How to cook a kefir mask for oily, dry, brittle and dyed hair at home? How to apply and how much to keep a kefir mask on the hair?

How to cook a kefir mask for oily, dry, brittle and dyed hair at home? How to apply and how much to keep a kefir mask on the hair?

Kefir can serve as an excellent basis for the mask. Such a cosmetic product will improve hair condition and give them health.

Kefir hair mask: benefit

Kefir hair mask has become very popular recently. The secret of this cosmetic procedure is that such a simple sour -milk product as kefir, able to really strengthen hair, nourish it with vitamins and useful substances.

The effectiveness of simple kefir as a "home" cosmetic product is due to A rich margin of trace elements, which is not capable of any chemically produced shampoo or balm. Kefir really penetrates deep into the hair structure, saturates it and makes it healthy.


  • Dry, damaged and "sick" hair They will become more vital, gain brilliance and missing moisture. You will stop noticing at combing huge bits of "falling and breaking the hair." Regular kefir masks will help increase the density and splendor of your dry hair.
  • Bold hair will cease to “demand” the washing of the head every day. You will notice how the hair will “play in the sun” with brilliance. You can make a kefir mask by diluting the main ingredient with honey, and then even the most oily hair can be easily called clean and attractive.
  • Rare hair will also “save” a kefir mask. It can be combined with honey, egg yolk or onion juice. Such a tool will force even the most “sleeping” bulbs and you will feel how quickly your dull thin hair gain density.

IMPORTANT:Kefir is also often used as hair wash. They resort to such a procedure when the paint, for example, did not give the expected result and spoiled the color of the hair. In addition, those who take care of the blond should know about the ability of kefir to clarify the hair with a natural sparing way.

Incredible properties of hair kefir of any type

How to apply and how much to keep a kefir mask on the hair?

Kefir mask suitable for absolutely any hair, she is not able to harm and in any case, will only leave a positive effect. However, it is important to know how to properly apply a kefir mask on the head so that it can bring the maximum benefit of hair.

If you do this procedure for dry hair, you need choose kefir with a high percentage of fat content. In the opposite case, oily hair “requires” skim kefir. Both products have a reserve of trace elements, but fat kefir will be able to leave a peculiar protective film that is useful only for dry hair.

The main rule of applying a mask to the head is a little heat kefir. He should not be burning, but also cold too. The warm mass is more liquid, with its temperature it will “reveal” the scales of the hair and it will penetrate deep into its structure, eating from the inside.

Do not be afraid to supplement kefir masks additional ingredients, they will only increase the effectiveness of the product. The most popular additives are vegetable and essential oils, decoctions of herbs, lemon juice, yolk, mustard powder, banana, even fat mayonnaise.

It is important to know that a kefir mask should only be applied to dry and clean hair. After you apply the whole tool, with the help of a large scallop, the mask should be distributed along the entire length of the hair. Create "greenhouse effect" on the headyou can, wrapping your hair in polyethylene (bag, hat, food film).

You can wear a kefir mask on your head for a very long time, at least all day, if you have the opportunity. The minimum exposure time of the mask on the hair - one hour. Remove the remaining masks should also be correctly: do it not hot and not cold, but warm water, wash your head with shampoo twice. Do not dry your head with a hairdryer, let your hair dry naturally and you will feel the positive effect of the procedure.

Nutritional properties of kefir on the hair

How to cook a kefir mask for oily hair?

On oily hair, a kefir mask will help eliminate excess skin sebaceous discharge, restore shine, crumbly and softness to the hair even on the ends. In this case, kefir should be supplemented with some ingredients:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups 0.5% fat
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Natural honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Mustard powder - 1 teaspoon
  • Decoction of chamomile - 2 large spoons

The mask follows to stir thoroughly, it will turn out quite liquid. Heat the mask on fire or in the microwave to a warm state. You can apply a mask with hands or brush to the basal zone. After that, the remedy should be distributed along the entire length, wrapped in a film and wrapped in a towel.

Wearing a mask should be at least half an hour. But to keep for a long time, for more than an hour, it is also not worth it. If you feel discomfort - rinse right away, perhaps you are sensitive to one of the components of the mask. Also, in case of intolerance, exclude some ingredients. After the procedure, wash your head with shampoo.

Important: for oily hair, a mask of milk serum is also ideal. You can braid your hair in a tight braid and simply pour it with warm liquid. After that, the usual way to wrap up to create a “greenhouse effect” and hold at least an hour.

How to make a mask from kefir to hair?

How to cook a kefir mask for dry and brittle hair?

Kefir is the best means of “folk” cosmetics and medicine, capable of returning the brilliance, life and density of weakened brittle hair.

You will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups with a fat content of 2.5%
  • The yolk of one egg (preferably home)
  • Natural honey - 1 tbsp. a spoon

Stir the mask thoroughly. It should only be applied to dry and clean hair to achieve the maximum effect. The mask should be warm, so it “steams” hair and penetrates deep into its structure. Wrapening with a film will help to preserve the “greenhouse effect” as long as possible, and the heat can maintain heat.

