How stylishly dress a guest to a man for a wedding: dress code for men for a wedding. What is better to put on a wedding to a man in the summer?

How stylishly dress a guest to a man for a wedding: dress code for men for a wedding. What is better to put on a wedding to a man in the summer?

A wedding is always a pleasant pastime. But in order to feel normal on it, it is extremely important to be able to choose the perfect outfit. Our article will tell you about the wedding derss code of men of guests, and will also introduce the ideas of images for young boys and older men.

The wedding is the most important event for two people in love. In order for this day to go perfectly the bride and groom spend a lot of time on preparing the celebration, and try to think through everything to the smallest details. And of course, from their guests they expect that they will also try to make their holiday unforgettable. The outbuilding of the newlyweds and guests plays an important role in conducting a significant day.

  • And if everything is clear with the newlyweds, then the guests sometimes dress not entirely appropriate bows and, with their extravagant look, spoil joint wedding photos. Therefore, when going to the wedding, be sure to ask if you need to adhere to some dress code or will it be just dressed quite decently
  • Also, be sure to consider where the wedding will be held, at what time of the year and how long the banquet will be. But even after considering all the nuances, remember that although your outfit should look festive, it will be better if it does not look brighter than the suit of the groom

Dress code for men for a wedding

Wedding dress code for men
  • Men, unlike women, are significantly limited in choosing a festive outfit, so they most often put on such celebrations for two-two or tuxedos. In principle, such a bow is considered almost win -win, because if the selected suit is beautifully graying around the figure, then you will definitely not go unnoticed at the wedding
  • But if you opt for classic trousers and a jacket, then be sure to find out what color the suit of the groom will be. After all, in order to prevent you that you “pull the blanket over yourself”, it is very important that your costumes are not even remotely similar to each other
Rules for choosing clothing for a celebration

The nuances of choosing men's clothing for a wedding:

  • Shirt. Very often an incorrectly selected shirt spoils the visual perception of the entire solemn onion. Therefore, if you do not want to look funny, then try to make the color scheme of this thing as well as possible with trousers and a jacket. If you decide to wear a black suit for a wedding, then the tone of the shirt is best chosen taking into account the color of the eyes. For example, blue -eyed men best give preference to blue, gray and muffled blue. If you are the owner of the brown eye, then pay your attention to the shirts of beige, brown and chocolate color
  • Shoes. This part of the solemn outfit should also not be screaming. Therefore, if possible, give preference to classic models without massive and extravagant decor. Ideally, shoes should be well combined with trousers and belt. For this reason, it will be better if you pick up the same color of the shoe under black trousers. The models of light beige and milk shade are ideal for white
  • Accessories. Sometimes men, trying to make their strict costume more festive, pin a bud on the lapel jacket. And, although such an accessory looks enough soap on a strict men's suit, only the groom can use it at the wedding. If you are an invited guest, then just decorate the breast pocket with an original silk scarf. Also pay special attention to the selection of socks. It will be better if they are withstanding in a calm and plain color scheme and will perfectly combine with trousers and shoes

How to dress for a wedding man: shirt, suit

Stylish image for a guest man
  • In our country, there is still no specific dress code, so most often men dress at their discretion at weddings. And if in large cities their outfits are even more or less suitable for the celebration, then in small villages and villages people simply dress their best suit and go to have fun
  • But in the world there are countries where a special dress code and people invited to a wedding celebration have been developed, they choose outfits strictly following its rules. Moreover, they take into account not only the time and place of the celebration, but also its officiality. Most often, unofficial weddings passing in the daytime, they dress dark classic costumes with light shirts
  • If a man is invited to an official wedding with dancing and an evening banquet, then he should spend on an elegant three-tank suit and appropriate accessories for him
Choosing a suit by type of figure

Rules for choosing a men's outfit:

