How to cut the chicken: scheme, step -by -step instructions, tips

How to cut the chicken: scheme, step -by -step instructions, tips

In this article, we will learn how to correctly cut the whole chicken into pieces, and for the roll

Did you know that buying a whole chicken is much more economical than in parts, and then cut it correctly and get both the first and second.

How to choose a quality chicken?

Before cutting the chicken, you need to buy it. And how to buy high -quality chicken?

  • It is better to take a chilled chicken, than frozen, frozen can contain a lot of water - to increase the weight that manufacturers pumped.
  • We look at the chest of the chicken: Small, rounded - the chicken is of high quality, if the breast is more than the rest of the chicken is a sign that the chicken was grooved by hormones.
  • Do not take the carcass of chicken if it has hematomas and other skin damage, broken bones.
  • Signs of young chicken: The bone on the chest is not yet durable-spring, light pink skin (the old chicken is yellowish), small scales on the paws.
  • After pressing the skin of the chicken, a dent remains with a finger, if it quickly disappears - the chicken is fresh, it remains for a long time - the chicken was stuck on the counter.
  • The smell of raw meat should come from the chicken. If you feel the aroma of drugs, chemistry or spices, do not take such a chicken.
  • The skin of the chicken should not be sticky - This is a sign of non -possession.

How to cut chicken into pieces: step -by -step instructions

We arm ourselves with a sharp knife, and learn to cut the chicken:

  1. Pull the chicken leg of the chicken from the body a little, cut the skin around the joint with a knife, cut the meat to the joint, turn the thigh with the hand with the hand, and cut the connection with a knife between 2 bones. We do the same with the second chicken leg.
  2. We cut the legs into 2 parts at the junction of two bones. We turned out 2 hips and 2 legs.
  3. We turn the chicken on the side, and along the costal bones we divide it into the back and breast with wings.
  4. Cut the cartilage bone on the chest.
  5. We cut the breast into 2 parts, and then another 2 pieces. It turned out 4 pieces of breast, on two of them - wings. The edge of the wings in the joints is cut off.
  6. If you need a separate fillet, cut it out of the chest.
A good example of how to cut a chicken into pieces

How to cut a chicken for the preparation of a roll: step -by -step instructions

The meat of the chicken can be fried: porridge with mushrooms, only mushrooms alone, prunes with walnuts, grated cheese with garlic, broccoli and carrots. But first you need cut the chicken:

  1. We cut off the ends of the wings, they can be added to the chicken bones when you cook the broth.
  2. First, cut the breast of the chicken to the bone in half.
  3. With a sharp knife, separate the meat from the bone so that the meat remains one layer, and the bones are bare - without meat.
  4. Gradually, we free the bones from the meat and from the side of the back, wings, we try not to damage the skin.
  5. We cut the meat from the hips of the chicken and legs, and, we do it as if from the inside.
  6. We got bones - for broth, and a layer of chicken meat - for a roll.
  7. We unfold the carcass of chicken without bones, cut the tendons, if any, film and bloody places.
  8. If the meat is distributed unevenly, we cut it off where there are a lot of it, and put it to where the thin layer is.
  9. We salt the layer of meat, pepper, sprinkle with other spices that you like, distribute evenly the filling, turn it off tightly with a roll so that the skin is from above.
  10. We wrap the roll into the food film, let it brew for 8-10 hours, and soak with spices, and cook in water, over a half hours on low heat.

Video: art cutting chicken for roll

How to cut a chicken, and what to cook from it?

How to cut a chicken, and what to cook from it? Which parts of the chicken, and for what dishes are suitable?

  • For pilaf: shin, hip, fillet
  • On barbecue: fillet
  • Frying on the barbecue: wings, hips, lower legs
  • For the first dishes: back, cartilage bone from the chest, edges of the wings
  • For frying, baking in the oven, stewing: wings, legs, hips
  • For salads, for a sandwich: boiled or baked in the oven of a fillet without a skin
  • For chop or cutlets on a bone: breast with a bone
  • For stuffing: skin and hips

So, we learned to cut the chicken into pieces, and with one large layer - for a roll.

Video: art cutting chicken

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