How to make light air plasticine at home: recipe, instruction

How to make light air plasticine at home: recipe, instruction

Making light air plasticine is simple. Look for recipes in the article.

Nowadays, young mothers have no problems about how to occupy their babies. Now there are many different sets for creativity on the shelves of stores. But one of the most popular categories is air plasticine. It can also be done at home.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Crafts and application of the hedgehog to kindergarten, a school of seeds, cereals, vegetables, fruits, flowers, plasticine". You will also find instructions on how to make a hedgehog from salty dough, plastic bottles, paper, corn sticks and iris, coffee beans, toothpicks, leaves, cones, chestnuts, pine needles and straws.

We will explain how to make air plasticine with your own hands, and you - remember all the technology and repeat. Read further.

Why is the air (light) plasticine made at home better?

Air plasticine
Air plasticine

Without a doubt, it is not difficult to purchase air plasticine in any shopping center. Why is the air (light) plasticine made at home better? Such a mass has a number of undeniable positive characteristics. Among them:

  • The child will be busy with a creative process for a long time, making figures from the air mass.
  • It will be a “clean” product, without harmful and dangerous additives.
  • Cash expenses on a “home -made” will be lower than the product purchased in the store.
  • You can use any recipe at your discretion, and then the plasticine will be hard or soft, colored or white, hardening or plastic.

Now we start work. Read further.

How to just make air plasticine: from shaving foam, recipe without glue, video

Next, we present you the simplest recipe with a minimum of ingredients to create a creative mass. How to just make air plasticine? A recipe without glue:

The main components - dry starch and a tube of cream foam for shaving. If the white mass is suitable, then we begin to cook, and if it is interesting to make a cauliflower, then stock up with food dye.

Everything is quite simple:

Air plasticine
Air plasticine
  • Squeeze the entire foam from the tube to any deep container, add the dye at will.
  • After sending portions to the mass of starch and stir continuously.
  • Control the consistency: starch needs to be added exactly as much as you need to create an elastic mass.

That's all - plasticine can be allowed in modeling. The result was a completely safe elastic consistency. It remains only to use your imagination to create masterpieces.

Watch the video. There is a craftswoman in it, how to make such an air mass.

Video: How to make light plasticine at home with a child?

Light mass for sculpting with foam balls without tetrable: Recipe

Light mass for sculpting with foam balls without tetrable
Light mass for sculpting with foam balls without tetrable

The preparation of a plastic consistency for modeling according to this recipe will not cause any difficulties. The light mass for modeling with foam balls without tetranet is elastic and pleasant to the touch. The list of ingredients is also short. Instead of foam, we use hair balm, as well as dye and starch. Here is the prescription:

Do this:

  • After all the ingredients are in one container, add foam balls.
  • Then everything is actively and thoroughly mix until a homogeneous composition.
  • The mass is ready at the moment when the balls are evenly distributed.

We are sure that from such plasticine you can blind many funny figures of animals or fairy -tale heroes.

Light air plasticine from soda and starch at home: Recipe

Figures made of air plasticine from soda and starch at home
Figures made of air plasticine from soda and starch at home

Another sculpting mass is a light air plasticine of soda and starch, which is easy to do at home. Do this - recipe:

  • An impeccable consistency will turn out if mixed a couple of cups of soda with a cup of starch.
  • After we send it to a dry mixture 300 milliliters of water.
  • Next, put the mass in a water bath. With constant stirring, after 10 minutes, the mixture will begin to thicken and crumple.
  • Remove the container from the steam bath and start working with our hands. Knead well, but carefully - let the mass cool down a little.
Figures made of air plasticine from soda and starch at home
Figures made of air plasticine from soda and starch at home

Well, here, it turned out the perfect mass for sculpting food, culinary products, flowers and berries. If you have children of preschool age, then they will be able to create a beautiful still life.

Light air plasticine as Play Doh without a thickener and starch: Recipe

Most mothers who have children of preschool children know that the company Play Doh - Leader in the manufacture of goods for children's creativity. And the plasticine of this manufacturer is plastic and suppressed to such an extent that all of it can be sculpted from different sizes, combining the colors at your discretion. We offer to prepare a viscous mass from the shadeful ingredients like Play Doh - Light and air plasticine without a thickener and starch. Here is the prescription:

We take:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Flour
  • Dye
  • Flavored oil
  • Citric acid

It is not necessary to take flavored oil, but those who sculpted figures from legendary plasticine know what aroma it has. There are a lot of variations for the dye: from gouache to food paint.

The proportions are as follows:

  • Half a glass of salt
  • Glass of water
  • A glass of flour

Now about the process itself step by step:

The process of making air plasticine as Play Doh
The process of making air plasticine as Play Doh
  • Water needs to be painted. To do this, mix it with the chosen dye. In the same glass, add a couple of teaspoons without a slide of citric acid and mix everything well.
  • We heat the pan and send there flour mixed with salt. The mass should warmly warm up and considerate.
  • After that, pour “multi -colored” water and a tablespoon of vegetable oil into the pan.
  • If you plan to use aromatic oil, then it is at this moment that you only drip from the pipette a drop for the aroma.
The process of making air plasticine as Play Doh
The process of making air plasticine as Play Doh
  • Make the mass until smooth and plastic, after a little more heated.
  • At the final stage, we take out the mass from the pan, and stir until completely cooled. Carefully - it can be hot.

