How to dry the varnish on the nails quickly? How to quickly dry acrylic, gel varnish, ordinary varnish at home?

How to dry the varnish on the nails quickly? How to quickly dry acrylic, gel varnish, ordinary varnish at home?

Ways to dry the painted nails as quickly as possible. Our article will tell you how to speed up the process of drying acrylic and ordinary varnish. You will also learn how to dry the gel varnish as quickly as possible.

Almost all women are prone to self -love, so it is very important for them that their skin, hair and nails are always perfect. In principle, for this, the modern representative of the fair sex has everything. Now in any department of cosmetics you can buy care products that will help to always stay on top.

  • The only thing that is sometimes lacking in the ladies is the time. And if you quickly make a hairstyle or makeup, then problems often arise with a manicure. If a woman makes him in a hurry, then, as a rule, he does not look very neat
  • Most often, such an unpresentable type of nail has such an unpretentious type of the fact that literally immediately after applying the varnish, a woman begins to do work or just dress. This usually leads to the fact that the varnish in some places gets off without having time to dry
  • If you want to avoid such problems, then use our tips that will help reduce the process of drying varnish at least half

How to quickly dry the varnish on the nails at home?

Drying varnish at home
  • Depending on the quality and thickness of the layer, the varnish can dry from 5-30 minutes. Many women do not want to wait and so long and try to accelerate this process as long as possible. And if in a beauty salon this can be done using special means, then at home, problems usually arise with this procedure
  • More precisely, women in a hurry make mistakes that lead to the fact that the varnish does not dry out evenly and begins to break off in large pieces. If you want to avoid such problems, then at least do the correct preparation of the nail plate. After all, it depends on this part of the manicure how long the coating will dry
  • Therefore, before starting to make a manicure, be sure to carefully degrease the nail plate and only then begin to apply the varnish. It is also worth remembering that the manicure made at home cannot consist of ten layers of decorative coating
  • Since your arsenal does not have professional salon tools, you are unlikely to be able to dry your nails evenly and even more so to speed up their drying. Therefore, if you want your nails to dry as quickly as possible, then apply no more than one layer of varnish to them
  • If we talk about an emergency that will help to speed up the process of drying acrylic manicure as quickly as possible, then in this case the freezer will be the best option
  • Low temperature in just 2-3 minutes will dry your nails (provided that you have applied only one layer of decorative coating) and you can safely go to work or visit

How to quickly dry acrylic varnish on the nails?

Acrylic varnish drying method
  • Modern fashionistas are quite favorable to acrylic varnish. Its composition does not contain such harmful substances as toluene and formaldehyde. Thanks to this, this decorative coating can be attributed to means that cause minimal harm to the nail plate. In addition, it protects the nails from mechanical exposure quite well, impedes stratification and brittleness
  • But despite all its advantages, acrylic varnish has some disadvantages. One of them is the process of drying. If a layer of decorative coating is too thick, it can dry for a rather long time. It is also very important to apply acrylic layers correctly. Be sure to give the previous layer 2-3 minutes to dry and only then apply the second. Ordinary olive oil will help you accelerate this process
  • If you apply it to the nails with a thin layer (use a cotton pad or a wand for cleaning your ears for this) and wait literally 5 minutes, then immediately after this time, your pens will be ready to surprise others with their ideality. But if you use this method of drying, remember that the remaining oils of oil in no case can be removed with a napkin or a cotton pad
  • Since the coating completely hardens about about an hour later, a very strong mechanical effect can ruin the manicure and you will have to start doing it again. It will be better if you carefully wash off the remnants of olive oil with warm water and let your handles dry naturally

How to quickly dry the usual nail polish?

