How to fill out the address on the postal envelope: tips, instructions, photos

How to fill out the address on the postal envelope: tips, instructions, photos

So that the recipient can read your letter in time, it is important to correctly fill out the envelope. You can read about the basic rules in the article.

For several centuries, people have been using envelopes, thanks to which they send letters and documents. But in the age of development of modern technologies, when people communicate more interactively, most of them have already forgotten about letters in envelopes. Therefore, they do not even know about the correct filling.

To begin with, you must know that the data on the envelope must be written carefully, not to make grammatical errors. In each post office you can find a sample by which the envelope is made correctly. You can rely on it while sending a letter. If you cannot find a sample, use our tips.

How to fill out an envelope for writing?

When filling out an envelope, to whatever country you send a letter, try to adhere to the following rules:

  • Language. During the mandrel of documents, letters on the territory of Russia use only the Russian language. If you send a letter to another state, then you can use the English language. You must pay attention to the sample by which it is possible to send abroad. If you need to duplicate the information in the language of the refrigerator. But you should not forget that data in English is considered mandatory.
Accuracy and correctness is important
Accuracy and correctness is important
  • Address. For a more correct and quick receipt of the letter. Looking at the sample, you will see the following - the sender address is at the top of the left side, in the corner. But the address of the recipient is placed on the right side in the corner at the bottom of the envelope. Fill out the address in the appropriate order. First write the last name, name, patronymic. Then you need to indicate the address and at the very end the index. It does not matter whose information you write, your own, or recipient. The form of filling in both cases is the same.
  • Accuracy. Write the address with selective letters, preferably printed. You can’t cross out words, letters, correct something on the envelope. Also, the error will be the presence of spelling errors while writing the address. In order to competently write all the data, do not forget to use the design sample.

Is it possible to fill out an envelope for writing online?

  • If you need to send 10 or more letters, make several mailings, then use the site to fill out the envelope. You will only have to indicate the data about senders, recipients, choose the perfect template.
  • The program has a special sample that helps fill the envelope. After that, each field is filled in automatic mode. Many similar programs have a Russian -speaking interface, detailed instructions. All this will allow you to easily, comfortably work with the selected program.
  • In the program you will present a sample. Below in the left zone will be located code stamp. It includes the recipient index, which is necessarily recorded by stylized numbers. You write these numbers by any color. An exception is considered yellow, red and green. If you write the index with these colors, your letter will not be allowed to sort.

How to fill out an envelope for writing in Russia?

Before filling out the envelope, we advise you to read our recommendations. We advise you to indicate the following information that concerns the recipient:

What to write?
What to write?
In Russia
In Russia

The main rule is to write the address legibly. Pay special attention to a clear writing of each digit.

  • Do not confuse the index. The index is considered the same address, only in digital format. Each post office has its own unique index. From the very beginning of the letter they send it to the specified index, therefore, if you indicate it incorrectly, then your correspondence will not receive the addressee or the letter will go to it for a very long time.
  • If you send the letter to the subscriber box, then do not indicate the address of the recipient itself. In the section called “where”, enter only the settlement, district and region. Also specify "Poste restante".

How to fill out an envelope for writing abroad?

When filling out an envelope in Ukraine, adhere to such rules:

  • Sign the envelope with a handle of any color, in addition to scarlet, yellow and emerald colors.
  • When you sign the envelope, do not reduce the address.
  • Write your own address in the corner on the left side at the top.
  • Indicate the addressee in the field that will be on the right side below.
  • During the filling, write as indicated in the sample. Alternately indicate all the information.
  • At the end, indicate the index. There are envelopes in which it is located in a special place. In this case, indicate the index exactly there.
  • You can specify the information that concerns the addressee in a language convenient for you (RUS or UKR).
  • The name of the state additionally indicate on the envelope. Write the country only in large letters.
  • Want to send a letter to some country? Then buy an envelope for international letters in advance, glue the necessary mail brands on it.
  • Fill out the envelope According to the rules, identical state parameters. There is only one distinguishing feature - you must fill the envelope with the data of the recipient.
  • Do not translate your own address. You only have to do transliteration (write information about yourself in Russian words, but using Latin letters).

Letter to Belarus: how to fill out an envelope?

Record the recipient’s address at the very beginning. But the delivery time, accuracy of these data does not affect. They will be needed if the recipient did not work out to send a letter. After that, the letter itself will be returned to the sender to the addressee recorded by him.

To the capital
To the capital

Filling an envelope in Belarus is very simple. When filling out, indicate:


During filling, write Belarusian or Russian letters. Do not reduce anything. Otherwise, mail workers will be able to not understand the address, and the addressee will not receive his own letter.

Custom letter: How to fill out an envelope?

  • You may once face the sending of a custom letter. Its sending is a little more expensive than simple letters. But this gives a complete guarantee that the letter will be accurately delivered to the specified address.
  • A registered letter is an ordinary envelope, but its movement can be traced by a special number. When the letter is delivered to the mail, the addressee will be sent about his arrival, if the registered letter is issued with a notification.
  • Fill out the envelope The registered letter is necessary according to the type of ordinary letter. Only for urgency and notification, one has to pay extra for a certain amount.

How you can not fill the envelope: possible errors

Often, while filling out the envelope, people make some mistakes. Among them, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • Incorrectly recorded address.
  • House, apartment are indicated with errors.
  • A typo was made, letters were missed.

If the errors are critical, then the following may occur:

  • The letter will not be sent or it will be delivered to another recipient.
  • The sender will receive his own letter back.
  • The letter will reach the addressee, but the delivery time will increase significantly.
  • The letter will come to the recipient, but he will not be able to receive it. This will happen if the name of the name is incorrectly indicated.

If, by sending a letter, you find out that you made a mistake, you can give statementBy writing the correct data in it. This opportunity applies if your mail was registered. You can submit an application by having passport and receipt on the payment of the service.

If the typo is made in the check, which is issued by the operator, then there is nothing terrible here. But only on the condition that you wrote information on the envelope without errors.

Video: Fill the envelope correctly

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