All 40 chakras and the main chakras of a person for beginners: location on the human body, meaning, color. What does every human chakra are responsible for? Chakras and diseases: table. The interaction of chakras men and women

All 40 chakras and the main chakras of a person for beginners: location on the human body, meaning, color. What does every human chakra are responsible for? Chakras and diseases: table. The interaction of chakras men and women

Description of the basic and expanded set of human chakras. The connection of diseases with them, the table.

Everything around us is energy. Yes, and we ourselves are woven from it. Therefore, the world is in a state of energy exchange every second.

It is believed that a person has more than 80,000. Those who are interested in esotericism know really about seven.

It so happened that this science attracted a mass of false teachers who confuse people, grievaning them energetically. Then the latter things do not get along, dreams are not realized, life as a whole passes without positive changes.

We will talk without immersion in the depths of esotericism on the theme of a human chakra, their number, meanings.

What is chakras in humans: concept

Human chakra icons and their color
human chakra icons and their color

Chakra translated from Sanskrit - a wheel. This is a neuro-energy node located in a specific place of the body or outside it for energy generation.

A person has a central channel. And all the chakras are located in the center of the body. That is, not on the spine, and not on the skin.

Most chakras are paired. They radiate, that is, they turn on together, for example, Sahasrara with Swadhisthana, Ajnya with Muladhara, bones, knees and feet.

When you do something on the upper chakras in the process of meditation, there is a set to the lower, and vice versa. Since the upper part of the human body personifies consciousness, and the lower subconscious, it turns out that your desires/thoughts there and there are the same.

The main chakras of a person for beginners: location on the human body, meaning, color, for which they are responsible

Picture with the inscription where are the human chakras located?
picture with the inscription "Where are the chakras of a person?"

Various yoga schools and esoteric knowledge are one in the fact that humans have 7 main chakras. Differences are exactly the location of some of them.

Consider an interpretation that subjectively corresponds to reality.

  • Sahasrara is located on the crown. Is responsible for ideas.
  • Ajnya is located in the center of the forehead. Is responsible for volitional potential.
  • Vishudha is a point in the middle of the neck. The throat center is responsible for communication.
  • Anahata is the center of the chest. Is responsible for love for people.
  • Manipura is located 2-3 fingers below the navel. Is responsible for the birth plans, relatives.
  • Svadhisthan is located in the center of the pubis. Sexy chakra.
  • Muladhara is a point on the coccyx. Is responsible for survival, physical strength, strength of the legs.

In the figure below, the transfer of the main chakras of a person with the designation of their color and description.

Table with a description of the location of the chakras of a person, their flowers
table with a description of the location of the chakras of a person, their flowers

All 40 chakras of a person: location on the human body, the meaning, for which they are responsible

The diagram of the human body and head with the designation of more than 30 chakras
the diagram of the human body and head with the designation of the location of more than 30 chakras

In fact, the number of chakras in a person surpasses 40. However, different schools and approaches give slightly excellent knowledge in this matter. Some focus on the upper chakras, others partly complement the well -known seven.

More about the chakras with their names and description below.

  • Razha-chakra.
    It is located at the top and bottom of the body - 4 fingers above the head, just below the middle of the hips.
    The dead go up, and the living go down through this point.
  • Chakra settings for stones, other planets, asteroids. It is double, has a similar point on the legs.
  • Chakra Connections to mushrooms, mosses, lichens, their disputes. Double chakra, the second is located on the legs.
  • Chakra Connections to the world of insects. It is reflected on the legs.
  • Dinchel-Chakra also is reflected in the middle of the poor.
    Located on a finger above Brahmolai.
    It turns on through mercuric, dinosaurus, and reptiles. Is responsible for the resonant work of both hemispheres of the brain at a sunny and galactic frequency.
  • Chakra for a connection to migratory birds.
  • Brahmalay.
    Located 4 fingers above Sahasrara.
    When this chakra is very developed, the structure of the human skull changes. He forms a bone, a bone growth. A number of nationalities recognize a person with a similar feature on the head of the “saint”.
  • Sahasrara, or millennial lotus.
    Her place in the crown.
    It is turned on by concentration on Brahmolai or after a complete disconnection of the lower consciousness.
    Responsible for the development of supernights, the ability to penetrate and get along in the cosmic worlds.
  • Protomonade.
    Located on a finger below the previous chakra. This is the soul. The chakra is tightly connected with the umbilical cord.
    Powns a person to tune in to his percutter, to return to the pure source of his origin, a person is able to adjust the flaws of the past years, as well as become a long -liver.
  • King.
    The level of the edge of the forehead, where the hair begins is the point of its location.
    Balances the work of both hemispheres of the brain. Is responsible for social power, the will of the system.
    The esotericity of the chakra lies in the fact that the people working with it consider themselves "the Lords of the world."
  • Ajnya.
    Place of position - the center of the forehead. It creates a personal volitional mental that a person uses in ordinary life to realize his mission, develop his karma.
  • Animal.
    Located between the eyebrows. Includes animal regime, human combat potential.
    Enhances the radiation of the Ajny Center, as well as physical strength, if a person knows how to connect to the egregor of his individual totem animal, bacteria.
  • Ebezh.
    Located at the eye level. This is a point of physical birth and death of a person.
    Is responsible for personal fate, karma.
  • The middle of the nose is a connecting to lizards, pterodactists, dinosaurs, snakes, turtles.
    It is needed for the treatment of diseases, for example, varicose veins.
  • The tip of the nose is a connection to the Neanderthal plan. Especially clearly works for drunken alcoholics.
  • Amba Plan is a zone of jaws, mouth.
    It is controlled by Neanderthal plan.
  • Karma Chakra.
    Its location is in the oral cavity between the tongue and the palate. Is responsible for physiology, health.
    This point connects the mental with the astral.
  • Azhvira.
    It is located in the middle in the upper neck. Associated with Venus. This is included in viruses.
    It works powerfully in stressful situations. Is responsible for acts of spontaneous unconscious thinking. Closely related to the auricle of a person, communication with people.
  • Vishudha.
    Located in the center of the neck. Harmonizes the work of Astral and Mental if a person knows how to activate it correctly.
  • Selma.
    The point is at the level of keying excavation, at the base of the neck.
    It nourishes with energy from the first subject, if a person knows how to consciously include it.
  • Belaruspers, or Timus, or animal anahata.
    It contains human immunity, his love for animals, dead ancestors. Is responsible for the health, vitality of a person.
  • 2 chakras - one above the heart, the second is symmetrically on the right. Are responsible for love for the animal world.
  • Right astral heart.
  • Anahata is in the center of the chest.
    Is responsible for love for people, a specific person, the normal work of the heart.
    It is revealed with relaxation, the adoption of the right to the life of all living beings.
  • Suryaji.
    Located in the center of the solar plexus. This is a person’s personal astral, his egregor.
  • 2 chakras one under the heart, the second symmetrically on the right - are responsible for love for birds flying the world.
  • Astrapura is a point between the solar plexus and the navel.
    He is responsible for the connection to the first scenario.
  • Manipura is 2-3 fingers below the navel.
    Is responsible for the connection with the family, father and mother.
  • Svadhisthan - a point in the center of the pubis.
    This is a sexual center of a person.
  • Muladhara is located at the level of the coccyx.
    Is responsible for survival, physical strength.
  • Linghanha is located just above the middle of the thigh. The overall chakra of all mankind.
  • Chakra at the level of the middle of the hips is a connection to the general sequential energy of reptiles.
  • Ham-chakra is located at the knee level.
    Responsible for volitional potential, vitality.
  • Rajimai is at an ankle level.
    Is responsible for an unidentified creative stream.
  • The chakra at the level of the feet is responsible for the connection to the core of the Earth.
The location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 1
the location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 1
The location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 2
the location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 2
The location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 3
the location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 3
The location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 4
the location and names of the chakras of a person in different schools, example 4

