How to cook scallops frozen at home: delicious recipes step by step

How to cook scallops frozen at home: delicious recipes step by step

Want to learn how to cook scallops? Look for recipes in the article - quickly, tasty and appetizing.

If you like seafood, you probably tried sea scallops. They are served in almost every restaurant. They are soft and gentle in taste. But you hardly know that you can cook such a dish at home. You can’t get fresh scallops, but you can buy frozen in any supermarket. If the product is properly defrost and cook, its taste will not differ at all from fresh.

Read on our website grile vegetable recipes article. They are perfect for sea scallops. They are simply cooking, and such dishes are very tasty.

In this article you will find many recipes for the preparation of delicious sea scallops, and we will also tell you how to defrost them. Read further.

How to defrost the sea scallops: tips

Any seafood, including sea scallops, is forbidden to defrost with radical methods: pouring boiling water and defrosting in a microwave. How to defrost the sea scallops? Here are the tips:

  • Remove the product from the freezer and put in a bowl, and put on the shelf in the refrigerator.
  • When the scallops begin to thaw, you can put them on the table.

After complete thawing, you can start cooking. Usually, during the defrosting of such a product, it goes about 5 hours. If you do not have time to wait for so long, you can put the bag in cold water. This will help defrost the scallops for an hour. But at the same time, they will not lose their taste. So, we begin to cook. Choose one of the recipes below to make a delicious dish. Read further.

How to cook a frozen sea scallop in a grill at home: delicious recipes for cooking with photo step by step

Sea scallop in a grill pan at home
Sea scallop in a grill pan at home

Some housewives prefer to boil these mollusks, since in this form the dish turns out to be more useful. But true gourmets in the preparation of the gifts of the sea assure that it is the fried sea scallops in the pan that are more appetizing and tastier. How to cook this frozen product? Here are delicious recipes for cooking with a photo step by step:

Sea scallops in a grill pan

The following products will be needed:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  • Fold the thawed sea scallops in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, pepper and pour olive oil.
Leave the sea scallops to pickle
Leave the sea scallops to pickle
  • Put them in a cold place to marry on 30 minutes.
  • Fry sesame seeds in a dry pan.
Fry sesame seeds in a dry pan
Fry sesame seeds in a dry pan
  • Heat another grill pan. Put it on it without adding oil, pickled scallops.
  • Fry them on both sides until a light golden crust appears.
Fry the scallops until golden
Fry the scallops until golden
  • Put on a plate, sprinkle with sesame seeds, pour with lemon juice and serve right away.

Mollusks prepared in this way must be served only hot. When they cool down, they will become tasteless.

Sea crests with green beans
Sea crests with green beans

Sea crests with green beans

Green beans go well with sea scallops, complementing them with its taste. Use other greens, it will give a juiciness salad.

The following products will be needed:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  • Fry the cleaned and cut onion in one frying pan.
  • After a couple of minutes, lay out the washed and cut green beans. Add a little boiling water and tap the vegetables until the bean is soft.
  • At this time, put the scallops on another frying pan and fry them in olive oil from both sides until golden.
  • Combine the contents of two pans, add greens, spices and simmer for another 3 minutes.
  • Put the finished dish on a plate and pour with lemon juice.

You can add canned corn to vegetables. Thanks to her, the dish will turn out with a more saturated taste and acquire a slight sweetness.

Sea scallops fried in batter
Sea scallops fried in batter

Sea scallops fried in batter

The batter for seafood is better to cook on white wine. It turns out very tender and appetizing. The batter will be airy. In addition, there are still secrets of preparing this liquid dough - this is interfering in the dough separately egg yolks and whipped proteins. Read in detail below.

Cooking products:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Do this:

  • Cut the scallops in half. If they are small, then we will fry them in batter.
  • Fold the mollusks in a bowl, pour the plant. oil, pepper and salt to taste. Send to the refrigerator 30 min.
  • At this time, prepare the batter. Separate the proteins from the yolks. Put the proteins in the freezer for 10-15 min. Then whisk them to the splendor.
  • Mix the yolks with flour and white wine. Add salt, pepper to taste. Mix well.
  • Now mix the yellow mass, whipped proteins.
  • Heat a small saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the oils from half a glass so that it almost completely covered the lowered scallops in batter. Heat the oil.
  • Pieces of mollusks are in the batter and put in boiling oil. Fry until golden.
  • Then put the finished pieces on a paper towel so that the stack is excess fat. Continue to fry.
  • When all the mollusks are already fried, put the salad leaves or other greens on the dish, and place the scallops on top.

