Bird Czech: appearance, habitat, life in the wild and home, propagation and life expectancy

Bird Czech: appearance, habitat, life in the wild and home, propagation and life expectancy

Bright and beautiful birds of tapers delight the eyes and hearing with their singing. You will learn more about birds and their lives from the article.

Checkers are birds, although not large, but very noticeable due to their mischievous, energetic behavior, joyful chirping (similar to the sound making a clearing dancer) and bright plumage.

They are especially noticeable in winter, standing out with a bright spot against the background of white snow. They directly put on fruit trees and bushes on which last year's fruits remain - one of the best for treshing houses.

What does the poultry look like?

  • These wench singing birds From the Sparrow detachment, they are rapidly worn by flocks - loudly scoring their surroundings with their chirping.
  • What does the poultry look like?Their breast raspberry, on the head - “red cap”, and feathers stick out on the back - it was for these features that “fiery thorns” on Latin.
  • The usual tapel could be confused with a chogle or a chika, if not for a bright color - like bullfinches. In addition to the raspberry breast (in males), birds can boast of a bright red “hat”-a spot on the head.
  • Females Less was less fortunate - they have no raspberry shirt; instead of it, nature endowed them with white "collars."
  • Capture - The bird is small (weighing a little more than 10 grams), yes, as they say, remotely. The maximum body length is 14 cm with a scale of wings up to two tens of centimeters.
  • Another fairly bright moment in the appearance of the tagging is a small beak (up to 1 centimeter) of a saturated yellow color with a dark base.
  • Heaps, numerous flocks These bright bribatunia are noticeable from afar - not only in winter against the background of white snow, but in the summer - in the middle of violent greens. By the way, they not only crack, imitating the dancers of Step, but also murmured with tender trills.
  • Interestingly, with age the brightness of the plumage in the male It will only increase. With a grain diet, after the next molting, the breast in the male can lose raspberry color, and the “hat” will turn into lemon-yellow.

Where do the birds live in the wild?

  • Where do the birds live? The habitat of tanks In the wild, quite wide. It lives on various continents (mainly in the northern parts of Eurasia, North America, Greenland).
  • The question often arises - capture a migratory bird or not? Depending on the terrain, these birds can be both migratory and sedentary.
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation You can see these creatures in the tundra and forest -tundra (Transbaikalia, Ussuri Territory), in the Crimea and in the Caucasus. These birds fly into the middle strip of Russia exclusively in winter.
In nature
In nature
  • Checkers are birds that love thickets very muchTherefore, they wander along shrub plantings, along the line of coastal shoots and on wet, swampy sections of land with juicy high grass.
  • Checkers not only look like impulsive creatures, but they are actually such - even scientists cannot predict the trajectory of their flights and behavior.

The behavioral features of tadies in nature

  • As already noted above, czechs - flock of birds, Excessively active and impulsive. Together, they rush about in search of food, not paying too much attention to the world around him and its danger. Sometimes the quantity individuals in the pack can be calculated by thousands.
  • They very quickly get used to people and try to get the maximum benefit from them in the form of all kinds of “delicious”.
  • Having found a tree or a bush with fruits suitable for eating (berries, seeds, acorns or cones), taps in the literal sense of the word put on his branches, forming a swarming bright polyphonic lump. They can even absorb food, hanging upside down! The more “delicious” woods, the more feathered individuals will hang on it.
They love fruits
They love fruits
  • Birds are all -powerful And they have excellent appetite, which allows them to easily find food in the wild. From a plant segment, they prefer all types of cereal crops, young birch and alder earrings, fruits and seeds of trees and shrubs, love to eat cone of coniferous trees and even heather.
  • The source of animal protein for tanks is small representatives of insects, young animals they prefer to feed aphids.
  • Caring for the fate of their offspring, leen qualitatively hide your nests in low, but dense thickets of shrubs And small trees. Most of all they love sit in birch or alder groves.

How much do you live and how do the birds of the tapers propagate?

  • It would seem that, birds of taps So active in everyday life that it is simply impossible to increase the degree of mobility. But during the propagation period, their vanity increases significantly!
  • Males begin wave -shaped To circle over the flock, with all their might, trying to attract the attention of females, raspberry spots in their plumage become even brighter and directly burn in the sun.
  • Females are tanks Also become more actively and more talkative, choosing a partner for mating.
Preparation for mating
Preparation for mating
  • During the summer period, a pair of tanks can lead to offspring once or twice, moving the nest in the thickets of bushes or on low trees in the form of a thick -walled bowl of improvised materials - hay, blankets, twigs, fluff, feathers and wool.
  • In neatly svyat nest Set aside from five to seven spotted eggs with a greenish color Shells with an abstract intricate pattern at the dull end. The hatching lasts up to two weeks, during which the male mines food for himself and for the future mommy.
  • Hagged kids For about two weeks remain in their native nest, during which father and mother wear food alternately for them.
  • And then they begin to make trial flights in search of insects and plant foods, huddled into young flocks.
Live 8-10 years
Live 8-10 years
  • In the wild, taps live up to 8 years, and in conditions of home content they can meet even a ten -year anniversary. Moreover, on behavioral features, advanced age is not reflected in any way.

The oldest tank with a fixed age was able to survive her 12th birthday for two months.

Czech: Bird at home

  • Thanks to activity birds of puppets, their bright colors and friendliness in relation to people, sometimes they become pets among lovers of singing birds - canaries, chiya and chiglov.
  • However, not everyone organizedian amateur The rhythmic chatter will withstand - this is how the poultry is singing.
  • If you still decide to have this quite an exotic bird at home, then you should take care of a spacious aviary or cage so that it can make at least small flights in it.
  • Since in nature the bird data are very active, without the absence of proper mobility, they begin to suffer from obesity, which often leads to premature death.
  • Poultry fodder It is also worth choosing dietary - for example, balanced mixtures for feeding canaries without a large content of hemp seeds.

Be careful, it happens that taps cannot stand captivity and die literally during the first days in imprisonment. It is better to keep them at least in pairs, and better - a small flock in a spacious aviary, although this can lead to the fact that males will not sing.

  • Checkers They get used to people very quickly, eat from their hands and often do not want to part with the owner, even if he tries to let them out.
  • Catch the tapeworm It is not too difficult - for example, with the help of a network, tramples, since they are trusting about people and without looking back to the ground to eat.
  • It is a little more difficult to generate and adapt the tundra tundra in captivity, which are slightly larger and “fierce than their usual relatives.

  Video: About taps


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