This time recipe will take more than the above. But, you see, the process is fascinating. It is necessary to store in a jar with a lid, and the salt for work is better to choose fine -grained. Start creating!

Watch the video. In it, the craftswoman also makes a light plasticine from flour.

Video: Fixies. How to make plasticine from flour?

How to restore plasticine after drying: how to make soft?

Making plasticine at home is simple. But he has one feature - the viscous mass quickly freezes with improper storage. How to make the material for creativity retains its plastic properties longer? Or can it be reanimated? How to restore plasticine after drying, how to make soft? Let's understand.

The following factors affect the qualitative characteristics of mass for creativity:

  1. Dust
  2. Drying out
  3. Temperature conditions

After classes with plasticine, it must be tightly packaged in a container or bag. If suddenly the slightest unclosed crack remains, then the mass will dry out and lose its qualities. But even if it seems to you that plasticine is no longer suitable for use, then this is not so: its properties can be restored. We tell you how to do it:

  • We send a dry lump to a glass with hot water, move it in a glass for three minutes.
  • After that, we move it with your fingers in the hands, and again send it to hot water.
  • Sometimes this is enough. If the plasticine is not quite softened, then we repeat the procedure again until the mass is completely softened.

Attention: You can store plasticine in a glass with a lid or in a tightly closing plastic bag. Multi -colored pieces are not recommended to be stored in one container, otherwise they can mix.

How to make air plasticine out of ordinary plasticine?

And now - the most interesting: how to make air mass out of ordinary plasticine? This is also possible. Here is a way:

  1. First, heat the plasticine - send the bar to a container with hot water, and wait a few minutes.
  2. After knead the mass in the hands.
  3. If the plasticine is not soft enough, then we repeat all the same actions again.

The air mass is ready, you can model figures.

Light air plasticine, which shines in the dark at home: Instructions

Light air plasticine that shines in the dark
Light air plasticine that shines in the dark

We offer to take note of several more unusual ways to make light air plasticine at home. The first is a mass for modeling, which shines in the dark. Here's the instruction:

Main ingredients:

  • 300 milliliters of cold water
  • 400 grams of baking soda
  • 200 grams of starch

Do this:

  • We mix all these parts, heat well until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  • Then in the hands we mix everything and add vitamin B. From the pharmacy to the formation of a viscous consistency.
  • Material for modeling is ready.

When your child blinds the figure, leaving it on the window, his product will light up. After all, the vitamin of group B is glowing under the influence of the sun.

Edible light and air plasticine with your own hands: Recipe

Interesting, but plasticine is edible. It will be interesting for a child. Here is a recipe for making edible light and air plasticine with your own hands:

We take such products:

  • Food colorings
  • Three glasses of flour
  • On a glass of vegetable oil and water
  • Five grams of citric acid
  • Half a tablespoon of small salt

Do this:

  • We sculpt a testy mass of two glasses of flour and water.
  • We divide the third glass into several stages, add to the mass, gradually mix everything until the dough begins to lag behind.
  • Next, add any food dye, knead.
  • Then we salt the dough and add vegetable oil to it, knead again.
  • Edible plasticine is ready.

We have already examined various methods of manufacturing plasticine, now let's see how to experiment with the finished mass. In other words, how to diversify and color the ready -made crafts. Read further.

What can be easily made from air plasticine with your own hands, made at home: what are the figures?

It is worth noting that the plasticine is in contact with gouache well. Therefore, it will not be difficult to paint the finished craft with gouache of different colors. Only immediately select the shades correctly. Here's what can be easily made from air plasticine with your own hands, made at home - different beautiful figures:

  • Slime
  • Lizuna
  • Dragon
  • Mascot
  • Beautiful animals
  • Doll lol
  • Flowers
  • Toy
  • Trinket
  • Pokemon
  • Cat
  • Unicorn
  • Cat
  • Pikachu et al.

See how beautiful these figures turn out:

Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures
Air plasticine figures

Here are some tips:

  • If you need to draw or highlight small parts on a plasticine figure, then use a ball or colored gel pen. Markers and felt -tip pens are also suitable. They lie down in an even line, the color is intense and the same over the entire surface.
  • Depending on how to draw a line or pattern, it is recommended to control the degree of pressing the handle or felt -tip pen.
  • In order to make the figure smooth with a characteristic brilliance, it is recommended to apply ordinary cosmetic varnish on it.
  • If you need to attach any element to the plasticine craft, then use PVA glue, supercliem, silicate or thermoclay.
  • We hope that such little tricks will help you update or decorate your plasticine craft.

Plasticine is a wonderful material for the embodiment of their creative fantasies and ideas. But sometimes ordinary plasticine is very hard, it cannot be softened by children's handles. In this case, you can make the air mass with your own hands. A successful and interesting process of creativity!

Video: How to make plasticine at home in a microwave?

Video: How to make air plasticine with your own hands?

Video: How to make soft plasticine at home?

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