How to cook delicious coffee with natural foam in a Turk at home? How and how to draw patterns on foam coffee: instructions, ideas, photos

How to cook delicious coffee with natural foam in a Turk at home? How and how to draw patterns on foam coffee: instructions, ideas, photos

In this article we will talk about how to beautifully decorate coffee foam, delighting yourself and loved ones.

Do you know that the art of creating coffee is trained for several months? Of course, this is if you work in the field of catering. Well, if you just want to please yourself and loved ones with a beautiful foam? Let's try to master the skill of decorating coffee yourself and in a shorter time.

Why is there no foam when cooking coffee?

The lack of foam at the drink may be due to the following factors:

  • Poor -quality raw materials. Only from high -quality fresh grains can a foam get, because it is formed from air bubbles and essential oils.

Important: this rule applies to any variety of coffee.

Grandma is the main secret to making coffee with foam
Grandma is the main secret to making coffee with foam
  • Large grinding. It does not suit us - the foam will turn out only from the grains of small grinding.
  • Grinded long before the start of the preparation of the coffee drink, grains,they will not give foam either. They must be processed literally before you want to brew coffee. Therefore, it is recommended that each portion separately.
  • The use of high temperature or water water water. Use exclusively water that has been cleaned. Or, if you do not have the opportunity to clean it yourself, finished bottled. And, as you understand, cold. It is desirable in general icy.
  • Cooking occurs over high heat. Coffee does not like high temperature. Only when the fire is weak, the foam begins to rise.

Important: at the same time, she should not go beyond the walls of the Turks.

  • The dishes are selected incorrectly. In order for everything to be done as it should, purchase a copper Turk with thick walls, a wide bottom and a narrow neck. You can also use a steam coffee machine.
This Turk is suitable for cooking coffee with foam
This Turk is suitable for cooking coffee with foam

How to make delicious coffee in a Turk with a natural foam at home?

For the preparation of coffee It is necessary to proceed from the following proportion: A teaspoon of coffee by approximately 100 ml. water. The drink is cooked as follows:

  • Pour water into the Turk
  • Pour ground coffee there
  • Mix everything with a spoon. And certainly wooden
  • Put the container on the slow fire
  • Watch the foam - ideally, it should cover the entire surface of the liquid and be dense. As soon as the foam rises, turn off the fire.
  • Let the drink brew for a while
  • Put the Turk on the fire again by repeating the above procedure again

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to warm up in front of the spill of coffee, heating the cups. Just pour boiling water and pour it - this will be enough to warm the cups.

Tasty coffee with natural foam cooked at home
Tasty coffee with natural foam cooked at home

How to make soluble coffee with white milk foam?

As you could understand, when preparing soluble coffee, the foam is not formed. But it is quite possible to make it separately, then adding it to the drink.

The easiest way - manual mixer, which every housewife is surely has. And special knowledge is not needed - just beat milk.

Important: however, such a foam will not be a persistent, so drink coffee quickly.

With such a manual mixer it is quite possible to either beat the foam separately, or make it directly in coffee
With such a manual mixer it is quite possible to either beat the foam separately, or make it directly in coffee

If you don’t have a mixer at hand, create a foam whisk:

  • We will cook in the pan. Pour milk into it and put on the stove
  • Over medium heat grite the milk slightly - It should not boil. But at the same time it should become hot
  • Now turn off the fire, remove the pan from the stove. Get out the corolla and beat milk. Do not forget to interfere with foam in the liquid

Important: keep in mind that the volume of milk after it has been beaten will double.

  • But that's not all! Bubbles need to be released - So the foam will become uniform. To do this, you can carefully knock on some surface with the bottom of the pan.
  • Pour the foam into a small jug with a nose - From it you will add milk beauty to coffee.
Pour a foam into a jug with a nose
Pour a foam into a jug with a nose

How to make coffee coffee with delicate foam?

