What is the coldest planet of the solar system? What is the temperature on it? Why is Uranus the lowest temperature that went around the cold on Neptune and Pluto?

What is the coldest planet of the solar system? What is the temperature on it? Why is Uranus the lowest temperature that went around the cold on Neptune and Pluto?

In this article we will learn which planet is considered the coldest in the solar system. And also find out its average temperature and the reason for this cold.

The solar system occupies a huge area in the galaxy, covering the sun in its center and limiting the coeper belt. It is known that the very heart of our system has an unheard of high temperature, which can easily straighten any metal. And from the logical side it becomes clear that the distance from the sun will directly dictate the temperature on each planet.

But if you conclude that the coldest planet is at the very end of the system, then you will be deeply mistaken. Therefore, we offer to find out the true coldest planet in our solar system. And also find out what caused such a chilling cold.

What is the coldest planet of our solar system?

It is worth noting that all our planets are divided into two more subspecies: earth planets and gas giants. It shares them with another belt, but already consisting of asteroids. And outside this, so -called “Frost Line”, it is so cold that such flying substances as ammonia or methane can be frozen. This is due to the fact that astronomical bodies, which are far from the sun, receive very little warmth and light.

  • But if you look at the first planet - Mercury, then a paradox immediately arises. After all, the temperature of the very first planet can reach significant minuses. Sometimes it drops below -170 ° C. And then again there will be a jump over 400 ° C.
  • Yes, for example, on Antarctica, the air temperature can reach −93.2 ° C. And also almost constantly there the temperature is below zero. But our planet is a little inferior in this matter.
    • Moreover, being at the distance of the third orbit, the Earth becomes one of the warm planets. And not just warm, it has reasonable temperatures, which create favorable conditions for people's lives. For comparison, the second planet Venus can burn any person alive, because heaps above 450 ° C were registered.
  • Previously, the title of the coldest planet in the star system where we live belonged to Pluto. He had the lowest temperature of -240 ° C. However, in 2006, the International Astronomical Union Pluto was recognized as a dwarf planet. That is, it is no longer listed as a real planet.
  • Since then, the title of planet with the lowest temperature on the surface has passed To Uranus. And this is despite the fact that Neptune is further from the sun than uranium. After all, there are other factors, except for remoteness from the heat -grown star that affect the temperature regime of the planet. Therefore, we propose to study the planet in more detail and find out why it is so cold on this planet.
Uranus is the coldest planet of our solar system
Uranus is the coldest planet of our solar system

What is the average temperature on the coldest planet - Uranus?

When it comes to clarifying the average temperature of the planet, scientists take into account changes in the temperature measured from the surface.

  • Uranus does not have a smooth and strong surface, as such. This feature is related to the fact that Uranus is a gas giant. Sometimes it is also called an ice giant. As a result of such a feature, scientists rely on temperature indications, where atmospheric pressure is equal to 1 bar, which is equivalent to atmospheric pressure at sea level on Earth.
  • In uranium, this area of \u200b\u200bthe atmosphere is just below the upper level clouds. The measurement in this part of the area of \u200b\u200bthe planet is a complex and long process. The pressure in this area is from 1 to 5 bar, and the temperature reaches -196 ° C.
    • By the way, these temperature conditions already make it possible to condensate methane. Clouds of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide are formed on the planet. It is they who give Uranus a bluish-green color. This color is also characteristic of some other gas giants.
  • Further into the space where the pressure drops to 0.1 bar, the temperature is reduced to a minimum of -216 ℃ to -224 ° C. In the very center of the planet, the pressure increases, which also leads to a sharp increase in temperature. In the uranium nucleus, the temperature reaches 4700 ° C. This is the first bell to which we will return a little later.
  • Huge temperature differences between the central area of \u200b\u200buranium and its surface contribute to the appearance of strong winds. Their speed reaches 240 m/s. This makes the winds in uranium one of the strongest in the solar system. Over time, strong winds in uranium lose their properties. But new ones come to replace them.
The temperature in uranium can drop below -220 ° C
The temperature in uranium can drop below -220 ° C

Why in uranium, the coldest planet, low temperature?

There are a lot of nuances that affect the temperature of the planet and, at the same time, depend on it. A vivid example is the climate, which contributes to the temperature regime.

