How to make a flying air snake with your own hands-from paper, a bag-match, without sticks, fabric, origami: instructions step by step

How to make a flying air snake with your own hands-from paper, a bag-match, without sticks, fabric, origami: instructions step by step

If you want to make an air snake, then read the article. It has many instructions to create different models of this aerobatic apparatus.

It is not for nothing that the air snake is considered a symbol of freedom and happiness - from one look at its flight, from sensations and emotions, the spirit is breathtaking. Many adults have forever remained in their hearts: laughing parents, like small ones, run racing, trying to overtake the beautiful, soaring aircraft in the sky.

In another article on our website you will find instructions, how to make a craft a balloon in a kindergarten, school. It has many master classes and tips.

Undoubtedly, a person who has experienced this feeling will want to give such a joy to his child. However, it is not always possible to purchase a ready -made air snake. But this does not matter - you can make it yourself. He will be no worse than the purchased, but how pleasant it will be to understand that in his hands - a personal air snake made independently. Look for instructions in the article that will help make such aircraft yourself. Read further.

What design can you make an air snake?


It is simple to perform a pilot product. You need to decide what exactly you want to do. What design can you make an air snake? So, before starting the creation of your masterpiece, you need to decide what kind of variety is needed. They count 7 species:

  • Inflatable
  • Parafoil
  • Delta kite
  • Roccaku
  • Boxed
  • Rotary
  • Air

Read more:


Inflatable air snakes:

  • They are popular among amateurs. And deservedly - among the whole variety, this species is one of the most impressive and is a delightful sight.
  • The inflatable snakes are made of polyester or nylon panels.
  • Creating this type is quite complicated, and requires great experience.
  • They inflate such a snake using air intakes, disguised directly in the design.


  • You can imagine as a sock, only without a foot.
  • Such special attention is used in Europe, Asia and Russia.
  • In the design of the parafoy - several walls between which the ribs are located.
  • During pressure, the air flow, snakes swells.

Delta Kite:

  • The most common and light design.
  • In simple words, this is an ordinary triangle.
  • However, despite its simplicity, it is far from easy to make such a snake.
  • But the launch of this species will not require much effort, which is very convenient for children.
  • Often, for beginners, the snake is equipped with an additional tail - so that the flight is stable and light.


  • It is considered more reliable and strong, but it is more difficult to manage.
  • This will become noticeable as soon as the wind speed is quite high.
  • In addition, Rockkaku does not need a tail - this will only ruin his appearance and maneuverability.
  • By the way, the first Rockkaku appeared in Japan, and as a weapon.

Boxing snakes:

  • It is designed from several slats and pieces of fabric.
  • A classic simple box -cooked snake consists of two cells.
  • The first box -shaped devices were slightly different from modern ones, but did not suffer serious changes in the design.

Rotor snakes:

  • Are one of the rare species, moreover, this is the only species that is able to rotate in flight.
  • This is what makes him so rare and special.
  • Such a design is also quite light in starting - the slightest blow of the wind is enough to enjoy the exciting sight.

Tricky snakes:

  • As you can judge from the name, it is extremely difficult to control.
  • Its design includes two or four slings for control.
  • Despite the fact that their flight provides for a much lower distance, nevertheless, the impressions of this are no less.

Now let's look at what materials are made of such aerobatic devices. Read further.

How to make a flying air snake: what materials are used?


To create an air snake with your own hands, you will definitely need wooden rails, cords and the base for the canvas. Based on what result the master counts on, you can understand what else needs to be purchased. For example, for a high -quality and reliable snake, you need to choose a smooth and flexible tree. It can be pine, spruce or reed stems. Any material of this kind can be purchased at a construction store. In addition to the above, willow rods (transverse rail) or other flexible and quite strong are also used. What other materials are used to make a flying air snake?

