How to cook pickled cherry tomatoes in a simple way, without sterilization, with citric acid, herbs, gelatin, mustard, onions, in tomato juice, oil, tomato, without vinegar, spicy and sweet, with drains, in Korean: the best recipes

How to cook pickled cherry tomatoes in a simple way, without sterilization, with citric acid, herbs, gelatin, mustard, onions, in tomato juice, oil, tomato, without vinegar, spicy and sweet, with drains, in Korean: the best recipes

In this article, we will consider which workpieces can be made for the winter from cherry tomatoes, using various additional components.

The summer time is always carried out with benefit - they make reserves for the winter. And if the usual tomatoes or cucumbers have already bored a bit, then try to pamper your loved ones with small cherry tomatoes. Of these, you can prepare interesting and incredibly tasty snacks that will also decorate the table. We want to share with you the best recipes for such a tomato “cherry” that it is very convenient to eat both small and adults.

Pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter: the easiest recipe

Any dish has many cooking variations. And, of course, there is the main “skeleton”, from which various variations already come. We present you a recipe for harvesting cherry tomatoes with minimal components and with quick cooking.

  • Buy the following products:
    • cherry-2-2.5 kg
    • bay leaf-5-6 pcs.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • apple vinegar 6% - 1 tbsp. l.
    • water - 1 l.
  • Choose a little unripe tomatoes, so it is better to maintain their shape after heat treatment. Remove the tails, sort out and wash them.
  • Be sure to sterilize the banks. Lay the cherry in glass containers. On average, you will get 4-5 jars.
  • Prepare the marinade. To do this, just boil water with other components. If you use vinegar, then you can skip a step with sterilization. But then you need to store tomatoes in a cool place. If they stand in the apartment, then they need sterilization even with the addition of vinegar.
  • By the way, do not fill the tomatoes with the marinade immediately. Cool the brine a bit. Otherwise, tomatoes are burst. And to avoid this, do one puncture at the base.
  • Take a pan of a suitable size so that you can put everything or half of the cans. At the bottom, be sure to put a small segment of the fabric to prevent cracking cans.
  • Heat the water. Again, so that the banks do not burst, they need to be immersed already in the corresponding water temperature. Do not cover with lids. Sterilize for 5-7 minutes.
  • Without removing from the water, roll up tomatoes with lids. If you are inconvenient, then get them alternately. Pick up and cover with a warm blanket. After 2-3 days, you can remove for storage in the allotted place.
Pickled cherry in the simplest way
Pickled cherry in the simplest way

Recipe for pickled cherry tomato for the winter without sterilization

Sterilization itself is not so complicated. But for some reason, many housewives have such a process beaten up to make blanks for the winter. If you still want to please your loved ones with tasty conservation of Cherry tomato, then go a little simplified way. That is, use just double or triple filling with boiling water.

  • Prepare:
    • cherry - 2 kg
    • garlic-8-10 cloves
    • pepper peas and fragrant-7-8 grains
    • dill umbrellas - several pieces
    • list of horseradish
    • leaves of shields, cherries and currants-3-4 pcs.
    • bay leaf-4-5 pcs.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • vinegar - 5 tbsp. l. (to each bank)
    • water - 1.5 l.
  • Wash all the leaves, you can break the horseradish sheet into several parts. Just clean the garlic. Sort the tomatoes, remove the tails from them and wash.
  • Fasten the banks in any convenient way. For such an amount, it is more rational to use a slightly heated oven. You will sterilize all banks at a time. You need to withstand them no more than 15-20 minutes. The temperature should be in the range of 80-100 ° C.
  • Gently lay up the tomatoes on the banks. Do not forget to lay out a little for each seasoning and greens to the bottom. Next, add leaves, herbs and garlic during laying. It will look very beautiful if you still close the formed holes between the tomatoes.
  • Boil water with salt and sugar and pour tomatoes with it, leave for 15-30 minutes. Next, drain the water with a lid with holes, add a little boiling water and boil again. Pour tomatoes a second time for the same time. Again, share water into a pan (because it boils) and onto the stove.
  • For the third time, first pour into each container along a spoonful of vinegar, and then fill it with a marinade. Roll and tip up right upside down. Cover with a dense blanket and hold it like that for a couple of days.
  • With this technique, you will bypass the sterilization of glass containers in a large pan and make a workpiece that will easily cost the winter even inside your kitchen.
Pickled cherry tomatoes without sterilization
Pickled cherry tomatoes without sterilization

Spicy cherry tomatoes for the winter: a recipe with citric acid and herbs

If you strive to avoid adding vinegar, then we bring to your attention the following recipe. True, you will need to stylize the finished product without fail. It is worth noting that you can add your favorite greens. By the way, you can spend the fresh and dry variation.