Chakras and diseases: table

The anatomical scheme of the human body with the designation of the chakras and the zones of their influence on the internal organs
the anatomical scheme of the human body with the designation of the chakras and the zones of their influence on the internal organs

Ideally, all the chakras of a person should work harmoniously. However, in real life, almost every of us has distortions and deviations.

Understanding the connection with the internal organs and the zone of action of the chakras, you can suggest the causes of certain diseases in your own, loved ones.

Below we add a table for clarity.

Two tables of the relationship of diseases with human chakras
two tables of the relationship of diseases with human chakras

The interaction of chakras men and women

The scheme of the supervision of a man and a woman at the level of their chakras
the interaction scheme of men and women at the level of their chakras

Most esoterics and sites with a similar topic argue that chakras for men and women work differently:

  • rotate in different directions
  • have greater or lesser strength, energy
  • some give energy, while others only accept

Thanks to this order of things, harmonious relations between a man and a woman are formed. So, the second nourishes the first sexual energy and cordial, and the first second from the rest of the chakras.

  • Note that chakras in the form of disks work for holy personalities. The rest - they are more like balls of different diameters.
  • The second point is ideally for a person, all chakras should work without reference to a sexual basis.
  • The third - when joining a man and a woman, all chakras should work at each other in an ideal case.
    At a minimum - sexy, heart and Ajnya.
    Although there are couples with docking only one chakra. Then they will not be together for long, or will take the path of development in a couple.

Physical sensation of chakras

The girl Meizes on the shore of the reservoir to feel her chakras
the girl meditates on the shore of the reservoir to feel her chakr

To feel chakras at the level of body physics, consider a number of initial parameters:

  • the degree of body ownership
  • the level of recognition of its signals
  • the state of your health
  • muscle tone
  • body purity, in other words, the lack of slags

Concentrating on a particular chakra, you may feel:

  • pressure
  • cold
  • heat
  • warm
  • goosebumps
  • numbness
  • pulsation
  • vibration

Frequent cases when a person feels his nerve nodes brighter or weaker.

Sometimes, instead of the location of a particular human chakra, pulls to the side or directly/back, up/down. This indicates distortions in the movement of energies, the occurrence of diseases in the future.

So, we got acquainted with the basic chakras of a person, their characteristics and areas of influence on the work of internal organs. And also briefly examined the expanded list of chakras. Determined the nuances of the interaction of nerve nodes in a pair between a man and a woman. We got acquainted with the physical sensations of the chakras in the body.

Believe in all this or not is to decide. Always use the logic and critical assessment of information about esoteric knowledge. So you will maintain your energy and tranquility of loved ones.

Video: 40 chakras - where are they located and how to work with them?

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  5. The balanced work of the first chakra of Muladhara gives confidence in life and in his own strength. People can easily perform the tasks, especially if they are associated with material benefits.

  6. Despite the fact that all body chakras are important, the health of the third eye, or Ajna-chakra, is especially important. One of the main goals of the chakras is to ensure a continuous connection between the mind and the world around him, and the Ajna Chakra is the place where the flow of energy meets your consciousness.

  7. The energy of the chakras can be kept balanced and the chakra blocking is avoided only through your actions. On the physical plane, each act of a person returns his feedback, in the form of self -esteem. A person himself always evaluates his actions through emotions, which are the “inner sensor” of his actions. Deception, shame, guilt, etc. Low -frequency emotions block the energy of the chakra ...

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