How to freeze tomatoes for the winter, in the freezer, step -by -step instructions, photos

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter, in the freezer, step -by -step instructions, photos

Tomatoes, like vegetables in general, can be attributed to perishable products, so far from always they can be eaten before the expiration of the expiration date, especially for the season of vegetables - when there are very many tomatoes and there is simply nowhere to put them. In this situation, the most correct solution would be to freeze tomatoes.

It is not difficult to freely freeze the tomatoes, however, it is compliance with some recommendations and rules of this process that will help you make delicious and healthy blanks.

How to freeze tomatoes at home?

  • Best tolerate freezing ripe, fleshy, not too watery tomatoes.
  • Apherted tomatoes can only be frozen in the form tomato juice, pasta, mashed potatoes.
  • Before freezing tomatoes, always carefully wash them. We send freezing tomatoes in a pure, dry form.
  • If you want to Freeze the circles of tomatoes, cut them with a special knife - with a notch. Such a nozzle cuts a vegetable well without squeezing the juice from it, and does not deform it.
  • To get a beautiful frozen vegetable, you need to freeze it in 2 stages: first each piece/circle, etc. Separately, then, after each piece is slightly frozen, you can put them in a common bag, container, etc.
  • You need to freeze vegetables, packing them tightly, closing them with cling film. Otherwise, they will bring neighboring smells and after defrosting will lose taste.
Prepare the dish for freezing in the optimal form for you
Prepare the dish for freezing in the optimal form for you

How to freeze tomatoes whole?

You can freeze the whole tomatoes, and it is very simple and profitable to do it. You can always defrost and cut such a product as you need to, rub in mashed potatoes or refrinding. The only minus of such frosts - entire tomatoes occupy a lot of space in the freezer.

  • Choose ripe, not burst, not very large tomatoes. Ideal for freezing, small tomatoes like cherry are entirely suitable. The main thing is to take fleshy, but not very juicy vegetables.
  • Wash them efficiently, dry them, be sure to remove the stalks.
  • Choose tarain which you will freeze vegetables. It can be a package with a clasp, a plastic or glass container.
  • Put the tomatoes in a package or container. Do not stuff the bag to the top, in the container, whether it is plastic or glass, lay out tomatoes at a short distance from each other, leaving a minimum several free centimeters under the lid.
  • If you freeze the vegetables in the bag, release air from it and fasten it, if in the container, lay the tomatoes and close the lid.
  • Mark the container and send to freeze.

You can also freeze whole tomatoes in several stages:

  • To begin with, put in pre -prepared vegetables on a cutting board and send to the freezer until completely freezing.
  • After add the tomatoes in the package, close it, march and send it to the freezer.

In the same way, tomatoes can be frozen without a skin. To do this, prepare the vegetables in the previously indicated way, then do not a deep incision on each and send it to hot water. After pour vegetables with cold water and get rid of the skin, dry tomatoes and freeze the method indicated above.

How to freeze tomatoes for the winter with pieces?

Frozen tomatoes for pieces for the winter is very convenient. You can add such pieces to salads, stews, prepare an omelet and other dishes with them. The advantage of this method of freezing is that pieces of tomatoes are very quickly frozen and defrost, therefore, they practically do not lose their qualities.

  • Choose beautiful, ripe, hard Tomatoes, wash them and dry them.
  • Cut each vegetable in halfBe sure to remove the juice and core, cut into cubes.
  • Cutting board or any other suitable surface that can be placed in the freezer, wrap food film.
  • Place crushed vegetables on the board, try do not lay out the cubes tightly to each other.
  • Cover the tomatoes tightly with cling film and send to freeze.
  • After the vegetables are frozen, transfer them to a bag with a fastener or any container.
  • Mark it and put it in the freezer for a permanent storage.
You can make winter blanks
You can make winter blanks

How to freeze tomatoes in circles?

Another option is how to freeze tomatoes are circles. Vegetables in this form can be used by preparing snacks, fried eggs.

  • Wash the vegetables, cut into circles with a special knife (a knife with a curly blade, a knife-saw, etc.)
A special knife is required
A special knife is required
  • Wrap the board film or foil And put the circles of tomatoes on one layer on it.
  • Put the vegetables freeze, and after they are frozen, put them in a bag or container, close tightly, march and store in the freezer.

How to freeze tomato puree?

You can freeze tomatoes in the form of mashed potatoes, this method of freezing is especially good for asphyxhed tomatoes. Such mashed potatoes can be added to the first dishes, frying, sauces.

  • Take vegetables, wash, if desired, remove the peel from them in a previously described way.
  • Cut each vegetable into several parts, depending on its size.
  • Grind with the help blender or meat grinder.
  • Pour into plastic glasses, ice molds, sweets, cupcakes, etc., send to freeze.
Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes
  • As soon as the mass freezes, remove it from the forms, fold it into a bag or container, close it tightly, march and send it to the freezer.
  • You can immediately add to tomato puree salt and some sugar, chopped pepper, greens or garlic.

How to freeze stuffed tomatoes?

If you have a lot of medium -sized tomatoes, you can stuff them and freeze them. At the right time, you only need to defrost the semi -finished product and thermally process it.

We suggest that the tomatoes are stuffed with meat filling:

  • Take the right amount of small tomatoes, wash, cut a piece of vegetable with a stalk and remove the core.
We start to stuff, and you can already freeze
We start to stuff, and you can already freeze
  • Prepare the filling: do ground meat from any pulp by adding to it Salt, spices.
  • Pour the tomatoes with minced meat, put the board on pre -covered with cling film and send to freeze.
  • After the tomatoes are frozen, put them in a bag or container, close and march tightly. Store in the freezer.
  • You can use any filling, for example, meat with cheese, mushrooms, etc.

How to defrost tomatoes from freezers?

So that the vegetables do not lose their taste and flow, having transformed into the slurry, consider important points of defrosting tomato.

  • Defrost the tomatoes completely Only if you eat them raw, for example, add to salads. To do this, leave them in the refrigerator until completely thawed, and then get wet with paper towels.
  • If you will use ice cream vegetables to cook first and second dishes, put them prepared frozen.
To prepare tomatoes, it is better not to defrost, but to cook in a frozen form
To prepare tomatoes, it is better not to defrost, but to cook in a frozen form
  • Stuffed tomatoes should also not be defrosting, put them in ice cream.

It is impossible to defrost vegetables with boiling water or in any other way, which involves the effects of high temperatures - vegetables will lose taste and flow.

Now you know how to freely freeze tomatoes and can please yourself and your family with these delicious vegetables even in the winter.

We hope you will be interested to know how to freeze:

Video: Winter freezing tomatoes

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