How to make a beautiful crown on the head for the New Year, carnival: step -by -step instructions, photos, video

How to make a beautiful crown on the head for the New Year, carnival: step -by -step instructions, photos, video

Complete the costume for the New Year with your own hands, and you will become the best on the carnival. Look for manufacturing instructions in the article.

New Year is no longer around the corner. Every mother thinks about which suit to sew her child so that he is a highlight of the evening. We offer to make the most popular attribute of a carnival - a crown, with step -by -step instructions.

Read on our website in another article on the topic: "Costume of Lisa Alice and Basilio costume with your own hands". You will find instructions and photos.

A chic decoration on the head will emphasize the beauty and originality of the costume, give a special chic to the celebration. Of course, you can just take a walk to any store, and purchase a finished product. But, I think, many will agree with us that a thing from the store will not give any effect, will not add a feeling of anticipation of the holiday. Below you will find several step-by-step master classes on making a beautiful crown. Read further.

Crown on the head with sparkles with your own hands for the New Year: step -by -step instructions, video

Crown on the head with sparkles with your own hands
Crown on the head with sparkles with your own hands

Such a purple crown on the head with sparkles is suitable not only for the child for the matinee, but also to an adult woman on the carnival. It looks stylish, expensive and interesting.

Before starting work, first prepare a cardboard with brilliance of purple, white and cherry shades, still take:

  • Stationery knife
  • Ordinary scissors
  • The frame of the crown
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Pistol for glue
  • Hair band
  • Various jewelry - rhinestones, lace, pebbles, flowers, beads

Here is a step -by -step instruction for performing an accessory with your own hands for the New Year:

Instructions for the crown
Instructions for the crown
  • First of all, draw the crown of the crown on paper, cut it with scissors.
  • Apply the finished paper pattern to purple cardboard with a pencil and also cut it out. The workpiece is ready.
Instructions for the crown
Instructions for the crown
Instructions for the crown
Instructions for the crown
  • The next stage - apply circles of different formats to a brilliant cardboard, cut them, glue the pebbles to them.
Instructions for the crown
Instructions for the crown
  • Based on the lace with the help of glue - a pistol. Fantasy here is endless: lace can not only be pulled around the entire perimeter of the crown, but also designed with beautiful folds. It will also turn out in an original way.
  • Apply rhinestones or beautiful beads in the alternation to the top of the lace.
  • On lace, stick flowers into a row, alternating in shape or color.
  • Complete the flowers with leaves, stamens, other additional details. They can also be composed of beads.
Attach the rim - the crown is ready
Attach the rim - the crown is ready
  • Do not forget to add large stones in the central part of the diadem. This will give chic and wealth to decorate.
  • The final stage - fastening the crown to the rim.

The decoration is ready. Now you or your daughter is the queen of the ball!

Watch the video how you can make a crown with sparkles from Foamiran. This is a material that is sold in any store for creativity. It turns out no less beautiful than from paper or cardboard.

Video: How to make a crown from Foamiran? DIY Foamir Crafts

Beautiful crown made of wood on the head with your own hands: instructions step by step

Beautiful crown made of wood on the head
Beautiful crown made of wood on the head

Your suit with such a beautiful decoration on your head will definitely surprise everyone around. After all, it is usually made with their own hands from paper or cardboard, and no one will guess a real wooden one, although it is simple. In a specialized store with goods for creativity, buy a thin sheet of wood for crafts.

It will also be needed:

  • The clips of the stationery
  • Pencil
  • Water
  • Knife
  • Pot
  • Glue
  • Bucket
  • Shiny paint in a spray can or other jewelry

Here are the instructions step by step:

Beautiful crown made of wood on the head
Beautiful crown made of wood on the head
  • Measure the height of the future crown (no more than 10-15 cm), cut off the excess. The length will be equal to the circumference of the head.
  • Mark the decorations on the board and cut them out.
Crown made of wood - instruction
Crown made of wood - instruction
  • Pour hot water into the bucket, lower the wooden blank there for a quarter of an hour.
  • After, at the same time, send the workpiece to the pan with hot water, bending the future crown around the circumference of the container, as shown in the photo below.
Crown made of wood - instruction
Crown made of wood - instruction
  • Then drain the water, and leave the workpiece in the saucepan for 7-8 hours.
  • Set the clamps for a while, so its ends will connect.
  • In the morning, decorate the royal decoration, and remove the clamps.

The decoration is ready. Probably, it is more suitable for the boy. But if you decorate with too bright colors or in too bright tones, then the girl will be able to perfectly complement her suit. Thus, you can make any crown of wood. First, cut the necessary workpiece, and then warm up well in hot water and dry in such a folded state - everything is simple.

