Girl Plus, Girl-Nol, Minus girl: Characteristic-how to understand who you are?

Girl Plus, Girl-Nol, Minus girl: Characteristic-how to understand who you are?

In this topic, we will consider the simple arithmetic of the separation of women. And we will help you find out what type you are.

Very often in various sources, we can notice such a mysterious division of girls into categories “plus”, “zero” and “minus”. This is of interest. Not so long ago, we did not suspect that we were one of these types. But if you think carefully, having analyzed your behavior in a relationship, you can really notice that there is a significant difference in behavior and attitude of different girls. And we want to help you find out what category you are.

Girl Plus, a girl-nol, a minus girl: how to understand who you are?

This characteristic is appropriate precisely in the context of relations with the opposite sex - How a girl affects her man and, accordingly, what he herself can receive in this relationship. Let's figure it out together which type is more attractive to men, and how to determine which type to attribute itself to.

Important: do not literally and too categorically accept each item. We are all different personalities. And numerology and date of birth, as well as a name, can affect our character. Therefore, it is worth relying on most aspects of divided groups.

Minus girl: Characteristic

Every woman at the level of intuition understands that in a certain way she affects her man. Often it depends on the woman how successful their relationship will be.

Such a girl even being in a relationship remains independent
Such a girl even being in a relationship remains independent
  • This girl, to a greater extent, He achieves his men herself.In principle, about a minus girl we can safely say that "this is a man in a skirt." It is ambitious, purposeful, and also quick -tempered, which is characteristic of a stronger floor, and incredibly stubborn.
    • Oh yes, a minus girl will never miss the opportunity to show off her mind, Competing with a man.So that more, she will undoubtedly win.
  • It attracts often confident and strong men. But not everyone succeeds in “measuring the forces” with a minus woman. Or it just starts not to arrange such a relationship if a man exceeds it. She also often attracts losers, lazy people and Alfons, who are not used to solving anything in their lives.
  • If a man is not like that, then she will make it on her own! Yes exactly. This Strong and independent woman,that with his every act shouts “I can do everything myself” beats a man in general any desire.
  • Including the desire to work, because the minus girl taught from the first date, that he pays for himself.Yes, and there is no need to make gifts, otherwise there will be more critics in return than “thank you”.
    • By the way, about gratitude-to squeeze out this simple word for a minus girl equates practically to humiliation of her dignity. Therefore, she will stomp on the male ego!
  • In a relationship, a minus girl affects her man in the best way. Grumbling and constantly dissatisfied,seeing mainly the disadvantages of his chosen one, constantly arranging scenes of jealousy and scandals.
    • It is about her that a real bitch appears from the princess after a year of cohabitation from the princess.
The minus will always find what to blame
The minus will always find what to blame
  • With all its strength, this person Morally exhausts the manhe no longer wants to show the initiative and only wants to be left alone. The girl also no longer feels either attention or care. And gradually it becomes even more irritable and demanding. So this endless circle of torment is closed for both partners.
  • There is a big drawback that such a girl Not a slope to respect your partner.In conversations with friends, she can safely show discontent to a man and tough methods of “upbringing” that she applies in his direction. Mockery of his chosen oneit may well be considered the norm in such a relationship.
  • Naturally, being next to such a companion, there can be no talk of entertainment with friends or late coming from work. A man must and must fulfill all conditions and requirements, Receiving almost nothing in return.
    • By the way, in intimate terms, they are very passionate and are not afraid of experiments, which becomes attracted to men. But sometimes, not all partners stand their pressure, because excessive sexuality can push a little. Especially, These girls are used to commanding in every way.
    • But there is a reverse position - these ladies are sometimes too cold and restrained. For them, sex is the obligations of partners and it, moreover, and this certainly does not have to taste any man.
  • It is amazing that at the same time the woman herself is unlikely to become happier. Quicker Its requirements increase, And it becomes even more difficult to give her more care.
  • But there is another pattern-for a minus girl everything comes down To achieve and rotation.Here she is well done, she achieved this herself. But the rest do not deserve her not only a good word, but also a look. And even her beloved man is not freed from this rule.
    • Moreover, this woman herself brings up children, and goes to work, and even the crane will fix it. And over time, it turned out that the “lying man on the couch”, which does not benefit, irritates and exhausted wildly. From that she breaks down on him. In general, the vicious circle continues.
Never inferior!
And never inferior!

