How to get rid of the dreams on the recommendations of M. Nikiforov, manually, mulching, with the help of polyethylene, cardboard, urea, mowing, a change in soil acidity, a corneumer, potatoes, chemicals. Preventive measures against the spread of dreams in the site

How to get rid of the dreams on the recommendations of M. Nikiforov, manually, mulching, with the help of polyethylene, cardboard, urea, mowing, a change in soil acidity, a corneumer, potatoes, chemicals. Preventive measures against the spread of dreams in the site

Many plant crops, for example, are doughing, due to the fact that they grow quickly and have a complex root system, are considered weed. You can learn about how to get rid of weeds from the article.

Drying can grow almost everywhere, produces a huge number of seeds, has many kidneys on the roots. That is why it over time displaces those crops that grow nearby. That is why many summer residents have a strong desire to eliminate the growing dough.

How to get rid of the dreams on the recommendations of M. Nikiforov

  • If you look at the dump by the other side, despite the fact that culture is considered weed, it is valuable in nature. Even in ancient times, people were interested in the plant. In Russia, sprouts that grew first were often used to food. Today, such sprouts are added to various dishes.
  • From a young plant, you can cook soup, borsch, prepare a salad. In addition, they use dumpling during the workpiece for the winter, salting, pickling, drying. Therefore, if you decide to destroy the plant, select the "golden middle". Do not bring to the work exhausting. Therefore, if possible, in time, the destruction of this weed.
  • In order to completely destroy this weed, forever get rid of the dreams It is necessary to clearly adhere to an effective, agrotechnical algorithm. It was this laborious methodology that was proposed by M. Nikiforov.

From the very beginning, perform the following manipulations:

  • Remove the upper surface of the soil. It is in it, as a rule, the remains of the elongated roots of the dream are present.
  • Then lay the ground in a well -dried and even area.
  • Lay the land fragments so that they lay tight enough to each other.
  • Pour the roots with nitrate or prepare a special composition using a concentrated solution of urea.
  • After 2 years, all the remnants of the weed, as well as seeds and roots will rot. As a result, you can get a wonderful compost. In the meantime, you can prepare an insufficient amount of substrate from imported soil. Such an effective way is called “improvement of soil”.
  • If you have already dug up the soil several times, then it every year process with pitchfork. At the same time, try to clean the remains of weed grass every time.
  • Sometimes necessary treat soil manually. In addition, never forget to loosen the soil. Be that as it may, M. Nikiforov does not recommend that the summer residents lead the struggle with the dreams, Using an ordinary shovel.
You have huge roots
You have huge roots
  • Of course, you cannot destroy the completely weeding culture in the first few years of struggle with this method. It is possible that after a certain period of time dry It will begin to germinate again.
  • Therefore, try to weed the soil about once every 7 days. At the same time, carefully roll out the gaps between the beds, flower beds. For this process, a braid or agricultural sickle is suitable.

How to get rid of the dreams: weeding manually

  • Each beds where vegetables or flowers grow, as well as weeds, eventually begins to lose its own beneficial properties, fertility. The weed grass is characterized by the fact that it adapts faster to any conditions, when compared with useful crops.
  • So, for example, the dumping has great growth power, it can take moisture from vegetables, flower crops, which means it gets more food, sunny sun.
  • A huge number of various methods have been developed today how to get rid of dreams. But despite this, the most important, productive is weeding.
  • If you want to maintain your own land, this method will definitely come in handy. In addition to a regular hollow, you can use flat cutter. This tool is considered universal and maneuverable.
  • In addition, a flat cutter has three working surfaces, a large capture, a long handle, which allows you to work with a straight back. With it, you can get rid of the dreams In those places where it is quite difficult to do.
  • We note that this method against weeds is considered ineffective, since the rhizomes of culture are deep in the ground. But this method is better than nothing to do at all. If you do not act, after a couple of years you will be able to capture the entire site, and therefore in the future it will be difficult for you to fight the grass.

Mulching the Earth to get rid of the dreams

  • If it is difficult for you to handle the land manually, but still plan forever get rid of the dream in the garden, one of the folk methods will help you. It will definitely help to overcome this weed that you can forget about for a long time.
  • If on vegetable beds you can periodically make weeding, and destroy the dough between the beds with the help herbicides, then this between shrubs and perennial colors is almost impossible to do. But in these areas, you can use the following way - mulching the Earth.
From weed
From weed

The essence of this technique is the following manipulations:

  • On the land plot, which is strongly overgrown with dreams, lay tightly mowed grass.
  • Put on top of the grass ruberoid.
  • After 1 week, pour the soil layer.