Serve the dish hot with any your favorite sauce - tomato, mayonnaise, etc.

Video: How to cook sea scallops? Delicious and quick recipe

Salad with sea scallops: delicious recipes

Salad with sea scallops
Salad with sea scallops

You can cook a salad with scallops as you like. It can be adapted to any taste addictions. If you want, season with mayonnaise, if not, sprinkle with herbs and pour olive oil and lemon juice. In general, it all depends on your taste preferences and imagination. So, here is a delicious recipe for salad with sea scallops:

The following products will be needed:

  • Saws - 200 grams
  • Spinach - 0.5 bundle
  • Soft cheese - 100 grams
  • Cherry tomatoes - I have no pieces
  • Cedar nuts - a handful
  • Sesame oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Cherry vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Cook like this:

  1. Boil the scallops in salted water for 2-3 minutes.
  2. Cut the cheese with cubes.
  3. Wash the spinach. If the leaves are small, then leave it, if large, then torn with your hands or cut into pieces.
  4. Wash the tomatoes and cut in half.
  5. Mix all the prepared foods, pour oil, vinegar and soy sauce. If you do not have cherry vinegar, you can use apple.
  6. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with cedar nuts and serve.

Such a salad can be put in a cold place before serving so that it is saturated with oil and sauce. Below is another recipe for a delicious dish.

Salad with sea scallops
Salad with sea scallops

This salad can be prepared both with cucumber and radish, and with fresh or dried tomatoes. The taste will still turn out excellent.

The following products will be needed:

  • Saws - 200 grams
  • Oil is plant. - For frying
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Radis - 200 grams
  • Rugula - 0.5 bundle
  • Soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • Olive oil - for salad dressing

Cook like this:

  1. Fry the scallops in a pan, greased. oil.
  2. Cut the cucumber and radishes thinly in circles.
  3. Wash therugula.
  4. Mix prepared foods, pour sauce and olive oil.

If you put tomatoes instead of cucumber and radis, then you can boil the salad with lemon juice.

Video: How to make a salad with sea scallops?

Sea scallops fried in creamy sauce with garlic and onion: delicious recipe

Sea scallops fried in creamy sauce with garlic and onion
Sea scallops fried in creamy sauce with garlic and onion

Delicate creamy sauce perfectly emphasizes the taste of seafood. It is better to cook it according to this recipe, as the wine improves the taste of the dish, and Parmesan adds piquancy. Here is a delicious recipe for sea scallops fried in creamy sauce with garlic and onion:

The following products will be needed:

  • Parmesan - 30 g
  • Olive. Oil - 1 tbsp.
  • White wine - 20 ml
  • Cream - 0.5 stack.
  • Onions-half of the onion
  • Sea scallops - 150 g
  • Garlic-1-2 teeth
  • Parsley - 2 vet.
  • Asparagus –150 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste

Cook like this:

  1. Clean onions and garlic, cut and fry in oil.
  2. Grow and fry the scallops until golden in another pan.
  3. Mix onions with garlic, fried scallops, add seasonings, greens.
  4. Pour the wine and simmer until it completely evaporates.
  5. Add cream, sprinkle with grated cheese and simmer 5 minutesTurn off.
  6. Boil the asparagus in the water 5 minutes.

Now put an asparagus on a plate, scallops in the sauce. Decorate with greens or cherry tomatoes. Serve right away.

Video: exquisite dish in 10 minutes. Sea scallops in creamy sauce!