Fabric for tightening the frame:

  • Cigarette or parchment paper, tracing paper, craft.
  • This is the highest quality and strong material for tightening.
  • But for the first snake you can use something easier-this will be the first experience.
  • In addition to paper paintings, fabric is also used - silk, batist or other inexpensive and light material.
  • By the way, if you use multi -colored pieces sewn in a single canvas, the snakes will turn out more beautifully.


  • Choose high -quality and durable, since the design should not be flipped.
  • Polyvinyl acetate is distinguished-it will fill unevenness and will not leave stains on the fabric.

As a cord, you can choose the material, starting from the size of the snake. For a small and lightweight device, a fishing line is quite suitable. For a large product, you need to select a stronger thread - hemp. For the tail, use the cord.

How to make a quickly toy-an air snake for a child from a bag-mael: instructions

Often in nature with young children, I want to captivate the kids with something so that they do not be capricious and not bored. It’s easy to achieve this. How to make a quickly toy - an air snake for a child? Below is the instruction. If you want to surprise your baby, then it is not necessary to make a real aircraft. You can take:

  • Ordinary package
  • Long and dense thread

Just tie the handles of the bag with a thread, and now the matter is small - it remains to catch gusts of wind. When driving air, run a little with your air snake so that it takes off. Of course, it is not real, but such a lesson to deliver a lot of pleasure to your baby. Now let's try to make structures more complicated. Read further.

How to make a flat air snake yourself for a child of grade 4 from cardboard for technology: instructions with pictures, video

Air snakes for technology
Air snakes for technology

Often for technology, school -age children are given homework - to construct a aircraft pilot apparatus. How to make a flat air snake yourself for 4th grade from cardboard? Here are the instructions with the pictures:

So what will be needed:

  • Color cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue-pencil and PVA
  • Threads and tape
  • Fleeters and pencil
Air snakes for technology - instructions
Air snakes for technology - instructions

Do this:

  • You need to choose any sheet of colored cardboard and make a square out of it.
  • Next, from the square, perform the workpiece, as on a regular airplane, only the ends of the “wings” must be bent out.
  • Then, on the "wings" make holes (can be a hole punch).
  • Take the threads inside the holes and tie it.
  • You also need to glue the thread on the “tail” of the snake (using tape, without holes).
  • Next, decorate the air snake at your discretion.
  • You can glue the eyes, nose and mouth carved from colored paper or cardboard. Or make any other pattern.
  • Glue several stripes of different colors on a long tail from the thread or twist the “butterflies” from these ribbons and also glue it. Ready!

You can carry such aircraft to the school, receive a good rating, and then feel free to run it into the sky. Watch the video how you can make a simple pilot apparatus with your own hands:

Video: How to make an air snake?

How can you make a rectangular air snake with your own hands from a watman paper: Instructions

DIY rectangular air snakes from paper-watman
DIY rectangular air snakes from paper-watman

The aircraft can be made from a sheet of whatman. It will turn out beautiful and if there is wind, it will fly high. How can you make a rectangular air snake with your own hands from a watman paper? To create such aircraft will be needed:

  • Watman paper - A couple of sheets
  • Air permeable material - polyethylene film or not a very dense bag
  • Flexible and durable wooden sticks - It will be the racks
  • Durable threads, fishing line
  • Glue, adhesive tape and other improvised tools
  • Details for design - multi -colored flaps of fabric or paper, etc.

Here's the instruction:

