SMS Happy New Year, official manager, colleagues in prose, in their own words

SMS Happy New Year, official manager, colleagues in prose, in their own words


SMS Happy New Year Official

As we all know, this event is one of the most important and big events around the world. All countries celebrate it with enthusiasm and happiness. And it is natural that people are looking for the best SMS and wishes that they can place in their social networks or share with their friends using WhatsApp and SMS. At this time, it will not be out of place to congratulate your team. By this you will emphasize the friendly atmosphere and their significance in your life.

New Year for many is a new start. Many will want to live on January 1another - no offense, errors or defeats. Let these good starting. I wish you this with all my heart! Happy New Year!

Congratulations on the upcoming holiday! I want to wish you to throw it All old and unnecessary before the meeting of the New Year! So it is customary to do in many countries. Let us and we will throw offense and grief, lies and hatred, envy and self -interest, everything that is so embarrassing and what is upset and what is upset ... But all the best that you can remember and imagine let's give a friend with smiles not only on New Year's Eve, but all year! Let it become our good tradition! Happy New Year!

Let the New Year bring us all joy and fun, smiles and good The mood will make beautiful and happy, kind and strong! Let everyone feel the New Year's miracle! Let the desires made up on New Year's Eve come true! And your families live in abundance and well -being!

I wish you the implementation of the plan, success and prosperity to your business! Let colleagues, friends and loved ones delight you with understanding and support. I wish you, your family and your team of a festive mood in the coming year, let luck and success never leaves you!

Today we want to congratulate you. And wish for every blow Kremlin chimes from your life left problems, hopes and dreams came, fulfilled plans and methods of prosperity!

Reliability, stability and prosperity is the key to the success of our cooperation! Accept Happy New Year congratulations! Let the coming year be saturated with new plans, creative ideas, good news and financial successes!

Accept congratulations on the upcoming New Year! Let the new bring You are a gift, the embodiment of dreams and hope for a successful future. Let the success be true to your companion in everything. I wish you peace, patience, consent, goodness, and good luck, family happiness! Happy New Year!

I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. New Year - holiday magic, beloved and expected by everyone. He always carries hope for the best, hope for good changes. Undoubtedly, the outgoing year brought many joyful changes, but there were also grief. Therefore, do not forget that it does not happen last year - it has already passed, and the new year is a good reason and the opportunity to start over. And let only new, fresh, joyful accompany Happy New Year. I sincerely wish all of us, traditionally, health, success, worthy partners, monetary transactions and high performance.

Let the New Year 2016 bring you many pleasant discoveries And new interesting surprises, let only pleasant, kind, beautiful and successful people in your environment, and fill your life with pleasant emotions with their good qualities and deeds. Happy New Year!

Dear friends! New Year is coming - the time of new hopes, success andvictories. What will be the coming year depends on each of us. Therefore, first of all, I want to wish you all the faith in myself and my strength, great achievements, discoveries and hopes. We will definitely bring them to life! Let the coming year only multiply the score of happy moments, there will be people dear to you, and the warmth of the family hearth will attract the desired guests. Brown the tired, smile at those who are alone - and the life of a story will pay you for your care. Take heart wishes for health, well -being, happiness and prosperity! Great mood and funny New Year holidays! Happy New Year!

So the last sheet of the calendar is torn, and with it it goes into the past that everything that It was this year! From the past year we will take the best, and we will forget debts and troubles! Time to start new things, set new tasks, strive for new heights! Let our beloved grandfather Frost come not only to children, because adults also really want magic, and adults have no less cherished desires that can fulfill only a good wizard. I wish everyone dreams come true on the New Year!

Here again, in our office, the smell of a resinous Christmas tree is felt, Neat snowflakes are placed on the windows, and the expectation of a magical fight of chimes on New Year's Eve froze in the heart of everyone. So let you, my dear colleagues, will succeed with dignity, but it is fun to survive the corporate party. Let a miracle occur on the eve of the New Year, and the employer will be generous into an extraordinary large prize. May you have prosperity and grace in the new year at home.

Let the next year each of us will bring prosperity and success, He will give new brilliant ideas and will help to realize them. Let the world and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanged hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and faith in ourselves!

I personally want to wish everyone in the new year perfect harmony. Harmony In everything - let nothing bother you, let everything you do, what will they do to you, let all the people with whom you communicate will cause you only positive emotions. Let all the most beautiful that happened to you was the black strip of your life, and in the new year there will be a new strip - white. And yet - joy! And faith! And, of course, good luck, and if it is not there, then hope! Happy New Year!

