The female name Lilia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Lilia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Lilia - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Lilia: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The meaning of the name Lily: numerology, origin, character and features, compatibility with male names.

Lilia is a wonderful female name that is associated with tenderness, intimacy and snow -white, airy flower. The name of Lily is popular not only in the post -Soviet space, but also in the territory of Asian countries, as well as in the USA and Canada.

Feminine name Lilia - which means: description of the name, origin

Regarding the origin of the female name Lily, ancient disputes are underway. After all, some fans of the name claim that the origin of the name comes from the Gauls, who called the snow-white flower “Li” (from the Gallic-Snow White). And after a while they began to call blond daughters as a symbol of purity and tenderness.

Others argue that the female name Lilia is old as the world and Lilith herself covered it when she was expelled from paradise and did not find a refuge on the ground under the name Lilith. The cunning demoness was called Lily, and all the girls named after her name bear the seal of Lilith throughout life. But this is only a beautiful story that has no historical evidence, unlike the Gallic theory. Although the beauty, passion and self -confidence of Lilia give many the basis to believe in this theory.

Another very common theory is Sumerian. According to this theory, the female name of Lilia comes from the Sumerian word “lil”, which translates as a spirit, a ghost, air and a light wind.

Lily - English interpretation of the name Lily
Lily - English interpretation of the name Lily

But Christians adhere to the theory that the female name of Lilia came from the biblical name of Susann. As you know, Susanna is a white lily, which means that under ancient translations of the Bible they could translate the name of Susanne as Lilia, which seemed quite logical for medieval translations. Subsequently, the line was thinned and lost, and the two names were little related to each other.

The Catholic branch has a completely different opinion about the origin of the name of Lilia. They believe that the female name of Lilia came from Elizabeth, while repeated evidence that liberties were made in translations, and that is why the Lilian name appeared in the English cities of the Middle Ages, as well as a derivative of him Lily.

Arabs on the contrary, argue that the popular name of Lilia came from their “night” Leila and at present in these countries the names of Leila and Lilia are considered to be each other's variations.

And some roots of the female name Lily are led to Armenia. According to this data, the meaning of the name of Lilia is not white, as in Europe, but in front of "black, dark and tempting." This is a name for the Armenians - a symbol of fertility, passion, female beauty and charm.

As you understand, there is no consensus on the origin of the name, but is it not fine that so many peoples and religions have come to such a charming and delicate sound named after Lily.

Feminine name Lilia: the meaning of letters

In the full female name of Lily, there are 5 letters, which means a certain orientation towards the humanities, while in the name of 6 sounds, which also gives priority in comprehensive development.

In personal life, Lilia is an independent complete unit, without an attempt to find a “second soul mate”, therefore it enters into a relationship exclusively by mutual affection and respect. At the same time, lilies are not perceived by men as a one -day toy, but is perceived as a unique woman who knows how to present herself.

Ukrainian Barbie - Lily Kish
Ukrainian Barbie - Lily Kish

Now we will analyze each letter separately:

  • L - Congenital skill to feel beautiful, the ability to create beautiful poems, music, as well as high successes in creativity;
  • And - The letter symbolizes natural grace, airiness and inner harmony. At the same time, special attention, both to appearance and internal filling. This letter, multiplied by two, gives lilies the ability to carefully select both a wardrobe and books, films and communication;
  • I - The letter symbolizes sound self -esteem and careful work throughout life to increase such. It is this letter that constantly spurns the girls to self -development and filling themselves extremely the best.

It is also worth adding that the combination of letters, as well as strengthening them by duplication gives lilies self -confidence and its beauty, sexuality. Also, the sounds of the name give strong energy, thanks to which Lilia admits only sincerely interested people.

The name of the girl Lilia: The Secret of the Name, Character

Girls who called Lily grow up restless, energetic, with an open active horizons and an irreparable thirst for knowledge. No matter how much Lily gives knowledge, she still wants to know a few questions more. This is a diligent student who is loved by teachers and set as an example.

