How to make a cat's costume with your own hands: instructions, patterns

How to make a cat's costume with your own hands: instructions, patterns

All representatives of the cat family are extremely grace, dexterity and beautiful wool. But if you can’t touch the panther or a tiger, then homemade cats, although they also have a very proud disposition, always at your service - when contacting them, the mood and even state of human health improves.

Children are especially fond of cats, and these fluffy delicate creatures usually meet them their reciprocity. Each girl would probably want to visit the role of such a lovely tail-sustained producer at the New Year's matinee or some costume event. So, please her with an amazing cat’s suit, which you can make it without excessive costs and troubles with a beautiful way with your own hand, without even having any special skills in this.

How to make a cat's costume with your own hands: ears, paws, tail - the main elements of the costume

  • What is the difference between cats? Not only with their graceful manners, but also with triangular ears, soft paws and a long tail.
  • So the creation of a cat’s costume should begin with these main attributes with which nature endowed our pets.

To make a cat's ears, stock up:

  • hair rim;
  • paper;
  • color felt;
  • needle with threads;
  • pencil;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

On a paper sheet, draw an ear in the form of a triangle (as you imagine it) or use the ready -made ear template.

  • Cut it and fold it in half.
  • According to the black felt template, cut the blanks and process their edges with a decorative seam.
  • Attach the ears to the black hoop with glue.
On the hoop
On the hoop
  • If you want your cat to be glamorous, you can make the ears with two -tone. To do this, it will be necessary to cut out the smaller triangles from pink (or some other color) felt and sew or glue them inside black blanks.
  • If desired, you can stick fur on the ears from any old collar in the house.
Two -color ear
Two -color ear

To make a tail for a cat’s costume with your own hands, you need to get:

  • cardboard;
  • black stockings, tights or golfs;
  • fur.
What a cat is without a tail
What a cat is without a tail
  • Turn the cardboard of the desired length in the form of a tube.
  • Put the cardboard tube into a black stocking, and wrap it with the end.
  • To fix the workpiece, you can use a pin, a stapler or a needle with a thread.
  • Decorate the tail with fur trims.

How to sew a cat suit with your own hands: the basis for the outfit

  • In our case, we create a costume of a black cat. Therefore, you can use the usual things that will be found in the wardrobe of every girl. The main condition is that they are black shades. The most organic image will turn out if the girl is in black leggings or tights, in a dress or a skirt with a blouse.
  • If you want your girlfriend to be magnificent, like a ballerina, a skirt, take advantage of it to create a thatin ribbons.
  • It is very simple to do it, you don’t even have to pick up a needle with a thread for this. Sew a wide elastic band by the volume of the waist - it is necessary that it be not very tight, but does not fall during active games.
  • Place it on the back of the chair and tie the tulle black strips to it throughout the circumference.
  • When tying them, they should be folded in half, so they are cut into two lengths, taking into account 10 cm of allowances.
The pack is ready
The pack is ready
We put on the base
We put on the base
  • If you want to see a skirt in a classic style on your girl, then use the usual standard pattern.
  • And do not forget to attach the chic tail that you have already done to your skirt with your own hands.

Mask to a cat's costume

  • To supplement the cat’s costume, you can purchase a beautiful mask in the department where they sell masquerade costumes and various accessories or place an order online in the online store.
  • But if you are a creative personality, then in this case, make it yourself - an unusual design will give the uniqueness of the image that you create.
From such a drawing you can make a mask
From such a drawing you can make a mask
You can make it from cardboard or beautiful lace
You can make it from cardboard or beautiful lace

Gloves with claws for a cat suit

  • Gloves with claws or pink soft pads will look very elegant on the “cat”.
  • Making them yourself will not be difficult for you. Ordinary black gloves are suitable for the base - you can use this accessory, sewn from artificial leather. You just need to glue the “pointed claws” to the tip of each phalanx-they can be sewn or cut out of some durable material.
  • If you want to create an image of a delicate and affectionate cat that never releases its sharp claws, then in this case glue the “cat pillows” from soft pink material to the inside of the fingers.

How to make some kind of Japanese cat for a cat's costume:

  • You can surprise those present at the festival of friends and friends with fluffy somewhat, which was equipped with a Japanese cat that endows people with success.

For sewing such legs, you will need to get:

  • artificial fur - you need to take it, given the size of the hand, plus 1.5 cm for tolerances on the seams;
  • lining fabric in one color scheme with the top of gloves. It needs to be bought as much as the fur.
  • sewing accessories.
  1. Cut, leaning your hand and adding about a centimeter to the seams, eight parts - four of the fur and from lining material.
  1. From the pink lining fabric, it will be necessary to hide another 8 parts - they will be used to decor cat paws (make one couple of details a little larger than all the others).
  2. Sew the blanks of the same shade in which the main fabrics are designed. Try to lay the seams at the very edge of the pillows - in this case, they will not catch your eye. The edge of the gloves will need to be punctured or glued.

Makeup for a cat for a suit

  • To make the image completed, use the waters to make up your “cats”. It is enough to circle the girl's eyes, draw her mustache and a black nose - and a charming cat is ready for the exit!
A cat
A cat
  • An adult girl may well put on the same cat's costume - it is important that the selected things look harmonious in such a “cat's” ensemble. And if the lady is in stockings and gloves equipped with sharp claws, then in this case the cat will turn out not only graceful, but also seductive.

We will also talk about costumes:

Video: DIY carnival costume

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