Dear (name of the chief), accept modest, but sincere congratulations Happy New Year. Let every day on the calendar of your life are marked by the next achievement, a good deed, words of gratitude to your address and fulfilling at least one desire.

From the whole team, accept sincere congratulations on the New Year. Your Energy and enthusiasm charges us. We admire your wisdom and judgment. Your will and the desire for victory gives us strength and helps to lead the command forward. We will try to justify your hopes and expectations. Together with you, we will move to our common goal. Health to you, prosperity and success!

There is no more desired holiday in the year than the New Year. Congratulations, My partners, with its offensive, and I wish in the new year the continuation of our fruitful cooperation and good luck to our common cause, each of us and all people in this world ... Excluding our competitors, of course. Happy New Year!

Dear partners, cordially congratulate you on the holidays! We hope That in the new year we are waiting for the same fruitful cooperation. We believe that the openness and trust that have developed between us will help us all achieve success and prosperity!

Dear partners! Having worked productively this year, we would like To prolong our successful cooperation for future periods, and we wish you to embark on the path of confident development with the onset of the New Year, to increase what you have already received, to equip the staff with the most qualified and responsible employees and not forget about those with whom it was once successfully successful Take the right course.

Happy holiday, friends! We hope that our businessrelations in the new year will only strengthen, bringing fabulously high profit to both sides. Let success accompany all endeavors, and satisfaction from work knows no boundaries! Further development and achievements of a high level of perfection!

New Year SMS congratulations to official colleagues

Dear colleagues! I sincerely want to congratulate you on the upcoming newyear! I'd like to wish us all a dizzying career growth and success in work. I wish that the coming New Year bring a lot of energy and enthusiasm, so that we will readily conquer new peaks. Happy New Year to you, dear colleagues!

Dear Colleagues! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. I propose Leave everything that we did not like, and to step over the new year, rich in creative achievements, high labor achievements, fun friendly communication and a positive mood!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year! I want to wish to you in New Year to achieve all the planned goals, fulfill all your plan, fulfill all your dreams, so that your career develops as best and more profitable for you.

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! We worked gloriously in the past year, Therefore, I wish us all good luck, luck and inspiration in the year of the advancing. I also want to wish you rapid career growth and so that this year gives you to all extremely positive impressions and emotions. Happy holiday!

Good for you in the new year and happiness, realized expectations andimplementation of plans. I wish you a vacation, but so that on Tahiti, a small salary, but so as not to fit into the wallet, fun holidays, but so that you remember at least half and be able to boast of as you celebrated them. I wish to grow in breadth, but only along the career ladder. Creative attitude to you and easy workdays next year!

Strongest health, good vacation, career growth, constant Significant prizes, light working days, fulfilling dreams will be happy to bring you, colleagues, this chic New Year!

My dear colleagues! Happy New Year. I wish you all Stay as friendly and funny. I wish you a festive mood, never know about grief, depression and sadness. I wish you enormous strength, tremendous success and, of course, an increase in salary.

Dear colleagues, on the nose of the New Year, and with it the long -awaited weekend. I wish them to be carried out unforgettably so that new impressions and positive emotions are over the edge. Let each of us bring good luck, profit and success.

Friends, employees, colleagues today I want to congratulate you! Let the new year Understanding, success and joy will bring to your life. Let the snowy winter pleases you with good, and luck hurries to visit you. Always appreciate and respect each other by preparing certificates or making reports. Love jokes, joy - and your life will be more fun!

Happy New Year! Let the New Year bring more on Friday The mood and smaller worries of Monday, and in the soul let Saturday music always sound. May the atmosphere of the fantastic extravaganza of the holiday, positive and brilliant mood will surround you!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Happy New Year! I wish you new ones creative plans, achieved the goals, new achievements, interesting projects, mutual respect in the team, always feel nearby of a reliable shoulder of a colleague and, of course, material wealth!

Let the next year each of us will bring prosperity and success,he will give new brilliant ideas and will help bring them to life. Let the world and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanged hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and faith in ourselves!

Happy New Year, dear colleagues! Let our dreams come true and easy All assigned tasks are solved. Let our friendly team bypass the difficulties, and the career staircase will become a take -off strip. I wish you success and prosperity in our common cause. Peace, warmth and comfort in your homes.

Colleagues, I wish you that the New Year is successful in professional plan and unforgettable in personal life! Let happiness, love and great wealth come to your homes. Let all accumulated problems be resolved safely, and let the deliverance from them bring great dividends! The horizons are pure to you, many new peaks and enough strength to conquer them!

Congratulations on the upcoming New Year! I want to wish a peppy morning Interesting and promising work, tasty coffee, bright everyday life, high salary, stable leave, and most importantly, good mood and inspiring goals in the new year.