You can keep the mask for several hours. The longer the better. To make such a mask is best twice a week or after washing your head. The course of hair treatment is one month. After that, let the hair “rest” for a couple of weeks and you can resort to a kefir mask again.

Returning vitality to hair with kefir

How to cook a kefir mask for dyed hair?

Freed hair is often in a stressful state after exposure to pains with a chemical composition. That is why you should most effectively restore the structure of the colored hair. For these purposes, an oil-kefir mask is perfect.

For cooking you will need 1/2 fat kefir and 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

  • Use any oil that you have: olive, burdock, castor, linen.
  • Stir the components of the mask thoroughly, heat to a warm state And distribute over the entire length of the hair.

It is not worth holding the mask on colored hair for a long time so as not to wash off their “fresh” color. Fifteen minutes will be enough. The mask is recommended to be done twice a week.

The dyed hair also needs kefir treatment

What are kefir masks for growth, density, strengthening and restoration of hair?

For those who want to improve hair density, make it lush and voluminous, a kefir -based mask is also useful. You can supplement the mask with a very “fragrant” component - onions.

You will come in handy:

  • Kefir - 1 cup (1% fat)
  • Burr oil - 1 large spoon
  • Bulb - 1 pc, small (kill a blender or grind in a meat grinder).

All components follow mix thoroughly. Onions can be squeezed out and only use it juiceApply the mask to the hair and hold for an hour. After that, carefully rinse with shampoo and apply balm. Make a mask “for hair growth” should be at least twice a week.

Onion with kefir - hair density

Kefir hair mask from dandruff: recipe with vitamin A

The problem of dandruff and excessive peeling of the scalp bothers many. Vitaminized mask based on kefir will help to fix the situation.

You will need:

  • 1/2 Art. kefir high fat content
  • A decoction of the root of the burdock - 2 tablespoons
  • Vitamin A - 2 capsules

Important: liquid vitamin A in capsules can be bought at a pharmacy. It is released without a recipe, favorably affects the structure of the hair and scalp, moisturizing and nourishing it.

The mask is important apply to dry clean hair. Such a mask can not be covered with a film. Just wrap your hair in towels and hold the product at least an hour on the head. You can wash off the mask with water and shampoo, but it is much better if you have a decoction of burdock root - make rinsing.

Hair recharge with liquid vitamins and kefir

Kefir hair mask is brightening and for washing paint: Recipe

As already mentioned, kefir has one unusual feature - it able to lighten hair. Of course, the effect will not be striking and, the brown -haired woman will not be able to turn into a blonde with a kefir. But, for those who supports gold and bright hair color, kefir mask will help eliminate excessive yellowness and make a tone a little lighter.

Other components will help to strengthen the clarifying effect of kefir:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (1% fat)
  • Lemon juice - 2 large spoons
  • Burdock oil - 1 teaspoon
  • Decoction of chamomile - 2 large spoons

Before applying the mask, the head should be thoroughly washed and dried with a hairdryer (this will help to “open” scales). Apply the product by distributing it along the entire length. It should not be wrapped, on the contrary, if possible, you should be present under direct sunlight. This will contribute to the "discoloration" of the pigment to a greater extent.

Blond hair care with kefir

Kefir hair masks from falling out: recipe with burdock oil

Hair may fall out if it does not receive sufficient vitamin recharge, the bulb does not nourish moisture. As a result, the hair is thinning, they do not shine and look quite lifeless.

You can cook a nutrient mask against falling out from:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (high fat content)
  • Vitamin e - 2 capsules of liquid vitamin (squeeze into kefir).
  • Natural honey - 1 large spoon (any, you can use honey in honeycombs).
  • The yolk is one egg (home)

Prepare the mask, stir it and warm it up. A warm mask should be applied to the scalp, only the remaining masks are distributed along the entire length. You can keep the mask for a long time, until several hours. You can make such a mask very often, but at least once a week.

Kefir - an effective hair loss remedy

Hair kefir-gathering recipe

Such a mask has a very favorable effect on a thin dull hair. It contributes not only to an increase in volume, but also for restoration of their vitality and brilliance. Yeast improve hair growth, activate the bulbs, yeast protein and b vitamins in nourish hair from the inside And restore its structure.

You will need:

  • Yeast - 2 large spoons
  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (high fat content)

Important: to prepare this mask, you can use both dry and fresh yeast. They should be diluted in warm kefir.

The mask should be applied to the head with massage movements, rubbing both the skin and in the ends of the hair. Keep the mask under the film, wrapping your head in a towel in order to maintain heat for the long time. After that, the mask is thoroughly washed off with shampoo.

