How to choose earrings? Which stone to choose earrings with?

How to choose earrings? Which stone to choose earrings with?

All women love jewelry. But not all jewelry makes a woman beautiful. In the article - learning to choose and wear earrings correctly.

Earrings are a decoration accompanying a person of his whole story. This accessory entered our lives as a purely male detail, eventually taking one of the main places in a female casket with jewelry. The reasons for the wearing of earrings at different times of different peoples were very different.

In Slavic culture, the woman received the first earrings from her father, being another five -year -old girl. They should have been stored all their lives, since the earrings became a clan amulet for the hostess.

It was the earrings that indicated the status of a Russian woman:

  • simple modest earrings of an oblong shape were allowed to wear unmarried girls
  • earrings of a married woman could be very pretentious and expensive, everything depended on the welfare of the family
Unmarried Russian girls loved earrings in the form of butterflies or birds. In the photo-a modern reconstruction from beads of pearl earrings

Modern decorations are presented to earrings as the most common female decoration, certain requirements.

How to choose earrings to a girl?

Earrings are located in the immediate vicinity of the face and are able to transform or spoil its features.

Ideal earrings

Earrings of the type "bubbling" (earrings-cloves) are suitable for any type of face, but

  • too small bubbles, drowning in the earlobe, visually increases the lobe
  • too much bubbles, covering the earlobe, makes the ear disproportionate

How to choose earrings, taking into account the color of the eyes

Earrings should emphasize the color of the eyes or combine with color accents in clothes

An ideal combination of eye color and cubic zone in earrings
An ideal combination of eye color and cubic zone in earrings

Important. The color of the jewelry should not suppress the color of the eyes

For gray eyes there are no restrictions in choosing the color of earrings

The perfect color of earrings for gray eyes
The perfect color of earrings for gray eyes

For brown eyes:

  • pomegranate
  • emerald
  • ruby
  • cornelian
  • dark amber
  • diamond
  • pearl
  • rhinestone
The perfect color of earrings for brown eyes
The perfect color of earrings for brown eyes

For black/dark eyes

  • coral
  • ruby
  • amethyst
  • turquoise

For blue eyes:

  • orange/golden tones
  • amber
  • aventurine
  • lapis lazuli
  • red agate
  • turquoise
The perfect color of earrings for blue eyes
The perfect color of earrings for blue eyes

For green eyes (depending on the shade):

  • emerald
  • malachite
  • chrysolite
  • agate
  • turquoise
  • beryl
The perfect color of earrings for green eyes
The perfect color of earrings for green eyes

How to choose earrings taking into account the shape of the face

Another rule of choosing earrings - focus on your face shape

Square face

Important. Square earrings will make the lower part even heavier. Carefully treat round earrings - they make a broad face even wider

Advice. The width of the earrings should be shorter than their length.

Successful selection of earrings for a square face
Successful selection of earrings for a square face

Such earrings will make the shape of the face softer, feminine and neat.

Triangular face

Important. Triangular earrings with an acute angle are emphasized by sharp chin and wide cheekbones.

Earrings for a triangular face - how to hide the flaws
Earrings for a triangular face - how to hide the flaws

Round face

Important. If you do not want to spoil the image, give up round earrings. They will not add proportional to the face and emphasize all the shortcomings

Advice. It is desirable that the earrings have a heavier bottom. The weighting agent below shifts the emphasis to the neck and visually pulls the face, emphasizing the line of the chin, and also emphasizes the smile

How to lengthen a round face with the help of correctly selected earrings
How to lengthen a round face with the help of correctly selected earrings

An elongated face

And in this case, the task of Seryog is to harmonize a heavy chin.

Important. Thin and elegant earrings, often called "viscous", only emphasize the severity of the shape of the face. In this case, large round earrings are the best choice.

