How to make work on mistakes in the Russian language: Memo

How to make work on mistakes in the Russian language: Memo

To learn how to write correctly and competently, you need to read several pages per day. You also need to perform exercises that help to remember the rules of spelling.

This selection of simple exercises will help to test and tighten knowledge in the field of spelling.

How to make work on mistakes in the Russian language: Memo

It is very important to carry out work on errors in the Russian language. After all, this is the only way you can make out the reason for the incorrect spelling of a particular word. Such a methodology for working on errors on the Russian language will help you forever remember the competent spelling.

  1. A large letter at the beginning of the sentence.
  • find and rewrite the sentence correctly;
  • come up with a similar sentence for consolidation;
  • to attract attention for better memorization with emphasis.

For example:WITHits is absurd weather. ANDchildren Snow.

  1. Signs of punctuation at the end of the sentences.
  • find and write a sentence correctly with such punctuation marks: (.); (!); (?);
  • emphasize the punctuation marks that are at the end of the sentences.

For example:In the store, delicious sweets are sold around the corner . I really like chocolate ice cream ! Is it possible to eat one candy before lunch ?

  1. Sign (b) at the end of the sentence.
  • find and write a word in which there is a sign (b) correctly;
  • fix with repeated spelling of words with such use (choose other words);
  • emphasize the soft sign in words to emphasize.

For example: life b, Nogota b, kapat b, carrots b.

  1. Sign (b) in the middle of the sentence.
  • find and write down the words in which the sign (b) stands in the middle of the word;
  • come up and write down several of your words using this sign;
  • emphasize the sign (b).

For example:stake btso, Bor bba, feces bka, this bi.

  1. Own names are always written with a capital letter.
  • write out three words corresponding to this rule;
  • emphasize the title letters;
  • come up and write down three more words for this rule;
  • also emphasize large letters.

For example: TOoste, ANDrina, Belgorod, Myersedes, Xalk, ANDuchka.

  1. The correct transfer of the word.
  • find and write out four words that have at least two syllables;
  • divide the words into syllables and make the right transfer.

For example:

  • Friendship - friend - ba;
  • Border - grade - nor - tsa;
  • Apartment - quarter - ti - ra;
  • Boar - ve - shall - ka.
  1. The unstressed vowel must be checked by stress.
  • write a word and stress;
  • you need to choose a test word and its one -rooted words.

For example:b olinen - b ol, b olit, b olENNIS.

  1. Correct spelling of the syllables of the chasch.
  • first you need to write a word;
  • write a few more words to this rule.
  • highlight the desired syllable.

For example: chaone hundred, schavel thicket, chasha.

  1. The correct spelling of the syllables of Chu-sh.
  • you need to find and write a word;
  • write two more words suitable for this rule.
  • emphasize the desired syllable.

For example: Schuka, schufinger, chumKA, chubefore, chuvennation.

10. Correct spelling of the syllables of Zhi-shi.

  • come up and write a few words using the syllables of life;
  • to emphasize the syllables suitable for this rule.

For example: Lies zhi, ma shion the, zhit zhivotnoy, shilo.

  1. Double consonants in words.
  • it is necessary to find and write words with double letters;
  • emphasize double letters;
  • separate words for transfer.

For example:

  • Those praSA, Ho kKher, a tTlisten, lawsuit sSyours, mi lland he.
  • Ter-Rasa, Hawk-Kay, At-Traction, Art, Mil Lyon.
  1. Doubled consonants
  • write a word with a double consonant three times;
  • come up and write down two sentences with this word;
  • emphasize double letters.

For example: Zhu lJat, Zhu lJat, Zhu lJat. A fly over my head does not stop the zh lJat.

  1. The phrase of the letters CN and the Cheka are written without a soft sign.
  • find and write three words on this rule;
  • emphasize the phrase.

For example:ko lFiK, butter hCah, getting used hCah, brick chnth, distinguished chnik color chnth.

  1. The prepositions are always written separately.
  • write a sentence in which there is an excuse;
  • highlight the preposition in the sentence.

For example: Because of Sun rays peered clouds.

  1. Adverbs are always written in one word. There are never pretexts in front of them.
  • write three adverbs;
  • to every word to raise a question.

For example: (where?) On the right, (when?) Yesterday, (from where?) From afar.

  1. The prefix is \u200b\u200bnot always written with verbs separately. An exception is situations when the verb is not used without.
  • to write three verbs with the prefix is \u200b\u200bnot separate;
  • emphasize the prefix;
  • come up with a few words with the prefix not that are written together;
  • highlight the prefix.

For example:

  • Not snal, not ini not ptie;
  • Nedscream carriedkind, nonsensebishop.
  1. Second -person verbs are always written with a soft sign.
  • find and write a few examples of second -person verbs;
  • emphasize the ending.

For example: (What are you doing?) - play b, reader b, dancing b.

Check the availability of errors
Check the availability of errors
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