How does creativity affect the development of a child? How and what does the child create?

How does creativity affect the development of a child? How and what does the child create?

Do not know what to do with the child to bring both benefits and pleasure? Try together to create a little.

Creativity undoubtedly affects the child, his development, skills, character. It teaches the baby to self -expression, helps to know the world, see him with his own eyes. The child who is engaged in creativity knows how to go beyond the boundaries of the generally accepted, and thanks to this it overcomes the problems that have arisen is easier, because he has many options for solving them. In addition, working together, children and parents come closer, interact better and understand each other.

Drawing with gouache
Drawing with gouache

How does creativity affect the development of children?

For six months, the kids can start creating. Of course, not without the help of adults. Creativity at this age develops the imagination of the child, helps him to become more assiduous, improves fine motor skills.

The baby needs to provide complete freedom in creativity, let him draw how he wants, what he wants and where he wants, if this, of course, is not new wallpaper. Complete freedom of action develops the child’s imagination, he feels more confident, independent.

Creativity helps children develop:

  • Give the baby paints, pencils or felt -tip pens. Drawing will help to train fingers and handles, and this is a very good exercise for coordinating the hands and eyes. In the future, such creativity will help the child better cope with sticks and hooks in spelling lessons
  • Joint drawing or other games, for example, building a tower, help children socialize and learn to work in a team
  • During drawing, the child gets acquainted with flowers, shape. They pay attention to small details, so that later they draw them correctly, thus developing observation


Drawing lesson

    Drawing lesson
  • When engaged in creativity, children see and represent unusual things, changing colors, size, shape of something familiar. Thanks to this, they can look at the world on the other side
  • If children are praised for successes in creativity, their self -confidence is growing and self -esteem increases
  • In tandem with any creative process, there is an imagination, it makes the child experiment, invent something new, thanks to this, children get new skills

Types of creativity for the development of a child

The child is more sensitive to an adult, because for him this is all for the first time, he perceives everything different, brighter, more emotional. He sees color differently, hears sounds, feels the texture. Therefore, the child needs to know the world through tactile sensations, find a way out to his emotions.

There are the following types of creativity for children:

  1. Drawing
  2. Modeling
  3. Plasticine
  4. Application
  5. Other

Below we will consider all these types in more detail and find out how they affect the development of children.

The role of drawing in the development of the baby. Drawing tools

Drawing is probably the most famous and widely used type of creative activity. Thanks to drawing, the child develops memory, learns to focus, improves fine motor skills of the hands, analyzes everything, compares, seeks differences, drawing makes the child think and think.

Drawing tools
Drawing tools

At the smallest age, the child draws more attention to the qualities that this or that material has, the drawings of five -year -old children can already be understood and comprehended, at the age of 10 the child makes plot drawings.

Drawing helps to establish and strengthen the connection of the right and left hemispheres of the child’s brain, so it affects the development of the baby so much.

Materials for drawing today are very diverse, from crayons to all kinds of colors.

We draw paints (finger, watercolor, gouache).

In Europe, drawing with paints with children from 6 months has been practiced for more than 20 years and has positive results.

It is the colors that give more scope for imagination.

  • Firstly, they are more convenient to draw, when working with them, you do not need to make efforts, as when drawing with pencils or felt-tip pens
  • Secondly, they can be mixed and received new colors and shades
  • Thirdly, you can use different drawing tools, the child can choose the most he likes the method

Finger paint

Finger colors are perfect for the smallest, because they are made of safe materials, and even if the child licks the finger in the paint, mothers have nothing to worry about. In addition, such paints are easily washed and washed off clothes. This is a rather pleasant bonus, because the baby will not be limited to drawing only on paper.

Drawing with finger paints
Drawing with finger paints

More details about these colors, about how to use them and the recipe for their preparation at home you will find in the article Finger paint. The benefits of paints for the development of a child


The gouache is suitable for children a little older, from about two years old, because It is not as safe as finger paints and harder is washed. You can also draw gouache with your fingers, palms, or you can brush. Let the child draw it, as well as the familiar finger paints for him, and then show him how to do it with a brush. But keep in mind that up to 3 years old children cannot hold the brush correctly and control the intensity of pressing, so do not demand too much from the baby, let him master.

