How to embroider with beads for beginners in stages: photo, master class. How to choose a canvas, good beads, needles for embroidery with beads: tips and recommendations to beginners

How to embroider with beads for beginners in stages: photo, master class. How to choose a canvas, good beads, needles for embroidery with beads: tips and recommendations to beginners

Easy is easy! Do not believe? The article reveals the secrets of the correct choice of beads, canvas, threads, needles, a master class of embroidery with beads of a bouquet of flowers is presented.

The first of the beads known to humanity is stored in the Cairo Museum.
In ancient Egypt, in addition to aesthetic functions, beads played the role of a monetary equivalent and eventually won the southern part of Europe. Northern Europe at this time preferred embroidery with pearls and amber. Two beads could not but meet and in the XI-XIII centuries the beads began its world tour, which continues today.

What is the secret of these little beads?

Psychologists have long attributed needlework to meditative classes that have a charity effect on the general condition of a person:

  • the cerebral cells tired during the day reduce their activity
  • brain cells responsible for creativity and practically do not take part in everyday life are activated
  • the muscles reduce the tone
  • the nervous system relaxes
  • the body reduces oxygen consumption
  • pressure is normalized
  • the heartbeat slows down

The general physical and psycho-emotional state of a person resembles an intermediate state of the body between wakefulness and sleep.

And if we take into account that:

  • bead embroidery technique is available even to girls of primary school age
  • the organization of the workplace does not require global changes in the interior
  • bead embroidery materials are diverse and available

It is impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of creating a masterpiece with your own hands!

So, we start with the foundations.

How to start embroidering with beads? Tips for professionals

1. Clearly decide what exactly you want to embroider: a landscape, a still life with fruits or flowers, an animalist picture.

Advice. If this is your first work, start with a small scheme. The maximum size for the first work is 15x15 cm. The color scheme of the first embroidered scheme should be as contrasting as possible.

Important: Work on embroidery with landscapes and still lifes allows us to make some mistakes characteristic of beginners.

2. Decide on the fabric on which you will embroider. It should be dense enough to withstand the weight of the beads and, at the same time, convenient to work.

Owlt. It is better to start on a canvas-this fabric is perfect for counting embroidery technique.

3. For embroidery with beads, special bead needles and threads are used.

General advice. The easiest way to start embroider is to purchase a ready -made set for embroidery in a specialized store.

The finished set includes:

  • the scheme of the future picture and canvas for work. Often, the scheme and canvas replaces the fabric with the applied pattern for full or partial filling with beads
  • beads selected in strict accordance with the scheme
  • the needle for work
  • instructions

Please note: Threads for embroidery are not included! They will need to be purchased separately

The first embroidery from beads with your own hands

The quality of the finished work depends not only on the skill of the embroiderer, but also on the quality of the source materials

How to choose good beads for embroidery?

The quality of beads affects the appearance of the finished work and its durability. If you want to embroider a quality product, take care of the choice of beads.

We get acquainted with the manufacturers

Supporting countries leading in the bead market:

  • Japan - The best and most expensive material. Beads tolerates the temperature, chemical effects, as well as the influence of moisture and sunlight. It has a wide through hole, which allows you to use such material not only for embroidery, but also for beadwork. Often inexperienced embroiderers are sold by Taiwanese beads, pretending it for Japanese beads.

There are quite a lot of beads from Taiwan, India and Turkey in our markets, but too many complaints have too many complaints to him.

Check the quality

Regardless of what the seller promises and tells you:

1. Be sure to feel your favorite beads. Refuse to buy if traces of paint are left on your fingers.

Important: Beads made of color material are more expensive than painted.

2. Beads should be calibrated, i.e. selected in size. Pay attention to this when buying beads.

The photo below demonstrates the difference in the calibration of the Chinese beads. Embroiders are forced to sort the beads on their own.

If you are not sure of the quality of the purchased beads, buy a small trial amount and check the beads at home.

Method 1

  • wet beads in warm soap water
  • put wet beads on a light fabric or paper napkins.

If the beads leaves colored spots, its quality leaves much to be desired.