Glue the slats
Glue the slats
  • On a large and integral sheet of whatman (A3), you need to place two rails and fixed with thread and glue.
  • In the upper part of the resulting “X” to the tips of the rail, you need to attach another stick, slightly stretched like onions.
  • Such a bend will help the snake become more maneuverable and easier to launch.
  • If wooden sticks are available, then you can attach them around the perimeter in addition to the frame - this will make the design more stable and reliable.
Fasten with tape
Fasten with tape
  • Glue the pieces of tape on the slats to fix them. Glue colored shreds on the entire sheet of paper for beauty.
Make a hole in the middle
Make a hole in the middle
  • In the middle, pass the thread and fasten the sticks to each other and to the sheet of paper.
  • Using a thread, fix the slats in the upper corners. Pull the thread a little.
Tie the thread
Tie the thread
  • Tie the long thread to the right side of your aircraft.
  • Attach to it a ring that is necessary for lighter control of a flyer.
  • Now pass the thread through the holes in the middle that we made earlier to attach the middle, and again pass through the ring.
  • Tie the tip of the thread to the upper left corner, and the end of the fishing line from the coil is to the control ring.
  • The tail must be fixed to the tip of the structure (in the middle), tied to the ends of the lower rail.
  • You can tie two ribbons for beauty. Their length is up to 2.5 meters, and the width of such strips is 5 cm.

All the flyer is ready. You can run.

Video: Air Snake

How can you make a home large box air snakes: instructions, video

Home Big Born Air Snakes
Home Big Born Air Snakes

The box flying snakes looks spectacular. This is an exciting sight, since it seems that it is impossible to force such a large “box” to fly. So, how can you make a home large box air snake? Here's the instruction:

The following will need:

  • 4 rails 1 m long
  • 6 slats length 0.65 cm
  • Garbage bags
  • Strong thread
  • Scotch
  • Ruler
  • The square
  • Scissors and glue

Do this:

  • Using the ruler, mark the middle on all rails.
  • Glue short rails at an angle 90 degreesRinse with a rope and soak it with an adhesive base.
Tie Reiki
Tie Reiki
  • We begin to collect a frame from large rails: tie and fix the rail at the ends with glue to make a shape like a box.
Tie the racks at the ends
Tie the racks at the ends
  • In the middle and at the ends of the frame, tie pre -fastened small rails. It should turn out like this:
It will turn out such a frame
It will turn out such a frame
  • Measure on the package 40 cm And cut. Then pull this section of the package on the frame. Spread.
Pull on the frame package
Pull on the frame package
  • Glue the angles with tape.
  • Tie the rope and make a loop in 20 cm From the upper edge.
  • Pass the rope from the coil in this loop and tie it. Ready.
  • If desired, you can still tie the tail in the form of some kind of tape.

To run such a flyer alone, you need to unwind the coil and tie it to the tree. Then wait for the wind of the wind, take the snake in your hands and let go, it will take off. Read more instructions for such aircraft and how to run it correctly, watch the video below.

Video: To AK make an air snake at home?

Air snakes made of paper without the use of sticks: simple instructions step by step

Air snakes made of paper without the use of sticks
Air snakes made of paper without the use of sticks

Air snakes made of paper without the use of sticks (rails) will not be the most strong design, however, to acquire the first experience, it may be suitable. Making it is much easier than a classic model. In the process you will need:

  • Sheet of paper (you can take A4)
  • Hole puncher
  • Scotch tape and cord (leech, twine, etc.)
  • Stick or something like that will play the role of the handle

Here is a simple instruction step by step:

Fold a sheet of paper
Fold a sheet of paper
  • First, fold the sheet in half so that the corners definitely match.
  • Now the sheet is slightly bent on the sides to make the marks in the middle.
  • Then wrap the edges of the sheet to the marks and reward the bends.
  • One of the bent edges must be opened, made and ironed.
  • Also repeat on the other side.
Fold again
Fold again
  • Fold the resulting workpiece in half, carefully adjusting the corners.
  • Bend the upper corners and cut the resulting corners obliquely.
Bend the corners and cut
Bend the corners and cut
  • In the wings the hole punch should be made.
Make holes
Make holes
  • Now measure the thread twice as much as the long side of the snake, and tie the ends of this thread to the holes.
  • For reliability, fix with tape.
Insert the thread and fix it with tape
Insert the thread and fix it with tape
  • In the lower part, in the middle, make a loop and tie a long thread (holding).
  • Tie the second end of the holding thread to the stick (handle). Ready!