Happy New Year, colleagues! I wish you productive work, light transactions, high salaries and just great success in everything, no matter what you take up. Let the New Year give a lot of creative ideas and open a lot of new horizons!

Well, my dear colleagues, and the New Year comes. I want everyone Of you separately and to congratulate everyone together on this holiday and wish for the next year to pass at least no worse than the old one. And the old year we spent his shoulder to the shoulder, in confidence and complete understanding, for which many thanks to everyone. Let your finances, successes, and opportunities increase in the new year. Happiness in every house!

Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Let the coming year give We are new ideas, career growth, an increase in salary, long -awaited vacation. May happiness, peace, love, mutual understanding will settle in our families. Joy and vivid impressions. Happy New Year!

Good luck to our enterprise next year. I wish you when building Careers develop daily, for the better to change yourself, without changing yourself. So that after working unrest, you can always come to a quiet harbor at home, find support there and a faithful rear. Well -being to the family, health to you and loved ones, success in business, as well as uncontrolled wage growth. Happy New Year, colleagues!

Dear colleagues! Let me congratulate you on a Happy New Year. Wish, So that with his attack into our friendly team, mutual understanding, support, optimism, enthusiasm, and energy burst without inviting a whirlwind. And the achievements of our team always take a step ahead of time and competitors!

Happy New Year, colleagues, I congratulate you! I wish you in the new year to Your salary is a salary that has been increased for the coming year, so that the leadership appreciates your work and thank you a good bonus for work. I wish that the work is not a burden, but the achievements of a colossal, career ladder and success in all matters! And let your family be comfortable, warmth and grace for the whole year!

Dear Colleagues. Let the New Year bring with it new successes, as on work, and beyond. Let any conflicts resolve easily and not forced, and moreover, bear decent fruits.

Happy New Year to you, work for work! I wish our brotherhood growing year from year, and we could call our colleagues our second family! I wish that after an attack of workaholism it is time for us to relax, shake and fulfill to fully!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you! I really like working with you all,each of you is a wonderful person. When I go to work, I am very glad of a new meeting. This place has become a home thanks to you. Therefore, on this New Year, I want to wish prosperity in the family, career, good luck, happiness, well -being, peace all over the world. The team, happy you.

For the fight of chimes, in the New Year, I wish my colleagues to live all year Rich, great, without sorrows and sorrows, smiling cheerfully, kissing with love, not in need of anything and holding hands tightly with faithful friends!

The outgoing year is about to close the doors. We are not in vain topped In the last days of the outgoing year, they gathered for him a whole bag of unbearable problems, unpretentious disputes, unresolved discord, let him carry everything away with him. New Year will appear at night. New plans, projects, dreams, new meetings and new we. Happiness, love to everyone for many days, with the holiday of everyone, my dear!

Dear colleagues, Happy New Year, dear! Let the desired Definitely becomes reality, let friends value you, and the authorities idolize. Let the luck not slip away, let victories on the personal front cease to delight you, let everyone be in complete delight, because you are so cool.

I congratulate you on the New Year, dear colleagues! And I wish, always stable income, large bonuses, long paid leave. So that the work is always in joy, so that there is mutual understanding at work and that the boss is a little kinder!

My colleagues are dear! You, the bright light of my labor everyday life and I really wantSo that everything is always fine with you. On the threshold, a new miracle, New Year, and I sincerely wish each of you so that magic, success and joy reign in your life! Let this year bring us all more profitable deals, good, not harmful customers and, of course, happiness!

Dear colleagues! At work, we spend so much time, what is she It has long turned into our second house. So let conflicts and misunderstandings remain in the old year, and in the coming will we take only the positive and sense of partnership. High salaries, premiums and promotion in service to all of us! And many years of prosperity to our common house!

Dear colleagues, let me congratulate you today on the upcoming New Year. I would like to wish all our friendly team successful and profitable prospects at the beginning of the coming year. Let the New Year give someone unexpected surprises, tickets or cruises, someone-a family addition, and someone-and an increase in salary. Good luck to you all, zeal and hard work.

The outgoing year rallied our team as never before! All planned goals we completed because each of you is a truly master of your craft. Thanks for the excellent job! Everyone is personally and the whole team. I am proud that I work with you! I appreciate everything that you do, and I wish in the coming year to achieve new successes and heights. Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Happy New Year! I wish that this yearthere were fewer conflicts, all plans were implemented, so that the worthy received a promotion! To be more diligent and achieved good results and, of course, that all together worked for more than one year!