Degrease the nail plate before applying a decorative coating
  • To understand what can accelerate the process of drying ordinary varnish, you need to clearly understand what can affect this procedure. The first thing you should remember is that in such decorative coatings there is always much less fastener than in other types
  • Therefore, if you at least slightly violate the application technology, then you are unlikely to speed up the drying process. For this reason, if you have already bought an ordinary inexpensive varnish, then be sure to wash your nails with soap before applying it and degrease them with a special tool
  • Also, a brush can also affect the process of drying with which a manicure is made. To apply a conventional varnish, it is best to use a dense brush with a short pile. It will apply the most subtle and uniform layer that will dry in literally two minutes
  • If you want to speed up this procedure even more, then try cooling the varnish itself. To do this, put it for a while in a freezer or a container with cold water. Leave it there literally for 10 minutes, and then take it out and proceed to create a manicure of your dreams

How to dry a thick layer of varnish on the nails?

We accelerate the drying of the thick layer of varnish
  • Unfortunately, not all varnishes can be applied to the nail plate in one layer. If it, for example, is very transparent, then the application procedure will have to be repeated 2-3 times. The desired shade as a result, of course, will receive, but the drying of such a manicure will be long
  • If you want this process to be reduced as much as possible, then in no case, do not rush and let each layer dry separately. At first glance, it may seem to you that this is only an extra waste of time and this will not affect the appearance of your nails in any way
  • But in fact, if you show patience, then in the end, reduce the drying of the thick layer about half. If we talk about folk remedies, then any essential oil can come to the rescue. All you need to do is applying a finish coating (this is a condition) and using a pipette drip essential oil on it
  • After it is absorbed (it will happen quickly enough) you can use another folk method-confidential. If you hold your nails under a cold stream of air, then the thickest layer of varnish will dry in a matter of minutes
  • But do not try to speed up drying even more and do not bring your hands to the air conditioner itself. It can be a manicure and dries faster, but you are unlikely to enjoy an ideal type of coating.

How to dry the gel varnish at home?

Dried gel varnish using a special lamp
  • The gel varnish belongs to those decorative coatings that are not afraid of either water, no bite chemicals, or mechanical exposure. But such a manicure has one not very pleasant feature. In order to dry it, it is necessary to use UV lamp
  • Therefore, if you already decide to make your nails such a gift, then in addition to a high -quality decorative coating, it is also indicated by the means that will accelerate the drying process. But even in the case of a lamp, problems may arise. If you decide to save on this device and acquire it with insufficient power, then the gel varnish will dry very badly
  • If the power is not everything in order, then no matter how much you hold your fingers under the lamp, the varnish will still not harden. Moreover, he will become more, more sticky and will refuse to dry. Such a manicure will have to be completely removed and new
  • For this reason, if you really want your nails to dry as quickly as possible, then do not spare money and buy a UV lamp with a power of at least 12 watts. Such a lamp will dry the manicure in 5-7 minutes. For a faster result, it is best to use 36 watts UV. In this case, the varnish will dry in 2 minutes

Is it possible to dry the gel varnish without a lamp?

Other methods of polymerization gel varnish
  • If you do not want to buy a UV lamp, but you still want to make a manicure with a gel varnish, then pay your attention to the gels insensitive to the light. It is not necessary to dry such a coating under ultraviolet rays
  • In this case, the substance of cyanacrilate will be the hardening catalyst. This dense and viscous substance is applied over the gel and literally a couple of seconds after that it begins to harden intensively. You need to apply an activating substance very carefully, so if you do not have special skills in manicure business, then purchase this tool in the form of a spray
  • So you can accurately guess with the dosage and do not damage the founded decorative coating. You can also try to purchase a gel that hardens when interacting with water. Such a decorative coating dries quickly enough, but is very much inferior in strength to photosely sensitive varnishes
  • Well, finally, I want to introduce you to a way that is available to absolutely all women. You can try to apply a gel varnish on your nails and dry them in the sun. Although this process cannot be called quick, it will still harden the varnish, it will help

Is it possible to dry the usual varnish under the lamp?