How to make a beautiful crown on the rim with your own hands for the New Year: instructions, video

Crown on the rim
Crown on the rim

If the first option was more suitable for a teenage girl, then the option described below is suitable for a baby of kindergarten age. We make beautiful mini-koron on the rim for hair. How to make such a decoration with your own hands for the New Year? Here's the instruction:

At the initial stage, we will prepare all the necessary materials:

  • White felt
  • Fatin
  • Foamiran with pink sparkles
  • Crown blank
  • Scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Wooden skewer
  • Glue
  • The threads are white
  • Ruler
  • Rim
  • Ruler
  • Rhinestones
  • Textile elastic band

Now a detailed master class:

Crown on the rim - instruction
Crown on the rim - instruction
  • Prepare the template of the crown itself.
  • To do this, carefully circle the shape of the jewelry along Foamiran and cut out. You can cut out a stencil of paper in advance, and then transfer it to the material. You can draw a template with your own hands or print by our example:
Template to the crown
Template to the crown
  • From one edge, slightly cut with scissors for convenient and quick assembly.
  • Pick up seven pieces of tulle on a piece of white thread, and then secure them with glue on the back of the crown.
Fatin attach to the future crown
Fatin attach to the future crown
  • After, using glue-moth, fasten the white felt next to Fatin.
  • After the crown can be assembled, and fix the place with the cut with glue.
Fix the edges - the crown is ready
Fix the edges - the crown is ready
  • Make rhinestones with the peak parts of the crown with the help of a pistol glue.
  • Further, knowing the size of the rim, attach the tape from Foamiran wider than several millimeters and longer by three centimeters.
  • Decorate the ends with a special sewing elastic band.
Attach to the rim
Attach to the rim
  • Fasten the crown on the rim with mixing the center in any direction.

All is ready. Now your daughter at the festival is gentle and irresistible. Watch the video how the craftswoman makes such a crown. You can see all the stages clearly, which means that you do it without difficulty.

Video: The easiest New Year's set for the princess

Crown from a plate on the head with your own hands on the carnival: Instructions

Crown from a plate on the head with your own hands
Crown from a plate on the head with your own hands

An interesting option disposable. Such an accessory is suitable not only to a little girl, but also to a girl and a woman older for a carnival. You can make a crown from a disposable plate - everything is simple and fast. So, we try to make decoration with our own hands on the upcoming New Year's carnival:

Crown from a plate - instruction
Crown from a plate - instruction
  • We turn one -time dishes in half.
  • We make incisions like on a pie, but do not cut them to the end.
Crown from a plate - instruction
Crown from a plate - instruction
  • Now we proceed to the most interesting - coloring the future crown. It is advisable to use bright, funny colors.
  • Now bent the tops up, decorate with multi -colored buttons, putting them on glue.

Advice: You can use ready -made painted paper plates. Choose dishes with a New Year's pattern and just cut the crown and that's it.

This jewelry is very easy to manufacture, and there will not be so much time. Therefore, preliminarily arm yourself with everything you need, and invite your child for the royal image.

Beautiful crown from a musical leaf with your own hands on a carnival: Instructions

Beautiful crown from a musical leaf
Beautiful crown from a musical leaf

And how do you like the idea to become a queen music for at least one evening? We offer to make beautiful "Musical" crownfrom a musical leaf with your own hands on a carnival. Here's the instruction:

  • For the manufacture of this important paraphernalia, you will not have to buy a lot of materials, all of them are at home. All components will select all components during manufacture.
  • If your hand draws perfectly, then you can draw the contours of a beautiful crown yourself, and if not, use the template.
Template to the crown
Template to the crown
  • Transfer the template to the cardboard. Now cut the same workpiece from the old musical notebook, stick it on one side. Clay with joints, applying them on each other by 2-3 millimeters.
  • Similarly, stick musical items from the back.
  • After that, carefully trim the workpiece along the intended contour with a pencil. Use manicure scissors for this.
  • For better strength, glue the openwork tape or any suitable braid to the bottom.
  • On the bottom, through the entire perimeter, apply glue, and sprinkle everything with quick movements with sparkles or small beads.
  • From durable black paper or cardboard, cut the violin key and fix it on the central tip. But other jewelry can be made - in the form of paper flowers, etc.

It is worth noting:Such a crown can be made from packaging paper or from a dense newspaper.