Dear colleagues, very soon the chimes fight will announce the beginning of the New Year! Let us wish each other next year not to know what losses are, it is always early to return home and preferably with pockets protruded from money, easily in fulfilling all the tasks set by the authorities and with humor treats all the difficulties of our work. Happy New Year!

My dear colleagues! We have worked on the side for a whole year, divided All the difficulties and all the joys of our work tried to be better than we are, tried to make common work worthy of us. In this regard, I congratulate us on the upcoming New Year and wish us to work fruitfully together for many years.

The year that has passed with you is one moment. So easy, unobtrusive andcomfortable. I really want to wish each of you as many happy moments in this life as possible. I hope that we, hand in hand, in the new year we will continue the path to ideal team actions and communicate with each other even outside of working hours. Happy holiday, dear colleagues!

Dear colleague! On behalf of the whole team, I congratulate you on the new year! I wish you health, family well -being, success in our common cause, so that the fruits of our joint work with you, on which we have been working under your leadership for many years, brought us the result in the new year in the form of mental satisfaction and material prosperity!

I congratulate all my associates on the holiday! Let the New Year to us It will bring a working day twice as short, paid coffee pauses, unremarked bonuses, so that there is enough to fly to the Maldives. I wish everyone that without worries, an annual report will give up, so that the authorities in the eyes of us only in the hours of diligent work and that the good Santa Claus from the corporate party was leaving us.

Dear colleagues! I wish you in the new year more spit on the ceiling, To do anything in a non -alnius, beat in the bucks, kick a bald, and at the same time receive money! Comrades, what are you looking at me like that? The chef stands behind me? That is, plow like horses for the benefit of our company ..

I wish, my dear and valuable colleagues, so that this year our workerssuccesses grew with incredible force, the authorities did not tune from daily praise and prizes. Let our friendship and cohesion become an assistant at work and in everyday life.

Dear neighbors on the office, friends and friends in working joys and troubles! Happy New Year! I wish us in the coming year to upset each other less, become an even more friendly team and celebrate the next New Year with the same composition!

Here again, in our office you feel the smell of a resinous Christmas tree, on The windows are stuck neat snowflakes, and in the heart of everyone, the expectation of a magical fight of chimes on New Year's Eve froze. So let you, my dear colleagues, will succeed with dignity, but it is fun to survive the corporate party. Let a miracle occur on the eve of the New Year, and the employer will be generous into an extraordinary large prize. May you have prosperity and grace in the new year at home.

Dear Colleagues! The presence of you nearby makes the work more pleasant and easier. Communication with you charges with optimism and vigor. Thank you for your attention and willingness to help. It is very nice to work in a team in which you feel the support of a partner. I wish that in the new year we become even better, even closer, and joint work brought us joy. Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues! I want to congratulate you all a Happy New Year and wish you career and personal success. I am very pleased that I work in the team of such smart, good -natured, friendly people who will always help and help out in difficult times. I am glad to have fun with you before the holiday during the New Year's corporate party!

SMS Happy New Year in prose colleagues

People around the world prepare congratulations from the bottom of their hearts. For some, this is only the beginning of a new month, and for others - the beginning of the era, which gives new goals, new hopes that can lead to success. New Year's Eve is the time when you remember the past and enter the New Year in order to make it better than the previous one. The same moods are expressed in the form of New Year's SMS wishes.

Let the New Year bring to life a fascinating heart of magic and The warmth of loved ones warming the soul, and all dreams in the morning will begin to be embodied and become reality.

Let you have many desires - exactly in number needleson the festive Christmas tree. Let as many fans appear as the fireworks will lit up that night. Happy New Year!

May the New Year enter your life with new grandioseideas, enchanting plans, and fun, laughter, joy will become an integral part of a wonderful life.

With the magical winter holiday you are the old New Year. Let he It will be truly the beginning of successful days and successful months, good changes and big victories, joyful events, pleasant acquaintances and only good news.

Wonderful old New Year - incendiary and mischievous, amazing And the extraordinary, generous for gifts and the arrival of beloved guests! That is, an amazing holiday in the best traditions!

Let wonderful snowflakes of happiness come in the New Year with snow and Heavenly joy, let them pour everyone around and twist in a whirlwind of a magical and beautiful life.

Official Happy New Year greetings to parents

Favorite parents! Let me already be an adult, but I'm glad to celebrate this New Year Together in you. We do not see each other so often and spending time with each other, so I wish that our joint meeting of the New Year has become a banner that now we will talk much more often, relax, and enjoy life. This year I want to wish you good health, growing mutual love and fulfillment of all your plans, which you consider important.

My dear, beloved parents, on New Year's Eve I want to wish you Real human happiness, let all the hardships dissolve in a glass with champagne, will burn out all the insults like the Bengal light, and only sincere joy for themselves, for children, for relatives and friends will remain in life.