Gouache really likes children, because It has the following properties:

  • she is opaque
  • slurns well in water
  • it can be drawn on canvas, on a sheet of paper, and even on wood
  • dries well and after drying becomes matte and velvety
  • without smell, so it suits children
  • it is very dense, with a rich color

Drawing with gouache

Drawing with gouache

From the age of two, a child can be given coloring, only choose large drawings with a minimum of details first. Show the child how to paint without going beyond. Try different colors.

The gouache is very good because you can mix colors and get new ones. This lesson should appeal to the young researcher.

Watercolor paints

From the age of four, the child’s drawings are already acquiring a more recognizable shape and he can already give watercolor paints.

Watercolor is a water -soluble paint, so it rinses well with water. The paintings drawn by watercolors create the impression of weightlessness, translucent and lightness.

The smaller the child, the less choose flowers for work. For the student, 12 colors are quite enough, for the younger children and even less. The colors of the watercolor colors can be mixed on a separate palette and receive new colors and shades.

Watercolor paints
Watercolor paints

You will also need brushes to work with watercolors, it is better to choose soft and high -quality, for example, from pony or protein piles.

Explain to the child that before taking a new color, the brush needs to be washed well in water, otherwise the colors are mixed.

There is a special paper for the watercolor, it differs from the usual one in that the drawings on it turn out to be brighter and, accordingly, living. In addition, she will not wrinkle with moisture.

Drawing techniques with paints

There are a lot of various techniques of painting techniques and they are all very interesting, you and the child need to try them out, because when drawing in different ways, using different tools, the child develops, expands his horizons, learns new objects, phenomena and actions.

You will find many different painting techniques in the article Various drawing techniques with paints. We draw with paints with children

We draw with pencils (classic, watercolor, wax)

It is more difficult to draw with pencils to the child than with fingers with paint, but the pens need to be developed and given the child to try all the tools for drawing.

There are several types of pencils:

  • classic
  • watercolor
  • wax

Classic pencils

With such pencils we also painted in childhood: a colored barrel in a wooden case. The variety of such pencils is now amazing in stores: imported and domestic production, sets of 6 colors and large in 64 colors and more, thick and thin, round and trihedral ... The choice of pencils is large, but you need to carefully select them for your child.

  1. It is better for children to choose trihedral pencils under 3 years old, it is more convenient to keep them and they form the right capture of the child. In addition, such pencils will not slide on the table on the floor and do not have to constantly raise them
  2. It is better to give kids to draw with pencils thicker so that the housing is about 1cm, then the barn not so often broke. You should not choose very thick, they will be inconvenient for small hands
  3. The barn should not be fragile so that it does not break constantly from falls to the floor
  4. Choose soft pencils so that the child does not have to make efforts, otherwise he will lose interest in doing. Soft pencils are marked with Latin letter B, hard - n


Drawing pencils
Drawing pencils

We can recommend you to pay attention to the pencils of the following companies: CRYOLA, KOH-I-NOOR, JOVI. They meet all of the above requirements.

Watercolor pencils

This type of pencils is also made in a wooden case, only instead of the griffle in it is compressed watercolor. It turns out, as it were, 2 in 1 - and watercolor paints and pencils. By drawing with such a pencil, you can draw a wet brush on top and you will get a drawing drawn by paint.

  • The rod in such pencils is made in a special way that it does not allow it to crumble
  • They are very soft and brightly draw, better than classic
  • Dear enough
  • The wooden case is round or hexagonal, ordinary thickness, i.e. Do not fit little children
  • Children draw with such pencils with great pleasure

Wax pencils

Wax pencils are also good for children. They are made of wax with the addition of food dyes.