As you can see, everything is simple. The main thing is to prepare all the necessary materials and use a little effort.

How can you make a simple air snake from a plastic bag of a house: instructions step by step

Simple air snakes from a plastic bag
Simple air snakes from a plastic bag

A snake from a plastic package will turn out to be lightweight, although not very reliable, but not afraid of falling in a puddle or river. So, how can you make a simple air snake from a plastic bag of a house? The instructions step by step lower. For manufacture you will need:

  • Plastic bag
  • Wooden sticks that will serve as rails
  • Another stick that will play the role of the handle
  • Twine or any other strong thread
  • Ruler, scissors, adhesive tape

Do this:

Attach the slats to the package
Attach the slats to the package
  • Take two sticks and measure them in such a way that one is slightly shorter than the other.
  • Put on a long stick and fix it horizontally short, retreating a certain distance.
  • The fixed frame must be put on the bag.
  • Before that, cut and straighten the package on a flat surface so that it is as much as possible in area.
  • Next to each tip of the rail on the package, make tags, then remove the frame.
  • Connect the label of the tags among themselves, get the wrong rhombus, and cut it out. You should leave a couple of centimeters for bends.
Cut the package
Cut the package
  • Now you can again attach the frame and fix it tightly with tape.
  • On both sides of the place where the rails are crossed, pierce two holes. Through them, the twine (or other thread) is extended and tied to fix the frame and the bag.
  • In addition, you can fix with tape.
Tie the thread
Tie the thread
  • Now cut the end of the twine 10 cm.
Make bows from the remnants of the package
Make bows from the remnants of the package
  • Next, measure a long rope that will hold the snake. Tie its end to the rope extending from the snake itself, and attach the second end to the handle, and wrap around it.
  • Then, cut the strips from the remains of this or other package and glue it to the tail.

It turned out a simple and beautiful aircraft. Below you will find instructions for performing an air snake, but using another technology. For its manufacture, you will also need a plastic bag, although it is better to use a dense film. Thanks to this, the design will turn out to be more durable. Instead of a rope, use a fishing line.

Polyethylene air snakes
Polyethylene air snakes

To make such a simple air snake, you will need:

  • Polyethylene film or dense garbage bags
  • Sticks capable of acting as rails - these can be tree branches, reed stems
  • Field and adhesive tape
  • Marker
  • Glue

Here are the instructions on how to quickly make a similar pilot apparatus:

Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
  • Build a kind of cross - the basis of the design. To do this, put a stick in the length of 60 cm vertically, and, retreating from the upper point, about fifteen cm, put a stick in 35 cmhorizontally.
  • It will turn out a cross that must be stuck with tape.
  • Now rewind the ends of the sticks with tape, and make cuts in them - approximately 1 centimeter.
  • Pull the fishing line through the incision, and so that it does not jump out, rewind the ends again with tape.
Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
  • Put the finished frame on the film. Next, you need to sketch the contours of the future snake, while not forgetting to retreat one and a half cm to the gateway.
  • Now wrap the edges of the film on the fishing line and fix it with tape. This is the body of the snake - it is ready.
  • After that, proceed to the manufacture of the bridle: tie two pieces of fishing line to the edges of the horizontal rail. They should be approximately 25 cm, excluding the allowance for attachment.
  • Each node should be processed additionally with glue so that the knot on the fishing line is well fixed.
  • Bind another line of fishing line to the top point of the vertical rail.
Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
Polyethylene air snakes - scheme
  • Then tie all three segments of the fishing line to each other, fixing with tape on top.
  • Cut packages designed for the tail, into strips in length in 10 cmand tie them in one rope.
  • Attach the tail to the bottom of the snake tape. In the end, you can decorate the device at your discretion.

Ready. You can safely launch a flyer and have fun with your children.