My dear mom and dad, I congratulate you on the bright holiday of the newYears and I wish you only good gifts. Let life go its own way, a year is replaced by a year, and in the house and family there will always be peace and comfort. Let the evil pass quickly, and the good remains with us forever.

Happy New Year, dad! Let him bring you new strength, stability, Self -confidence and tomorrow. I wish you never to seek help from doctors, police and firefighters. May God grant you health, prosperity and all earthly goods. I love you very much.

My dear and beloved mommy, I congratulate you on Happy New Year and I wish youyou are primarily unshakable health. Let all the same beautiful and kind eyes, open and caring - heart. I wish that gray hair is in no hurry to appear on my head, and wrinkles were formed only from regular smiles.

Happy New Year to friends in prose

Happy New Year! May this year bring us a lot of happiness, good luck, smiles, heat and light. Let it be full of bright colors, pleasant impressions and joyful events. I wish everyone in the new year to be healthy, beautiful, loved and successful!

Happy New Year! I wish that this year everything would be performed, even the most Little, dreams. To make more heat, more opportunities opened, incredible prospects appeared, new friends, fire burned in a home, played a smile on her beloved faces. Let the most cherished come true!

Happy New Year! I wish that this year is even better and brighter previous. So that everything would come true in it, and dreams come true. Let each new day charge with energy and inspired new, positive thoughts and actions. He dipped in the world of prosperity and brought paradise pleasure!

Happy New Year! May this New Year will shave all the griefs of the past, but The accumulated well -being and success will increase. Let every minute of the new year bring something new and delightful to your life. May this year become the year of grandiose meetings and fantastic undertakings, the year of birth of a dream that will certainly be fulfilled!

I sincerely congratulate you on a Happy New Year! I wish you to be in the coming year surrounded by extremely positive and friendly people, to experience only pleasant emotions, to enjoy every day lived, give joy and smiles to others and let this New Year become special for you.

Let the coming New Year bring with it well -being, a lotjoy and more bright stripes in life. I wish that this year to indulge in successes and victories. Let the year leaving with him take all the hardships. Let the year drill intoxicated with happiness and luck in everything. Happy New Year!

I sincerely congratulate the New Year! I wish you every dayWhat was coming to the top is filled with bright sunlight, shrouded in the warmth and love of loved ones, is redeemed to happiness and health, illuminated by the sincere smiles of people sweet to the heart. And if there are precipitation, then only in the form of gifts, prosperity and joy!

Happy New Year! I wish you good luck, material well -being, A lot of warmth and light, the fullness of colors in vivid impressions, pleasant moments, fascinating trips, health, love, beauty and success!

Accept my sincere congratulations on the New Year! I wish inthe new year, you have come true the most cherished and secret desires, so that you and your loved ones are happy and healthy, so that Madame Luck does not bypass you, and all the things started ends triurized!

Happy New Year! I wish you success, health, order, in the family, At work, so that everything is smooth. There was stability, so that always and in everything, let your house be filled with happiness on the holiday.

Happy New Year! I wish new successes, new goals, newdating, new exciting adventures and discoveries. And let the dreams become even more vivid and tempting and most importantly in the new year, let them not forget to come true.

Today is a special, incredible and magical day, because on the verge is a new year, With whom I want to congratulate you. Let not only this year, but every subsequent brings you only favorable, positive emotions, give lightness in all your affairs and help to be realized. I wish you good and peace, positive, prosperity and, of course, miracles, without which life would be the same.

Let every New Year bring to your house harmony, peace and happiness!

Happy New Year! I want to wish all bitterness and hardships, Folded with snowdrifts so that anxiety and sadness froze frost. So that only good people knock on the house, bringing the happiest news with them!

Let on the New Year, under the battle of chimes, the cherished dreams come true. And joy holiday, let it last every day. Health hits the key, work - in pleasure, in the family - care and comfort, love, hopes and only good!

Be happy in the new year! I wish you wonderful days and momentswhich will be remembered for a long time, the future that will fulfill all your hopes and dreams and love, which in the new year will only be stronger!

Let in the new year, life plays with all the colors, like confetti. Come true Dreams shine on the faces of a smile, eyes sparkle with happiness! Let there be more good in the soul! Health, love, mutual understanding, joy, prosperity, travel, impressions and only good events. Let the New Year give only the best!

Let this marvelous New Year give inspiration, strength and desire conquer the most complex heights. Fulfilling the cherished desires, achieving the most difficult goals, great love, good health, good luck unreal and the happiness of the unprecedented!