You will need one portion:

  • Ground coffee - 7 g. About so much is contained in a teaspoon with a slide
  • Water - 150 ml.
  • Milk - 200 ml. Be sure to natural, not dry. Squirrels should be kept for 100 g. Milk at least 3-3.5 g, as to fat content, then keep in mind the following: the larger it is, the denser the foam will turn out.

Important: it is recommended to select saturated varieties so that there is bitterness of walnut or chocolate.

Coffee itself is cooked the traditional way in the Turk. And while this happens, you can do foam:

  • Heat up to 50 degrees milk.
  • Take advantage of the French press, a mixer or blender. Beat milk until the bubbles begin to appear.
  • Everything is ready, but right mix the components You also need to be able to! To do this, fill in 1/3 cup of coffee, and then add the foam. You can add cinnamon, vanilla or nutmeg to taste.
Please note. that the foam for cappuccino should be homogeneous
Please note. that the foam for cappuccino should be homogeneous

How to cook espresso coffee with foam?

Grind grains for this drink you need not just finely, but Very small. Very good for this hand coffee grinder.

IMPORTANT: as for grains, it is necessary well -fried, but not over -legged.

Make it yourself a mixture of robusta and arabic It is quite possible, but you can also buy ready packaging marked "espresso".

Next, we do following:

  • We take coffee maker, warm in advance her
  • We fall asleep into it the resulting powder From coffee stakes
  • We seal it as follows and we start cooking

If you did everything right Water through the powder will pass slowly. The foam should rise only a few millimeters.

Important: as for the shades of the foam, it should be dark brown, walnut or light brown. White foam is wrong. It is a signal that either the grains were coarsely grinding, or the powder was not enough.

The foam of the espresso should not be white
The foam of the espresso should not be white

How and how to draw patterns on foam coffee: instructions, ideas, photos

You can create a drawing three ways:

  • Toothpick - He is the most difficult. Drawing is carried out on the finished foam.
  • Using a stencil - You can purchase ready -made plastic or make cardboard. The principle is simple - the stencil is located on the surface of the cup, and chocolate or cinnamon falls asleep into it.
  • Pitcher coffee machine.
Here, according to this principle, you need to use a stencil for coffee foam
Here, according to this principle, you need to use a stencil for coffee foam

Important: keep in mind that large foam bubbles are not good for drawing.

If you want to experiment with color, try to add white milk in turn with chocolate. Pour this different milk in layers into the center, and then form drawings. It is recommended to add grated chocolate or cocoa on top - so the picture will acquire clarity.

Foam on coffee can be multi -colored
Foam on coffee can be multi -colored

To depict a flower:

  • Mentally divide the cup into 4 parts
  • Pour milk into the top base of the flower
  • Slowly move the stream to the left
  • Then swing the pitcher lightly, bringing the stream to the starting point of the picture
  • Raise Pitcher and as if crossed out the pattern
  • A toothpick can be corrected by the pattern
Foam flower for coffee
Foam flower for coffee
Another floral motive on coffee foam
Another floral motive on coffee foam


  • Imagine a circle on the surface of the cup. Keep in mind that you can't go beyond its limits
  • Putcher to the center
  • Fill the cup with milk, slightly shaking a pet in different directions
  • As soon as the container is filled, lift the pitcher and cross out the pattern
Heart on coffee foam
Heart on coffee foam

Another simple element for beginners - Apple:

  • Draw a twig from the cup wall
  • Pitcher's nose moves to the center where a circle of foam is formed

Coffee with a foam pattern: photo

Let's now consider other examples:

Coffee foam snowflake
Coffee foam snowflake
Catfish muzzle from coffee foam
Catfish muzzle from coffee foam
Coffee coffee
Coffee coffee
Pegasus on coffee foam
Pegasus on coffee foam
Portrait on coffee foam
Portrait on coffee foam
Coffee foam
Coffee foam
Coffee foam pattern
Coffee foam pattern
Lion on coffee foam
Lion on coffee foam

Coffee in our everyday life occupies a very important place. Basically, we use it, of course, in order to enjoy the taste or get a charge of vigor. But why not turn this procedure into aesthetic holiday?

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