How to sew a prince's costume for a boy with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, patterns

How to sew a prince's costume for a boy with your own hands: step -by -step instructions, patterns

A wonderful prince is the most romantic image, both for a preschool boy and a teenager. Surely all the girls or girls will be delighted to see your son in the prince's masquerade outfit, because they all dream of someday to meet just such a royal offspring.

On the eve of the New Year, caring mothers not only acquire gifts and decorate the Christmas tree. They are also engaged in a real sacrament - the creation of a masquerade costume for their favorite children. Of course, you can purchase a ready -made outfit, but in this case there will not be a piece of your mother’s soul, that zest that only your hands can bring. If you decide that your boy at the New Year's matinee or thematic party should be precisely a wonderful prince, and no one else, then stock up on the necessary materials and patience for sewing a suit. Follow our tips, and you will get a suit just magnificent!

The prince's costume for the boy for the New Year: what does it consist of?

The costume "Prince" should be equipped:

  • vest;
  • decorated shirt;
  • pants;
  • mantle;
  • crown or beret with feathers;
  • sword.

For a beautiful costume of the prince, you can use improvised materials, and it is possible to create it in three versions. There is some similarity to masquerade costumes: "Puss in Boots", "Musketeer" and "King"Therefore, some details will be possible, if necessary, use it when creating these images.

  • The material for the outfit should be bright - it is best to use velvet or atlas.
  • The prince will look great blue, golden or green Mantle and short pants.
  • Red color is the prerogative of the king, so the prince is better not to decorate in him.

DIY costume for a boy for a boy

Vest and trousers for the prince

  • First of all, for the prince’s costume, you need to sew a vest. For him, a special pattern is not needed: it is enough to open the t -shirt suitable in size and outline its back and front part on a sheet of paper.
  • Cut them and attach them with pins to the bright fabric you have chosen, and then pat. Stitch the side and shoulder seams, and then treat the lower part of the vest, neck and sleeve armhole. Do not forget to process the seams from the wrong side on the overlock and amplify them. It remains to turn the product on the face - and the vest is ready.
  • Dissolve the boy’s suitable size, making your pattern on their base, or use ours - if you need to increase it or do it less.
Pattern for the outfit
Pattern for the outfit
  • Attach the paper patterns on the satin fabric and cut the parts for future trousers from it (do not forget to give allowances for seams). Fold them face to each other and stitch the step and side seams.
  • Turn the upper part of the product by approximately 2 cm and also stitch, but not to the end, so that you can insert an elastic band there (it should be so long so that it does not crash into the stomach, but so that the pants do not fall).
  • It will look very beautiful if you set up a lace in the form of a frill to the legs. And you can sew pieces of gum from the inside of the trousers along the volume of the leg, only retreat from their edges by 5-7 cm-in this case, the pants will have volume and elegance.

Shirt decor in the prince's costume

  • Do not fool yourself with a shirt sewing your head - for this purpose any “spacious” shirt is perfect (sleeves can be both long and short) white.
  • To decorate it, purchase a snow -white dense lace and add it in the form volanov on the sleeves (in the lower part) and the collar.

Prince's mantle

  • For the mantle, a velvet fabric is perfect in the same tones as the whole costume - then it will look like a cleaning for a real noble prince. We proceed to sewing the cape.
  • Get out with a 1x2 m fabric and the necessary tools for sewing.
  • On a paper sheet, draw a semicircle - so that the arc is flat, tie the felt -tip pen to the rope of the same length as the width of the cut of matter. Install it in the center of paper. Cut the paper semicircle, and then along its pattern - and fabric.
  • You will also need 2 fabric stripes of 5 cm width. On one side of the strips, make Kantika, squeeze them and stitch them. First you sign the finished stripes, and then add up to the neck.
We sew the neck
We sew the neck
  • The mantle is ready. It remains only to decorate her with a sign of belonging to the royal family - it can be embroidery or a symbol bought in the store.

Crown for the prince

To make a crown use:

  • lace, which should be dense and wide;
  • jewelry and beads;
  • acrylic paint silver or golden color;
  • gelatin;
  • cardboard - it is necessary that it be very dense.
Lace should be wide
Lace should be wide
  • Cut the lace by volume of the head and sew it in the form of a ring.
  • To make the crown stiff, use gelatin in this way: take it in the amount of 2 tsp. And stir in warm water - let it swell for half an hour. Place the blanket for the crown for half an hour for half an hour.
  • Take a dense cardboard and make the rim of the same size from it as the lace crown, and then pull the lace on it.
  • Within 30 seconds. Dry this workpiece in a microwave, and then again immerse it in a gelatin slurry. Repeat this procedure several times until the crown becomes tough to the touch - then it will come time to remove it from the cardboard rim.
  • Dry the crown, and then paint it in silver or gold.
  • With the help of an adhesive pistol, decorate the crown with light beads and rhinestones. You can also use jewelry as decor.
And ready
And ready

Takes with feathers for the prince

A luxurious beret with foam decoration may like your boy even more than the crown.

For its manufacture, you will need to get:

  • a fabric, sustained in the same tones as a suit with a mantle;
  • feathers;
  • brooch.

Use our pattern, and you will get a magnificent headdress in the form of a beret for your beautiful prince.

  • Cut its components of paper, and then on the basis of the pattern - from fabric.
  • Combine the bottom and bottom, and then stitch.
  • Screw the upper part of the workpiece and distribute it with uniformity along the edging part of the beret, and then sew it.
  • Turn the head to the front side and decorate it using a brooch and feathers for this.
Beres is ready
Beres is ready

Prince's sword

  • No self -respecting prince can exist without a sword.
  • Therefore, equip this noble cold weapon and your little “prince”.
  • The window graduate, a rake, or something else in the same way is perfect for making a sword.

To create formidable weapons of true nobles, get:

  • meter wooden rail;
  • plastic lid;
  • paint.

Using sandpaper, treat the wooden rail well, and then paint the “blade” in a silver color. Wait for the paint to dry, and then take care of the handle. Take the plastic cover, make a hole in it in the center, take the blade into it and paint it - you get such a kind of ephez.

After the product is completely dry, take the tinsel and tie the blade under the handle with it - give the beauty of the sword, and the guard will not slip down. The smallest princes can be “armed” with a cardboard sword. The prince’s wardrobe must certainly be white golfs and shoes with large buckles.

As you could notice, there is nothing particularly difficult to create a prince's costume. You will need only perseverance and desire, and you, without even owning the skills of a seamstress, you can independently make a masquerade outfit for your precious boy.

We will also tell you how to sew:

Video: Prince's costume for a boy at home

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