What should be the New Year's table 2023? What to cook for a New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat): recipes

What should be the New Year's table 2023? What to cook for a New Year's table in the year of the rabbit (cat): recipes

New Year's table 2023 - these are delicious and satisfying dishes, with desserts and unique salads. Recipes in the article.

New Year - Everyone's favorite holiday. Almost every house has a Christmas tree, the interior is decorated. On TV or in laptops, we are reviewing your favorite films, and children are waiting for gifts. On the most important night of the year in every house, fun, and tables are breaking from snacks and hot dishes.

Read on our website another interesting article on the topic: "How to cook a turkey for a new year delicious?". You will find festive recipes for turkey dishes.

From this article you will find out what should be new Year's table 2023 And what to cook new and tasty on the table. Read further.

What is New Year?

New Year It is the most important calendar holiday in the culture of every existing people. The moment when the last day of the current year ends and the first day of the new begins is considered especially magical for any person.

In different cultures, this holiday is celebrated in different ways: somewhere they walk all night, somewhere they meet the dawn and celebrate in the morning, and somewhere they scream congratulations out the window. But the only and unchanging that unites all the most diverse traditions together is the tradition of cooking a lot of delicious food. And this article will tell that this article will tell about what to cook for the New Year's table. These are new dishes with which you will definitely be able to surprise guests. Read further.

What should be the New Year's table 2023?

New Year's table 2023
New Year's table 2023

Undoubtedly, it is also a good idea to cook on the New Year's table on the New Year's table. But over time I want diversity. Favorite Olivier can be bored with both the owner of the house and guests. And since the year 2023 is officially the year of the rabbit, it would be worth the same agility as that of this fluffy animal, start trying something new. It is about these new, unusual and delicious dishes that will be discussed next.

What to cook for a New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit (cat)?

The basis of each table is hot dishes with different types of meat: pork, turkey, beef, chicken, etc. It is they who are saturated to a greater extent. The cooks offer a huge number of various types of dishes familiar to us, the most interesting recipes are lower.

What else to cook for a New Year's table 2023 per year of rabbit (cat)? In addition to meat, you need to make such dishes:

  • A couple of salads
  • Several options for snacks - usually they leave the table the fastest
  • Cuts - meat, fruit
  • Dessert and others.

Each family has its favorite dishes that are prepared from year to year. But try to make new dishes. They will certainly become loved and your households or guests will ask to cook more. Below you will find several original and delicious recipes. Read further.

French meat from chicken for a beautiful New Year's table 2023: Recipe

French meat from chicken for a beautiful New Year's table 2023
French meat from chicken for a beautiful New Year's table 2023

Quite often, a fried chicken is on a feast in the most ordinary form - baked in the oven and surrounded by potatoes. And what if you use it in a new and interesting French version? Moreover, it is the chicken, most likely, this year the rabbit will be the main dish of almost every table. This is a very appetizing dish. Take all the ingredients. There are usually enough meat from 300 to 500 grams. Here is a French meat recipe for chicken for a beautiful New Year's table 2023:


  • Chicken fillet
  • Tomatoes
  • Onion
  • Cheese
  • Ketchup or mayonnaise
  • Garlic
  • Red ground pepper
  • Salt to taste
  • Parsley or dill if desired

Do this:

  1. Wash the meat and cut into small pieces, beat them off.
  2. Put the meat into a deep container, sprinkle with spices, add chopped garlic, put the salt and leave to marinate minimally for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours.
  3. The onion is cut into rings, after which it is laid out in an even layer on the bottom of the baking shape.
  4. The second layer is laid out the chicken, the third - tomatoes chopped in circles.
  5. The most latter is laid out a grated or sliced \u200b\u200bcheese.
  6. Then - mayonnaise.
  7. Bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 °.

This recipe is very easy to execute, but at the same time it is very satisfying and tasty. You can taste mushrooms in taste.

Stewed potatoes with meat, mushrooms and sour cream: a delicious recipe for the New Year's table 2023

Stewed potatoes with meat, mushrooms and sour cream
Stewed potatoes with meat, mushrooms and sour cream

At first glance, the most ordinary dish, but it is so loved by many people around the world that everyone should know the recipe. Potatoes are perfectly combined with meat and mushrooms, and refueling in the form of sour cream, will give the dish of creamy taste and originality.

