How to make a steering wheel from sweets with your own hands: ideas, photos, step -by -step instructions

How to make a steering wheel from sweets with your own hands: ideas, photos, step -by -step instructions

What boy does not dream of sitting on a driver’s driver’s seat, twisting a bagel like a real driver! What can we say about passionate motorists or professional drivers.

And if you take into account that all men are obvious or secret sweet tooth, then the steering wheel made of sweets will be a real surprise and a very pleasant gift for any holiday. So, let's get down.

How to make a steering wheel from cardboard and sweets with your own hands step by step?

Before you start making a steering wheel from sweets, prepare everything that you need in the process of work: scissors and cardboard, foam and pencil, glue and a special gun, foil of different colors and, of course, the main material - sweets that will need about 1 kg.

When everything you need will be at your fingertips, we begin to create:

  • Step 1. Draw on a sheet of dense cardboard (by the way, you can use a cardboard box, if there are no ordinary cardboard sheets) steering wheel. You can use the compass, and if your steering wheel is supposed to be large, then just take a thick “gypsy” needle, and tie a pencil at the end of the thread in it. The needle will play the role of a circular needle, and with a pencil, pulling the thread, you can draw a circle. If you have a bad drawing, then download a template from the Internet, print and transfer it to cardboard. If the brand of the machine matters, draw a logo or again, print and stick it. You can use ready -made stickers that are sold in stores.
  • Step 2. Cut the steering wheel with scissors.
  • Step 3. If your steering wheel is with internal cuts, then mark them with a pencil and cut it off with a clerical knife.
  • Step 4. We wrap our cardboard blank with foam (you can take a synthetic winterizer instead) - so the steering wheel will become soft and voluminous. To make the foam to hold better, fasten it on glue (PVA is suitable). Now postpone the workpiece, let it dry.
Wrap the steering wheel
Wrap the steering wheel
  • Step 5. It's time to decorate the gift. Fasten the foil of different colors in the future steering wheel with an adhesive pistol - so it will become festive.
Candy steering wheel: step -by -step photos
  • Step 6. The main contents of the steering wheel - sweets - are also glued with hot glue. It goes without saying that sweets are in wrappers, but you still need to apply glue carefully so that the contents do not melt.
It is only required to pack beautifully
It is only required to pack beautifully

That's all, your candy sweet steering wheel is ready. You can only glue its outer side with sweets, or you can internal. If you want to make the design more bright and festive - add beads or rhinestones.

How to make a steering wheel from sweets and foam with your own hands?

  • Instead of a cardboard, you can put a foam at the base of the steering wheel. A square with a side of 24 cm and about 3 cm in thickness is suitable. By the way, polystyrene can be replaced with foam.
  • The remaining materials for work are similar to those described in the previous method: a ruler and a pencil, scissors and glue with a gun, sheets of corrugated paper, a sticker of the car brand you need and about a half -kilogram of sweets with a flat bottom.
  • Use plate, pan or lid From her suitable size to circle the circle on the foam. Inside it, make another circle, a couple of centimeters less in diameter. So that the steering wheel is similar to the present, spend knitting needles -3-4 pcs. 3 cm in width. All this should be cut and tied around the edges.
  • Corrugated paper is necessary to glue the steering wheel. To do this, they need to cut them out more than the steering wheel, and glue it to the workpiece so that you have about a centimeter in order to bend the paper. Do this on both sides of the steering wheel and glue along the edges, closing the joints or strip of paper or a ribbon.
  • Now we glue chocolate. Each attach each other tape to a cardboard square, which will prevent melting when you use a glue gun, which should glue sweets to the steering wheel. That's all, stick the logo in the center of your steering wheel and hand over!
A sweet gift to a man
Do -it -yourself steam steering wheel: photo

Do -it -yourself steering wheel: tips

  • Choose paper for gluing with a wrapper of sweets, it will be beautiful and aesthetically pleasing.
  • You can take any sweets themselves, the main thing is that their wrappers are smooth, and the bottom is flat.
  • For men it is better to choose brown, silver tones Focus of the steering wheel, women-amateur women will appreciate pink, pastel and other delicate shades.
  • If you prepare a craft as a gift to the child, glue the car logo into the center of the steering wheel, but the picture that shows his favorite character from a fairy tale or cartoon.

We will also tell how to do:

Video: a sweet gift for a man - a steering wheel, step -by -step instructions

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