What delicious cold dishes can be prepared in the summer in the heat: recipes

What delicious cold dishes can be prepared in the summer in the heat: recipes

Recipes for cooking cold dishes in the summer heat.

Cold dishes and drinks help cool the body and create a feeling of refreshing. They contribute to the regulation of body temperature and facilitate discomfort from the heat. They are usually easier in perception and assimilation in conditions of heat. Heavy, fried or hot dishes can cause a feeling of heaviness and discomfort. The heat can cause thermal stress, and the use of cold dishes helps to reduce this stress by reducing the consumption of heat from the environment.

Cold dishes in the heat 

In hot weather, it is especially nice to enjoy cold dishes that refresh and do not require long -term thermal exposure. Here are a few popular and delicious cold dishes suitable for the summer heat: 

  1. Salads: 
  • Greek salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, feta and olives. 
  • Caesar with chicken or shrimp. 
  • Nisuaz salad with tuna and vegetables. 
  1. Cold soups: 
  • Gaspacho - Spanish vegetable cold soup. 
  • Okroshka - Russian soup with kvass, meat and vegetables. 
  • Cold avocado lemon soup. 
  1. Light snacks: 
  • Bruscette with tomatoes and basil. 
  • Salmon on ice with horseradish sauce. 
  • Pickled vegetables or olives. 
  1. Cool seafood: 
  • Shrimp with cocktail sauce. 
  • Squids with lemon and herbs. 
  • Octopuses in oil with garlic. 
  1. Cold pasta: 
  • Pasta with pesto sauce and tomatoes. 
  • Summer salad with cold paste, cucumbers and salmon. 
  1. Frozen desserts: 
  • Ice cream of various tastes. 
  • Fresh fruit sorbet. 
  • Yogurt and fruit sticks. 
  1. Cold drinks: 
  • Lemonade with mint and lemon. 
  • Mint tea with ice. 
  • Fruit cocktails and smoothies. 

These dishes will help you remain cool and enjoy the taste on a hot day. 

Octopus in oil with garlic 


  • 1 kg of octopus 
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil 
  • 4 cloves of garlic 
  • 1/2 tsp. red pepper 
  • 2 tbsp. l. Parsley 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • lemon for feeding 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Peel the octopus from the insides and eyes. Cut the tentacles and a carcass. Rinse them under cold water and dry them with paper towels. 
  2. In a large pan, bring the water to a boil and salt it. Lower the octopus into boiling water and cook over high heat for 20-25 minutes until they become soft. Take them out of the water and cool, chop it to get rings. 
  3. In a deep vessel, heat fat, pour chopped garlic and red pepper. Fry over medium heat, stirring 2-3 minutes, until the garlic becomes golden. 
  4. Add octopuses to the oil and fry, mixing periodically, another quarter of an hour until they are browned.
  5. Put the octopus into a bowl or to a dish. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and pour lemon juice. Serve hot or cold. 

Gaspacho - Spanish vegetable cold soup 


  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes 
  • 1 cucumber 
  • 1/2 red pepper 
  • 1/4 red onion 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 100 ml of olive oil 
  • 50 ml of wine vinegar 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • bread croutons, olives, greens for serving 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Wash the tomatoes and make them cuts in the shape of a cross. Mall them into boiling water for 10 seconds, and then transfer them to cold water. Remove the skin from them and chop into cubes. 
  2. Clean the cucumber and cut largely. Drop the seeds and pepper stalks, make cubes out of it. Cut the bow with thin rings or half rings. Grind the garlic. 
  3. In a blender or kitchen combine, cross the tomatoes, cucumber, pepper, onions, garlic, oil from olives, wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Beat to a homogeneous consistency. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  4. Pour the soup into a large bowl or jug \u200b\u200band refrigerate for 2-3 hours so that it cools and infuse. 
  5. Pour the soup on plates or bowls. Serve with bread grrocks, olives and herbs.

What to cook in the summer? 