I so want after preparing dishes on the New Year's table, there are strength for fun. Such a potato is prepared quickly and simply, but eaten instantly. Potatoes will need 2 times more than meat and mushrooms, sour cream - to taste, like all other components. This delicious recipe for such stewed potatoes on the New Year's table 2023:


  • Potato
  • Pork pulp
  • Champignons
  • Onion
  • Sour cream
  • Sunflower
  • Bay leaf, salt, pepper to taste

Do this:

  1. The onion is finely cut, after which it is fried in sunflower oil for 2 minutes to a state of transparency.
  2. Pork is cut into small cubes, after which it is added to the onion and fried until gray appears.
  3. Champignons are carefully cleaned, after which they are cut into cubes and added to pork with onions.
  4. The contents of the pan are fried over high heat, for 8 minutes. After boiling, the dish is covered with a lid and stewed for 20 minutes over low heat.
  5. At this time, potatoes are cleaned and cut into cubes.
  6. After a while, it is transferred to the pan and boiling water (150 ml) flows. Cook on low heat until the potatoes are completely ready.
  7. After that, the dish can be sprinkled with salt and various spices.
  8. Use sour cream before serving.

This culinary masterpiece can be prepared for the New Year's table in small quantities, as it is very satisfying and high -calorie. Ideal for a feast with a large number of guests.

Casseroleum casserole from pasta pipe and chicken sausages: a recipe for a delicious snack on the New Year's table 2023

Casserole-concrete pipe-pipe and chicken sausages
Casserole-concrete pipe-pipe and chicken sausages

Without a doubt, both adults and children love casserole. But, when it looks festive, it consists of many ingredients and is prepared in just half an hour - love and New Year's mood increases significantly. Here is a recipe for a snack on the New Year's table 2023-casserole-concrete pavers from pasta pipe and chicken sausages:


  • 400 gr. Chicken sausages
  • Pasta Rigatoni
  • Olive oil
  • Bell pepper
  • Cubanella pepper
  • The onion is thinly chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 0.5 tablespoon of chicken broth (can be replaced with wine)
  • Canned tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of riccot and parmesan to taste

Do this:

  1. First, it is required to boil salted water and add paste. Cook to the state of al-Dent.
  2. Next, you need to pierce the sausages with skewers, then put them in the pan and pour water 3 cm with water.
  3. Then a little olive oil is added and the dish is cooked until the water is completely evaporated.
  4. As soon as the liquid disappears, you need to fry sausages for 5 minutes.
  5. The oven is turned on in advance. While the sausage is a roast of sausages, a pan is placed on medium heat with two -paved oil tablespoons.
  6. Onions and pepper with garlic are added (salt, pepper to taste).
  7. After the appearance of golden crust on sausages, they are cut into medium pieces and sent to a common pan.
  8. Cook until the onion becomes soft. Then you can pour chicken broth or wine, bring to a boil, reduce fire.
  9. When the pasta is cooked, it is required to drain the water from the pan, leaving the paste inside. Then add Riccot and Parmesan. Parsley and herbs taste. Mix.
  10. After all the actions performed, the assembly begins. To connect all the ingredients, a form will be required, sausages will be the first layer, then a bow with pepper and paste, on top of which all other ingredients and sauce. Then everything is placed in the oven for 2-3 minutes.

You can serve. This option is perfect for those who love simple recipes. The dish is very satisfying and will definitely decorate any New Year's feast.

Salads: New Year's decoration 2023

Of course, after hot dishes, I want to dilute the feast a little. It was then that a variety of salads will appear on the New Year's table of 2023. Most often olivier and crab. Of course, they are very tasty and loved by everyone, but why not cook them in a new way? The eminent chefs offer for this New Year to cook them in a special way-Olivier with a new sauce or a crab salad with fish. Read further.

Olivier with pesto sauce: recipe for the main dish of the New Year's table 2023

Olivier with pesto sauce
Olivier with pesto sauce

Although the name is very familiar, but unusual ingredients can surprise even the most fastidious guest. Olivier with pesto sauce - green "mayonnaise", is prepared in famous restaurants in the capital in our country and around the world. Try a new recipe for this main dish of the New Year's table 2023.


