DIY robot costume for a boy: instructions, schemes

DIY robot costume for a boy: instructions, schemes

There were no robots a couple of centuries ago - they existed only in the imagination of science fiction writers. Then no one could even imagine that years later they would step from the pages of fantastic novels straight into our reality.

Modern robots began to be endowed with artificial intelligence, and, it is quite possible that in the near future these thinking machines will control entire states. In our age, all boys dream of being “you” with technical new products. So let your boy go to the New Year's matinee in the role of such a smart car. He will be doubly more pleasant if you do not purchase an impersonal robot costume in the store, and make it with your own hands. Believe me, there is nothing super -complex in this work, especially since we will help you with our advice.

How to make a robot costume with your own hands for a boy?

  • The creators of many cartoons and fantastic films give robots such a “appearance”: a large head with antennas horns and a flat rectangular body.
  • The same type can be given to the robot costume for the boy for the New Year from the boxes. There is a huge plus in the manufacture of the option that we offer you: you do not need to sit down at the sewing machine, and you don’t even have to pick up a needle with a thread!

Before starting work, you should get:

  • two boxes or cardboard;
  • foil;
  • thick paper or cardboard;
  • tape;
  • colored paper;
  • watercolors or markers;
  • glue;
  • brushes;
  • wire;
  • ruler;
  • scissors;
  • with a knife.

Important advice! Use to create a robot in boxes of the same size, but their shape can be selected different - it will be even more interesting.

We make the head of the robot:

  • First take up the manufacture of a head for the robot. To do this, give a small box the shape of the cube by cutting off excess parts (but in principle you can make the head of the robot and square - it all depends on your desire).
  • In one of the faces of the cube, select the front part and cut a hole in it so that it is convenient for the child to watch.
  • Next, the foil is used - you need to wrap the workpiece of the upper part of the costume in it.
  • Decorate it with multi -colored buttons and antenna. To make the antenna, cut two small holes in the upper part of the workpiece - they should be placed nearby.
  • Take a segment of the wire, bend it in the middle and put it into the slots, and then fix it from the inside with tape. Outside, disguise these places: put the lumps of plasticine there or glue the paper.
  • The ends of the “antenna” can be equipped with small kitchen sponges - glue them or wire them.

We make a robot torso:

  • Take the second prepared box and cut it off the lower part.
  • At the top, cut the round recess of such a diameter so that the head easily passes into it.
  • And on the sides you need to make the slots for the hands. Pour the blank with foil pieces, and at its top, put decorative buttons.

Robot shoes:

  • In order to “put on” the robot, you need sneakers, galoshes or boots, to which two an oblong -shaped box trimmed on top should be attached.
  • To decorate such exotic shoes, you need colored paper.

What accessories can complement the robot costume:

  • Unusual elements will be able to give an even greater effectiveness to the suit. For example, you can use foil in the form of armatals for a fabric costume and decoration of fingers in the form of thin rings.
  • The elastic band can be used to decorate the limbs: small bulbs or sticks are fixed on it, which will blink on the arms and legs of the child, like garlands on a Christmas tree.
  • You can also decorate the costume with inscriptions with hazard warnings (high tension, radiation).
  • So that everything is completely realistic, arrest your boy with a toy blaster or a gun.

Neither makeup, nor some special hairstyle to complete the image of the robot will be needed at all, and the boys will only be happy!

Boys Robot in uniform
Boys Robot in uniform

How to sew a robot costume with your own hands?

  • If you sew well, you can make a fabric silver robot costume for your boy.
  • To make it comfortable, you need to sew a lightning ahead (it is better that it is metal).
  • It is advisable to equip the costume with a hard-resistant collar and sleeve cuffs. And computer schemes sewn in different places, discs and flashing flashlights will make the costume even more spectacular.

As you can see, you practically do not have to spend money to create a suit out of boxes. But this will not prevent your child from looking great among other children, let it and dressed in purchased carnival costumes.

We will also talk about costumes:

Video: DIY Robot costume costume

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