  • You will need:
    • cherry tomatoes - 2.5 kg
    • citric acid - 1 tbsp. l. (ideally, replace with lemon juice - 1.5 tbsp.)
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
    • garlic-6-8 cloves
    • rosemary, basil, thyme - several fresh twigs
    • water - 1.5 l.
  • You sterilize the containers and lids with any appropriate method for you at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Tomatoes, meanwhile, wash. Do not forget to pierce them with a toothpick at the base and remove the tails.
  • Tightly, but carefully put the tomatoes in the banks. And so that they are not so crumbling, take slightly not quite ripened tomatoes.
  • Boil water with all spices and herbs. In conclusion, add citric acid or juice. Remove instantly from the stove and fill the containers with tomatoes.
  • In a pan of the corresponding size, heat the water and sterilize the banks for no more than 8 minutes. Do not ignore that aspect to spread the napkin to the bottom.
  • Roll with lids and turn it over until it cools completely, covering with a warm blanket.
Cherry goes well with any greens and garlic
Cherry goes well with any greens and garlic

Pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter in tomato juice: recipe

Often tomato paste or seasoning for borsch does not have time to fully spent, as it already disappears. Even if you use small jars. Thanks to tomatoes in tomato you can solve this problem. After all, cherry tomatoes or even ordinary vegetables will become an excellent snack on the table, but the marinade itself can be used to prepare other dishes. If households do not eat it just with bread.

  • Will be necessary:
    • cherry tomatoes are a little unripe - 2.5 kg
    • ripe tomatoes - 2 kg (you can even ripe)
    • garlic - 1 head
    • bay leaf-4-5 pcs.
    • pepper and fragrant pepper - 5 pcs.
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l. With a hill
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
  • First you need to prepare tomato puree to cook juice. Therefore, cut large tomatoes on top and pour boiling water for 1 minute. Then drain the liquid and remove the skin. If it does not easily leave, then fill it again.
  • Now pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or use a blender. Pour tomato puree into a pan and put on fire. Do not forget to set the salt and sugar. Tash at a weak mode for 20-30 minutes, until the liquid in volume decreases slightly. Leave to cool, then grind the mass through a sieve or small colander.
  • During this time, while the tomato is preparing, prepare Cherry. They need to be washed and pierced at the base with a toothpick. Fold in a jar alternating with cleaned garlic and bay leaf.
  • Do not forget to steam the containers and lids, it is to improve the storage of the sunset. You can also add your favorite greens. For example, cherry are remarkably combined with parsley or universal dill, and also loves currants and horseradish.
  • Pour cans with cherry with boiling water and withstand for 5-7 minutes. Drain the water and immediately pour a hot tomato.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into each jar. l. Associate essence and clog with lids. Turn the finished sunset and warm for 1-2 days. After this time, you can send tomatoes to save.
Cherry tomatoes in tomato juice
Instead of tomato juice, you can use tomato paste and even ketchup

Pickled cherry tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter: recipe without vinegar

Cherry is incredibly tasty, and tomato sauce will help create a real independent snack from them. By the way, in the marinade itself you can even dang the bread for children. After all, there is no vinegar that is harmful to the stomach. It is especially contraindicated for those who suffer from high acidity.

