of what religion the parents profess, or they are even atheists with humor - children cannot be categorically called the names of Satan, Lucifer, Demon, Dyal, Dijablo, Lilith, and other names of demons.

Regardless of the activities of the child, he will always be haunted by troubles, oblique views and all kinds of censure. In addition, the parent, thereby, from the first days, writes the child in the team “badly”, “cut” or even worse - loners.

Can a child be called the name of a relative?

When choosing a name, they often face what names you can’t call their children, and in particular it is possible or cannot be called the child’s names of relatives. So, let's clarify.

  • To call the child the name of the parent, or grandparents living with the child, is not logical, since they will have one guardian angel for two, and this is considered not the best sign;
  • To call the child the name of a relative who lived a valiant life and reached the highest heights, both in family relationships and in his career - is very commendable and can give good inclinations;
  • To call a child the name of a dysfunctional, albeit beloved relative, is not a better idea. Especially the deceased relative who died with a wearing death or from suicide. For this family, such an experience will be sad and will overshadow throughout the life of a new carrier of the name.

Can a child be called an unusual name, in honor of any event?

In the Soviet years, when atheism flourished, few wondered what names could not be called their children and there was a huge love for the party. The names of Oktyabrina, a revolution, etc. appeared.

Such names rarely wear positive energy, and a special reaction of society is also underway to them. If you want a happy life for your child, it is not recommended to call such names.

Can a child be called an unusual name, in honor of any event?
Can a child be called an unusual name, in honor of any event?

Separate attention is deserved by names wearing a negative, and even worse insulting shade. Do you like rock? Excellent! But to call a son by the name Hoy, Punk, etc. Not recommended. And obscene vocabulary all the more! Yes, there are such parents.

What names can not be called their children: female and male names

Considering the question of what names it is impossible to call their children should also be noted that girls are recommended to be called exclusively female names, and boys - male. At the same time, do not focus on adjacent names, because the female version of Eugene, and the male version of Eugene is quite acceptable.

Another thing is when the boy can be called the name Maxim, which carries female energy. In this case, it is necessary to call Max. Or the girls are called Vasya, despite the fact that her full name Vasilisa.

In conclusion, I would like to focus that each name has its own meaning, which indirectly affects the fate of a person. Therefore, choose the name thoroughly so that it is suitable for generally accepted norms in your region of residence, and also does not carry negative energy.

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