You can make cold soups, salads, rolls from lavash, snacks from vegetables and fruits, desserts of ice cream and yogurt. Here are a few recipes that you might like: 

  • A salad of chicken, pineapple and cheese is a light and tasty salad that can be seasoned with mayonnaise or yogurt. 
  • Rolls from Lavash with ham and cheese are a simple and hearty snack, which can be cut into pieces and served with sauce. 
  • Vegetable kebabs are a healthy and fragrant snack made of pickled vegetables that can be frying on a grill or pan. 
  • Ice cream with fruits and nuts is a sweet and refreshing dessert that can be made of any ice cream and fruits from your choice. 

Vegetable barbecue 


  • 2 zucchini 
  • 2 eggplant 
  • 2 pepper (red and yellow) 
  • 2 bulbs 
  • 200 g of champignons 
  • 100 ml of olive oil 
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar 
  • 2 tsp. dried oregano 
  • 1 tsp. dried thyme 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • wooden skewers for barbecue 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Chop zucchini and eggplants on circles 1 cm thick. Enter the salt and leave them for 15 minutes so that they let the excess liquid. 
  2. Cut the peppers and onions with cubes or quarters. Drop the seeds and pepper stalks. Clean and wash the champignons. 
  3. In a small vessel, mix oil, vinegar, oregano, thyme, salt and pepper. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  4. Moisten wooden skewers in the water for 10 minutes so that they do not burn on fire. 
  5. Stir the vegetables on the skewers, alternating them in color and size. Lubricate them with marinade and leave for 30 minutes so that they are soaked. 
  6. Light the coals in the grill or heat the grill. Fry kebabs on each side for 5-7 minutes, periodically lubricating with marinade. 
  7. Put the kebabs on the dish or divide into portions. Serve hot or cold. 

Pasta with pesto sauce and tomatoes 


  • 400 g of pasta (spaghetti, penna) 
  • 200 g of pesto sauce 
  • 200 g of cherry-domidor 
  • 50 g cheese Parmesan 
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • greens for decoration 

Preparation steps: 

  1. In a large vessel, bring the water to a boil and enter the salt. Prepare the paste, following the instructions on the package, to the state of al-Dent. Remove it in a colander, leaving a little water for the sauce.
  2. Cut the cherry domidors in half or quarters. Grate parmesan or cut into thin slices. Heat fat in the container and add a pesto sauce. Bring to a boil, stirring, and add a little water from the paste to give the sauce the desired consistency.
  3. Put the paste and tomatoes in the bowl, mix thoroughly so that they are covered with sauce. Warm over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  4. Put the paste on a plate or serve portionedly. Sprinkle with parmesan and fresh herbs on top. Serve hot or warm.

What can be prepared in the summer? 

In the summer, fresh fruits, vegetables and greens are often available, which makes it possible to create delicious and healthy cold dishes. Cold dishes can be easier to prepare in advance and stored in the refrigerator for a long time or served in the form of snacks during the day without the need to use a stove or oven. 

Chicken salad, pineapple and cheese with carry and nuts 


  • 300 g chicken fillet 
  • 200 g of solid cheese 
  • 200 g of canned pineapples 
  • 100 g of walnuts 
  • 150 g of mayonnaise 
  • 1 tsp. curry 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • greens for decoration 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Boil the chicken fillet until cooked, about a third of the hour. Cool and grind into pieces. 
  2. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater or chop in small cubes. 
  3. Remove pineapple on a colander and cut into thin slices. 
  4. Grind walnuts in a blender or knife. 
  5. In the vessel, mix mayonnaise with carry, salt and pepper. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  6. In a large salad bowl, mix chicken, cheese, pineapples and nuts. Pour in gas and mix well. 
  7. Put the salad on the dish or divide into portions. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve. 

This salad is fragrant, juicy and hearty. It is suitable for a festive table or for a light snack. 

Lavash rolls with ham and cheese 


  • 2 sheets of thin lavash 
  • 300 g of ham 
  • 200 g of solid cheese 
  • 150 g of sour cream 
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise 
  • 1 tsp. mustard 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • greens for decoration 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Chop the ham with thin slices or stripes. 
  2. Glee cheese on a coarse grater. 
  3. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper in a sauce. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  4. Spread the lavash on a flat surface and grease it with half a refueling. Sprinkle with half the cheese and lay out half the ham evenly over the entire surface of the lavash. 
  5. Twist the lavash in a dense roll, starting from one edge. Wrap the sausage in the food film and put in the cold for 1-2 hours so that it is soaked and froze. 
  6. Repeat the same with the second sheet of Lavash and the remaining ingredients. 
  7. Remove the rolls out of the refrigerator and cut them into pieces 1-2 cm thick. Put them into a dish or divide them into portions. Sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve. 