Wax pencils
Wax pencils
  • They are bright, drawings made by wax pencils do not fade over time, do not lose richness
  • They do not leave traces on their hands, although they do not have a protective body
  • Can be drawn by any side or even a facet
  • Easy to sharpen
  • Soft, do not need to make efforts to draw a line, so that they are well suited for kids
  • Wax pencils easily go on paper, so they are easy to decorate large areas
  • Draw on many surfaces: paper, cardboard, wood, clay, we can say on everything except glossy paper
  • Wipe with an ordinary eraser
  • Are thick and trihedral for the smallest

Such pencils also have disadvantages:

  • they are inconvenient to decorate small details and draw thin lines
  • if they are very thin, then often children break them
  • some firms wrap each pencil into a paper wrapper, which children are constantly trying to remove or gnaw

We draw with felt -tip pens (classic, water -soluble, for boards, with stamps)

Flomasters are another of the most favorite painting tools in children. They earned such love accurate and very bright lines that they leave without the slightest effort. And they do not need to sharpen them.

Be careful, felt -tip pens are not recommended for children under 3 years of age, because a small child can swallow the cap that the felt -tip pen closes.

There are flumsters in which the cap is made with ventilation. Check that it is written on the package that they meet the standards BS 7272/90. This suggests that ventilation in a cap passes more than 8 liters of air in one minute, so the baby will not suffocate if he gets stuck in the respiratory tract while medical care is heavier.

Drawing with felt -tip pens
Drawing with felt -tip pens

Also pay attention to the plug, it should not be removed from the case in accordance with the standard NFS 51-205. In this case, the baby will not be able to open the felt -tip pen and disassemble it.

Pay attention to the ink in the felt -tip pen, choose a water -based, without a strong smell, preferably in the composition with food dyes.

Water -soluble felt -tip pens Easily laundered from the skin and many surfaces, so small children who will paint everything around them are well suited. Another advantage is that if you forgot to close the cap, just lower the rod into the water and they will draw again.

As well as pencils, it is better to choose thick felt -tip pens for kids, about 1 cm in diameter and trihedral.

Small researchers love to check the strength of the felt -tip pens and press the rod into the inside, pressing on it. Therefore, it is better to choose felt -tip pens with a wide rod or a special design that does not allow to score the rod inward. Pay attention to this when choosing felt -tip pens for your child.

There is another type of felt -tip pens - from stamps. They have a seal instead of a rod. Working with this tools is a very exciting lesson for children, but until 4 years old, children still do not know how to carefully put prints and they are lubricated, so they should not give them to the kids.

Flomasters with stamps
Flomasters with stamps

Is there some more flomasters for boards, they can be drawn on a special children's easel or up. They are usually erased with a dry cloth. Some need to be washed with wet. Children are very fond of drawing on the boards, because the drawing can always be corrected or changed, and then wipe and draw something else.

Drawing on an easel
Drawing on an easel

We draw crayons

Is a walk on the street not compatible with a drawing lesson? Very compatible! Take crafts with you and draw with your child on the asphalt. Mel is well washed at hands and clothes, and how much he will bring the child joy and benefit.

Play the following development games with your child:

  • circle some item, for example, bucket or soldering
  • the resulting circuit can be sketched
  • circle the shadow from any object, person, or, for example, wood; You can do this at different times of the day to observe how its location changes
  • draw a contour of any object or animal with dots or strokes, let the child connect them with one line
  • let the child draw on the wall of the house or on a tree, in general, on any vertical surface - it will be very interesting to him
  • study the forms: draw some figure, for example, a circle, and ask the child to finish the details so that he turns into a specific object, for example, a ball or peach
  • try to draw with a wet chalk - the baby will definitely like it
  • draw a track on the asphalt and ask the child to go along it without going beyond the borders, or ride a machine
  • draw obstacles, let the child go around or jump
  • draw circles, and let the child jump from one to another, like a bunny
  • you can learn the alphabet: write a letter and draw an object or animal nearby, which begins with this letter, for older children, on the contrary, for example, draw an orange, and let the child call and write the letter A
  • for older children, the following game is well developed by the imagination and speech: one child draws several objects, and the second invents and tells a small plot associated with them
Drawing chalk
Drawing chalk

With chalk, you can come up with a lot of developing games for the child, including the study of form, color, numbers, letters. But the main thing is that drawing is a child for pleasure.