Hair restoration with a mask prepared from kefir

Kefir hair mask with honey: recipe

Honey is an incredibly useful cosmetic and therapeutic agent. It can be actively used, both for masks on the face and on the hair. A kefir mask with honey is an incredibly effective means for returning vitality to hair.

You will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (any fat content)
  • Honey - 2 tbsp. tablespoons (only natural honey, not sugar syrup).
  • Burdock oil - 1 tbsp. spoon (can be replaced with any other vegetable oil).

Apply the mask to clean hair. If the mass seems to you too dense, add more kefir. Remove a braid, put a shower hat or a plastic bag on your head. Keep the mask on your head for at least 40 minutes.

Honey will perfectly complement the kefir mask

Kefir hair mask with onions: recipe

Onions have an unusual ability - it actively affects the hair follicles, forcing them to “wake up” and grow again. If you supplement the onion gruel with kefir - you will receive an effective mask that can fight hair loss.

To prepare a mask for one use, you will need one small onionIt is easy to kill with a blender in a gruel. Grutus must be diluted with fat kefir.

Kefir mask with hair cocoa: how to cook and use?

You will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (any fat content)
  • Cocoa - 1 tablespoon with a slide
  • The yolk of one egg (home)

Knead the mask, cocoa will make it dense and comfortable for applying it. Be sure to distribute the mask along the entire length and wrap your head in a towel. Keep the product on the head for about 30-40 minutes.

Kefir and its beneficial properties for hair as a mask

Kefir mask with an egg of hair: how to cook and use?

Egg mask can nourish the scalp and hair. It is important to know that only yolk should be taken to prepare a mask. Protein can negatively affect delicate skin and provoke dryness on it.

You will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (any fat content)
  • The yolk of one egg (home)
  • Cognac - 1 large spoon
  • Olive oil - 1 teaspoon

All ingredients are mixed, applied with massage movements On the scalp on the scalp and only then with the help of a scallop are distributed to the rest. If there is alcohol in the mask, do not apply it to the tips, they can become dry.

Kefir mask with mustard hair: recipe

The secret of mustard powder is that it gently affects the scalp, activating the "sleeping" hair follicles.

You will need:

  • Kefir - 0.5 cups (high fat content)
  • Mustard powder - 1 tablespoon without a slide
  • Mayonnaise - 2 more spoon (high fat content, can be replaced with vegetable oil).

Mix the mask thoroughly. It should only be applied to the scalp and a basic hair area. Keep the mask at least half an hour.

How to cook and keep a kefir mask on your head?

Kefir mask with henna for hair: recipe

Henna is actively used for preparations of therapeutic masks. This plant component can fight dandruff, improve hair growth, restore their structure and improve color. For a therapeutic mask, use only colorless henna.

To prepare you will need:

  • Troth of nettles - 0.5 cups
  • Henna - 1 bag
  • Kefir - 0.5 cups

Pour a bag of henna with a steep boiling water from a nettle decoction. Give the time that henna is infused and swelled. After that, mix it with kefir and apply it to the hair, distributing along the entire length. Leave for forty minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Kefir mask with vitamin E and A for hair: how to cook and use?

Do vitamin treatment of scalp and hair You can use capsules with liquid vitamins. They are not expensive you can purchase them at any pharmacy. One mask may contain at the same time vitamin E and vitamin A. It is important to know that you cannot oversaturate the mask with vitamins. One or two capsules will be quite enough for the procedure.

Important: you can add vitamins to any masks: with egg, yeast, henna, oils. In the presence of any problem with hair, they will gain vital shine, softness and become more resistant to negative environmental influences.

What kefir hair mask can you at night?

For lack of free time, a kefir mask can be applied to the hair and left overnight. Kefir is absolutely not able to harm the hair, but other ingredients of the mask can do this: mustard, cocoa, henna, oil, lemon juice.

The "night" mask should consist only of kefir, serum or simple sour milk.

  • Wrap your head in polyethylene, put your hat on your head and calmly hold the mask until the morning.
  • You can wash it off with warm water and shampoo.
  • During the night of the hair is saturated with vitamins and trace elements, will become soft and obedient.

Photo of hair after kefir mask: effect

Kefir mask has gained great popularity among modern women for their effectiveness and the ability to improve the appearance of hair.

Photo before and after kefir mask:

Restoration of shine of hair with cosmetics based on kefir
Kefir hair lightening
Kefir mask effect

Kefir hair mask: reviews

Alina: “I love“ grandmother ”cosmetics based on folk recipes. That is why I was not afraid to try kefir. My hair is oily at the roots and dry at the tips. The mask helped to normalize the release of fat with the skin and made hair recharge along the entire length. I make a mask at least twice a month. ”

Marina: “I combine kefir with egg yolk and castor oil. The effect is more than satisfied: the hair shines, it is thick and alive! I advise you to make a mask immediately after staining, for this, choose a fat kefir! ”

Video: "Kefir mask for beautiful hair"

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