  • Full men need to be very careful about choosing their outfit. If his costume is very cramped and narrow, then he will be inconvenient to feel at least in it. But the most unpleasant thing is that it will be very noticeable from the outside, which means that others will perceive such a person not entirely unambiguous. Ideally, you need to sew costumes on order for such figures, but if you don’t have any extra time, then just buy a ready -made outfit in the store and fit it according to your figure. Yes, and remember, outfits of darker flowers go to full men, so choose for a triumph of black or dark gray costumes. Will help to dilute the gloom of such a bow shirt of gray, silver or pale blue
  • Representatives of the stronger sex, having a fairly small weight, need to select outfits that will distract attention from their thinness. If we talk about trousers, then they must be classic and with a width that does not change at the top or below. When buying a jacket, choose models in which the lower line will pass strictly in the middle of the buttocks. If the jacket is longer or shorter, then it will increase thinness even more. Well, and finally, let's deal with the shirt. The model you have chosen should in no case be wide and baggy. On thin men, models that practically repeat the bends of the body look perfect, without hanging with ugly folds on the sides

The image of a guest man at a wedding - photo

The most popular images for guests of men at a wedding

There are quite a lot of couples, preparing for a wedding triumph, first of all buy a ladies' outfit, and only at the very last moment they begin to think about what a man will go to the wedding. Most often, this approach leads to the fact that the costume selected in a hurry does not sit very well in the figure or does not suit the representative of the stronger sex on the color type.

If you want to avoid such errors, then try to buy an outfit at least two weeks before the celebration. And then, if in this one will need, you can suture or shorten the necessary details.

Acceptable options for solemn male images:

  • Classic suit It is considered the most ideal option for the wedding. But since you go to a fun celebration, if possible, try to choose a dark, but not very gloomy onion for yourself. It can be a costume of dark blue, dark gray or chameleon. The last color is suitable for men with a perfect figure. Since, depending on the lighting, its shades can change greatly, this can focus on some features of the figure

  • Bright outfits. Equally well suited for both summer and winter. Single shirts without any pattern sewn from high-quality natural fabrics will go to such a suit. The only thing you should take into account that if the wedding celebration will take place in the open air in the summer of the year, then such an outfit should in no case be fitted

  • Threats and tuxedos. If you decide to opt for just such an outfit, then try to choose the right size as correctly as possible. If you cannot do this right, then the most expensive and fashionable tailcoat will look disgusting on the figure. It is best not to wear a white classic shirt to a tailcoat. It will be better if you try to make your image more original and, depending on your color type, select a shirt of pink, lilac, peach or olive color

The image of men at the wedding

The ideas of a wedding image for men guests

As you probably, you probably understood to dress for a wedding, you still need to be able to correctly, so it will be better if you are in patience and spend at least a minimum time to search for the perfect onion.

But remember that you do not choose a jacket, trousers or shirt, they should fit the age and type of face and figure as well as possible. If you manage to take into account all your characteristics, then even the simplest and most discreet outfit will sit perfectly on you.

Festive outfit selection rules

Rules for the selection of a festive male image:

  • Pants There may be absolutely any color, the main thing is that they are ideally suited to a jacket, shirt and shoes. If we talk about their style, then here you need to take into account your dimensions. If you are the owner of a slender pumped body, then you can try to choose fashionable narrowed or shortened models. If you still have something to hide, then give preference to the trousers of the classic cut
  • A shirt with a tie. This image is suitable for men of any age. If desired, you can combine them with simple plain trousers, a fitted jacket or a fashionable vest. The color scheme of the shirt can be completely different. If you are a lover of classics, then wear a beige, gray, mustard or brown model. If you are not afraid to be in the spotlight, then dilute the calm image with red, orange or blue
  • Stylish costume. Try to create any bright and original combination. For example, wear bright trousers, a dark jacket and a calm plain shirt or tenniska. Light leather moccasins or ultramoded loafers will help supplement this image

What to go to the wedding of a guy, a young man to a guest in the summer?