Method 2

  • put part of the purchased beads under direct sunlight for 7 days, if the beads have faded - the material is low -quality.

Method 3

  • go on a nail with a nail file.

If the paint from the bead is removed easily and effortlessly, embroidery will lose its beauty in the process of work.

Method 4

  • put part of the beads in a small amount of mayonnaise and leave for several days in a dark place.

Look at the changes that occurred with beads: if the paint faded and the beads lost shine, do not buy them.

Determine the size

Important: The size of the bead must correspond to the size of the canvas cell otherwise the embroidery will be deformed.

Beads differ from different manufacturers! The photo below demonstrates the difference in calibration between the beads of four different manufacturers. On each string, an equal number of beads is 20 pcs.

          The ratio of beads and the diameter of the beads:

No. 21 - 0.8 mm
No. 20 - 0.9 mm
No. 19 - 1 mm
No. 18 - 1.1 mm
No. 17 - 1.2 mm
No. 16 - 1.3 mm
No. 15 - 1.5 mm
No. 14 - 1.6 mm
No. 13 - 1.7 mm
No. 12 - 1.9 mm
No. 11 - 2.2 mm
No. 10 - 2.3 mm (most often used for embroidery)
No. 8 - 3.1 mm
No. 6 - 4 mm
No. 3 - 5.5 mm
No. 1 - 6.5 mm

How to choose a canvas for embroidery with beads?

Shops with needlework goods offer a huge selection of various fabrics. A reasonable choice for the first embroidered work will be AIDA fabric (AIDA), relating to block tissues. Such fabrics are an excellent basis for embroidery with the counting method.

Properties of the canvas of AID

  • composition - cotton 100%
  • the squares of the interweaving are visible well
  • the canvas is hard, which allows you to make an uniform stretch stretch stretch
  • does not shrink when washing
  • well suited for embroidery without a pier, with holes, on the machine

The ratio of the canvas of the AID, the number of cells in 1 inch (2.5 cm), the number of cells in 10 cm.

№6 — 6 — 24
№8 — 8 — 32
№11 — 11 — 44
№14 — 14 — 56
№16 — 16 — 63
№18 — 18 — 71
№20 — 20 — 79
№22 — 22 — 87

The ratio of AID's fabric to the Czech bead

№6 — №4
№8 — №6
№11 —№8
№14 — №10
№16 — №11
№18 — №12
№20 — №13
№22 — №15

If you prefer another bead, the canvas selection algorithm for the bead number is given below

Elevial \u200b\u200bselection algorithm for beads number

Step 1. Measure the diameter of the selected beads. For example, the diameter of one of your beads is 2.3 mm
Step 2. Calculate the amount of beads 10 cm (100 mm) fabric
100 mm/2.3 mm \u003d 43.46 beads or 44 whole beads
Step 3. When embroidery, the beads are located under the slope and sewn by the “rib”. In order to determine the number of beads, taking into account the above, the resulting number of beads multiply by the coefficient K \u003d 1.25:
44 beads * 1.25 \u003d 55 beads
Conclusion: For your beads, you will need a fabric that has 55 cells in 10 cm
Step 4. In the table of the ratio of tissue numbers and the number of cells, find the tissue you need

Special needles for embroidery with beads: choosing tips

The video “Embroidery with beads for beginners - needles and threads” will tell in detail how to make the right choice.

Embroidery of a flowering blue bouquet with beads step by step

Scheme of work:

1. Prepare the canvas. The size of the canvas is calculated in the following way

Based on previous calculations, we have Czech beads No. 10. For embroidery, we need a canvas of AIDA No. 14

a) our scheme for

  • 124 horizontal cells
  • 190 vertical cells

b) 1 cell \u003d 1 bead

c) 55 beads of 10 cm outlines

Horizontal fabric size:

  • 124/55*10cm \u003d 22.5 cm
  • Be sure to take into account the allowances of 5 cm on both sides
  • Total, the size of the canvas horizontally 22.5 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm \u003d 32.5 cm

Vertical fabric size:

  • 90/55*10 cm \u003d 16.3 cm
  • Allowances on both sides of 5 cm
  • Total, vertical canvas 16.3 cm + 5 cm + 5 cm \u003d 26.3 cm

2. Be sure to treat the fabric around the perimeter with a fixed seam or apply a thin layer of PVA glue on the edge of the cut and let it dry. Such processing will reproduce the rash of the threads of the canvas during operation.