Elongated face - visually adjust the form using earrings

How to choose earrings, taking into account the type of locking lock

Decorations should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable. The convenience of earrings depends on the convenience and reliability of the castle part

Seryog design: 1 - Schwenza, 2 - hook, 3 - base, 4 - insert, 5 - wound, 7 - suspension
Seryog design: 1 - Schwenza, 2 - hook, 3 - base, 4 - insert, 5 - wound, 7 - suspension


Earrings "Pushes"

The design of the earrings
The design of the earrings "bubbling"

When choosing earrings-cloves, pay attention

  • the tip of the "clove" should not be too sharp
  • the hook - a part of the earrings that passes through the ear - should be smooth and without a zazubrin
  • the castle in the form of a pin or screw fastener, the bouncer should be somewhat tight

Important. Gvozdika earrings can cause discomfort during sleep

Earrings with English castle

Seryog design with English castle
Seryog design with English castle

The English castle or Schwenza is very reliable and popular.


  • to the height of the ear puncture and the height
  • the hook cannot be adjusted. If the distance of the hook is too large - the decorative element of the earrings will outweigh, shifting the correct position of the earrings. If too small - wearing earrings will hurt

Earrings with the lock "loop/hook"

Seryog design with a lock-tile
Seryog design with a lock-tile

The castle is quite convenient, but without the use of Stopper - a small silicone fastener - earrings may be lost

Earrings with French castle

The design of earrings with a French castle
The design of earrings with a French castle

Such a lock is very comfortable and is used even in children's jewelry.


Seryog design with a castle-ring
Seryog design with a castle-ring

Such a castle with an inconspicuous thin pin easily closes and reliably fixes the earring. Large diameter rings cause discomfort during sleep.

Earrings with Italian castle


The most modern and convenient type of fastener, which allows you to regulate the strength of compression of the earlobe between the decorative element and the lock. The earring sits perfectly.

Earrings with a brown lock

The design of earrings with a lock lock
The design of earrings with a lock lock

When buying, pay attention to the length of the pin, otherwise the use of earrings will cause discomfort.

Earrings with a castle

The design of earrings with a castle-ski
The design of earrings with a castle-ski

One of the oldest and most reliable types of fasteners for fixing earrings

Earrings with the castle "Kaff"

The design of earrings with a castle-caffe
The design of earrings with a castle-caffe

The modern type of fastener for earrings. The well -thought -out design allows you to evenly distribute the weight of even very heavy jewelry, without causing discomfort in the ear.

Earrings with a castle

The design of earrings with a castle-zhim
The design of earrings with a castle-zhim

Such a castle is very convenient to use, but not everyone is suitable. When trying on the jewelry, pay attention to the strength of compressing the earlobe - the earrings should not squeeze the ear!

How to wear earrings-zizhim
How to wear earrings-zizhim


The design of Seryog-produces
The design of Seryog-produces

Very elegant, durable and reliable. More often than other earrings cling to the hair, clothes and require special attention to the reliability of attaching the connecting elements and links of the chain

How to choose earrings taking into account their length?

Elongated earrings are prohibited for

  • girls of small stature
  • owners of short shoes

How to choose gold earrings?

Real jewelry should have a stigma and test.

Where to look for a stigma and a sample on earrings
Where to look for a stigma and a sample on earrings


The most common gold samples

  • metric - use the former countries of the USSR
  • karatn - USA, European Union countries
The ratio of metric and karate samples of gold
The ratio of metric and karate samples of gold

The most common sample of gold products in Russia is 585.

What the stigma and sample on gold products of Russian jewelers look like
What the stigma and sample on gold products of Russian jewelers look like

The lowest test that is allowed for the production of jewelry is 375. This means that in a product of 1000 shares of only 375 - pure gold, and the rest is a alloy of different metals.

The color of the gold product changes depending on the impurities

The influence of a karate sample on the alloy of gold
The influence of a karate sample on the alloy of gold

The first sign of the fake product is a blurred stigma.

Left - an original stigma and test, on the right - fake
Left - an original stigma and test, on the right - fake

The most affordable methods of checking gold at home

  • When hitting tiles or stone, a sharp ringing sound makes gold
  • A drop of alcohol solution of iodine leaves a dark spot in gold, and brass or bronze discolor

How to choose silver earrings?