  • Language of pork
  • Bay leaf and black pepper
  • Carrots - one thing
  • Kurin's thigh (bored) - a couple of pieces
  • Quail egg - ten pieces
  • Green peas (frozen and canned)
  • Rods and cedar nuts - a little
  • Mustard - a little
  • Olive oil
  • Green onions, salt and pepper to taste

Do this:

  1. The tongue is immersed in cold salted water. Add bay leaf and black pepper. Bring to a boil over low heat for 1.5 hours. After readiness, cool.
  2. The carrot is boiled until cooked and cooled.
  3. Chicken hips boil 30 minutes until cooked, and then cool.
  4. Pour the eggs with cold water and cook for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Fresh frozen peas boils for 5 minutes.
  6. Cut cornishons and mix with canned peas.
  7. Eggs, tongue, carrots and onions are cut into small cubes and mixed in a bowl.
  8. Dry the nuts in a pan. Then they are added to the boiled peas and mustard. Pour a little olive oil.
  9. After that, everything is mixed in a blender - a thick mass is obtained. Put the pesto sauce into a bowl.
  10. Combine and mix the contents of both bowls. On top you can season with parsley if desired.

Here is such an unusual version of the familiar to all of us Olivier can be prepared for the New Year of the rabbit. Guests always ask why he is so unusual, green.

Fish salad with shrimp on the New Year's holiday table 2023: Recipe

Fish salad with shrimp on the New Year's holiday table 2023
Fish salad with shrimp on the New Year's holiday table 2023

A fish salad with shrimp will be a wonderful decoration of any feast thanks to its unusual composition. On the New Year's festive table 2023, such a dish should be standing. It will become a real decoration. All lovers of red fish will have to taste. Here is the prescription:


  • Red fish - 200 grams
  • Large shrimp - 200 grams
  • Quail eggs - 10 pieces
  • Cherry tomatoes - 5 pieces
  • Grated cheese - a little, to taste
  • Beijing cabbage - several leaves
  • Sauce (any white) - to taste for refueling

Do this:

  1. Cabbage rubs into a bowl and sauce is added.
  2. On top, eggs cut into quarters, fish cut into pieces and boiled and cleaned shrimp in the indicated sequence layer by layer are laid out.
  3. All layers are covered with sauce.
  4. Sprinkle with grated cheese on top
  5. On top you can pour yogurt and add green onions.

The salad has a rather unusual taste, who is unambiguously like a lover of seafood. You can decorate with any pickled "bastards" from a sea cocktail.

Salad "fur coat in Vegetarian" for the holiday of the New Year 2023: Recipe

Salad "fur coat in Vegetarian" for the holiday of the New Year 2023

This salad has a well -known name - “fur coat”, i.e. "Herring under the fur coat." The main difference is that instead of salt fish, sea cabbage is used, and instead of mayonnaise - a special lean sauce. You can cook it if people who are vegetarians come to visit you. It is tasty, but cooks quickly. So you will still have the strength for the New Year's holiday itself 2023.

Ingredients - 1 part of each position:

  • Sea cabbage
  • Potato
  • Beet
  • Carrot
  • Onion
  • Lenten mayonnaise

Do this:

  1. Vegetables are cleaned in advance and boiled. Cooked potatoes, carrots, beets and onions need to be cleaned of the peel.
  2. Sea cabbage can be used any kind. Frozen products need to be allowed to cool, and dry must be soaked for several hours. The perfect option would be canned cabbage. It must be finely chopped.
  3. Potatoes, carrots, onions and beets are grated. The first layer on the plate is laid out potatoes, then carrots, beets and onions. On top, chopped sea cabbage. Between the layers you can use lean mayonnaise.
  4. On top you can chop another layer of carrots or beets, then spread with lean mayonnaise.

If on New Year's Eve there are guests of Vegetarians, then this salad will definitely be a great gesture of friendliness.

Advice: You should not completely abandon the classic and familiar salads. They, like a dressed tree, are a symbol of the holiday.

Desserts: Beautiful New Year's Serving 2023

Sweet is a meal. Desserts are a favorite part of children for whom the New Year is the most magical day of the year. Cupcakes and sweets, of course, are also very tasty, but by 2023 it is worthwhile to please yourself and children with something more interesting. Moreover, it is desserts that are decorating the table - this is a beautiful serving.

