How to calm down and stop panic before childbirth, during childbirth: causes of fear, methods of struggle. What can not be done in the fight against panic?

How to calm down and stop panic before childbirth, during childbirth: causes of fear, methods of struggle. What can not be done in the fight against panic?

In this topic, we will consider the methods of how to calm down before and during childbirth.

Fear of childbirth is a completely normal feeling for expectant mothers, regardless of whether this is the first birth or fifth. Every woman is worried about how the process itself will pass. Moreover, having heard from other mothers, it becomes much worse. But do not immediately panic and worry. Indeed, with any fear, including Poznodov, you can cope. And how to stop panic before childbirth, we will tell in this material.

We cease to panic before childbirth: we study the cause of fear and find the methods of combating it

Girls from youth know that childbirth is a fairly long and complex process, especially if this is the first pregnancy. But you can’t get anywhere, because nature in most cases sooner or later takes its own. But so that everything exactly went fine, it is worth, first of all, to calm down and relax. This will help to prepare as much as possible for the birth of the baby. But after all, according to the wave of a magic wand, stopping panic before childbirth will not come of it. Some recommendations should be studied.

A few words about the panic before the birth:

  • happens easy fear,which can accompany every pregnant woman all this beautiful period. It lasts 10-15 minutes, and any negative thought can cause it. But it passes, as a rule, through a method of distraction or switching attention;
  • panic of moderate severity Already longer - can cover from 30 minutes to 1 hour. At the same time, it is expressed by such concomitant symptoms as headache, insomnia, tachycardia or fatigue;
  • severe panic It lasts more than 1 hour. Symptoms are approximately the same as in the previous version, but more pronounced and can persist until several days. Sometimes it can reach convulsions.

Important: if a pregnant woman begins to feel bad or in the lower abdomen begins to pull a lot, or even get sick, then it is necessary to consult her gynecologist. Fortunately, this is the present time sometimes can be done in telephone mode.

Fear of childbirth is normal, but you should not focus on this
Fear of childbirth is normal, but you should not focus on this

By the way, having learned the reason for your fear “in person”, you can overcome it at the beginning. The excitement before childbirth in many mothers is caused by many facts, let's take a look at the most common among them.

  • Unknown: The birth of each woman is different and, in fact, this is an individual process. Therefore, in this case, you should not listen to different "horror stories" of newly made mothers. Many believe that they are afraid of childbirth only for the first time. But this is far from the case. There are no identical births, and the latter, others will differ from previous states.

Important: very often, women are caused by repeated births of fear due to the first, let’s say, unpleasant experience. Yes, the first birth for most (but not everyone) girls pass for a long time and with bright memories. But the second and subsequent births, as a rule, go much easier.

  • They say that gotton pain The strongest. But here you need to understand that nothing just gets. Moreover, you should emphasize yourself why you should go through such torment. All your thoughts at the time of childbirth will only be with the baby and the desire to help him quickly be born. If you understand exactly why this pain, then you simply will not get hung on it. And most importantly, you need to understand that childbirth does not last for eternity, and all pain and discomfort are very quickly forgotten.
Focus on a meeting with the tiny
Think about a meeting with the tiny
  • Premature birth. A child can be born even at 22 weeks of pregnancy, and despite such a short time, the baby is quite viable. Children born from 22 to 37 weeks are considered prematurely, and they, accordingly, are provided to special medical care. Do not be afraid of this, because even children weighing 500 g have every chance of survival.
  • Sudden childbirth. Often in the movie they show how the girl retired, and she gives birth almost immediately, without even reaching the hospital. But this happens perhaps in films. In reality, at least 8 hours pass from the beginning of the fights to the birth itself. There are times when the birth is really swift and take 2-4 hours, but this happens relatively rarely and during the second birth (and you can catch the signals of the first contractions from experience). And even during this time it is quite possible to get to the hospital. Especially in our modern time.
  • The umbilical cord can wrap the neck and kill the baby. While the child moves along the birth canal, he breathes through the umbilical cord, but not easy. Even if she is entwined around the neck, the baby cannot suffocate. And they cut the umbilical cord only after the baby is released, and after, he makes the first full sigh.
The indignation of the umbilical cord is not so dangerous
The indignation of the umbilical cord is not so dangerous
  • Rupers of perineum or cuts. Basically, this fear happens during the first pregnancy. Everything, of course, depends on the characteristics of the physiology of the girl and on the size of the fetus itself. Therefore, if the woman in labor has the elastic muscles of the perineum, then the probability of “tearing” is minimal. But even if this happens during labor, then in this case the seams are necessarily applied, and after a couple of weeks you can forget for everything.
  • Maybe immediately cesarean? Many pregnant women came to this conclusion. Moreover, some recalled this even during the fights. But we must listen to the opinion of experienced midwives, and reconsider your views. Still, a cesarean is a strip operation that increases the occurrence of complications, both mother and baby. Therefore, this operation is done only in extreme cases.
  • Fear of getting to an inexperienced specialist. If such fear arises, then it is quite possible to agree with the doctor you need in advance, who is suitable for your requirements. Acquaintance with “your” doctor allows you to feel more protected, and will “calm” the future mother a little.
Do not forget that cesarean is a serious operation
Do not forget that cesarean is a serious operation
  • Red face and weaving capillaries. To avoid this, it is very important to listen to the doctors who take birth. It is necessary to strain those muscles that directly relate to the process of the birth of a child (stomach, crotch). But the muscles of the face have nothing to do with it. Therefore, if possible, it is better not to strain them. But during childbirth, you do not always remember this, so even if the capillaries are burst, you should not worry much about this. After 4-5 days, everything will pass.
  • And another fear is fatal outcome.Moreover, a woman can worry about both the child and for herself. And in addition to this, also wind up his thoughts, how then the baby will be without a mother. These are the thoughts immediately drive away from the head and switch attention to comedies or funny programs.