If you are alarmed, but do you accidentally treat this type of women yourself, answer honestly to several questions:

  • Do you often share the interests of your man? Do you often laugh together from the heart?
  • How long did you tell him how much you love? And did they thank for everything that he did for you?
  • Do you admire them as a man, and does he feel it? Or is it buried very deep inside you?
  • Can he trust you with his problems and troubles, or are you only tending to teach him?
  • Are you ready to trust your man, even in homework? Or will he do everything "wrong"?
  • Does your man feel support from you in his endeavors and aspirations?
  • Do you know how to ask your man?
  • And how are you doing with the family budget? Still everyone has their own?

Undoubtedly, a minus girl may not be aware of everything that is happening, and not to do so on purpose. Perhaps the fact is that not with every person we can feel at “our plate”, each of us has a different temperament for many other reasons. But in each case, only you yourself can determine for what reason everything goes not as it should.

Characteristic of a girl-zero

Zero rarely radically changes men
Zero rarely radically changes men
  • This is not to say that a nol girl can somehow especially change her man. Rather, a man does not feel her influence at all. She is neutral - neither good nor bad with her.
  • Such a girl can be cute and pleasant, but without much assertiveness. You can say Without a "highlight". Next to her will be good not too ambitious young people who themselves do not seek to get as much as possible from life.
  • But it attracts, to a greater extent, parasites, hooligans and alcoholics. And indeed all those men who just looked at her. The girl is in love with a very fast girl And always real. Moreover, she does not notice any signals or disadvantages. There is a man - you need to agree to all the conditions, if only I would not run away!
  • The fact is that the girl is zero Extremely uncertain. And perhaps this complex is stretched since childhood, when parents or other personalities cut off her pride in the root. Therefore, her theory of life - Love needs to be earned!
  • What is there, because it is not so perfect, it will also be apologize to the man. And in general, it will always do it for any misconduct. And the man feels it! And he will begin to use it over time.
  • Such companions all the insults and insults can endurepoor appeal in your direction. The lack of tenderness and courtesy of the man will also forgive. Of course, she will consider herself a victim and hostage of the situation, but It is unlikely to make efforts to change the current story.
All problems only because of her and happen only to her!
All problems only because of her and happen only to her!
  • In a relationship with a girl-zero There will be no strong passionsshe will not be too jealous and scandalous. But the initiative will also be not enough.
    • Most likely, a man chooses such a woman for the role of a companion in order to be confident in her obedience and fidelity, to have a delicious dinner and established life every evening. He will only temporarily use her services of the hostess until he finds that one.
    • He will not have the desire to return home to his beloved wife faster. He will also not be inspired in this relationship, he will not want to make an emotional contribution to them. In such an environment The man will hope to meet someone else. By the way, men more often change such chosen ones. After all, there is no return from them, and there is no punishment.
  • To be completely frank Often a man does not care about such a companion. He himself will not be very upset that he could offend something.
  • The world of a girl-zero is a cold and a lack of passion. She will never show the initiative, because suddenly doing something wrong.
  • But this world supplements still wild Disorder and pessimism. This is the type of women who do nothing to change the situation. But at the same time, they do not get tired of whining and suffering that everything is bad, the husband is not like that, the children are bad, and life was generally deprived of everything.
To endure the meaning of her life
To endure the meaning of her life

If you want to figure out in more detail with the type of girl -nol to highlight her features, we will help you with this:

  • a nol girl often forgives the sudden disappearance of her companion. Even open confessions in treason can endure and forgive;
  • the man will not notify his companion-zero of the change of plans. Even if he knows that a grand evening is being prepared for him. What for? She will endure everything;
  • the girl-zero is in no hurry to introduce parents and friends, relations with such representatives are not considered too serious and do not always plan to develop them;
  • manifestations of feelings, such as support, sympathy and understanding, are not about a zero girl. She will simply passively listen to her partner, not trying to smooth out his depressed well -being.

Nevertheless, if you are afraid of whether you are included in the category of such girls, just think about whether your partner shares simple joys, whether he comes to the rescue, when it is bad, you are more or just without a mood. Is he ready to sacrifice his time in order to provide support? The answers to these questions will help to clarify the relationship in which you are. Although sometimes this speaks of the lack of love for you. But in such a situation - is it worth it to stay with a man that does not burn with fire?