Drying methods of ordinary varnish
  • The lamp as a product that accelerates the drying of nails can only be used if shellac or gel was applied to the nail plate. Under ultraviolet radiation, the polymerization process occurs and the coating begins to harden very quickly and dry out
  • Ordinary varnish does not need to stimulate polymerization, so it is pointless to use the lama to accelerate the process of drying. We can also say about ordinary lamps. They will simply heat the decorative coating, preventing him from hardening
  • In this case, it will best opt \u200b\u200bfor a high-quality top coating, drying, drying, drying, drying. All these funds are applied to the nail, a thin layer that simultaneously stimulates faster drying and is protecting against mechanical exposure

Is it possible to quickly dry the varnish with a hairdryer?

Dry the nails with a hairdryer
  • Probably, many women heard about such a way of drying manicure as a hairdryer. Some representatives of the fair sex even claim that this method gives an almost instant result. In principle, this method of drying has the right to exist
  • But it is possible to talk about its effectiveness only if you have a pretty good hair dryer (has a cold blowing function) and you have applied the nail with one layer. In all other cases, the use of this method should be treated quite carefully. After all, if you make a manicure with a thick layer of varnish, then you are unlikely to dry it with a hair dryer
  • More precisely, only the upper layer will dry out, and everything that will be under it will harden for a rather long time. Such, only visually perfect manicure, will be lubricated with the slightest contact with clothes or any other things, and you will have to start all over again all over again
  • In addition, the air even slightly cool, very negatively affects the color of the varnish. It becomes dull and cloudy. Therefore, to say that a hairdryer is an ideal tool for accelerating the drying of varnish with a big stretch

How to dry quickly varnish in cold water?

Dried manicure in water
  • As you already, probably, understood faster to dry the varnish, low temperature indicators help. Therefore, cold water in this regard may seem an ideal option. But in this case, there are nuances in the use of the method. Everything must be done very carefully
  • If you do not want the decorative coating to deteriorate, then put cold water into a large bowl (you can put it on an ice container) and smoothly dip your fingers into it. Hold them there for two minutes, and then pull them out and shake the pulmonary. If the varnish has hardened, then let your hands dry out naturally and feel free to go about your business
  • If you see that the varnish is not completely dry, repeat the manipulation of another 1-2 times. With the same caution, it is necessary to stimulate the drying of the decorative coating and under running water, especially at the initial stage
  • It is very important to be able to correctly adjust the force of water jet. If it is very strong, then the varnish will be smeared in the first seconds. Therefore, it will be better if you first let the water run a little, remove the flow power and only then you will substitute your fingers under it

How to dry ordinary varnish faster?

Methods that will accelerate the process of drying varnish

As you can see, there are many ways that help to speed up the process of drying of the decorative coating of nails. Each women decide which of the methods suitable for her and it is most often used.

But our girls are very large inventors, so they always come up with new ways. Now we will introduce you to a couple, and you already decide they are suitable for you or not.


  • Pistol for blowing small details. Direct the stream of the pistol to the nail and hold it in this position for about 3-5 minutes. In no case do not bring this device very close to the nail plate. This will enhance the force of air flow and provoke premature varnish
  • Wet alcohol -based napkins. They must be used before applying a decorative coating to the nail. Substances that are in their composition degrease the plate no worse than special tools and this will contribute to a faster drying of the varnish
  • Try to combine several ways at once. For example, degrease the nail, apply the varnish chilled and then immediately lower your hands into ice water. If you make all three manipulations in one reception, then the nails will dry in just a couple of seconds

Is it possible to dry the gel varnish with a LED flashlight?

A little higher, we already versed how to properly speed up the drying of the gel varnish. And if you carefully read the information, you probably realized that in order to harden, such a coating needs ultraviolet rays. It is they who polemize the coating and accelerate the process of drying it.

Therefore, to say that a photosensitive gel varnish will be able to dry a standard LED flashlight in this case is not correct. And if you want to buy a flashlight for these purposes, be sure to check that the lamp in it is ultraviolet. This is the only way you can be sure that the purchased device can be used as intended, not afraid that it will ruin the manicure.

Video: How to quickly dry the nail polish. Manicure from #Beautyksu

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