How to make a black mask and a black mask of face film and nose from black dots with your own hands at home: recipes, tested by time. How to buy a ready -made black mask and a black mask Facial film for Aliexpress: links to a catalog with price

How to make a black mask and a black mask of face film and nose from black dots with your own hands at home: recipes, tested by time. How to buy a ready -made black mask and a black mask Facial film for Aliexpress: links to a catalog with price

We clean the skin from black dots: black mask. Folk recipes and ready -made masks on Aliexpress.

Cleaning the skin is the key to health and beauty. Please note that we indicated the skin, not the face. Since all our skin is polluted from dust and sweat. Some areas of the skin are independently cleaned with “pushing” excess fat and dirt, and some need help in getting rid of black dots and smaller clusters of fat on the face.

In this article we will talk about the most popular way of cleansing the face-about a black mask-film.

How to make a black face mask at home: recipes

According to this recipe, a black film mask is preparing for several minutes, it costs a penny and is completely in secondary to store analogues. In addition, having prepared the mask, thus, you can be sure of all its components, as well as the absence of harmful preservatives.

How to make a black face mask at home: recipes
How to make a black face mask at home: recipes

Black mask from black dots with a vitamin complex


  • 1 teaspoon of rapidly discriminate gelatin;
  • 1 teaspoon of milk milk milk;
  • If there is no allergy to essential oils - 2 drops of tea tree oils;
  • 1 chicken protein;
  • 5 drops of vitamin A;
  • 1 tablet of activated coal.

Mix the grinded coal, milk and gelatin, leave for 5 minutes, mix and melt in a water bath. In the meantime, beat the protein to a dense foam and mix with the solution. Add oils and vitamin A, stir and apply a brush on the face.

We apply paper wipes without a drawing (so that there is no dye) or a paper towel. We again cover with a dense layer of the mask and go to rest for 25-30 minutes.

From the chin to the top, remove the mask. Wash, wipe your face with tonic or ice, moisturize with cream.

Indian black face mask

Of course, talking about beauty and purification, it is impossible not to mention India and their delightful recipes.

Indian black face mask
Indian black face mask


  • Ground black tea 1 spoon;
  • Colorless henna 1 spoon;
  • Sage decoction 3 tablespoons;
  • Gelatin is a fast -discharge 1 spoon.

Mix the decoction and gelatin, melt in a water bath for several minutes, add henna and tea, mix thoroughly and return to a water bath. After 3 minutes, we remove, stir to a warm state and apply to the face and body.

We wait 15-20 minutes until it dries completely and slowly remove.

How to make a black mask Facial Father: Recipes at home

Basic black film mask


  • 1 tablet of ordinary black activated coal;
  • 1 teaspoon of rapidly disconnected gelatin without additives;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
  • 2 teaspoons of homemade milk (boiled in order to avoid the transfer of harmful microbes);
  • 3-4 drops of orange essential oil (if there is no allergy to the air).

Coal in the smallest powder, this can be done in two ways. First: knead in the packaging and only then open, the second: take two identical tablespoons, lay the tablet between them and neatly, but crush strongly to form the powder.

How to make a black mask a face film at home
How to make a black mask a face film at home

Mix coal with gelatin and fill with milk and lemon juice. Let stand for a few minutes, mix and send for 3 minutes to a water bath. Or 15 seconds in the microwave.

Add essential oil, stir. We check the temperature by dropping on the wrist or dipping the edge of the finger into the liquid. If the temperature is good and does not burn the skin, you can apply the mask to the face, bypassing places under the eyes, as well as on the back or other parts of the body where there are black dots.

If you have applied a thin layer, after 2-3 minutes you can apply a second layer so that the mask is dense and easier to star later.

Wait 15 minutes and raising the chin in the area slowly lead up. Remove from wings to the center on the nose.

After that, wash your face, cleaning the remains of the mask, wipe the narrowing pores (or a piece of cosmetic ice) with a tonic, apply a moisturizer, as this mask greatly dries the skin.

Various vitamin complexes can be added to such a mask, as well as replace water with decoctions of herbs so that the face is not only cleansed, but also improved.

How to make a black nose mask from black dots at home: recipes

If we need to make more gentle masks for the face and skin, then a stronger and effective mask can be recommended to the nose zone with deep wide contaminated pores.


  • Protein eggs
  • Activated coal tablet
  • Black clay
  • A pinch of sea salt

Pour salt into the protein and let stand for 15 minutes, beat to thick foam, add the rest of the components and beat for another 3 minutes.

In the meantime, we steam our face so that the pores open well. We wipe your face dry.

How to make a black bowl for black dots at home at home
How to make a black bowl for black dots at home at home

Apply a mask on the nose, apply a napkin and apply another layer, let dry and apply 3 layers on top. We bring to complete drying (until it pulls the skin) and remove from the nose with a smooth movement.

Such a mask stretches well, and also narrows pores. It is categorically not suitable for applying on the cheeks. If expanded pores are all over the face, then you can apply to the T-zone.

How to buy a ready -made black mask and a black mask Facial film for Aliexpress: links to a catalog with price

For those who do not like independent cooking masks, or do not have time to cook independently, you can recommend buying a ready -made mask for an affordable price at the best trading platform for delivering goods directly from China - Aliexpress.

If you have never bought it for Aliexpresswe recommend that we familiarize yourself with our article, in which it is told in detail how to quickly pass registration, as well as order a product.

Find black masks on Aliexpress You can link.

How to buy a finished black mask and a black mask Face Face for Aliexpress
How to buy a finished black mask and a black mask Face Face for Aliexpress

And black smear masks are located on Aliexpress here.

Korean cosmetics are famous for the whole world, and you can buy it at affordable prices at Aliexpress. For example, a black Korean mask for one reconciliation costs only $ 1.5! Find Korean black masks on Aliexpress can here.

How to use a black mask with Aliexpress?

Use ready -made masks with Aliexpress It's easier, you will prepare for the procedure longer than to conduct it!

So, the procedure for applying a black mask:

  • Wash your face and completely remove cosmetics;
  • Steam your face so that the pores open;
  • Get your face dry so that it is hot, pink, but dry;
  • Apply the mask to the T-zone or on the whole face completely (depends on the condition of your skin);
  • Wait until the mask has dried (there will be no traces on the hands, and there will also be a slight tightening sensation);
  • Remove carefully the mask, cleanse the face with water, wipe with a tonic or ice;
  • Apply a moisturizer.

It is recommended to use such masks no more than 1-2 times a week.

Black Mask and Black Mask Face and Nose with Aliexpress: Reviews

Anna: I have been using black masks for many years, but with the advent of them on Aliexpress I have saved time without saving in my care! I recommend.

Irene: For me, care for myself is the key to success, because my face is my business card. Previously, she gave impressive money for Korean cosmetics, but with the appearance of it on Aliacpress began to save up to 50%.

Video: Quick path to clean black dots. Black Mask Black Mask

Video: How to quickly remove black dots using an Indian method?

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Comments K. article

  1. I make myself activated coal and gelatin, but from black dots it did not help me. In the pharmacy, I found patches of Serazin and they clean the pores, black dots disappear and do not dry the skin

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