The rules for buying silver products are similar to the purchase of gold jewelry. MARPLY TO THE EARS must be present stigma and sample.

Stigma of silver products mandatory for Russian manufacturers
Stigma of silver products mandatory for Russian manufacturers

Silver quality can be checked at home

  • silver leaves a dark mark on a piece of white chalk
  • when checking iodine is checked, silver darkens
  • silver decoration instantly heats up in boiling water
  • if the scratch on the product is dark or reddish - this is not silver

Which stone to choose earrings with?

In the east, the earrings are called "Karn Phil", which means "flower in the ear." “Flowers in the ears” not only adorned the feminine appearance, but also served as protection from evil spirits, bad eyes and other influences.

Psychics claim that brilliant things take on all the bad energy, thereby protecting the natural beauty of a woman.

People have practically lost knowledge of the influence of the world on a person. Everyone knows about pesticides and GMOs, but forgot about the influence of the moon. The horoscope is perceived as a funny fairy tale, and stories about the influence of stones on its owners, as an advertising campaign of jewelers.

Nevertheless, before, women had up to 30 sets of earrings, which were worn in accordance with the lunar calendar, day of the week, etc.

Before we consider the basic esoteric rules for weighing, take into account the following: a stone in earrings is part of the wildlife. Several years will pass before the stone gets used to you and begins to have its beneficial effect.

What earrings to wear on the days of the week?

Stones corresponding to the days of the week
Stones corresponding to the days of the week

What stones to choose, focusing on your planetary sign?

Signs of the zodiac and their stones-stones
Signs of the zodiac and their stones-stones

What stones are treated?

Elekari stones (beginning)


Natural stones are quite expensive. Modern technologies offer artificial alternative to natural minerals, but such stones do not have positive energy

Correspondence table of natural and artificial stones
Correspondence table of natural and artificial stones

How to choose earrings with stones?

The main rule and advice: to be very attentive! The video “How to distinguish a fake of precious stones” will tell you what to pay attention to when buying jewelry with stones.

Video: How to distinguish a fake of precious stones?

How to choose diamond earrings?

It is difficult to argue with the statement: "The best friends of girls are diamonds." How to choose diamond earrings read in the instructions

How to choose diamond earrings
How to choose diamond earrings

It is important to correctly decipher the shortcut of the product with a diamond

Rules for deciphering a jewelry label with a diamond of production of Russia
Rules for deciphering a jewelry label with a diamond of production of Russia

Video "Myths About Diamonds. Diamond or zircon. How to distinguish a fake. Cheap diamonds, what's the secret? " Disorders myths and reveal the secrets of the right choice.

Video: Myths ABOUT DIAMONDS. Diamond or zircon. How to distinguish a fake. Cheap diamonds, what's the secret?

How to choose earrings with an emerald?

 Emeralds are also the best friends of the girl, especially if her appearance belongs to the winter color type. Bright skin and dark hair are ideal for an excellent emerald.

Important: the brighter the color of the stone, the more expressive the appearance of its owner should be.

Emerald earrings are a favorite decoration of many star beauties
Emerald earrings are a favorite decoration of many star beauties

Photo32_2The magic of stone will attract health and good luck to the girl’s life. In addition, the emerald has long been considered a stone of mothers - future and real.

Knowing simple rules, you can always distinguish an emerald from cheaper stones and fakes.

Important: consider a stone presented as an emerald in natural light!

  • Cromidiopsis in natural light becomes unnaturally green
  • Khorizoberill will give out the yellowness
  • Tsavorite does not have a light blue
  • Verdel will change coloring when turning the stone
  • A fake emerald has a reddish tint, if you put it in a glass filled with water. You need to look at a stone in water from above

How to choose earrings with pearls?

 “Pearls are always right!” Said Madmoiselle Coco, erecting a thread of pearls and a small black dress in the status of stylish classics.