Solar rays will not fall to the area that you cover with roofing material. And the worship of the grass, even the one that is too viable, also will not be able to live without sunlight. For a certain time the grass will completely die under the coating. Therefore, you will forever get rid of it and your site will be clean.

How to get rid of a dream with polyethylene?

The method during which a plastic film is used can only be used in the spring. To do this, follow the following manipulations:

  • Dig the land, where last year you grown to dough.
  • Then thoroughly cover the soil with a dark film.
  • In this state, leave the garden until you plant it with seedlings, seeds.
We cover
We cover

You can not remove the laid film at all. But for this, make small holes in polyethylene in advance. It is in them that you will then plant vegetables and flowers. This method to get rid of the dreams It does not require special efforts. If you do everything right, then you can destroy the dough, devoting only one summer to the process.

How to get rid of the dream with cardboard?

The next method of covering the Earth is the use of cardboard along with compost.

Make it like this:

  • Cover the ground with cardboard or thick paper.
  • Put the manure on top. Compost is also suitable.
Cardboard and manure
Cardboard and manure

How to get rid of the dream with cardboard? During the heating of the organic composition of up to +70 ° C, most of the seeds will lose their own strength, and therefore will stop germinating. Snow sprouts will not be able to break through the paper surface, and their roots will begin to go down. The above methods for destruction of the dream They will give you a great result. But, if you do not achieve what you want, you can use herbicides.

How to get rid of dreams with urea?

If your land plot is completely overgrown with dumplings, you can use the following method.

Do this:

  • Turn the upper surface of the soil.
  • Pour the root system of the urea.
  • Loose the soil.
  • Cover it with plastic film.
From the film
From the film

After 1 month, repeat this procedure. If you do everything without mistakes, you will do it for 3 months, then it will help get rid of the dreams.

How to get rid of dodges with mowing?

  • Like many plants, this culture does not like when it has a sprout removed. Although you have the ability to give new shoots very quickly. Try regularly slim sprouts, prevent the plant to bloom.
  • The greens that you mowing immediately take as far as possible from the site. When the shoots dry well, burn.
  • Why are such precautions necessary to get rid of the dreams? The seeds of this culture have unique qualities, and therefore they can sprout even under the most poor conditions.
  • If there are shoots on the shoots inflorescencesthen even after cutting they ripen, seeds are formed on the sprouts boxesthat will be filled with a large amount of planting material. Better pick up the braid right away, do not wait for the plant to bloom abundantly.

How to get rid of a dream of a change in soil acidity?

Many people know that you prefer sour soil. You can use the following methods to get rid of the dreams:

  • Bring the lime composition into the ground.
  • Add dolomite flour to the ground.
  • Sit on the land plot of the Siderates.

How to get rid of a dealer?

  • Very often on the lawn, where the grass grows neatly, some kind of weed sprouts. It spoils the entire appearance of the lawn. Get rid of the elongated root It is difficult enough because it has the shape of a rod.
  • You can’t extract such a root system without spoiling the lawn. If there are not too many such problems on the site, then you can use manual cornea. It has the shape of a fork.
  • If your site is strongly overgrown with dumplings, then purchase a cornea that has a pedal. The teeth of this tool stick into the ground, capture the root system, pull out completely weeds from the ground.

KC get rid of the Dry with potatoes?

  • This method will help you if the site is all overgrown, and chemicals cannot be used for certain reasons.
  • The method of growing this vegetable culture involves constant hilling, weeding between rows. And the weed cannot tolerate constant soil treatment.

You will have to do as follows to get rid of the dreams:

  • The plot overgrown with a dream must be dug up. For this method, the pitchfork is suitable.
  • Choose all the roots of the roots on the site (as much as you can).
  • Care regularly for potato bushes using ordinary technology.
  • A few years later, the weed will completely disappear.

The add -on is an effective method of combining the Jeris, this vegetable is considered aggressive, it is able to displace all weed grass, even the most evil. But in the future you will have to start withdrawing Jerusalem artichoke.