May the next year be happy: rich and colorful, peaceful And bright, healthy and magical, successful and vigorous, promising and amazing, joyful and exciting, bringing satisfaction and peace, warm love of loved ones and one hundred percent positive. I wish that the New Year will certainly become favorable to you!

With new happiness you are loved! Let the New Year bring you endless Storms of positive emotions! Let your houses fill your sonorous laughter and mountains of joy! I wish you the brightest good and infinitely sunny days! Let no troubles can touch you and your loved ones. Happy New Year!

Let this year bring good to your home. I wish that in the coming days, all Things were more progressively so that there was more money, so that everything was always fine. In order for blizzards and frosts to go around your house, and the sun always shines behind the window. Let this year change this year only in a positive direction. I wish you love and happiness, smiles and goodness, more friends, and less disorders. Happy New Year!

New Year lit new stars in the sky! I congratulate you on newhopes, new happiness, new undertakings, new ideas and opportunities! I wish you in the new year well -being, success in everything, prosperity, bright, cloudless days, comfort and warmth in the house, peace and good!

Happy New Year! We wish every new calendar The day was painted only with good and good deeds, bright and sunny moments and bright colorful events.

Happy New Year! I wish that family warmth, smiles, The joys, the fun that accompany this holiday did not leave your house and your family throughout the next year and brought exceptionally positive memories.

I congratulate you on the most magical and amazing holiday -New Year! I wish you the most sparkling desires, the most raging passions, the most mysterious gifts and the most creative ideas. Let the light veil of this festive night be replaced by a snow -white round dance of flying snowflakes. And the most nimble of them will kiss you and give happiness in the new year!

Let the New Year bring you so much joy that there is no left in the heart Places for sadness and sadness, the soul rejoices and sings, the mood and on weekdays does not lower below the notes "excellent"! Let the body grow stronger and the soul becomes more tender, rejoicing in the colors of the world! Love to you, patience and consent! Peace on earth and in the hearts! Let the soul be sympathetic to someone else's trouble, and the well -being grows and stronger!

Under the ringing of glasses, under the noise of champagne in the head, for explosions of salute, let Happiness and grace will burst into your life. Let there be as many good moments in the coming year as thorny needles on your Christmas tree. Let New Year's illumination attract not Santa Claus to your house, but health and well -being. Let it not snow under your legs, but bags of money, and not batteries and fireplaces save from the blizzard, but the warmth of native hearts.

Happy New Year, congratulations! On this winter day we wish you happiness andhealth, good luck in all matters and smiles on the lips. Let your house sound in your house, and there will be good and faithful friends nearby. Let the old year take with him all the sorrows and cares. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Let the good grandfather Frost will remainto stay with you for a whole year and in his bag there will always be a valuable gift for you. And the granddaughter of Santa Claus is a beautiful Snow Maiden, let it become your good fairy and help to realize the most cherished dreams!

Happy New Year! Let snowflakes spin in a fairy -tale waltz, covering Each house faithfully in the best, well -being, income, great happiness. I wish Grandfather Frost to fulfill the most cherished desires. And the unique smell of spruce and mandarin necessarily envelops with unearthly love!

Let the New Year be happy, wonderful and bright! Let you love you He will bring with him by filling his heart with warm and affection! Let all your dreams come true, making life fabulous and beautiful! And may you be lucky always and everywhere, good luck, success and great happiness!

New Year is a bright holiday that is able to embody inreality is any dreams and desires. I congratulate you on a Happy New Year, I wish that this year you manage to do everything you did not have time to do in the past. So that luck is with you and that happiness never leaves your house. Happy New Year!

I wish you, waking up in the New Year, find a lot of happiness under the Christmas tree and Health, faithful love, more money, stunning success and a bag of cheerful mood for the whole next year.

How warm and perfectly at heart today, because the New Year will come soon. So May he become the happiest for each of us. Let health, peace and love settle in every house.

Let everything that happened good in the past year will go into a new one. Health as good as baptismal frosts; happiness is as large as a bear; Cozy is the same warm as the sun. The performance of each boss for the battle of chimes of desire, good luck, luck and success. Happy New Year!

New Year is a mystery and a secret that gets a little closer with a battle Kuntates. I wish your secret desire to come true on this magical night. Make a bolder and let him deliver to Santa Claus confetti, snowflakes and winter fairies. Plunge into a wonderful fairy tale, believe me, today everything is possible!

Funny friends, reliable work, huge salary, great discoveries, memorable travels, successful acquaintances, big changes - let all this be a gift for the New Year to you!