At the same time, it is worth noting that the lilies from virginity are surrounded by the attention of not only parents, but also educators, teachers, as well as other adults. And everywhere they praise lily, and everywhere lily is among the first. This contributes to the fact that it grows selfish, and often perfectionist.

Lilia in lilies
Lilia in lilies

It is worth noting that to all of the above, Lilia is growing dodgy and clearly knowing her goals and desires. Therefore, already in the kindergarten, you can find that Lilia knows who to say what, how to look at, and how to achieve even momentary desires. But the same quality can play a cruel joke with lilies, because resourcefulness and the ability to manipulate often leads to lies and betrayal, which entails a breakdown of friendship, and possibly relations.

It is believed that the name of Lily gives the owner a tortured mind and outstanding mental abilities. Thanks to this, talented scientists, explosive artists and amazing composers, musicians, artists grow up with Lilia. The super -resistance of the lily - it can make the card literally in any direction, but there is a minus. Lilies do not believe that marriage and extension of the pedigree true purpose of a woman. Therefore, in marriage, it will be very mediocre, and without the active work of her husband, marriage can simply break up.

Feminine name Lilia: meaning in Orthodoxy

In the Orthodox Christmas time, there is no female name Lilia, and for choosing a name for baptism you can choose another, according to the recommendations below:

  • Choose the name approximately similar: Lia, Lilian, Sosanna, Susanna, Elizabeth;
  • Choose a name for the holes on the girl’s birthday;
  • Choose a name for the saints on the day of the crosses (as well as +/- several days before and after the christening).

Lilith is impossible in a name, and the request itself sounds like blasphemy.

Feminine name Lilia: compatibility with male names

Of course, you can’t choose one name for one name, but it is still worth considering to consider familiar men with a compatible name. We selected three categories by which you can determine the combination of the female name of Lilia with male names.

Categorically not a suitable candidate (most likely the relationship will quickly run out) Ideally suitable candidate (unity of souls) Neutrality (you can live all your life, but never know true happiness)
Lilia-Ruslan Maxim Lilia Egor Lilia
Nikita-lilia Gleb Lilia Makar-lilia
Lily-George Lily-Timofey Lilia-Yuri
Lily-Ilya Lily-Victor Lily-Vasily
David-lilia Dmitry Lilia Elisha-Lilia
Alexey Lilia Peter Lilia Lily-Timur
Lily-Igor Danila Lilia Yaroslav Lilia

Great women named Lilia

As you know, he says nothing about the name better than the one who wears it. In this section, we will give an example of the most famous lilies, and brief stories of their achievements.

Great women named Lilia:

  • Lilian Sobeski - the talented actress, who made a stunningly quick career in the cinema and having lost interest in the type of activity, was not afraid to start from scratch. Currently, it is already taking confident steps in painting and sculpture. Married, raising his son and daughter.

  • Lily Collins - Another amazing fashion model and actress, who also established herself as an interesting writer who knows how to expose the soul. In his personal life, Collins is not stability yet, but even former cavaliers speak of Lily Collins with trepidation and respect.
Lily Collins
Lily Collins
  • Ethel Lilian Voynich - The talented of women, an intriguing writer, a charming composer and a muse for many men, while a faithful wife and a reliable friend. She also established herself as a public figure, and in honor of her was named Carter on the planet of Venus.

Ethel Lilian Voynich

  • Lilya Brik - The personality, how conquered the minds of contemporaries, is more known about her, as a woman with a capital letter than her activities. Muse of Mayakovsky, the owner of an art salon and a public figure was remembered to us as an open, liberated and confident woman.
Lilya Brik
Lilya Brik
  • Lilia Shevtsova - The Russian politician, a talented writer and woman who attracts thousands of views.
Lilia Shevtsova
Lilia Shevtsova

Choose a name for your daughter? Lilia is a bright name that will attract success, luck and talents to her!

Video: The meaning of the name Lilia is the secret of the name

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