  • Like some other planets in the solar system, Uranus is not parallel to the sun. Instead, it is inclined to the side with an angle of 97 °. For comparison, the earth is inclined to the sun at an angle of 23.4 °. This inclination leads to the appearance of seasons. However, the distance to Uranus from the Sun is huge - on average, the planet is 2.8 billion km from a heat -grown star.
  • When all the planets rotate around the sun, one hemisphere is always inclined to it, the other is deviated in the opposite direction. When the southern hemisphere approaches the sun, it receives more sunlight than the northern hemisphere. This means that summer will be in the south, and winter in the north. It is also true to the opposite meaning when the northern hemisphere is tilted to the sun. That is, the North receives more sunlight. And then we can conclude that there is summer in the north, and winter in the south.
  • As a result, the pole inclined to the sun reaches higher temperatures than the rest of the planet. Seasons change at a much lower speed than on Earth. Uranus turns around the sun for 84 earthly years. At the same time, a change in the time of day occurs quite quickly - a little more than 17 hours.
  • Spring weather is highlighted by the strongest storms, which sometimes even reach a mark above 800 km/s. Moreover, it is this season that is characterized by constant thunderstorms. Other periods are distinguished by sharp calm or tangible changes in temperature and climate itself. Scientists come down to the fact that the asymmetry of the planet becomes the reason.
The climate in uranium has large differences and jumps
The climate in uranium has large differences and jumps

Comparison of uranium temperature with Neptune and Pluto

Why Uranus bypassed the planet Neptune, which is located even further from the sun

  • With Uranus in the race for the title of the coldest real planet, his neighbor - Neptune competes. They are both known as ice giants, since they consist of a huge number of rock crystals, water, ammonia and methane. Uranus, on average, is located at a distance of 2.8 billion km from the sun, and Neptune - at a distance of 4.5 billion km from the sun.
  • Neptune for 1.7 billion km further from the sun and, receiving only 40% of solar radiation, still warmer than uranium. Looking at these data, the conclusion suggests itself that Neptune is the coldest planet of the solar system. But this is not so.
  • Neptune has an average temperature of about -200 ° C, and the average uranium temperature is within -195 ° C. But the lowest uranium temperature ever recorded was -224 ° C. Although on Neptune such a jump also happens, but does not exceed a mark of -220 ° C.
  • And this confirms that in certain periods, Uranus reaches very low temperatures. Low temperatures have no equal among any other planets of the solar system.
  • Scientists cannot give an accurate answer why Uranus reaches such low temperatures, despite the fact that it is much closer to the sun than Neptune. Perhaps Uranus was shot down by a huge blow back, when the solar system was first formed. This affected his climate after a huge period of time. But this is only an unconfirmed hypothesis.
  • Astronomers think that a strange slope of uranium can lead to heat from its core into space. Scientists also suspect that Uranus has a very active atmosphere that makes him lose heat.
  • But we are returning to that anxious bell. The temperature of the uranium nucleus is just above 4700 ° C. For comparison, the atmosphere of Neptune helps to retain heat from its hot nucleus, which leads to warmer temperatures than expected at such a large distance from the sun. Neptune nucleus temperature reaches 7000 ° C, which is almost twice as much as in uranium.
  • We also give a comparison with the dimensions of the planet. For example, on Jupiter, the nucleus temperature exceeds 24 thousand ° C. Yes, it has a large radius. But here the Earth, in the size of 12 thousand km in diameter, has the heat of the nucleus up to 6 thousand ° C. And even the radius of uranium reaches 50 thousand km. Therefore, the main reason for such a low temperature is relatively small nucleus size and its low temperature. As for such a large planet. Therefore, the core simply does not have time to warm up such a scale.
  • So, not only the remoteness of the planets from the only star in the solar system affects the temperature regime on them. The structure, as well as the method of forming the planet and, of course, the core, is also important. After all, it also plays an important role in warming the planet.
Uranus has a small core with low temperature
Uranus has a small core with a relatively low temperature

The dispute between Uranus and Pluto for the title of the coldest planet

  • Using his minimum knowledge of astronomy and deduction, a person can get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat planet in our solar system is the coldest. If he is a fan of the old classification of planets, then Pluto will call the coldest planet.
  • And for this there will even be significant arguments. After all, Pluto among all the planets is beyond all of the sun. And, indeed, the average temperature on the pluton is -223.15 ° C. The lowest temperature on the planet is -240 ° C.
  • But this man was right many years ago. After all, the problem is that Pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet, and is no longer considered a real planet. In addition, argumentation is not entirely correct. After all, as can be seen in the example of Uranus, not only this factor affects the temperature of the planet.
  • Pluto began to be called a dwarf planet because of his mass and the fact that he could not clearly define his orbit at the early stage of its formation. As an object of the Ezhvort-Cooperae belt, Pluto is one of millions of rocks and ice that have the same temperatures.

Video: The coldest planet in the solar system?

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