These rolls are appetizing, juicy and satisfying. They are suitable for snacks, a snack or a light dinner. 


Summer salad with cucumbers and salmon 


  • 300 g of slightly salted salmon 
  • 2 fresh cucumber 
  • 200 g of salad leaves (rugula, brass) 
  • 100 g of Fet cheese 
  • 50 g of cedar nuts 
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil 
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice 
  • 1 tsp. honey 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • greens for decoration 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Chop salmon with thin slices or stripes. Put them on the dish and put them in the refrigerator before serving. 
  2. And cucumbers in circles. Put them in a container and suck them. Leave for 10 minutes so that they release excess liquid. 
  3. Torn salad leaves to pieces or leave it whole. Put them in a large salad bowl and mix. 
  4. Cut the feta cheese with cubes or open a fork. Sprinkle them with a salad. 
  5. Fry cedar nuts in a dry pan until golden, stirring. Cool them and add them to the salad. 
  6. In the saucepan, averaged oil, lemon juice, honey, salt and pepper. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  7. Pour the salad with refueling and mix well. Put the salad on the dish or divide into portions. Decorate salmon and fresh herbs. Serve cold or room temperature. 

Nisuaz salad with tuna and vegetables 


  • 200 g of canned tuna 
  • 4 potatoes 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 100 g of patch beans 
  • 100 g of cherry-domidor 
  • 1/4 red onion 
  • 50 g of olive 
  • 4 tbsp. l. olive oil 
  • 2 tbsp. l. wine vinegar 
  • 1 tsp. mustard 
  • salt, pepper to taste 
  • greens for decoration 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Remove the tuna on a colander and open a fork. Put it on the dish and put it in the refrigerator before serving. 
  2. Cook potatoes in the peel. Cool and clean. Cut into cubes or slices. 
  3. Cook the eggs screwed, about 10 minutes. Cool and clean. Cut with quarters or slices. 
  4. Boil the beans until soft, about a quarter of an hour. Remove to a colander and cool. 
  5. Cut the cherry-semidores in half or quarters. Cut the onion into thin rings or half rings. Wash and dry olives. 
  6. In a small cream, mix oil, wine vinegar, mustard, salt and pepper. Try it and, if necessary, add more spices. 
  7. In a large salad bowl, mix potatoes, beans, tomatoes, onions and olives. Pour in gas and mix well. 
  8. Put the salad on the dish or divide into portions. Decorate with tuna, eggs and fresh herbs. Serve cold or room temperature. 

Okroshka - Russian soup with kvass, meat and vegetables 


  • 1.5 L kvass 
  • 300 g of boiled meat (beef, pork or chicken) 
  • 4 eggs 
  • 4 potatoes 
  • 2 cucumbers 
  • 4 radishes 
  • a bunch of dill 
  • a bundle of green onions 
  • sour cream for serving 
  • salt, pepper to taste 

Preparation steps: 

  1. Cook potatoes in the peel for half an hour. Cool and clean. Cut slices. 
  2. Cook the eggs screwed, about 10 minutes. Cool and clean. Cut with quarters or slices. 
  3. Cut the meat into thin slices or stripes. 
  4. Cut cucumbers and radishes in circles. 
  5. Cut the dill and green onion finely. 
  6. In a deep vessel, mix all the chopped ingredients. Mix with spices and put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes so that they are saturated. 
  7. Pour kvass into mugs or bowls. Add sour cream to each portion to taste. Serve with a chilled mixture of meat and vegetables. Everyone can add as many mixtures as they want. 

This okroshka turns out to be refreshing, hearty and fragrant. It is suitable for a hot summer day or for a variety of a regular menu. 

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Video: recipes for cooking cold dishes in summer heat

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