Cream dessert with tangerines and dried fruits on the New Year's table 2023: Recipe

Cream dessert with tangerines and dried fruits on the New Year's table 2023
Cream dessert with tangerines and dried fruits on the New Year's table 2023

Consisting of tangerines, which are a symbol of the New Year, a cream dessert will decorate any buffet. Fruits are perfectly combined with the creamy taste of the cream, and the appetizing appearance attracts to eat this dessert from the New Year's table 2023. Take all the components to taste. The quantity will also depend on how many servings you need to do. Even if you do more, do not worry, the dessert is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, and you can pamper yourself after the holidays.


  • Prunes
  • Dried apricots
  • Green tea (brewed)
  • Tangerines
  • Sour cream
  • Cream
  • Almonds or almond flakes

Do this:

  1. Kuraga and prunes are mixed together in a saucepan, after which they are poured with green tea and boiled for 20 minutes. After that, the contents are required to get and cool.
  2. Two tangerines are cleaned and cut into thin plates. The remaining tangerines are cut into slices and mixed with dried fruits. Then the chopped thin plates are laid out on the sides of the glass.
  3. Mix whipped cream and sour cream until smooth and put into glasses. On top you can sprinkle with almond flakes or finely chopped almonds.

This dessert is very easy to perform, but thanks to green tea it has a very unusual and unfamiliar taste that will definitely surprise your guests at the table.

Mousse on white chocolate on the New Year's table 2023: Recipe

Mousse on white chocolate on the New Year's table 2023
Mousse on white chocolate on the New Year's table 2023

The basis of this culinary masterpiece is only two ingredients: white chocolate and whipped cream. At the same time, other taste elements are not limited and anything can be added: from bananas to nuts. So, here is the recipe for a delicious dessert on the New Year's table 2023:


  • White chocolate - 1 tile
  • Cream 30% - 200 ml
  • Milk - 0.5 cups
  • Gelatin - 1 pack
  • Water - 0.5 cups
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste

Do this:

  1. Cream is pre -beaten into foam.
  2. Chocolate along with milk is melted with constant stirring in a steam bath.
  3. Pour gelatin with cold water, then melt in a steam bath.
  4. Cold chocolate mass is slowly added to the cream with constant whipping. Later pour gelatin with subsequent whipping.
  5. The resulting mass is poured into glasses and sent to the refrigerator for several hours, after which they are served to the table with any jewelry and additives.

Such mousse easily compare with the restaurant option. It can be given to children instead of ice cream, which will be much tastier.

Apple in caramel: recipe for the New Year's decor of the table 2023 with your own hands

Apple in caramel
Apple in caramel

The sweetness of the “apple in caramel” is known to a greater extent as an element of a sweet gift in summer days. But who said that it is impossible to adapt this unusual delicacy to the New Year's atmosphere? This dish will be an excellent decor of the New Year's table 2023. To do it with your own hands. Here is the prescription:


  • Apples (preferably small in size)-6-8 pieces
  • Glucose syrup - 100 ml
  • Food dye - a little
  • Sugar - 300 grams
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Do this:

  1. Apples must be thoroughly washed and wiped dry. It is very important to wipe their surface as carefully as possible, because if they are wet, then caramel will curl up and lie unevenly.
  2. They are pierced into the apples with skewers, after which they will go to the freezer briefly so that the coating of caramel lay as smooth as possible.
  3. In a deep pot with a thick bottom, all the necessary ingredients are connected: glucose syrup, sugar, lemon juice and food dye.
  4. The mixture is cooked at 140 degrees with constant stirring for 8 minutes. Then you need to wait 3 minutes until the bubbles disappear on the surface of the caramel.
  5. Apples on a skewer plunge into caramel and covered with it completely, after which they go to the plate to harden.
  6. If desired, you can decorate apples with New Year's sweets in the form of Christmas trees or Christmas gifts.

Such a simple dessert at first glance, your guests will definitely appreciate the unusual concept.

The New Year's Eve is an important event in the life of every person on the planet. The inverted sheet of the calendar, the fight of chimes, the sound of festive crackers - all this announces the beginning of the year of the water rabbit, the beginning of new obstacles and achievements. That is why it is better to follow the statement “how you will meet a year, so you will spend it” and meet 2023 fun and tasty.

Video: menu for any holiday - hot, snacks and salads!

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