Squint dish in the oven: simple recipe

Squint dish in the oven
Squint dish in the oven

Many housewives love to cook in the oven. Dishes are as tasty as prepared in a pan, but more useful and juicy. If you prepare the dish in this way, then it will open for you with a new taste. Moreover, the dish is very simple. Try and you will definitely like it. Here is a simple recipe for meals from scallops in the oven:

You will need such ingredients:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  • Turn on the oven to heat up to 180 degrees.
  • Lubricate the frying shape with oil, it should be applied with a good layer so that the scallops do not burn.
  • Rinse mollusks and dry on a paper towel.
  • Put the scallops in the shape.
  • Bake for 5 minutes.
  • Then pull out, turn the scallops and sprinkle with basil, salt, pepper and chopped herbs. Fry for another 3 minutes. Turn off the oven, take out a bowl with a dish.
  • Put on the dish, pour a little oil from the mold and serve to the table.

You can put any prepared mayonnaise salad on the dish, for example, with corn. This combination will be very appetizing.

Files of a sea scallop in the sink: a delicious recipe on the sash

Sea scallop fillet in the sink
Sea scallop fillet in the sink

If you are lucky enough to buy scallops in the sink, then prepare a delicious dish. Mollusks under cheese are a unique taste. Every gourmet will appreciate it. If you serve such a dish on the festive table, then you can decorate the sinks with red caviar on top. Look how appetizing and expensive it looks. So, we prepare a naval scallop in the sink according to a simple and tasty recipe on the sash:

You will need such ingredients:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  • To get started, open the scallops. The sink has a special closing muscle, it is easy to remove it closer to the top. It needs to be cut off. You can eat the closing muscles or “nickle” (the so -called fishermen), a mantle and gonads. On the lower sash, leave the “nickel” and gonads.
Open the sink, rinse the mantle
Open the sink, rinse the mantle
  • Rinse the mantle well. Cut finely and add to the shells. By the way, many cooks do not use the mantle precisely in the preparation of scallops. They clean it in the freezer and then cook with another seafood dish.
  • Put a little drain on each “nickle”. Oil and crushed garlic.
  • Cover with a “hat” of grated cheese.
  • Bake in an oven at 200 degrees during 5-7 min.

Serve hot, decorating with greens or red caviar.

Video: Food of Kings! Saws under cheese!

Sea scallops and tiger shrimp for Behamel sauce - how to cook: a delicious recipe for dishes from the gifts of the sea

Sea scallops and tiger shrimp under the sauce of Behamel
Sea scallops and tiger shrimp under the sauce of Behamel

An exquisite dish that is suitable for the festive table. Do not be lazy, prepare it. Shrimp should be large, otherwise such a unique taste will not work. How to cook? Here is a recipe for the preparation of the gifts of the sea - sea scallops and tiger shrimp under Behamel sauce:

Buy such ingredients:

  • Sea scallops - 9 pcs.
  • Large tiger shrimp - 9 pcs.
  • Onions-1 pc.
  • Olive oil. - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Milk - 250 ml
  • Flour of food. - 1 tbsp.
  • Nutmeg - a little
  • Paning (any, for example, grinding crackers) - 3 tbsp.

Make a dish like this:

  1. Put the scallops and shrimp in a colander for defrosting so that the glass is water.
  2. Cut into small pieces ( 1 cm).
  3. To prepare the sauce, finely cut the onion and fry on olive. oil until golden.
  4. Add flour, milk, nutmeg - mix and cook until thickened - no more than 3 min.
  5. Lay the cut scallops and shrimp into the molds and pour the sauce.
  6. Sprinkle with hammer crackers on top.
  7. Bake in an oven, preheated up to 180 degrees-20-25 min.
  8. If you want a crust to be baked on top, then turn on the function of the grill or convention. Hold the forms for a couple of minutes.

Turn off the oven and serve the molds with the dish to the table.

Rice with sea scallops - how to cook: recipe

Rice with sea scallops
Rice with sea scallops

If you like rice, then prepare the scallops with it. It turns out a juicy and delicious dish that can be served for dinner or dinner. Seafood is usually served without a side dish, as they are tasty as an independent dish. But with rice is an original dish. There are a lot of ingredients, but do not be lazy, and use them all. It will turn out tasty, and each component ingredient complements each other. So how to cook? Here is a rice recipe with sea scallops:

The following products will be needed:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  1. Bulgarian pepper, tomato and onions wash. From pepper, take out the core. Cut the vegetables into small pieces.
  2. Melt the half of the drain in the pan. oils. Fry the prepared vegetables for 5 minutes.
  3. Peel the pumpkin, cut into small cubes. Put in a pan with vegetables. Also add corn grains, rice and mix everything.
  4. Pour half the white wine. Stew until all the fluid evaporates.
  5. Now pour a hot broth a little and cook until the liquid is absorbed.
  6. Put the rest of the oil, parmesan and green onion in rice.
  7. Mix, remove from the stove and leave in a warm place.
  8. Separately fry 12 sea scallops in olive oil for 1 min.
  9. Put crushed garlic, a sharp pepper, chopped parsley, pour the rest of white wine. Stew 1 min.
  10. Salt by sea salt. Turn off the fire.

To serve on the table, put the rice on plates, put the scallops on top. Eat hotly - it is very tasty, aromatic and appetizing.

Paste with scallops under creamy sauce with Provencal herbs: Recipe

Paste with scallops under creamy sauce with Provencal herbs
Paste with scallops under creamy sauce with Provencal herbs

If you are waiting for guests to the house for dinner, then prepare this dish. You will definitely be able to surprise them. After all, we are all used to eating a paste with chicken or other meat, and with seafood - this is a curiosity. Preparing the dish is simple and fast. Here is a recipe for paste with scallops under creamy sauce and Provencal herbs:

You will need such ingredients:

  • Sea scallops –400 g
  • Cream 20% - 150 ml
  • Pasta - 250 g
  • RAS. Oil - 50 g
  • Provencal herbs - 15 g
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Black pepper - 2 g
  • Cheese - 100 g

Cook like this:

  1. Rinse the scallopes, put them in a saucepan, beat the plant. oil. Salt and pepper. Mix mollusks in this marinade and put in the refrigerator on 20 minutes.
  2. To cook paste, bring the water to a boil in a saucepan, put 1 tsp. salt and 1 tbsp. RAS. oils. Lower the paste and cook, stirring to the state of al-Dent. When connecting pasta with drain. sauce, it will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. The scallops have already been marked, so transfer them to a frying pan and fry them without oil on both sides.
  5. When the pasta is cooked, pour half the mug of the broth in which she was boiling. This broth can come in handy when you connect the paste with the sauce.
  6. When the scallops are fried on both sides, pour cream to them.
  7. Add Provencal herbs, and stirring, simmer again 3 min.
  8. Put a little cheese on the sauce with mollusks.
  9. Put the paste to the sauce, simmer for a minute and turn off the fire.

Before serving, sprinkle with cheese with cheese.

Video: Paste with sea scallops and creamy sauce!

Delicious salad of chicken scallops with carrots in Korean: Recipe

A delicious salad of chicken scallops with carrots in Korean
A delicious salad of chicken scallops with carrots in Korean

Another delicacy in different cuisines of the world with the same name as the gifts of the sea are chicken scallops. Preparing them is very simple. But it is necessary to first clean the film. To do this, dissolve the salt from hot water from 1 teaspoon per glass of liquid, and in this solution carefully clean the scallops, removing the film. Clean all the folds well, as keratinized skin and feathers can gather in them.

Purched chicken scallops
Purched chicken scallops

So, if you bought such a product, and it is prepared for cooking, then here is a recipe for delicious smoars of chicken:

The following products will be needed:

Such products will be needed
Such products will be needed

Cook like this:

  1. Boil scallops in salted water. Check your readiness with a fork: Pierce it, if it is easy to do this, then you are ready.
  2. Until the scallops have cooled down, cut them into strips.
  3. Grate carrots and zucchini.
  4. Sprinkle them with seasoning. Pour oil into a bowl and put on the fire. When it begins to warm up, turn off. Pour hot oil, add vinegar.
  5. Clean and cut the onion. Fry slightly in a pan with a plant. oil. Put onions to vegetables.
  6. Mix refueled vegetables with scallops, sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  7. Put a bowl with a salad in a cold place for an hour.

When serving, sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds. See how it looks appetizing. You can serve with any side dish. Such piquant scallops and sea mollusks prepared according to the stages described above are a few more recipes in a piggy bank of housewives who love sea or chicken scallops. Enjoy your meal!

Video: sea scallops - a dish in 5 minutes for lovers of seafood. Quickly, the dish

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