Important: a fatal outcome of women in labor is only 0.01%. If scenes from films come to mind, then it is worthwhile to understand that this is just a script. In life just like that, without medical fears, there is nothing like that! And the state of the child, even in the process of birth, is watched by obstetricians.

A fatal outcome is just a frequent films scenario
A fatal outcome is just a frequent films scenario

How to calm down and stop panic before childbirth?

The birth of a child is one of the most important moments in the life of any woman, therefore pre -unit experiences and excitement are considered a normal state. It is important to remember that an extra nerves of a pregnant woman do not need at all, and even more so harmful to the baby. Therefore, it is worth making sure that during pregnancy is less nervous and not panic before childbirth.

There are several proven ways that will help maintain their state of mind and calm down, especially if childbirth is very soon.

  • Distracted after all hobby - This is the best cure for various fears and experiences. Take care of what you have long wanted, for example, by swimming, embroidery, visit a concert of classical music, etc. Before birth, crumbs should relax as much as possible and gain strength. Moreover, after his birth, it will not be very soon to rest very soon.
  • If possible, communicate with people who have successful experience in childbirth. Especially before childbirth is very important have a positive attitude, And such stories are able to cheer up and cheer up.
  • Pregnant coursesall become popular in our country. You can get valuable knowledge on them, especially if you are faced with pregnancy and childbirth for the first time. After all, the course covers all the questions you are interested in. And if not all, then you can set it yourself.
  • Physical exercises. They will help not only distract, but also prevent the deposition of fat savings, which very often accompany pregnant women. In addition, physical exercises contribute to the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness.
Find yourself a fascinating lesson
Find yourself a fascinating lesson
  • Massageit also allows you to relax and calm down, and it also helps to reduce the level of pain during contractions and childbirth.
  • Support for friends and relatives. If you are very worried about childbirth, then you can enlist the support of a close relative or girlfriend (or maybe a husband) so as not to give birth "alone."
  • Complete fear into action. Instead of simply sitting and panic, build an action plan and the necessary things for the hospital. By the way, it is better to engage in purchases in advance. This will allow you to think less about the “bad”, and by the beginning of the birth, everything you need will be collected. And then you don’t have to run around pharmacies and children's stores with fights. This is another small secret of calm, because you will be done.
  • Get rid of the unknown. For example, read the literature for pregnant women. After all, the more you learn about the process of childbirth, the easier it will be for you to navigate in the process.
  • Change the attitude to childbirth. Many psychologists argue that positive thoughts about the child and anticipation of meeting him will help to overcome fear of childbirth. Do not associate the birth of a child with pain and torment.
Only a positive mood!
Only a positive mood!

What should not be done in the process of combating panic before childbirth?

In any other life situations, there are many ways to deal with fears. But during pregnancy it is very important not to resort to the use of such methods:

  • reception of antidepressants and sedatives. It is allowed to use medicines only as prescribed by a doctor, but it is strictly forbidden to take a sedative independently. Taking such drugs is extremely undesirable for the future mother and her baby;
  • avoid people who tell you various "horror stories", What happened at the birth of a particular woman. Remember that each person is individual, and all these “horrors” will not happen to you. Do not concentrate your attention on the negative experience of acquaintances. The same applies to stories on the Internet on forums and sites;
  • do not delve into the study of complications during labor. Sometimes excessive curiosity can cause anxiety and increase excitement. And remember that when studying the symptoms of any disease, they appear even in a healthy body. Here you have the great power of self -hypnosis! Direct it in the right direction.
Arm with the support of loved ones
Arm with the support of loved ones

How not to panic during childbirth?

When you are ready for the upcoming process, you are much easier to tune in. But not always, sometimes previous experience, leads even greater fear that everything is repeated again. Especially if the interval has passed a small one. In general, panic during childbirth, and even for contractions, can occur in any woman.

  • Support for relatives is very important. We already wrote that you need to take a girlfriend or husband with you, or maybe a mother. In general, any person you trust, let it be near. If something goes wrong, then he will be able to call a doctor or nurse. Such confidence helps to calm down.
  • Listen to the doctor. You need to perform actions only by his command, do not exhaust your body just like that.
  • By the way, use breaks between fights for relaxation. It will be very necessary for you and the baby. Therefore, we protect the supply of energy.
  • Breathe with your nose, and exhale with your mouth. Such breathing gymnastics helps reduce the pain and sobers the mind, which drives panic. But do not do it too fast, otherwise you will also get dizziness.
We breathe right
We breathe right
  • If you hurt a lot or just want - shout! Do not restrain yourself, because the "release of pair" will only benefit.
  • No one forbids drinking water. Therefore, make a reserve of still liquid. This will help to avoid dehydration, especially if the process is very long. By the way, another plus is that someone is nearby.
  • Think and wait for the result . The birth cannot last forever. Therefore, send all your strength to a speedy meeting with the baby.

If your experiences became obsessive, insomnia appeared on this basis, blood pressure increases or nervousness increases, you must definitely consult a doctor. In this position, it is very important for a woman to remain calm and balanced, so it is worth listening to her state of health, as well as to relax more and tune in to a positive result.

Video: How to calm down before childbirth?

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