How to make a beautiful crown from bushings from paper towels with your own hands: Instructions

Crown from bushes from paper towels
Crown from bushes from paper towels

If there is nothing at hand, and there is no time to go to the store-the holiday is about to begin, then the simplest bushings from paper towels or toilet paper will be saved. We offer to make a beautiful crown with your own hands. It is fast and easy. Here's the instruction:

We take:

  • Hat elastic band
  • All jewelry that will be found in the house
  • Business bushings and towels
  • Glue gun
  • Awl
  • Chancet. knife
  • Pencil

And now - the manufacturing process itself:

  • Cut the bushings in the height of the desired crown.
  • In the upper part, we cut out the openwork teeth with a knife, and at the bottom symmetrically, on both sides, pierce small holes with an awl.
  • Through the holes we spread the elastic band, and fix it with nodules.
  • The final moment is decorating at will all that is at hand. The same jewelry can be applied to the queen's dress, armed with threads and a needle.
Crown from bushes from paper towels
Crown from bushes from paper towels

Show imagination and decoration will turn out to be the most original and even unique.

Crown for the Snowflake costume for a girl for the New Year with her own hands: Instructions

Crown for the costume
Crown for the costume "Snowflake"

This is truly New Year's paraphernalia - crown  for snowflakes. Many girls on a winter holiday are put on this costume. You can find dress and shoes, but the crown will have to be made for the New Year with your own hands. Below you will find instructions.

Pre -prepare:

  • Scissors
  • The most ordinary New Year tinsel
  • Glue gun
  • White tinsel on wire
  • Rhinestones, beads, beads
  • Subtle wire
  • Rim

We do this:

Crown for the costume
Crown for the costume "Snowflake"
  • The crown has two parts: snowflakes in an amount of three to five and the base is a rim.
  • We connect three parts with crossing in the center.
  • On long rays, we fix small snowflakes with a magnificent pattern of tinsel residues.
  • In the central part we attach a large bead, several beads or rhinestones. We make from three to five snowflakes.
  • We install them using wire on the frame, decorating everything with tinsel.

The crown is ready. The same jewelry as on the crown can be made on a dress. Then you get a beautiful set.

Below is an example of another crown, which is also simple to make. Here is a template:


For this accessory, you will need more beads and rhinestones for decoration, as well as an elastic band for attaching to the head.

Crown for the costume
Crown for the costume "Snowflake"

Crown from clerical folders with your own hands for the New Year: Instructions


Crown from clerk papak is an unusual option made by yourself. Outwardly, it looks like the crown of the Snow Queen, and it will not be difficult to make it by the New Year. So call your child and - for work. But first, prepare everything you need for the process:

  • Buy transparent stationery folders 4 pieces in the store (ordinary cardboard or just white cardboard is suitable)
  • Lace or braid silver
  • Fatin with a pattern
  • Cardboard
  • Needle
  • Wire
  • Scissors
  • White threads
  • Elastic
  • Decor elements - beads, tinsel, glass
  • Glue gun

When everything is ready, you can start:

  1. We measure the head of the head.
  2. From the folders we cut out the parts (from one it turns out to four pieces). And in their crown or seven, or nine.
  3. They are located like this: the central part is the highest, the next two on the sides - below a couple of centimeters, the rest - even lower than the previous two centimeters.
  4. Then from Fatin we cut out the triangles of the same format.
  5. After all the details are ready, the plastic and tulle alternately connect with the seam along with the wire.
  6. On top of the seam, let the decoration of braid.
  7. We also act with all the blanks.

At the end of the work, all the estimated parts are “planted” on an elastic band, we sew it by car. As you can see, nothing complicated. But in the masquerade, this will be the most unusual decoration. Here is another version of such a crown for the suite of the Snow Queen:


Crown on a carnival of wire and beads with your own hands: instructions, video

Crown on the carnival of wire and beads
Crown on the carnival of wire and beads

This is very unusual wire and bead It looks like jewelry - expensive, luxurious and beautiful. The crown will become a decoration and a highlight of the carnival, make you pay attention to your daughter or you, if you need to go on a holiday in a suit. Try to make the same with your own hands. Here's the instruction:

  • The crown consists of a set of beads, scissors, wires, a thin rim.

Do this:

  • We take the rim, remove all the extra accessories from it, we only need a frame.
  • First, we make specific twigs for decoration. We remind you that the central part should be much higher and wider than the sidewalls. Therefore, she will need a little more wire and beads.
  • We take a small piece of wire, string the beads on it. Then we connect the two ends and twist them together.
  • We also conduct with other beads and two branches.
  • It will turn out to be interesting when alternating beads of different diameters, at the same time you can combine large beads. Moreover, it is not necessary to take only white beads: add variety, add the silhouette with elements of different colors.
  • The central part is ready. We will attach them in the middle using the ends of the wire.
  • We also cook the side branches, but remember that they should be shorter and already than the central branch.

We fix the finished blanks to the rim. A beautiful and unique decoration for the New Year holiday is ready. Watch the video below. The craftswoman makes the same accessory, of the same materials, but it turns out to be no less interesting and original. Try repeating.