Video: Air Snake with your own hands - Rockkaku

Small air snake at home: Instruction

Small air snake at home
Small air snake at home

Small air snakes at home - how to make it to fly: instructions

To make a small air snake easier and faster to make. You will cope with this process without difficulty at home. At the same time, the snakes will be an exact copy of the usual full -size aircraft. For the manufacture of such a snake will be needed:

  • A4 paper sheet
  • A couple of straws
  • Rope or fishing line
  • Glue-pencil and PVA
  • Scissors, pencils and ruler

Here's the instruction:

Small air snake at home: Instruction
Small air snake at home: Instruction
  • Take a paper sheet and draw a rhombus on it, and draw the same rhombus on a sheet of colored paper.
  • Now they need to be glued together.
  • Tie or fix the rope on a straw, retreating about two -thirds from the top.
  • The second straw must be visually divided into three parts and cut.
  • Glue the rope on one of the cut parts.
  • Turning the blank with the white side up, draw a cross on it.
  • Along the drawn cross lines are glued together.
  • The tail can be made of multi -colored ribbons, pieces of paper.
  • Attach it to the lower straw and fix it with glue or tape.

Such a aircraft will fly in a strong wind.

Video: How to make an air snake?

Make a light air snake with your own hands just at home from parchment paper: simple instructions step by step

Do -it -yourself air snakes just at home from parchment paper
Do -it -yourself air snakes just at home from parchment paper

To create such a light air snake at home using parchment paper, you will need:

Materials for air snake from parchment
Materials for air snake from parchment
  • Parchment paper (you can use baking paper)
  • Threads and scissors
  • Paints and brushes, colored paper and stickers (for decoration and design)
  • Straw for cocktails
  • Adhesive tape (bilateral)
  • Glue gun

Here is a simple instruction on how to make it yourself:

Make cuts on a cocktail straw
Make cuts on a cocktail straw
  • On a straw from one edge it is necessary to make several short cuts directed along.
  • Then the edges must be opened - this will help insert one end into the other.
  • Add a little glue to the tip of the whole straw and insert another straw cut into it. There are two such products.
Tie straw in the middle
Tie straw in the middle
  • Next, fix these two blanks from straws with each other. The contact point should be slightly closer to the upper part of the vertical straw.
  • Cleat the horizontal straw somewhat on both sides, but not much. It is better to trim later than getting an incorrect workpiece as a result.
Pass the thread
Pass the thread
  • Pour a little glue into the lower area of \u200b\u200bthe vertical stick, tie the thread into the knot and glue it.
  • Now let's go with paper. Spread a parchment sheet and measure and draw carefully, in accordance with the size of the frame of the frame.
Glue tied straw to parchment
Glue tied straw to parchment
  • It is necessary to leave small (one and a half to two cm) allowances for bends.
  • Now glue the frame to the canvas, and bend at the edges.
  • The front side of the air snake canvas decorate. Draw something with paints, decorate with stickers and cuts of colored paper. From this sheet, cut a few bows (you can make them from the colored tape).
Apply paint on paper
Apply paint on paper
  • Then take an additional rope and fix the bows on it. This is the tail, it must be glued to the bottom of the snake.
Attach the bows
Attach the bows
  • The most long rope is tightly and reliably tied to the frame (in the cross -skinned area). This is a holding rope.
Tie a long rope
Tie a long rope
  • Wrap the second end to her end to the coil, handle.

The aircraft aircraft can be made not only from paper or film, but also from fabric. Read further.