  • Getting rid of dreams, do not overdo it. You can leave some bushes of grass, but only so that they are not on the site itself.
  • Style is considered not only harmful, but also beneficial grass.
  • It can be a stern culture for goats, poultry, rabbits.
  • Animals love to eat juicy leaves and stems of dreams.
  • The plant contains protein, fiber. In addition, it is a wonderful honey plant and medicinal culture.

How to get rid of chemicals?

In addition to various methods manual getting rid of the dream, There is a technique during which chemicals are used. Preparations can quickly destroy the weed, if everything is done correctly.

Use the chemicals of continuous exposure 3 times throughout the season in the area where there are no ambushes of vegetables and flowers.

In order to completely destroy the dough, you need to take into account the following tips:

  • Cook the solution in concentration, which is 2 times more ordinary.
  • Chemicals They have the property to influence the entire plant without exception. Therefore, carry out processing before planting vegetables or after all work on the site (late autumn) ends.
  • So that the chemicals act better, initially sow duckThen process the site with a means.
  • For new processing Always take another herbicide. So the plant cannot get used to it.
  • For processing, choose warm weather, since the effectiveness of the chemical can decrease from the cold.

Chemicals to destroy the dreams

  • Often, to destroy this grass, they use "Roundup". It must be used before sowing cultivated plants. And all because the product quickly decomposes in the ground. This drug can destroy any weed grass, even its underground part. One canister of funds (5 l) used to process a huge site (up to 1 ha).
  • The next chemical drug that helps destroy the dough - "Tornado". It contains active components that penetrate the roots of the grass, destroy them from the inside. To completely destroy the dough, for 1 hundredth you will need 25 ml of emulsion. Dilute the product in water (3 l).
  • "Glyphosades" It has a continuous effect. The drug destroys weed grass, useful crops. In order to process 1 hundredDilute in water (3 l) chemical (75 ml).
  • "Agroquiller" - This is an effective system tool. It also negatively affects each plant without exception. The drug has the ability to quickly decompose in the ground. After 15 days, you can plant vegetables and flowers on the site. Dilling effect on You can notice 7 days after processing. After another week, the grass will completely die. You will have enough composition made from chemical (50 g) and water (3 l).
  • "Sniper" - The chemical that destroys many types of weed grass, even dough. The prepared composition spray on the grass. The drug will penetrate into the plant, destroy it along with the root system.
  • "Hurricane Forte" - The chemical that destroys each plant, but for people and animals it is considered safe. The effect of the drug begins to appear 7 days after processing. Weeds die out completely after 14 days.
  • Contact chemical "LETUR" It can also destroy any weed grass. The drug penetrates the structure of grass, because of it, metabolic processes are violated inside the plant. As a result, the plant stops growing, a week after a week. You can buy granular chemical, which must be dissolved in water before use.

How to cultivate land to get rid of the dreams: agronomist advice

  • The long -standing weed culture of downtime gives out new shoots from the remnants of the root system. Therefore, after pruning the roots, do not dig them along with the soil. Collect the rootsBurn them.
  • The roots are dreamed, as a rule, they lie underground half a meter. Therefore, carry out deep soil treatment.
  • The roots of the dream contain carbohydrates. Thanks to them, the plant gets food, it grows faster, develops. Consequently, one of the effective methods of destroying the dreams is the exhaustion of roots. Just cut the green mass of plants. Carry out this procedure in the spring before planting vegetables.
  • Dry It grows in the soil that has a high density. Therefore, do not create artificial drainage of the Earth. We advise you to take advantage of the method of tamping the Earth.
  • On large land plots, shoots that sprouted from seeds can be exterminated using a soldering lamp. Do processing with a sliding flame. Then treat the Earth, cooling it with cool water.
  • Use chemicals to get rid of the dreams, using the ground treatment of the Earth at the same time. A continuous way of processing the site is undesirable.

Preventive measures against the spread of dreams in the site

Fighting a problem is always more difficult than from the very beginning to protect yourself from misfortune. To get rid of Snita, and the weed could not settle on your land, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Try to support the site cleanliness. Do regular weeding.
  • Make it mechanical protection. To do this, you will need to dig in the ground with metal grids in size. Burring them to a depth that is equal to the size of the roots of the dream.
  • Plant vegetable, floral crops, seeds on the site, covering it in advance polyethylene film.
  • If you have a separate bed for a given grass, then make sure that the weed seeds do not fall into the rest of the land.

Video: Do \u200b\u200bI need to get rid of dreams?



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