In 2015, the pearl bubbles from Dior-the trend of the year. Mise En Dior pussets from artificial pearls are customary to wear in decomposed asymmetric sets or as single earrings. But such games with style require certain knowledge and feelings of proportion. Clothing, devoid of style, and the Mise En Dior set in the ears are often perceived as a monoton and do not decorate the girl.

Mise En Dior Cuts
Mise En Dior Cuts

Pearl obliges and does not forgive errors. Girls under 30 can afford artificial stones, but after age n pearls should only be natural. The older the woman, the greater the size of the pearls she can afford. But large pearls are appropriate in evening jewelry, while the middle and small is quite suitable for a daily or business wardrobe.

Star lovers of pearls
Star lovers of pearls
Small and modest pearl pusets are suitable for a young girl's daily wardrobe
Small and modest pearl pusets are suitable for a young girl's daily wardrobe

The video “12 ways to distinguish pearls from a fake” will tell the secrets of the right choice.

Fashionable advice from Alexander Vasiliev in the appropriate video will teach how to wear pearls correctly

Video: 12 ways to distinguish pearls from fake

Video: Pearls. Fashion tips from Alexander Vasiliev

How to choose the right earrings for every day?

The daily set of earrings for every day should be comfortable, elegant, but not attract excess attention, playing the role of “inconspicuous addition”. Especially if it is the so -called office kit. Women leaders and top managers can afford large jewelry in a daily wardrobe, but they should be concise and devoid of evening shine. In this case, earrings act as part of the wardrobe, giving confidence.

There is a difference between winter and summer jewelry. In summer, brighter and lighter colors are allowed. However, representatives of creative professions can afford pranks with the color and style of jewelry all year round.

Gvozdiki earrings are considered to be ideal earrings for every day
Ideal earrings for every day

How to choose earrings as a girl: tips and reviews

Another important point in the choice of Seryog is a woman’s color type.

Color types
Color types

Winter girls are suitable

  • white gold
  • platinum
  • silver

Stones in jewelry should be bright, saturated

  • rubins
  • corals
  • emeralds
  • diamonds
  • onyx
  • pearls (black or gray)

The design of the earrings should be easy and elegant

Advice. Avoid too pronounced yellowness of classic gold jewelry.

Spring appearance is emphasized by light gold jewelry with plant elements

The precious stones of the spring color type:

  • sapphires
  • golden topazes
  • pearls (cream or yellow)
  • amber
  • turquoise

Advice. Avoid jewelry of white metals: platinum, silver, white gold.

The representatives of the summer color type are luxury to wear jewelry in retro-style. They are very suitable for silver and dim precious stones

  • rubins
  • blue tones
  • aquamarins
  • jadeite (green)
  • agate with blue or greenery
  • gray and pink pearls

The image of women in the autumn color type will complement massive gold jewelry

From stones

  • topaz in golden coloring
  • yellowish pearls
  • agate
  • corals
  • amber

How to order earrings for Aliexpress? (link to the online store)

The choice of earrings is always not easy, but sometimes you want to treat yourself, beloved. And this "sometimes" happens, most often, very spontaneously. In this case, it is worth paying attention to the online store Aliexpress.

You will find a huge selection of stylish jewelry, including Seryog. In the thematic catalog "Jewelry and Clock" you can choose earrings of various styles for all ages from various types of metals.

Large and clear photos will assess the quality of the chosen jewelry.

The description of the model includes information about the manufacturer, the geometric dimensions of the product, its weight.

Everything that is required of you

  • register on the official page of the online store by filling out the questionnaire
  • to form your personal consumer basket Aliacpress from the jewelry you like and thereby diversify your casket with jewelry

After all, that a woman cannot miss her ears? Correct answer: A new pair of earrings!

Video: The Hail Wednesday program talks about fake jewelry



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Comments K. article

  1. Super-based carpet earrings with diamonds! They became my loved ones and, by the way, happy !!!

  2. I prefer jewelry earrings - magnificent specimens come across.

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