Video: Crown made of wire and beads

Lace Crown for the New Year with your own hands: Instruction

Lace Crown
Lace Crown

Lace Crown For the New Year - sounds pretty attractive. It is easy to do it with your own hands. This version of the festive decoration is simple, but unusual, also economical. You will not have to cook a lot of material:

  • PVA glue and thermoclay
  • Openwork lace up to 45 centimeters length, and the width does not matter
  • Waxed paper
  • Sponge
  • Silver or golden spray in a spray can

Do this - instructions:

  1. First we take waxed paper, and apply a lace flap to it.
  2. We apply PVA glue in several layers on the braid. Glue the blanks to each other.
  3. Then, with acrylic paints or spray, carefully stain the entire surface of openwork fabric.
  4. After completely drying, we fasten the ends of the product. It turns out a crown by the size of the girl’s head.
Lace Crown
Lace Crown

Decorate the accessory with beads or rhinestones. Ready, you can wear it.

Crown made of fluffy blue with their own hands: Instructions

Crown made of fluffy blue
Crown made of fluffy blue

Make bright and incomparable cinema -wire crownwith your own hands. This is an ordinary wire that is wrapped in pile. It turns out already finished material that does not need to be additionally decorated. Such a flexible material as a blue wire allows you to create the most unusual and interesting combinations of jewelry.

Before creating a masterpiece, we will prepare creative material:

  • Decoration for the crown: sequins, beads, beads, rhinestones, shine, confetti
  • Scissors
  • Sinel wire - 10 pieces
  • Glue gun
  • Rim
  • Brocade or satin ribbon
  • Pliers

The whole process of work is presented step by step - Instruction:

  1. First, we free the rim from the old decor, but if it is new and without everything, then we miss this item.
  2. We try to make teeth of any shape from Sineli, as well as other jewelry. Pay attention to the decor and the size of the crown, they must correspond.
  3. Next, we fasten decorative jewelry for the finished basis so that nothing falls and does not move. The jewelry will be “sitting”, fixed by the same cinema.
  4. Remove all sticking nodules and tails with pliers.
  5. We have an unused tape: we are cutting the diameter in diameter using glue. But you can do without it.
  6. It remains to decorate the crown with rhinestones, sequins, beads. But think about the pattern so that it is symmetrical.

The exquisite diadem is ready, you can go to the masquerade ball, matinee. It is you who will be the true queen of the ball.

Crown made of fluffy blue
Crown made of fluffy blue

Crown from a plastic bottle on a carnival with your own hands: Instructions


Sometimes the decoration looks original and interesting from completely unusual things. Here, for example, is the simplest crown from a plastic bottle. But at first glance it seems that it is made of glass or ice. We offer to make such a crown on the carnival with your own hands.

What will be needed:

  • Find a plastic bottle with a capacity of two liters in home bins
  • Take a clean paper sheet and scissors
  • Find a marker and adhesive tape
  • Buy or make glue glues yourself (or separately buy sparkles)
  • Choose decorative elements


  1. We cut 2/3 from the bottle to get the shape of the cylinder.
  2. On paper we throw a sketch of the crown.
  3. With transparent adhesive tape, we attach the stencil for the plastic stencil. And draw the drawing with a marker.
  4. Cut with sharp scissors along the contour of the picture, but cut the shape with the rim.
  5. After that, again we fix the workpiece and template, and draw all the elements of the pattern with brilliant glue.
  6. We are waiting for our creation to dry, and then you can go to the ball.

If you do not have glue with sparkles, just apply the pattern with an adhesive composition, then pour shine on top, wait until it dries and brush the excess. Only a brilliant drawing on an adhesive base will remain.

Crown for a boy on his head with your own hands: Instructions

The described variations of decor described above can be made for boys of different ages. It is only necessary to take materials of darker colors, and jewelry is a male plan. But you can make such a decor:

Crown for the boy on the head
Crown for the boy on the head
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction
Crown for the boy on the head
Crown for the boy on the head
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction
Crown for the boy on the head - Instruction

The options for making a crown for the New Year holiday presented in the article are simple, but at the same time unusual. It takes a little time for their manufacture. But imagine the joy and pride of his child: he has a suit with a real crown for his holiday, which his mother’s hands made, and he personally helped.

Crown for a carnival, new year with your own hands: ideas, photo

If you decide to make a crown on the carnival for the New Year with your own hands, and do not know where to get ideas, we will help you. Below are published photos with interesting and original options for crowns. Take a note and create with the children.

Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown
The idea of \u200b\u200ba crown
The idea of \u200b\u200ba crown
The idea of \u200b\u200ba crown
The idea of \u200b\u200ba crown
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Crown creation idea
Photo of the crown
Photo of the crown

Video: How to make a crown with your own hands? Master Class. New Year

Video: Master class-DIY crown

Video: We make a crown for the Snow Queen with our own hands.

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