Working with plasticine or cramping for modeling and its influence on the development of the child

Almost all kids love to sculpt various figures. They get not only pleasure from this, but also great benefits. Parents like this occupation, because the child can be transported with plasticine quite a lot of time, he does not run here at that time, does not look at cartoons, does not make Skoda. But the benefits for the child from modeling are much greater than it seems at first glance.

The benefits of modeling for mental development

  • modeling develops fine motor skills of hands, which favorably affects the development of speech
  • modeling helps to control coordination, improves memory and makes you think logically
  • the child becomes more patient and reinforced
  • children develop abstract thinking, they create images, use their creative abilities
  • modeling contributes to the simultaneous work of both hemispheres of the brain, due to which their connection is strengthened
  • the child learns to compare the original with the result of his work, analyze the differences and similarities
  • children develop figurative thinking and imagination
  • the child learns to fulfill the conceived, go to the ultimate goal, focus

Health benefits for health

  • modeling is well reflected in the nervous system of the child
  • like any other calm activity, modeling helps to improve sleep, reduce irritability, removes overslevability
  • mickeding, the child expresses his feelings, which can not only be positive, this helps to cope with his negative emotions
  • with the help of modeling, you can learn to overcome fears by breaking "bad" figures or changing them, turning into something positive
  • analyzing the figures blinded by the child, adults can understand the psychological state of the child and recognize the problems on time
  • working with plasticine, the child calms down, forgets bad emotions, relaxes
  • modeling for children acts as an intermediary between the invented world and the present, it helps children understand our world
  • creating crafts, the child asserts himself, believes in his own strength, looking for non -standard solutions in difficult situations

The benefits of modeling for personality development

  • work with plasticine helps the child to show his uniqueness, identify creative abilities and develop them
  • when modeling the modeling, the child receives knowledge about various forms and color, he learns to distinguish between the properties of objects and the texture to the touch
  • the child learns to experiment, curiosity develops
  • creating crafts, children apply their knowledge and skills to get the desired result
  • working on a craft, the child trains his visual perception of the world, pays attention to the details, becomes more attentive, studies various objects, their qualities and properties
  • such classes, like any creativity, affects the aesthetic education of the child


Figures from plasticine
Figures from plasticine

Materials for modeling

  1. Plasticine. It is suitable for children over 3 years old, because It is more difficult to knead with fragile handles. Examples of crafts that can be sculpted with children, you will find in the article Phased modeling for children. Crafts of plasticine: sculpt food, animals, toys
  2. Wax plasticine. Suitable for small children, because due to its wax base, it is softer and plastic
  3. Clay for modeling. Clay is good for its low cost. Interesting are sold sets for working with clay, for example, for modeling pots.
  4. Pasta for modeling. It is produced only in white and terracotta color, so after solidification it needs to be decorated. By the way, she freezes on her own, does not require baking
  5. Dough for modeling or salty dough. It can be bought ready, or you can make it yourself. Ideal for modeling with young children, because Very soft and harmless. You will find many interesting ideas for modeling with step -by -step photos and instructions in the article DIY CARA crafts. Crafts for the holidays
  6. Mass for modeling. Nice to the touch, but very expensive. It is better to use it for small work with many details. Freezes on its own in 6-8 hours


Clay set for modeling
Clay set for modeling

You will learn a more detailed description of each material, as well as tips on how to teach a child to sculpt from plasticine. We sculpt with children from plasticine. Plasticine


Plasticinography is drawing on paper using plasticine.

Flapping plasticine or smearing, voluminous paintings are obtained.

The benefits for a child from plasticineography are the benefits of drawing and modeling, because The child uses both techniques in his works. Creating such a drawing, the child learns to own it with his own hands, tries different intensity with the pressure of his fingers, makes them unusual movements, which help to develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Work in technology plasticine
Work in technology plasticine

For different ages of children, you can offer different difficulties of assignment, from the simplest pieces of plasticine, which imitates the rain under the cloud, to unique paintings with many trifles and details.

The benefits of application in the development of the child

Application-this gluing something on a surface. Most often, children stick multi -colored paper on cardboard.