Video: Air snakes with your own hands

How to make a good air snake made of fabric: instructions in stages

Air -fabric
Air -fabric

So, simple designs are no longer impressive, and you want to build something worthwhile and serious, then study the instructions below. It takes about eight hours to create a frame and sewing, and in general, the entire process of manufacturing such a good air snake from fabric. The result is easy to control and a beautiful pilot apparatus. What will be needed:

  • Nylon - to create a beautiful and multi -colored snake, you can purchase several colors by a meter each
  • Wooden veneer - 6 pieces, diameter - 0.6 cm, length 92 cm
  • Vinyl tube - 1 piece, length - 60 cm, diameter - 0.6 cm
  • Glue on fabric and supergli
  • Fishing line or durable twine
  • English pins or pins for a note
  • Scissors and hacksaw
  • Marker for drawing
  • Cardboard
  • Roulette and ruler
  • Protractor
  • A nail or another item capable of making a hole equal to the diameter of the key

Here are the instructions in stages:

  • Measure each key and round the edges with a sharpener. There is no need to focus strongly, it is enough just to narrow a little, so that it is easier to put them into the vinyl tube.
Insert the key in the vinyl tube
Insert the key in the vinyl tube
  • Now you need to put the venerable in the tube. After that, you can measure and cut off 1 cm. Repeat all this with all the remaining words.
Do the same with all the wishes
Do the same with all the wishes
  • Then draw on the cardboard an even and symmetrical layout of the future snake.
Air snake scheme
Air snake scheme
Transfer the scheme to cardboard
Transfer the scheme to cardboard
  • Attach the layout to the fabric and cut, leaving allowances in 1 or one and a half cm.
  • It is necessary to glue pieces of fabric with each other, after creating a sleeve around the perimeter for a frame.
  • Make the sleeves and send the frame in them before gluing two parts, since it will be problematic otherwise.
Glue the fabric
Glue the fabric
  • Using any glue you must first familiarize yourself with his instructions, and let him dry as much time as indicated in it.
  • As a final stroke, you need to carefully fix the wings of the snake. This is important that in flight no part or the element will not decide and not disheveled.
Make a frame from the racks and attach to the fabric
Make a frame from the racks and attach to the fabric
  • Next, take a fairly long twine, rope and scissors. Cut three pieces of rope, a little longer than the frame parts of the snake. These parts should be fixed in the upper and two extreme points. Then interconnected.
This is how to tie a thread
This is how to tie a thread
The location of the thread
The location of the thread
It will turn out such a knot
It will turn out such a knot
Do so
Do so
  • The resulting node must be fixed with glue.
  • Then the main control rope (twine) is glued to this node. The second end can be wound on a coil or any other convenient hilt. Ready!
Air snake is ready
Air snake is ready
Handle to air snake from the tube
Handle to air snake from the tube

After that, you can start testing the aircraft.

Make Origami Air Snakes: Instructions

Origami Air snakes
Origami Air snakes

Air snake can be folded from a square sheet of any size. This technique is called origami. How to do it? Here's the instruction:

Origami Air snakes
Origami Air snakes
  • Put the sheet in front of you so that one of the peaks looks at the origamist.
  • The lower corner is applied to the upper one and is ironed - the diagonal turned out.
  • Now open the sheet.
  • Bend the same lower corner by the outer side to the line that appears, the same thing is done with the upper. The workpiece is ready.

From it, you can further make many different options for an air snake. For example, an air snake for decor, as a decoration. To do this, follow the following:

  • Collect the base blank for the air snake, and put it up.
  • Along the main line in the center, glue the decorative twine.
  • The folded wings must be connected by a toothpick - this is an imitation of a wooden rei, like a large air snake.
  • In the center of the toothpick, glue the decorative twine. If desired, it can be decorated with several small bows, like a large aircraft. You will get a beautiful garland if you hang this decor, attaching to the rope.
Origami Air snakes
Origami Air snakes
  • You can also make such a pretty and original star.
Origami star of air snakes
Origami star of air snakes

How to make a convenient coil for a snake of air flying: instructions step by step

Convenient coil for a snake of air flying
Convenient coil for a snake of air flying

It is important to launch an air snake to have a convenient and reliable coil. Some use a spinning turntable or something like that for this. We propose to build such a device yourself. How to make a convenient coil for a snake of air flying? Here are the instructions step by step:

This will need:

  • Strong cardboard
  • Glue gun
  • Scotch
  • Pencil and scissors
  • Chancellery knife and ruler

