How to save money during shopping, on food: TOP-20 tips helping to save

How to save money during shopping, on food: TOP-20 tips helping to save

In this article, we will consider how to behave during shopping in order to save.

Lack of funds today, unfortunately, is the main problem of many families. For this reason, people try to save their money as much as possible in order to somehow make ends meet.

How to save money during shopping?

Most of the money earned, as a rule, is spent on food. That is why, first of all, you need to save on food. It is important to understand that saving in this case does not mean a hunger strike at all. Moreover, wisely spending your money on food, you can significantly improve the state of health.

So that your wallet is not empty due to the fact that you are buying unnecessary food products, use the following tips and recommendations:

  • Eat before going to the supermarket. Shops do not cease to surprise us with a variety of goods. The counters are literally littered with delicious products that attract customers with their aromas. Here you have meat products, and baking, and fish. It is very difficult to resist and not make unnecessary purchases, if you feel strong hunger. In this case, completely useless and expensive products will go to the basket, without which you can easily do.
  • Packages. Feel free to go shopping with your packages. Of course, any cashier will offer you a package and at first glance the cash costs for these things are completely minimal, however, if you count the amount that you spend on packages annually, then you will probably be unpleasant to be unpleasant. If you do not want to walk with an inserted old bag, get a rag bag for purchases.
  • List of the necessary things. Do not pity for 10 minutes of your time and write a list of all the products you need and things you go for. At home in a calm atmosphere, it will be much easier for you to navigate and decide on really necessary products. Going to a store without such a list, you will definitely buy something superfluous, for example, what is at home, but you just forgot about it.
Write a list of the necessary things
Write a list of the necessary things
  • Control the diet. Buy products for 3 days, for a week based on your menu. Thus, only those products that will be used will be sent to your basket.
  • Go shopping without children. Try to go for food on your own, without children, since it is inherent in kids to beg for various sweets, crackers, etc., that is, those things that, in principle, are not of primary necessity. If you calculate how much money it goes to various kinders and chips annually, then you can unpleasantly be surprised, because for the same money you could buy something more useful and necessary, for example, videos, etc.
  • Go to the store with a certain amount of money. Take a rule to yourself as much money as you need to purchase products according to the written list. No need to take a lot of money, and even more so put a credit card in a wallet, this is fraught with the fact that you will return home with an empty wallet and full packages of unnecessary products.

What can help save on purchases?

Plan trips to shops. Try to be in supermarkets and markets as little as possible, so you will protect your money

  • Going to the supermarket, Do not take large baskets and carts. If you know that you need to buy bread and milk, well, or any other products that you easily convey to the box office in your hands, do not take the basket at all. If there are a lot of purchases, take a large basket, well, and if you plan to skimp for a month, arrange a small cart. The thing is that seeing your free space in the basket, you will unconsciously try to fill, and we do this, as a rule, with unnecessary products.
  • Go only to those departments in which you need to buy something. Do not walk around the supermarket for a long time, examining the windows. Clearly follow the list that you wrote if there is no cheese and milk in it, do not go to the dairy department, etc.
  • Try to buy "Profitable" products. Chopped cheeses, sausages, washed vegetables, cooked cooking like salads and cutlets - all this is much more expensive than less attractive and less beautiful unwashed vegetables, a whole sausage stick, etc. Of course, you can occasionally treat yourself with ready -made products, but enter This should not be a habit.
  • Buy their own products in supermarkets. Often shops, in order to attract customers, offer them goods of their production. They are much cheaper than advertised brands, but in quality, as a rule, they are not inferior.
Buy profitable products
Buy profitable products
  • Choosing between domestic goods And somewhat imported, give preference to the first option. Such products and things are always cheaper.
  • If you approach the rack with products, start considering them from the lower and upper shelf, because it is there that cheaper goods are exposed. At the level of your eyes, as a rule, more expensive goods are placed.
  • Eat the season. Try to accustom yourself to give preference to seasonal products. It is unlikely that anyone needs to explain that cucumbers and tomatoes are worth a penny in the summer, however, in winter they will have to give a tidy sum for them. The same can be said about fruits.
Choose a seasonal product
Choose a seasonal product
  • When choosing between several goods, pay attention not to the labels and the appearance of the jar, packaging, but on the composition of the product, its weight, the deadline and the price. Sometimes it seems to us that it is more profitable to take one product, because its price is lower than the one that is on the next shelf. But to be more attentive and take a closer look at the above factors, it is likely that the product has more expensive, but relatively lower cost and, having bought it, you just save.
  • Usually, products, packaged In packages of 2 kg, 5 kg are a little cheaper than the same goods packaged half kg, etc. If possible, purchase just such goods.
Look carefully at the composition and weight
Look carefully at the composition and weight
  • Know how See the prices correctly. Often we tend to see the prices indicated on the price tags incorrectly. For example, the cost of goods is 2999 p. And we subconsciously decide for ourselves that the price of this product is 2000 p. with something. This is a completely unconscious mistake of many, learn to correctly round the cost of products and things.
  • Choosing between 2-sighted goods with different prices, pay attention to their compound. The first in the list is the main ingredient. For example, you see almost the same sausages in front of you, but having looked into their composition, you will find that a product that is cheaper is made of animal fat and natural meat in it no more than 30%, and a product that costs a little more made of, made of clean chicken fillet. In this case, having bought sausages cheaper, you will not save, but simply give money for low -quality products

TOP-20 tips helping to save

Already approaching the box office with your basket, look at it again and think about whether you really need everything you. Put the extra product. Try not to pay attention to the goods in the clerk zone. This will protect you from buying chewing gum, different bars, etc.