Every New Year is new hopes, aspirations and dreams. I wish The conceived this year came true 100 %. And I will add from myself: if you are lonely, then take on your family; If you expect a child, then let him be born healthy; If you want money, then let them fall at you like snow on your head! Be happy!

In the New Year I wish you immense joy and happiness! Let everyone come trueyour dreams and hopes! I wish that in your homes there is always a warmth of close people and joyful laughter. Let the coming year give you an incredible amount of love, good and fabulous wealth!

Happy New Year, this holiday is always magical, it unites Families, friends, different people. On this holiday, I want to wish for good health, peace all over the world, strength, self -confidence, stability, success at work. Let all dreams come true. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on this magical holiday! I wish him to bring you As much happiness as you can imagine and gave you the most magical and joyful moments! May the coming year become the beginning of something bright and unforgettable! And from this moment, no difficulties will bring you out of life distance!

I wish that an unnecessary load of failed ideas remain on Platform of the outgoing year. In order for dreams and goals in the new year, relations span with new colors, new acquaintances took place and new opportunities have appeared.

New Year is a time to make desires, this is a time of miracles. Let all yours Dreams and all the most cherished desires will be fulfilled this year. New Year is the time to start life from scratch. Leave everything bad in the past, and take only beautiful memories and achievements with you. Happy New Year!

Crystal glasses rings, champagne pours a river and I hasten to congratulate you This New Year! Let this year bring you good luck, and all things are solved with ease, joy of endless and justified hopes, new opportunities and firmness in decisions, money and financial stability. Love and be loved by this new year!

Happy New Year! Let the snowstorms take away all the sorrows of the pastyears, and the coming year will bring a lot of pleasant surprises and joyful emotions. Let all disputes be resolved to reign consent. Let the New Year give faith in its own strength and give a chance to realize dreams into reality!

So again this holiday of magic, gifts and smiles under Name New Year. I would like to wish that in the new year a new life still begins, with new, only good experiences, to realize the most cherished dreams and that every day is filled with warmth and love.

Magic holiday and a fabulous night! Let the new year be better Old, will help to realize everything that is usually ordered for the fight of chimes. I wish you good luck and success, luck and attentiveness to drop -down chances. Let talents open and debts close. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, Frost and Homon! I wish to live and enjoy life. Let everything that has begun continue successfully. What was dreamed of for many years - it will certainly happen. Let the New Year give what you really want. Let the magic night come to you on the best of happiness.

This day has come again, we are going together again, congratulations each other, give gifts. Life flies quickly, it seems that we just rejoiced one year, and now another was replaced by another. Everything that happens in life is always for the better. On this New Year, I wish you: health, strong friendship and love, success in all endeavors, the fulfillment of your dreams, peace all over the world. Do not forget about those who are next to you, give them care and fidelity, and they will pay you the same. Happy New Year.

Happy New Year to you! I wish you to be in children'snew Year's dreams with a huge gift, a coop of the most delicious sweets, next to the most elegant Christmas tree and in the company of the present Santa Claus. That this year all the most inaccessible desires finally fulfilled!

Happy New Year! How much hefem will appear on branches and ground this winter,may you have so much success and joyful events as beautiful and gentle snowflakes will fall out, let so many happy moments and pleasant meetings happen!

Happy New Year! In modern times, come with new plans, Take only the best memories, hopes for a bright future, love, faith and friends. I wish in the coming year to pass all crisis moments and troubles, pay a mortgage and go on a trip to overseas countries!

Happy New Year! Let him bring more joy than sorrow, more Smiles than tears, more money than embezzlement. Let the New Year be spinning in a hurricane of emotions, atone in the ocean of love, overwhelmers with a wave of positive and fill the moments with rainbow feelings.

Happy New Year! And I wish to make it as successful as possible, complete all the undertakings, and of course find even higher goals. Buy loyal friends, good colleagues! Well, just for this year to be one of the happiest in your life!

Let all worries and troubles remain last year. Set new goals and Find new peaks. Let the past year allow you to analyze errors and prevent them again. I believe that in the new year there will be an abundance of wonderful moments and 365 days of endless miracles!

New Year is a magical holiday. I wish to drown in the coming year in The ocean of love and catch the bird of happiness. Let all the problems bypass your home, and health and luck will settle in it for a long time. Make the most cherished desire for the ringing of glasses in a fragrant spruce - it will definitely come true. Happy New Year!

Let the distant day will remain sad, let the futureNew Year will replace them with new happiness, success and great achievements! I wish all your hopes to come true this year so that the losses would turn into new, expensive finds, and tears mean only joy.

Life, it is like a series. Who is in the main role, some in the episode with whom Stories happen ... So let's start the new season! And we will not lose hope that this time the director definitely does not disappoint! Sound! Camera! Motor!