Men's outfits for a summer wedding
  • Most often, the newlyweds prefer to celebrate weddings in the summer. This time of year allows lovers to include their imagination in full and plan a not banal banquet in a restaurant, but, for example, an interesting thematic wedding wherever in nature or on an open terrace near a reservoir. But since the heat is worth the heat almost all the time, I don't want to wear a strict classic costume at all
  • In principle, you can quite calmly abandon such an outfit and wear, for example, light trousers and a short sleeve shirt. So that such an outfit looks appropriate, and you do not feel like a white sheep at the celebration, ask in advance what color scheme the wedding will be designed
  • If you are not suitable for such a color or you simply do not like it, then select the outfit to your liking and add it with a butterfly and socks of this color. Yes, if you want to choose a festive bow the first time, then do not go shopping yourself. Take your beloved girl, sister or close friend with you. They will be able to more adequately evaluate your chosen things, because they will see you in them from the side

Your costume must meet the following criteria:

  • Your outfit should be light, free, but at the same time very elegant
  • The color of the shirt should be ideal for your color type, but not to be very screaming
  • If possible, choose fabric trousers that practically never wrinkle
  • Remember, your onion should correspond to the level of the holiday as much as possible, so there should be no funny or provocative inscriptions on the shirt and trousers

What to wear for a wedding in the summer of a man of 50 years old?

We can see an outfit for a man aged

Usually, by the age of 50, almost all men already have problems with the figure, so they stop monitoring fashion and trying to buy clothes that at least slightly hide their shortcomings. But if in everyday life you can still afford it, then at the wedding should look beautiful and solid.

For this reason, find time and finances and pick up an outfit that would show others that they have an elegant and respectable man in front of them. In principle, if you make a little effort, then the desired outfit will be quite quickly.

Recommendations for choosing an outfit for a wedding:

  • The color of the shirt. Bright shirts with a variegated pattern are categorically do not go categorically, so even if you really liked such a model, try to choose for yourself anything more calm. It can be a shirt of gray, dark green or mustard color. When buying a shirt, be sure to see if it suits you in size. If her collar does not squeeze your neck, and the edge of the sleeve reaches the base of the thumb of the hand, then the perfect shirt is dressed on you
  • Costume. Going to buy a suit, be sure to wear the shoes that you plan to wear on the celebration. So you can be sure that your favorite trouser model will not be short or long. Perfectly sitting trousers should be slightly on the shoes, forming a neat fold on them. If we talk about a jacket, then it should be as convenient as possible in the shoulders. Watch the selected model does not constrain your movements or do not have very long sleeves
  • Accessories. For men, it is best for men to supplement their outfit with stylish accessories. Therefore, be sure to pick up a stylish watch and a tie to the suit and shirt. Do not save on these elements of the wardrobe and, if possible, do not buy cheap analogues of world brands. If you are not embarrassed in finances, then purchase high -quality titanium or gilded watches. Such models will definitely be able to show your status to others. Choose the highest quality tie. A great choice for the wedding will be plain models sewn from natural silk

Can a man go to a guest for a wedding in jeans?

  • In principle, jeans, even classic, are considered everyday clothes, so they do not look like a wedding celebration. But if you are invited to a youth wedding in nature, then such an outfit will be quite appropriate. Just choose a calm, plain models without massive locks, rivets and huge pockets for a wedding celebration
  • The best option in this case will be classic dark blue and black jeans, perfectly sitting on your figure. You can supplement them with any bright shirt on a short sleeve and light moccasins. If you want to emphasize that you are going to the celebration, then pick up an elegant butterfly and a light white hat to your festive bow
  • In all other cases, such an outfit will be inappropriate, so it is still better to wear an elegant suit or pants with a shirt for more classic weddings.

Video: How to choose the right men's costume advice from an expert

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Comments K. article

  1. What to wear a man? If you treat a woman like something, then her. She will dress the man herself (not herself, but does not matter). If not, then himself (to dress himself))). In any case, I believe that a woman is more pleasant when she dresses her and puts on her

  2. Sanya suckers ... I neighed. Mom still dresses you

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