How to sew a sailor's costume for a boy with your own hands: instructions, patterns

How to sew a sailor's costume for a boy with your own hands: instructions, patterns

Brave sailors at all times excited the imagination of girls and adolescents. And no wonder, because from them it blows romance: distant countries, incredible adventures, formidable storms, salted sea spray on the lips.

And if you also add a beautiful shape to the sea uniform, which is even more slimmer and the already tightened sea wolves, then these guys in the hit parade of popularity (suddenly if it happened) would probably take one of the first places. Your boy can also visit the role of the same brave sailor at a cheerful children's holiday if you sew a sailor suit for him with a simple performed. Of course, it can also be purchased in the store, but a completely reasonable question arises - why pay more? If you yourself sit for a sewing machine, then such a suit will cost you a few rubles, and the joy of the child, meanwhile, simply will not have borders.

How to sew a sailor's costume for a boy with your own hands?

  • A sailor’s costume for a boy consists of trousers in the style of “clam” or straight black pants and a white shirt - these are its basic elements. But additional accessories make the image recognizable: a cap, a gyuis collar, a vest and a belt with a wide buckle.

How to sew a forage made of fabric:

  • For. To make you get a beautiful cap, purchase small cuts of a white gabardin and black oak or felt, as well as a white tape and 3 characters in the form of anchors.
  • By the volume of the boy’s head, cut a 4 cm width strip from a white thick paper - this will be a pattern of a headdress rack.
A cap to the sailor's costume, pattern
A cap to the sailor's costume, pattern
  • Given the volume of the head, cut out two circles - one of the overall tissue, and the second from Dublerinova (felt). Since the circle from the oak -up will be used as the inner layer so that the shape of the beret is held, it needs to be cut out, fully adhering to the measured diameter. The dimensional layer will be facial, so due to allowances to the seams, the circle of this material must be made 5 cm large.
  • In order for your circles to come out even, use a compass or a marker with a thread tied to it along the length of the desired radius.
  • When both circles are already cut out, you will need to build them together so that the white dimensional layer becomes facial. After you already turn out the product, there is a stack to it along the edge.
  • It remains only to decorate the dishevef's dishes: sew a ribbon with anchors at long ends and in the center to the rack. Both the tape itself and sew manually, just do it carefully so that the stitches are not noticeable.

Important! When ironing, Gabardin needs to be covered with a piece of fabric, otherwise your headdress may begin to cast with ugly shine.

  • If you use a sewing machine, and not sew manually, then in this case it is better to use a thick needle that is used when sewing dense fabrics.
  • You can simplify your task with sewing a headdress: just cut three elements and build them. In this case, lining fabric is not used, and the internal edges of the product are not processed. After stitching, the beret is turned out to be turned out, and the stand is decorated with a ribbon.
The headdress is ready
The headdress is ready


We sew a gyuis collar for a sailor's costume:

  • Without Guis, a real sailor will not work. Therefore, you will need to purchase about half a meter of blue fabric, from which you will cut this important attribute. For its manufacture, you can use the gabardin, satin, silk, etc. materials.
  • Make the back of the back of your child - it should be determined by the width of the workpiece; Its length should be measured along the shoulder blade. Ahead, the workpiece should be the longer - reach the waist.
  • You need to cut out two rectangular elements. Marking the middle, cut the semicircle for the neck so that your gyce lies well on the back of the child. Sew two identical elements among themselves, turn out and plug the guise. The collar needs to be decorated with the bottom of its lower part with a white ribbon. Having retreated 5 cm from the previous one, set up another tape.
  • GUIS does not have to be equipped with white ribbons - you can simply draw them using a stencil with white acrylic paint.

Pants and shirt for a sailor:

  • It is not necessary to mess with the sewing of trousers and shirts, for sure in the wardrobe of every boy there are black trousers and a white shirt that will perfectly fit into the image you created.
The shape of the sailor
Form of the sailor, example. You can also decorate your trousers and shirts with stripes and stripes
  • However, if you have a desire to sit down for sewing a full-fledged costume, then in this case, sew a pants from a black or dark blue atlas in the style of clashes for your Yunga. Sew the blouse from white satin fabric. To do this, you just need to seize the front and back of the whole shirt with a deep collar among themselves.
  • If you decide to get by with ready -made things, then under a white shirt, not fastened to the very throat, give a knitted T -shirt in the form of a vest. If you do not find one, then in this case on a white shirt without a drawing can be painted with acrylic strips of blue.
  • And do not forget about a wide belt with a large badge for your sea wolf - this attribute is also required for a suit.
You can leave the traditional basis of the costume
You can leave the traditional basis of the costume

Well, that’s all, your young sailor has already “went ashore”, and is ready to accomplish feats on land and conquest of girlish hearts!

We will also talk about such costumes:

Video: how to sew a gyse collar and a capage of a sailor without formulas and calculations

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