A great holiday is coming! Feast of miracles, magic and fun! I want You will wish on this incredible night only positive emotions, success and good. Let the coming year, and all other years will look like a wonderful, incredible fairy tale. Happy New Year, with new impressions, changes and happiness!

I wish in the New Year so that it is very kind. So that the place was for Good deeds and good news. So that the mother -in -law and mother -in -law become kinder, the authorities also took the pill of kindness. So that they do not look for good from good - it found you itself. And so that life is good for you, like kindness itself!

New Year's Eve is a line. When chimes break through twelve and glasses They will rise into the air - the line will be overcome. Let there be only wonderful days behind this line, full of happiness and success. And let the miracle accompany not only on the treasured night, but throughout the year. Happy New Year!

So again, the Karanth battle says that the New Year will soon enter the threshold. Let your star shine much brighter in this year, let the sun caress you generously with warmth, let your house fill you with light and happiness. I wish you comfort, health, wealth, eyes, let them only wate from laughter. Let everything remain in the new year, and in the new year the sea will be joy.

There are already a few days left until the most wonderful holiday - newof the year. Let him bring us all good health and everything that can be dreamed of. Let the snow powder close everything negative and bad, let it remain in the past year. Happy New Year!

Ringing glasses, bright overflows of Christmas tree toys and garlands, joyful laughter Adults and children, voiced bells and saluts from confetti - so knocks on the door of the New Year! How a dear guest meets him in every house, children are looking forward to a fairy tale, and adults are good for good changes. Let all expectations come true, with every snowfield that lies on the roofs of houses, luck, joy, luck for every master, comfort and family well -being in every house fly. Happy new year friends!

The path with frosty patterns on glass New Year's Eve will write to youcompliments, let the flame of candles closer to twelve melt the hearts you still unconquered, let Bengal's fire burst into your life, and fate will prepare for you the fireworks of joyful events.

And again, everything inside freezes with the anticipation of the magical New Year's Eve, The whole city was transformed and wrapped in colorful colors of festive illumination, and in each apartment you can feel such a native, coming from the childhood itself, the smell of tangerines. So let health and happiness come to your life with a battle of chimes, love will look at your Christmas tree, and will remain in your house.

What to wish you on the New Year? Fun life, without worries. Let your houseit will be a paradise garden, and instead of grass on your personal plot, only dollars grow, so Kosi, Kosi, you won’t go!

Let the New Year have generous gifts to the house to you: New-drill Happiness and luck, fabulous surprises of a round dance, the sweetness of dreams, the excitement of new meetings, the affection of loved ones and the warmth of good friends! And jokes, music, jokes will make a meeting of the year gluing!

New Year is invariably waiting for March 8 and birthday, vacation in the midst Summer, promotion, trips abroad, winning in the lottery, stunning meeting. Let our hopes be justified with more than. Make desires, the clock is beating! With coming!

Just a little left to the beautiful and everyone’s favorite holiday. FROM The coming New Year! Let this day go so successfully that he will want to repeat it again, and again and again. Let the festive mood shimmer over the edge, and all dreams will find their embodiment.

New Year is another reason to say that I love you. And I will love and This year, and in the following. Let the holiday go well for all of us, and everything you want will be under your Christmas tree in the best and bright gift wrapper. Happy New Year to you, my dear.

Happy New Year congratulations in prose

Son, we congratulate you on a Happy New Year! We wish the chimes fight to give The countdown to the beginning of your new life. Let there will be no diseases, disappointments, sadness, enemies, errors, failures and poor mood in it. We wish you the accomplishment of everything that you dream about. Let this year open new abilities, skills and talents in you.

Happy New Year to loved ones in prose

My beloved, I congratulate you on a Happy New Year. Let this holiday beone of many happy days in our life with you. Let every day in a year, and not just a holiday, be filled with solemn joy and expectation of a miracle. I wish you both to receive from the coming year everything we want.

I congratulate a person who knows me best in the world. Which the I saw my tears, anger, despair and joy. Which I trust more than myself. Which will be near, no matter what happens. Happy New Year, girlfriend! Do not disappear anywhere!

Dear friend! I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Wish You are not only to remain the same beautiful woman and a good person, but also to improve your dignity further. Meet this holiday as you always dreamed about it. I really hope that our friendship will remain for many years, because you are a really wonderful magical man. Let Santa Claus give you his generosity!

My dear girlfriend, let you kiss you on New Year's Eve. The snowflake will give you its charm, let the frosty freshness of Christmas holidays bring not only a blush to cheeks, but also good health, let the lights of Christmas eating bring bright colors into your life.

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