  • Take:
    • cherry - 1 kg
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • pepper peas - several grains
    • lavr-2-3 pcs.
    • aspirin - 3 tablets
    • tomato juice - 1 liter.
  • Pattering tomatoes, remove the tails and wash. Pierce it near the base with a toothpick so that they do not burst under the influence of high temperature.
  • You can make fresh tomato juice or use canned. You can even replace it with tomato paste, only it will first need to be diluted in water.
  • You must sterilize the banks. For so many tomatoes, 3 half -liter jars will be enough. Do not forget to throw the covers in the saucepan while you steam glass containers.
  • Lay out the tomatoes on the banks. Pour them with boiling water and insist under the covered lids for 15-20 minutes. On average, while you cook the marinade. Then this water will need to be drained.
  • Put the tomato juice on the stove and withstand for 10-15 minutes over low heat. If you made a fresh tomato, then increase the time by 10 minutes. Do not forget to first throw salt, sugar, pepper and bay leaf.
  • If you don't like the tomato to taste, add a pinch of sugar or citric acid. The quantity is already adjusted at your discretion.
  • When you salt the water from tomatoes, throw in each jar along the aspirin tablet. Pour everything with hot tomato juice and roll it right away. Pick up the containers upside down, insulate and leave to cool. You need to store the workpiece in a cool room.
Cherry tomatoes in tomato juice without vinegar
Cherry tomatoes in tomato juice without vinegar

Pickled cherry tomatoes for the winter in Korean: recipe

If you are in your shower and love to experiment, then you will definitely evaluate such a snack. It has an interesting and phenomenal taste with a small notes of severity. Often, dishes in Korean are prepared quickly and are not intended for long storage. We want to share with you a secret recipe that will help to enjoy a wonderful dish even in the cold.

  • Necessary:
    • cherry - 1 kg
    • carrots-2-3 pcs.
    • vinegar - 3 tbsp. l.
    • bulgarian pepper-3-4 pcs.
    • gorky pepper - 1 pod
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • garlic - 1 head
    • parsley - several twigs
    • vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. l.
  • These tomatoes are a little like the previous recipe, but they will be in a vegetable dressing. Therefore, you need to cook it first.
  • Peel the peppers and chop into arbitrary pieces. Do not forget that to work with a sharp vegetable you need to put on gloves. You can not clean the seeds. Just clean the garlic. From carrots, scrape the skin and cut it into small rings.
  • Now pass the peppers, carrots and garlic through a meat grinder or grind everything with a blender.
    Add salt and sugar to the resulting gruel. Mix until the bulk components dissolve. Then pour in vinegar and oil. Stir again and add chopped greens.
  • Wash the tomatoes and cut in half. You can leave them intact, the taste of this will not spoil from this.
  • Put the tomatoes tightly in jars, alternating in layers with filling. That is, they laid out a tier of tomatoes, then pour them with a vegetable mixture. And so you continue until the very top.
  • If you plan to eat a workpiece for 3 months, then you skip the next step and store tomatoes only in the refrigerator. If you want to make reserves for the winter, then you will definitely sterilize the product.
  • To do this, lay out a towel to the bottom of the pan and lower the jars into cold water. After boiling water, sterilize cherry for 10-15 minutes (depending on the size of the container).
  • Hermetically close the banks, turn and wrap with a blanket. Store in a cool place.
Cherry tomatoes are in Korean
Cherry tomatoes are in Korean

Sharp cherry tomatoes for the winter: recipe

Cherry tomatoes will always be your favorite winter snack. They not only turn out to be incredibly tasty, but beautifully and harmoniously combine with any dishes. What is there, you can even eat them just during gatherings. Just with sharp pepper, be careful and consider the preferences of other family members. If you want to completely exclude the severity in tomatoes, then do not throw sharp pepper or add only its tiny piece for aroma.

  • What you need for cooking:
    • cherry tomatoes themselves - 2 kg
    • onions-2-3 pcs.
    • gorky pepper-0.5-2 pods
    • bulgarian pepper-1-2 pcs.
    • parsley and dill - several twigs
    • leaves of cherries and currants-3-4 pcs.
    • garlic-5-7 cloves
    • bay leaf-3-4 leaves
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l. With a hill
    • pepper peas and fragrant-4-5 grains
    • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.
    • water - 1.5 l.
  • We repeat that you can exclude acute pepper. But it is he who gives the dish a certain piquancy. Therefore, prepare it first. Cut along, clean the seeds with a knife and cut into small pieces.

Important: Always work with sharp pepper in gloves. It has phytoncides that eat into the skin. As an option, put a one -time bags on your hands. If you had to work with your hands without polyethylene protection, then apply a slurry of soda and liquid soap or vegetable oil and sugar. Wipe your hands well and rinse with soap.

