How to make a Rapunzel carnival costume for a girl: patterns, step -by -step instructions, photo

How to make a Rapunzel carnival costume for a girl: patterns, step -by -step instructions, photo

Many girls do not cease to admire beautiful dresses in pink colors, and all of them even dream of becoming princesses at one point. Therefore, the cartoon Rapunzel with her golden hair and a pink dress was able to win the hearts of many Russian girls who so want to resemble this Disney princess.

And if there is demand, then a proposal appears. One click in the online store is enough, and your girl will become the happy owner of the coveted pink dress. But many parents are kept from this step by a fairly high price for such a popular outfit among girls. So why don't you make it yourself? In this case, the dress will cost you many times cheaper, because you will have to spend only on materials for the carnival costume of Rapunzeli. Among several options that we will present to your attention, choose for yourself the one that suits you the most.

How to make a carnival costume Rapunzel: 3 ways

Method number 1: with a skirt

  • To create a beautiful Rapunzel costume, it is not at all necessary to resort to sewing. In this embodiment, you can do perfectly by improvised means, but from this it will not get worse.
  • For the upper part of the costume you will need pink turtleneck. The adhesive “web” will help decorate the sweater in the chest area with ribbons that will imitate the corset, and the tulle ribbons will become buffers after two stitches. As for bows, the situation is even easier: they can be purchased in a store, or you can make it yourself.

To create a magnificent skirt, you will need to purchase:

  • a wide satin ribbon - it will need about a meter, but if your girl is older, then take one and a half;
  • pink and light lilac tulle-you need a total of 4-5 m. Instead of fabric, you can use several coils with wide tulle ribbons;
  • big cardboard.


  • Cut tulle material in the form stripes (pink and light lilac color)-their width should be about 10 cm. In order for them to be the same, you should roll out the fabric and stick into it after 10 cm distances of the pin.
  • Cut the stripes so that there is a double length of the skirt and add another 5 cm to it. It is for this purpose that you need a cardboard box: for convenience, wrap the stripes on it and cut where the fabric bends.
  • From the satin tape, make a belt in size of the girl’s waist. Its ends can be scorched with a match or lighter so that the tape does not fall. The harvested tulle stripes are folded in half, sticking to the satin belt and stretch in them. So you need to continue to do throughout the circle of the belt, and then the skirt will become magnificent. That's all: Rapunzeli's costume managed to make without a single seam!
The costume is ready
The costume is ready

Such a magnificent skirt in the future will come in handy to create a costume of ballerina, fairies or princess. It will last a long time, so the belt can be adjusted with the growth of the child.

Method No. 2: Dress without sewing

In this embodiment, we will not make a skirt for Rapunzel, as in the previous case, but a dress, and also without the use of sewing.

To do this, you will need to get:

  • fatin fabric or reel with tulle ribbons. You need to buy material of different colors-pink, purple and light lilac, total amount of 7 m;
  • wide elastic openwork bandage;
  • pink (1 m) and purple (3 m) satin ribbons;
  • large rhinestones;
  • adhesive gun.

Work on the suit can be done in four doses:

  • It is necessary to take an elastic base (openwork bandage) and attach to it the tulle tapes in the same way as in the first version. Since our dressing is openwork, it means that there are many holes in it. This will allow tlaw at different levels, if the skirt is in several layers, then because of this it will become even more magnificent.
  • A pink ribbon will be needed to make a “corset” out of it on the front of the dress.
  • The purple tape will go to step: You need to go through it through the loop - exactly in the same way as in the manufacture of a skirt - and throw it back over the shoulders. To calculate the optimal length of the strap, try on the dress for your girl. Next, you should skip the satin strips on the back, make a lacing out of them, and tie their tips on a large bow.
  • The adhesive gun will be needed for attaching to a skirt of large rhinestones.
  • Buy a wig for a suitable color and a crown - and your girl can go on a holiday to appear there before others in all the splendor.
Long -haired
Long -haired

Method No. 3: Using a pattern and sewing

  • This work will be more complicated. To fulfill it, you will need basic skills by cutting and sewing. If you take this work, then in this case your girl will become the happy owner of the real carnival costume of Rapunzel.
  • It will take more time to create such a costume, but at the same time a cartoon image of a golden-haired girl-princes girl will be preserved. Such a carnival costume will be happy to wear older girls.

Before work, you will need to get such materials and tools:

  • dense lilac tissue and lining fabric (4 m each);
  • purple translucent fabric (2 m);
  • a pink -colored satin ribbon (5 m);
  • velcro (3 pairs);
  • glue web (2 m);
  • threads of the desired color;
  • with an elastic band, so that its width is 3-4 cm (1 m);
  • sewing accessories and sewing machine.