  1. Get it a rule always check the cashier's check. Remember that there is nothing shameful in this, besides, cashiers are also people and may make mistakes, for example, to calculate the same product twice. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the prices in the check, sometimes they differ from those indicated on the price tag in the trading floor. In this case, you will need to chat with the administration of the store and ask them to count the goods at the right price.
  2. If you buy products on the market, do not be shy fuck and ask for discounts. For the market, this is quite normal and acceptable, especially if you are a frequent buyer from one seller or you buy the goods in the evening.
  3. Do not forget about constant discountsthat are in supermarkets, especially in large ones. But at the same time do not lose your head if you do not need the goods at the moment, do not purchase it. Moreover, when buying promotional goods, be sure to evaluate their condition, perhaps under the guise of an available product you want to sell the goods not the first freshness. And one more point, very often the store initially unjustifies prices, and then, under the guise of discounts, sells goods at its real price. In this case, you do not save, so try to pay attention to the price tags, in order to then be able to compare them and choose a really promotional product.
  4. Use discount cards, maps of loyalty and offers for regular customers. Sometimes in this way you can decently save.

    Use discount cards
    Use discount cards
  5. Try to visit different stores, wholesale bases and monitor the prices of the goods you are interested in there. Thanks to such simple actions, you can choose the supermarket in which food prices and things are most acceptable.
  6. If possible buy in bulk. Of course, often there is no way to immediately lay out a large amount of money, however, in this way you can save. This applies to sugar, which can be bought in a bag, flour, sweets, various vegetables, etc.
  7. If you allow you and place, do it growing certain foods on their own. For example, vegetables and fruits, herbs.
  8. Grown -grown products do not be lazy harvest for the winter - Freeze, canned, salt, dry, etc.
  9. Products such as sausages, sausages, canned food try exclude from your diet. It is much more profitable to buy meat, fish and cook from these products yourself.
  10. Try to buy if possible a whole carcass Chicken, turkeys, fish. Having cut off such a carcass, you will receive everything that the store sells separately 2 times more.
  11. Do not neglect offal. Of course, meat is meat, but the liver, heart, ventricles are also quite edible and very tasty products, from which, if desired, you can cook many delicious dishes. For example, from the liver you can make filling for pancakes, With chicken hearts and ventricles can be boiled or made of them family, the pork heart can be stuffed, etc.

    Do not forget about offal
    Do not forget about offal
  12. Do not buy semi -finished products Even if you do not like to cook. Do not be lazy to make homemade dumplings, pancakes, cutlets, etc., firstly, you will save money, and secondly, you will know exactly what and how these goodies were prepared from.
  13. Give preference home food At home. All snacks in the pizzerias, cafes, etc. Exclude, because even a cup of coffee, which is drunk daily, will ultimately result in a tidy sum. By the way, make coffee on your job yourself, do not buy it in machine guns.
  14. Regarding work - always take home food to work And preferably not freshly prepared, but the one that has remained since yesterday.
  15. Do not translate the products. Dried milk is perfect for making delicious pancakes. You can cook cheesecakes or dumplings from the stubborn cottage cheese. Dried bread can be turned into aromatic croutons or crackers, etc.
  16. If you find in your refrigerator the remnants of sausages, sausages, cheese, etc., use them to prepare some kind of pie, pizza, etc.

    From the remnants of products, prepare a dish
    From the remnants of products, prepare a dish
  17. From the remains of vegetables, for example, zucchini, cabbage can be made vegetable cutlets or add such vegetables to meat cutlets.
  18. Try to prepare goodies and sweets at home. Again, for these purposes, you can use serum, sour milk, homemade jam.
  19. Eat porridge. Coupard dishes are not only very tasty and satisfying, but also useful. At the same time, they can be eaten not only with meat, but also with salads, but if desired, you can make cereals with milk.
  20. Try to cook everything that is possible at home. Having trained, you can delight yourself and your relatives with a delicious salty mackerel and herring, aromatic cheeses, useful homemade yogurts and pastries. At the same time, the cost of home delicacies will be much lower than purchased.

Using such simple tips and recommendations, you can significantly improve your financial situation. Moreover, eating useful products, excluding fast food from your diet, you will significantly improve your health.

Video: How to save on food?

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