  • Cut the sweet pepper into a small straw, chop the onion in half rings, and cut the garlic cloves in half.
  • Be sure to get banks for 10-15 minutes or withstand such a time in the oven. But do not heat it more than 110 ° C. By the way, the last method you can sterilize several cans immediately.
  • Place all the necessary spices on the bottom of the banks. Now gently lay out the tomatoes, periodically alternating them with vegetables and herbs. Do not forget to pierce the tomatoes with a pin at the base.
  • In a bowl or pot, prepare the marinade. Do not take an aluminum container, since it is possible to oxidize metal with vinegar. Heat the water and add bulk ingredients to it. Stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Wait for fluid drilling.
  • Remove the stove right away and add vinegar. Stir and fill the tomatoes. Leave for 15 minutes, covering the lids. Pour the water back into the pan and put it on the fire again. Pour tomatoes and this time roll up with lids.
  • Turn over the bottom and leave for 1-2 days under a warm blanket. It is advisable to store in a dark and cool place, but even in the apartment conditions they are well preserved.
You can exclude sharp pepper if you do not like burning dishes
You can use only sweet pepper if you don't like sharp dishes

Sweet cherry tomatoes for the winter with gelatin: recipe

Now we want to surprise you a little and provide a recipe for sweet tomatoes. Do not be alarmed, they will not look like jam. It’s just that the dish will turn out a slightly sweet taste. By the way, gelatin will help tomatoes better maintain elasticity and appearance, so on the table they will look very beautiful. But keep in mind that before serving on the table it is advisable to withstand them a little in the refrigerator.

  • Would need:
    • cherry tomatoes themselves - 1 kg
    • gelatin - 1 bag (20g)
    • onion-2-3 pcs.
    • leaves of cherries, currants and shields-3-4 pcs. (you can also add horseradish leaves)
    • bay leaf-4-5 pcs.
    • parsley - several twigs
    • pepper peas and fragrant-6-8 grains
    • cloves-2-3 inflorescences (optional)
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l. With a hill
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l. Without a hill
    • vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • water - 1 l.
  • Preparation begins with sterilization of cans. By the way, you can miss this step, only then wash the cans with soda. It is not as harmful as a detergent, and does even better with bacteria.
  • Do not cut tomatoes! They must be intact. You can remove the tails, or you can leave directly whole branches of tomatoes. It will look original.
  • But also consider such a nuance that the tomato sheet and its stalk are given a little bitterness. No, they will not spoil the dish, but there will be not such a pronounced sweet taste. That is, the tails will dilute it a little.
  • Put a small layer of all spices in the jar. Now pour cherry or carefully place the twigs. Between the tomatoes, lay out the rings of the onion. They can not be separated.
  • Cook the marinade from the water and bulk ingredients. When the liquid boils, remove it from the stove. Add vinegar and pour previously soaked gelatin. It swells relatively quickly, but it is better to insist it for 20-25 minutes. Just dilute it in cold water, 0.5 tbsp.
  • Pour the tomatoes with the marinade and set to sterilize. At the bottom of the pan, put a small segment of the fabric so that the container does not crack. And also lower the banks into already warm water.
  • Do not sterilize for a long time-half-liter jars need to be kept for no more than 7-8 minutes. If you will simmer them on fire for too long, then cherry can crack. And this will worsen their appearance.
  • Getting it from the pan, immediately roll up and chip. Insulate and leave to cool.
Sweet cherry tomatoes in gelatin
Sweet cherry tomatoes in gelatin

Cherry tomato recipe for winter with mustard: Recipe

According to this recipe, ordinary tomatoes are also good, but it is the sweet taste of Cherry that harmonizes with mustard grains. It is advisable to insist them at least 1-2 months so that the vegetable manages to absorb all the notes of taste and the aroma of spices. Although such a sunset cannot stand on shelves for a long time, because everyone will certainly ask for supplements.