Work on the upper part of the Rapunzel costume:

  • To facilitate the task, you need to take a suitable T -shirt, fold it along and circle it on paper - this is done for the pattern of the armhole.
Working with a pattern
Working with a pattern
  • For a selection of the sleeve shape and length of the bodice, fold in the same way and circle the turtleneck or T -shirt. Adjust the patterns cut out of paper, as the sleeves will be required increase, because Rapunzel's dress is equipped with lush sleeves. It is necessary to add a pointed tip to the pattern of the bodice so that it imitates the corset.
We finish the base
We finish the base
We imitate the corset
We imitate the corset

Work on the skirt:

  • You will need to make your girl’s waist measurements and determine the length of the dress. To do this, attach a centimeter to the waist and measure the distance along the ankle, add another 7 cm to this. The waist volume should be doubled. In accordance with these dimensions, 3 rectangles need to be detected - they will go to the main fabric, lining and beautiful translucent matter.
  • All layers will need to be combined, outlined and stuck from the edges and from the side.
  • If the machine does not cope with decorative material, use the adhesive "spider".
  • Turn the skirt from above so that the elastic can be inserted into the resulting curtains. Use it for its extension, and sew the gap left for this. Together the top and bottom together - you get a whole long elegant dress.

Stylization of the dress and the creation of an image for the Rapunzel costume

  • The image for the Rapunzel costume is made recognizable because of her beautiful dress, Pascal and a long gold braid.
  • Rapunzel was dressed in a lavender dress, so your girl should be dressed in clothes designed in the same color scheme (shades can be different). If your girl’s wardrobe has this (light-violet, pink, lilac colors are also suitable), then in this case you will only have to “finalize” it: equip it with sleeves in the form of oxide, corset laces, bows, rhinestones, all that, all that, all that What your imagination is capable of.
  • The white dress is also perfect. You can sew a lilac or pink chiffon cover at its top. The chiffon pattern for the skirt should be fixed only in the waist area, Because of this, the dress will become more magnificent.
  • If there is no such “blanks”, then in this case you will have to sew the dress - how to do it, read in the third version of the Rapunzel suit.
Lavender dress
Lavender dress

How to make a braid for a Rapunzel costume: 4 ways

A distinctive feature of Rapunzel is its long golden braid. We offer you different methods by which you can make a luxurious braid of this fairytale princess.

How to make a braid for a Rapunzel costume:

  • Method 1. Weave into long hair golden rain or acrylic threadsSelected in your girl's hair color.
  • Method 2. You can do it Hair rim. To do this, you will have to “arm”: rim, yellow knitting threads, glue, ribbons and small artificial colors. The desired length is calculated as follows: the growth of the child is measured, and thirty centimeters are added to this length. Dissolve the skeins of golden yarn and cut them into segments of the desired length. So that they do not be tangled when cutting, fold the resulting "strands" on the table or floor. Weave the chopped bundle in the form of a braid, pushing the hoop with it and lower it over the shoulder or on the girl’s back. For beauty, weave a ribbon into the braid, golden rain, and decorate the rim with artificial flowers.
On the rim
On the rim
  • Method 3. As a headdress of Rapunzel You can use a cap-pair. For these purposes, a thin knitted cap or sewn from the upper part of the tights is suitable). The yarn is prepared in exactly the same way as described in the second method. It will need to be laid out into two equal parts and sew on a hat with imitation of the parting.
A cap
A cap
  • Method 4. If you can knit a hat by means of a hook, you will get an excellent version of the headgear. The bound base will need to be placed on a jar or a large doll, and then crocheting the “strands” chopped from the threads - they need to be fixed as fringe, starting from the lower row. If wool and acrylic includes the composition of the threads, then they can subsequently fluff - so the “hair” will become even more. Put on your girl's resulting wig and braid the pigtail right on her.

How can Pascal be made for Rapunzel?

  • Pascal was called the charming chameleon and friend Rapunzel. So why not decorate your girl with this faithful companion of a cartoon heroine?
  • Sew it, tie or draw it and cut it out of thick paper.
Tie a green friend
Tie a green friend
Sweet craft
Sweet craft

Try it to the daughter of Rapunzel's already completely ready -made costume, secure a pin on her shoulder of the chameleon, and the fabulous prince will not slow down to appear!

We will also tell you how to make costumes yourself:

Video: Create a dress Rapunzel

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