Finger paint. How to teach a child to draw? Development of the child's creative abilities with drawing

Finger paint. How to teach a child to draw? Development of the child's creative abilities with drawing

Finger games for children in light and affordable tips.

Drawing with paints is a very popular type of creativity among babies.

Drawing benefits for children

You can even draw from 6 months of age, you just need to choose the right paints. Children really like this activity and brings great pleasure, because it is drawing, they give freedom of their imagination, are freed from negative emotions, develop, learn something new, expand existing facets and form their worldview.

Finger paints for kids

For the smallest, finger paints are well suited.

  • You can give them to the baby from about six months old
  • Such colors are specially made for the smallest and they do not contain harmful and toxic ingredients, are made using food dyes, because small children are pulling into their mouths and tasted
  • So that children do not do this, usually add salt or other ingredient to paints, having tried which the child will no longer want to repeat this
  • Finger paints are easily washed from any surfaces, washed off the skin of the child, wash off clothes

The development of the child with drawing

The benefits for children from such creativity are enormous: fine motor skills are developing, which in turn affects the speech and memory of the baby. When drawing with finger paints, the child’s nervous system also develops, he learns to sit and walk correctly.

Drawing their fingers, children perceive colors better, see the boundaries of their work. In the process of creativity, you can study the colors, forms, score, paint animals and various objects with which you will introduce the baby.

Organization of the process of drawing with finger paints

The drawing process itself is very exciting, so do not forget about precautions:

  • put your child into clothes that you do not mind getting dirty
  • dress the slobber or a front hand, there are special aprons for creativity
  • use a large sheet of paper, preferably watman or a piece of wallpaper, so as not to limit the child
  • if you draw on the floor, lay the oilcloth under the bottom
  • part of the paint you will draw, transfer to other containers so that the child does not use all the paint at once, and he will do just that if you give him the whole jar; You can shift in lids or toy dishes
  • prepare wet wipes or wet cloth

It is better to start drawing when the child is in a good mood, so that his drawing is associated only with positive emotions.

How to teach a child to draw with finger paints?

So, you decided to introduce a child to finger paints. For your first acquaintance, you need to know:

  • must a child must be sleepy, not hungry, in a good mood
  • do not give the child several colors at once, limit yourself for the first time one so that the child is not confused
  • the first lesson can last 2-3 minutes, this is normal, let the child get used to the new material
  • if the child has lost interest in work, began to scatter jars of paint, today it is time to finish
  • at first, the child will most likely not draw, this is natural, he needs to master and understand something new; He will most likely plunge the pens into the paint and will consider it on his handles, squeeze them, serve as a paint marsh, feel a new material for him

How to draw with finger paints? A photo

Dip the child’s finger in the paint and put the point on the leaf, then draw a line. You can use cotton sticks and make points with them. Let the child try to dip a piece of sponge and draw it. Let it fading the palm and leave its mark on paper. In general, turn on the imagination and create.

It is very interesting and unusual to spend time with finger paints in the bathroom. You can or simply draw on a bathroom or tile, or you can glue a Whatman or wallpaper on the wall above the bathroom and draw on them.

The field of activity for the child is large, but it will not be difficult to wash it, and most importantly, the child will not be able to go beyond the borders of the bath and get the whole house. You will see, the child will like this lesson very much!

Older children can paint pictures in coloring or print some images, such as mushrooms or leaves, so that they are large and with a small number of details. Decorate them with your fingers or a cotton swab, it is convenient to decorate large pictures with a sponge.

Or make a stencil-cut something out of the cardboard with the help of a clerical knife, apply it in our Whatman and sponge, apply paint over the stencil, and then remove it, you get an interesting picture. Show this first to the child, and then let him try.

There are also many other interesting ways to draw with finger paints. Here are a few examples of how to draw an animal, butterfly or other items with fingers and palms. There is nothing complicated here, but what a result!

At the same time, it is important for the child to show only how to draw and give complete freedom. Do not say that he does incorrectly, just show it all, and then he himself will figure out how to draw him and where. Be sure to praise it - it is very important for him.

How to choose paint for drawing and how to work with it: tips

  1. Before buying, check the composition of the paint, it is advisable to ask for quality certificates, because The paint should be safe for your baby. There should not include any harmful substances, dyes should only be used food, because children often try paint to taste
  2. Choose paints by age of the child, see what is written on the package. Some manufacturers offer such paints from the 1st year, some from 2 or 3 years
  3. Do not buy a kit with a bunch of all kinds of colors, at this age the child needs to learn only the basic: red, blue, yellow and green. As a rule, paints are just sold in jars of 4 or 6 colors, no more
  4. It would be nice if you painted the color that you are now teaching. This will help the child easily, in the game, learn colors
  5. For drawing, choose a watman or a piece of wallpaper, because a small child is not enough for a sheet of A4, he still does not know how to see the boundaries and not go out for them, so he will decorate everything around you
  6. Take care of how you will remove everything later, because when you taste, the child can forget about Whatman and explore the territory beyond, draw on himself or you. It is best to cover everything with oilcloth and dress in old clothes

How to make finger paints in home conditions yourself: recipe

There are several recipes for finger colors, let's look at one of them, in our opinion the most suitable.


  • 2 tbsp. White flour
  • 7 tbsp. l. small salt
  • 1.5 tbsp. ordinary water
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil, preferably refined (without smell)
  • food dye of the desired color

Mix flour with salt, slowly pour water and mix, otherwise lumps that we do not need are formed, you can even beat with a blender or mixer. Then put the oil. By consistency, it should resemble liquid sour cream, adjust the density of flour and water. Now you can divide the mixture into jars and add food dyes of different colors.

That's all, the colors are ready. Let your baby draw them only for pleasure!

How to order finger paints in the Aliexpress online store?

Follow the link in online store

Video: We draw with finger paints! There is no limit to the imagination of children! Full version

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Comments K. article

  1. Tell me what these colors are made of, and what are they useful for the child, and they will not affect the health of the child?

  2. Hello! What specific paints are made of, you need to look at the packaging.
    They are useful for the development of the child, read in more detail in the article.
    They will not affect health if the child licks his finger, and not eat the whole jar 😉

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