  • Would need:
    • cherry - 1 kg
    • mustard grains - 1 tsp.
    • onions-1-2 heads
    • garlic-4-5 cloves
    • sweet pepper - 1 pc.
    • dill and parsley - at the pack of discretion
    • bay leaf-3-4 leaves
    • pepper peas and fragrant - several grains
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
    • vinegar - 6 tsp.
    • water-700-800 ml.
  • Banks are mandatory sterilized. By the way, innovation has come to such a process. Use the multi -wards. You do everything, as when cooking, just do not close the lid. That is, pick up a little water, put a cavity bowl and select the “double boiler” mode. You can withstand the banks for no more than 15 minutes.
  • Cherry tomatoes themselves look very beautiful as a winter workpiece. Therefore, it does not hurt to choose unusual and pretty jars. The ingredients should also be prepared properly.
  • To do this, cut the onions and do not disassemble it into separate rings. Peel the pepper from the seeds and also cut the rings with a thickness with a little finger.
  • On the bottom of the jar, lay out some spices and other vegetables. Pierce the tomatoes at the bandwidth to a toothpick so that they do not crack from hot water. Gently put the cherry into the jar, periodically adding onion and pepper between them.
  • You can shock the jar a little so that the tomatoes are better and denser. The final layer lay out onions with pepper and herbs. Pour the tomatoes with just boiled water.
  • After 15 minutes, drain the water. Heat it and add salt and sugar. Stir until the full dissolution of bulk ingredients. When the marinade boils, remove it from the stove.
  • Pour vinegar into each jar, and after it fill it with a hot marinade. Roll, turn and warm until completely cooled. Store conservation in a cool and dark place.
Pickled cherry tomatoes with mustard seeds
Pickled cherry tomatoes with mustard seeds

Tasty cherry tomatoes for the winter with onions and plums: Recipe

A slightly unusual recipe that will amaze you with its piquant taste. Sweet plum perfectly complements the sweetish taste of black and bitter onions. Do not forget to add various spices and greens to get also an incomparable aroma. If you like to surprise guests with unusual dishes and blanks, then be sure to save such a recipe.

  • The calculation of the ingredients per 1.5 liters:
    • cherry - 500 g
    • blue plums - 300 g
    • onions -200 g (take small)
    • garlic-5-6 cloves
    • carnation -2-3 inflorescences
    • pepper peas and fragrant-6-7 grains
    • umbrellas of dill-4-5 pcs.
    • any mixture of herbs, for example, Italian - 1 tbsp. l.
    • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.
    • water - 1 l.
  • You sterilize the banks in any convenient way for at least 10 minutes. If you took liter containers, then hold over the steam for 15 minutes.
  • Sort out tomatoes and leave only whole fruits, without any damage. Choose not quite reconciled cherry, then their skin will not burst from high temperature. In this case, it is not necessary to pierce them with a toothpick.
  • Take the onion of this size so that it does not need to be cut or it was enough to cut it into two parts. You also wash the plums, share in half and remove the bone from them. The berry also needs to be taken not quite completed. Otherwise, it will turn into a slurry during cooking.
  • The first layer is all spices, then a fruit-vegetable mixture. Try to lay out all the banks evenly. Pour boiling water and leave the containers for 30 minutes, covering the lids.
  • Drain the water from the cans and add a little fresh liquid (only boiled), since the marinade may not be enough. Add bulk components and bring to a boil. After a minute, remove the boiling from the stove and pour vinegar. Pour the marinade in jars, adding to the shoulders themselves.
  • Roll and turn upside down. Be sure to heat for a while, for about 2 days. After cooling, transfer to storage.
Cherry tomatoes are in perfect harmony with blue plums
Cherry tomatoes are in perfect harmony with blue plums

Pickled cherry tomatoes in oil for the winter: recipe

This recipe is popular and loved by Italians. True, they use it with dried tomatoes. But cherry tomatoes are not inferior to them in their taste and even win external characteristics. Small advice - use only olive oil. A plant substitute will not convey that taste and aroma.

  • Would need:
    • cherry tomatoes - 0.6 kg
    • onion - 2 pcs. medium size
    • olive oil - in fact
    • apple vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.
    • salt - 1 tsp.
    • basil and Oregano - several leaves, but you can replace with dry seasoning for 1 tsp.
  • Wash cherry, cut the onions with rings. You put everything in sterilized jars, alternating with each other in layers. Also do not forget to periodically add greens.
  • Mix vinegar with salt. Mix until crystals dissolve. Pour evenly into banks.
  • After that, pour everything with oil to the shoulders and cover with nylon lids. Send the tomatoes to the refrigerator for 2-3 months. The longer you withstand them, the tastier they will come out. It is also necessary to store in the refrigerator.
Cherry tomatoes in oil
Cherry tomatoes in oil

Video: Cherry tomatoes in oil for the winter: Best recipe

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