Plus girl and her characteristic

Plus the most positive
Plus the most positive
  • A man feels best next to a woman-plus woman. He is comfortable to be next to such a girl. He takes care of himself, goes up the career ladder, does not become an indestructive vegetable and continues to admire his woman every day.
    • But the girl in such a relationship always remains feminine, well -groomed, sweet and radiating love. From conflict situations, she knows how to come out calmly and beautifully. She can give support even in difficult situations, after any fall.
    • At the same time, these girls attract men who want to literally wear them in their arms. And all because she has Inner core of self -respect. But they are not as independent as that of a minus girl.
  • The most positive category -This is a blus girl. The name itself can already tell us that such a girl has powerful positive energy, puts the maximum in a relationship, and gets a maximum from them.
    • These are exactly those girls who take care of themselves.But their appearance is not the main goal in life. This is just a bar and part of it to bring harmony into this world. After all, it is the woman who brings beauty, starting from appearance and smile on her face.
  • She does not burn out in a relationship and does not sacrifice herself. She itself manages to find an approach to a man in such a way as to harmoniously establish a connection and always be a center for him.
  • Congenital wisdom and strengths of character allow such a girl to feel the integrity and fullness of her nature, without resorting to energy vampirism to saturate her pride.
    • Therefore, next to such a person, I want to share inner strength himself, to work miracles and go forward towards the new.
She always remains feminine
She always remains feminine
  • At the same time, an important feature of the girl-plus is The ability to trust a man. She does not want to take all responsibilities to just prove how independent she is and well done!
  • She does not reproach a man Even in oversights, and gives him the opportunity to independently rectify the situation. But at the same time knows how to rejoice and admire Even with banal gifts of a man, dissolving him in his praise. And even more so, she does not try to cause a man’s feeling of guilt.
  • But at the same time, she will never endure a bad attitude towards herself! After all, she knows herself the price and is not afraid to be left alone.
  • Naturally, like every person, a plus girl can be without a mood, but He will never spoil him to others and relatives. Even with bad well -being, she will find the strength to support her beloved and tell him good parting words. She will not take over male duties, but she understands perfectly well how to ask her not to be refused.
  • Usually such women easily converge with people in any life areas. It is equally comfortable to love and respect them, to be friends with them and so on. They do not crush their presence in someone’s life and are often the center of good mood and the soul of the company.
  • A man for such a girl is capable of anything. Thanks to the inner pendulum, the plus girl will choose the most successful moment to Present your request. And everyone will win - a woman from the fact that her request was fulfilled, and the man will be glad that he was able to pamper his companion. And having earned the words of gratitude, he will be thanked in the most sincere way.
  • Girls of this conditional category with trepidation store a family hearth and They know how to skillfully smooth out acute situations. Support their companion in his ideas, undertakings. They know how to dream and enjoy life.
    • At the same time, in intimate terms, these are the most skillful representatives who know how to relax a man.
  • And it is worth noting the most important thing - these are those girls about whom they say that she left an indelible mark in the life of a man! It is with such women that men want to be, and having met once, they will never want to let go. And certainly they will not be able to forget.
She knows how to ask. Thank you and inspire!
She knows how to ask, thank and inspire!

How to understand that you are a plus girl:

  • you know how to ask a man to fulfill his male duties and your desires to fulfill. In this case, you do this not in the form of need or your hopelessness;
  • you never suit scandals at a party and do not criticize your man with friends and relatives;
  • you do not complain about your man to mom, girlfriend. Moreover, there is a pattern - if you complain about work, you will be dissatisfied with your personal life, and financial position, and other aspects. The plus girl, repeat, notices only the sunny side;
  • you are not just listening to a man when he is bad, but know how to support to find it out of the situation;
  • ask yourself with the question: you know what you want? Plus always has an affirmative answer;
  • and also Umet to thank the man!

If you are lucky to relate to this category, you will always be appreciated by the chosen one and just surrounding people! But too categorically, you should not relate to our category, because we all lived and live different lives. The main thing is to find desire and strength in yourself in order to block your shortcomings, turning them into dignity. After all, if, for example, you will not learn how to add your rightness and will be added to the corners, but you will smooth out the corners, then you will become much easier to get along in all areas of life.

Video: who is a woman-plus, minus and zero?

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, on the most important minus for the girl, the plus is that she is not in a plus !!! She will not succeed in doing as she needs! She will always be scales ... .. And the girl is minus - she knows what she wants and goes to this !!! And when her children also give birth! And then they grow strong! For all! ALL! Depends on the woman !!!

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