This type of creativity can also be engaged with kids. From the year, with the help of adults, the child can glue various elements on paper or cardboard. The older the child, the less he needs the help of an adult.

The benefits of this type of creativity, as well as from others, are huge. Doing such painstaking work, the child learns patience, develops perseverance, trains attention, shows accuracy, cutting out the details. Cutting, applying glue, and gluing itself very well develop fine motor skills of the child’s hands.

Application on paper
Application on paper

The benefits of applications in the development of mental abilities

  • the child gets acquainted with the concepts of form, color, texture
  • compares the details and finds the same
  • teaches differences in the size of the details, small, big
  • shows imagination and creative approach in creating his works
  • sees the main thing among the secondary
  • finds parts of the whole and learns to collect them

In addition, the child receives satisfaction from the result of his work, learns to do something himself and give his crafts or decorate the house with them.

Materials for application

  • special sets are sold with ready -made details and the basis
  • you can draw parts on your own and cut them out
  • you can still find schemes on the Internet, print them and cut
  • you will also need the basis, it can be white or colored cardboard, watman, just paper, paper with some drawings or an interesting texture
  • glue, scissors


Materials for application
Materials for application

Sequence of actions for practicing paper applications

  1. Come up with a picture or plot what you want to get as a result. In this case, take into account the desires of the child and his floor
  2. Cut the details you need
  3. Stick them on the basis
  4. Make work and do not forget to praise the child

Turn the lesson into a game, tell your child a fairy tale, for example, about the bun, and let the baby glue the characters on Watman in turn. Creating a fairy tale with your own hands, the child will assert himself and with pleasure to continue the application.

Application with cereals

Krupa is a safe natural material for classes with children. Applications with cereals are good in that they do not require special tools, you need only the base, glue and cereals.

  • Cereals can be painted in different colors, so the child will teach them
  • Group is well annoying the nerve endings on the fingers and contribute to the development of fine motor skills
  • The child studies new material through tactile sensations
Application with cereals
Application with cereals

There are two techniques for working with cereals:

  1. Sprinking. To do this, you need to spread it with glue or glue a bilateral tape on the base in the right place and ask the child to sprinkle it with cereal - it will stick
  2. Pressing. In the right place on the basis, add plasticine and press the cereal into it

For different details, use different cereals or its color, for example, make the clouds from rice, and the sun is made of millet.

Other types of creativity

Other types include gluing stickers On paper or cardboard. This lesson will really like the smallest. From a year, the child can be given to feel the adhesive side, so the child will get acquainted with the properties of the subject. Show how to remove stickers and how to glue. Children can thus make postcards for holidays to relatives.

Working with volumetric stickers
Working with volumetric stickers
  • Fold colored cardboard in half, in the form of a postcard
  • Give the child thematic stickers, the image on which depends on the holiday
  • Help the baby to peel them off the base and glue them on cardboard
  • Give a felt -tip pen, let him sign a wish inside
  • The postcard is ready

For small children from 1 year to 2, it is better to take volumetric stickers, they keep their shape well, not to curl up in inept handles and it is convenient to work with them.

Crafts from natural material favorably affect the harmonious development of the child as a person. A child to learn to use various materials that he can find on a walk. This develops attentiveness, erudition, curiosity, creative thinking, helps to find out the world of nature closer.


VIDEO: Creativity with a child is 2-3 years old. Interesting training film for parents

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Comments K. article

  1. Creativity in any case develops a child. And paints and cereals, and pencils too. Therefore, we have so many similar classes in our garden. The sensory is developed, motor skills, and the memory too. By the way regarding memory, it is also important that the body has enough vitamins. Therefore, I give children Baby formula of the bear multivitamins, the taste is pleasant and the composition is good.

  2. With all arms and legs for creativity. He himself noticed that when his son was given to a musician, he had better memory, and in general some more concentrated now. Of course, we also started giving vitamins ... But here, I think, everything worked together)) No wonder they say, a comprehensive approach is the best))

  3. Great selection

  4. My daughter loves to draw very much. This develops unconditionally, and it is good to spend time good.

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