3. Many craftswomen mark the fabric with a colored pencil, a special marker for fabric or threads. The fabric is marked on squares of 10x10 cells, which corresponds to the marking of the circuit. This method allows you to prevent errors when embroidery.

4. Prepare Czech beads No. 10 according to the color scheme of the presented below.

color 1 - blue dark
color 2 - purple with blue tint
color 3 - sea wave
Color 4 - ink
color 5 - green
color 6 - blue light
Color 7 - yellow

Form of beads: round
Beads matte, not transparent.

5. It is convenient to scatter beads for work in special boxes with cells. Plastic containers for freezing ice cubes are well suited for this purpose.

Be sure to prescribe for yourself a number or conditional color sign in the diagram.

6. Prepare a thread for embroidery, needle, scissors. For embroidery with beads, tapestries are often used, fixing the canvas on them with pins.


7. Comparing the squares of the scheme and squares on the canvas, determine the right lower angle of work (do not forget about the allowances!).

8. Insert the thread into the needle and tie the knot. Fasten the knot from the wrong side of the work in the lower right corner. Make one stitch without beads. Next, embroider horizontal rows from right to left by the monastery seam. The seam scheme is attached.

Important: The tilt of beads should be the same! In the embroidery, small peeling of the thread is allowed along the wrong side in the places of beads.


The video “Errors in the technique of embroidery with beads - golden handles” will help to avoid the common mistakes of beginners.
The video “Embroidery with beads for beginners” will introduce the basic techniques of embroidery on the finished drawing.

9. Gradually transfer the pattern to Canvas

Nameless 4

10. How to beautifully decorate the embroidery with beads?

The baguette and the paspart for embroidery are selected in accordance with the color scheme of the picture. There is no one general recipe here. Sometimes, the frame emphasizes the main accents in the coloring of embroidery, sometimes it shakes the halftones. It all depends on the general mood of the picture.
The master in the baguette workshop will definitely help you make the right choice.

How to embroider a picture from beads: tips and reviews

Some tips regarding the selection of beads


The trunks of trees are customary to embroider with matte beads without shine color - dense and saturated
Work on leaves and flowers allows the use of glazed beads


It is not customary to use transparent beads. For embroidery of buildings and their elements, bright matte beads are used. Church domes are embroidered with metallic spraying beads


The depth of water and the beauty of snow will convey a transparent beads with a painted middle


Xin of the sky perfectly conveys translucent beads. And matte translucent beads will make clouds in the picture extremely realistic

Heavenly luminaries

The sun, the moon, the stars is suitable for bright matte beads

Video: beads embroidery for beginners

Video: beads embroidery for beginners - needles and threads

Video: beads embroidery for beginners - needles and threads

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Comments K. article

  1. Great article!
    Details (but at the same time laconic), clearly and clearly - for the beginner, that is.

  2. Great article. And I have a question: I made embroidery on the non -woven, and when I removed the outbuilding, the beads sag. I was upset ... Maybe you can somehow fix it?

  3. Good article! Once I also learned to embroider beads, and now I buy schemes.

  4. A good article, very beautiful schemes are selected, I would like to buy such.

  5. Bead embroidery is a very exciting hobby. You can make gifts to loved ones with your own hands and things for the interior. The main thing, now everything that is needed is available for this. Beginning to switch to the master’s level is quite real. I advise you !!! To create schemes for embroidery with beads, I recommend using the Bead 2.0 program. This is a very convenient and easy -to -use program, the price is inexpensive and depends on the selected version.

  6. Thanks for the useful and interesting article!

    Easy is easy! Do not believe? The article reveals the secrets of the correct choice of beads, canvas, threads, needles, a master class of embroidery with beads of a bouquet of flowers is presented.

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