Do this:

  • Cut two circles from cardboard, their diameter should be 20 cm.
  • They need to make slots so that it is convenient to keep the coil.
Cut holes so that it is convenient to hold
Cut holes so that it is convenient to hold
  • Cut three long strips, width - 2.5 cm.
  • Retreat from the inner holes a certain distance, and draw a flat circle.
  • Turn the strips into circles, and glue the cutouts under the fingers along the contour.
  • Also glue along the drawn contour, and in conclusion, stick the second circle.
Turn the strips into circles and glue
Turn the strips into circles and glue
Turn the strips into circles and glue
Turn the strips into circles and glue
  • Now one end of the rope (threads, twine, twine, etc.) is glued to the coil and the entire rope is wound.
Glue the second circle and pass the thread
Glue the second circle and pass the thread
  • The second end of the rope can be equipped with some kind of stick so that it does not get lost. Ready!

We made an air snake. A convenient coil was built, although in some cases, you can do without it, using a stick as a handle and so on. Now it is important that this aerobatic apparatus flew. We suggest studying several important tips. Read further.

How to make an air snake fly: tips

Air snake flies
Air snake flies

So, you can’t start the flying into the sky on your own. How to make an air snake fly? Here is an important nuance:

  • The secret of successful launch is the wind with speed 3-6 meters per second.
  • If there is no wind, the product will not fly, with strong gusts, it can also fall.

It is better to launch an air snake together:

Proper launch of an air snake
Proper launch of an air snake
  • One person who has a coil in his hands rises with his back opposite the wind and begins to unravel the rope (10-20 meters), and then pulls it.
  • The wind should blow exactly in the back and assistant.
  • The second person with a snake in his hands should move to the length of the twine, while raising the flying fly above his head. He must run, putting the canvas into the air.
  • It is important to catch the right moment here to pull the rope.

If you do everything right, and the snakes still fall from time to time, then check the following:

  • Whether all the slings are correctly fixed.
  • Whether you attached the tail in relation to the slings and the body of the snake correctly.

Advice: Experiment with the length of the tail. You can increase it or weight it with something. You can change the length of the sling.

If after increasing the tail, the flyer rises into the sky, but sometimes falls, then the weight of the tail is too big. It is also important not to forget about precautions:

  • Do not launch a flyer into a thunderstorm - it is dangerous.
  • Do not let go of the air snake in places of a large accumulation of people. He can fall and inflict an injury to someone.
  • Before starting, make sure that there is no road, airfield or railway tracks nearby.
  • Keep the rope of the aerobatic apparatus during the flight in gloves so as not to damage your hands.

Want to look at a unique sight? Visit festivals with air snakes. Look for detailed information below. Read further.

Where do festivals with air snakes take place?

Air Snakes Festival
Air Snakes Festival

Thousands of people from different countries go to the venues of festivals. These are unique spectacles - beautiful and exciting. Where do such events with air snakes take place? This is a magical place:

Air Snakes Festival
Air Snakes Festival
  • Every year in Japan, in the town Hamamatsu held Air snake festival.
  • Sometimes it is conducting it in the city Sizuooka.

Read more:

  • Such a tradition originates in the fifteenth century.
  • In this area, the city of Hamamatsu was not yet located, but there was a fortress.
  • The ruler of this fortress became the first to be a father, and ordered in honor of the birth of the firstborn to launch an air snake into the heaven in order to please observers with a spectacle.
  • This was like gratitude to the sky and gods for the present life.
  • After that, many people were very interested in air snakes and also began to launch them in honor of the birth of a child.
  • Thus, the tradition has reached modern days, and is still considered one of the significant holidays.

Now you all know about air snakes. You can do or help others. Remember past times, plunge into childhood and make this pilot apparatus. We can say for sure that you will receive unforgettable emotions. Good luck!

Video: Air snakes with stars of happiness

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