DIY Summer Summer Shower from improvised materials: ideas with photos, tips and recommendations

DIY Summer Summer Shower from improvised materials: ideas with photos, tips and recommendations

We are building a summer shower from the remnants of building materials: ideas with photos and tips for quick solutions.

Summer, cottage, rest. These three words attract many people tired of city jungle and adore their climate. In this article, we will touch on the most important topic of improvement of a personal plot - how to build a street summer shower with your own hands.

What you need to know to make a summer shower in the country?

Water is the main component for a summer shower. On the one hand, the supply and heating of water is required, on the other hand, water drainage. It seems the simplest information, but many do not think about it until many cones are filled.

So, before thinking about how to build a street summer shower with your own hands, you need to look at the presence of sources, as well as choose a place on the site.

The first and most important nuance - Is there a centralized supply of water on the site, or a well? If there is, then immediately build a shower with an automatic supply of water to the tank. Even if this immediately seems stupid, believe me, by the end of the summer season you will gratefully remember this advice, especially if a large company is going to the country.

The second most important point - The location of the shower. He should not be near the house so that dampness does not go to the basement and foundation. Also, water should not drain on the beds with vegetables. Shampoo, gel, soap are actively used in the soul. This is all doubtful for us, but murderous for plants.

Now let's move on to the consideration of various summer showering, both for many years and temporary, for 1-2 months.

How to build a shower from wooden pallets?

Wooden pallets remain after construction. Do not throw them away - they are suitable for building a summer shower. They wondered how to build a street summer shower with your own hands? This will require several pallets, a hammer, a screwdriver, but better a screwdriver and a drill.

To begin with, we disassemble the pallets on the boards, put the flooring in one pile, and the base (thick boards) in the second. Time to relax, and at the same time draw a plan of the future project. Focus on showers with a wall size of 120-150 cm. The height of the shower cabin is usually 200 cm, but it may be higher if the family has tall family members.

Then we determine the place for the shower. We make a small slope (no more than 10 degrees so that the legs do not slip). We knock down a crate from four boards on which we lay boards with a break of about 1 cm. Thus, the legs will stand confidently, and the water calmly run between the boards.

Summer shower in the country
Summer shower in the country

Now you need to assemble the frame. If a tank is located on top, let’s only a metal durable frame. And if you plan to supply centralized water, then you can collect a frame and from a tree.

Along the perimeter of the frame, we make a dense crate from three sides. In some showers, it is proposed to make a crate with a gap between the boards. The design looks beautiful, but given that the shower is taken without clothes - this will cause additional difficulties, as soon as there are more than two people in the country.

Cut the shower door and hang on the hinges. We attach the handle from the outside, and the hook on the inside. We fasten a small hanger for clothes and towels. On the other hand, we attach a shelf for shampoo and soap.

We install a barrel on the roof if you want the water to heat faster - paint it black. Connect the shower and install the tap on the pipe. It remains to gain water, wait until the water warms up and enjoy the shower!

Luxurious summer shower from wooden pallets
Luxurious summer shower from wooden pallets

Below we have collected several ideas on how to build a street summer shower with our own hands from pallets.

An interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba summer shower in the country
An interesting idea of \u200b\u200ba summer shower in the country
Quick shower solutions in the country
Quick shower solutions in the country
Wooden shower made with soul
Wooden shower made with soul

How to make a summer shower from a profile pipe?

Do you know how to build a street summer shower with your own hands from a profile pipe? Not? A few minutes, and you will understand how to collect a lightweight design for summer water procedures in just a few days!

So, a profile pipe is required (the length depends on the size of the future shower). The cross section is better to choose about 40*40 or 50*50. Material for casing (it can be any, in our project - metal). Cement with sand for concreting columns, a tank, pre -painted black, a shower system with a tap. Also, do not forget about the paint, because the metal when contacting with water, without protection will instantly worn out.

Shower from pipe profile
Shower from pipe profile

We go to the drawing. Sove the dimensions depending on your wishes. See what the drawing above looks below, he will help to navigate the beginner.

Shower scheme
Shower scheme

Now we move on to construction. First - we make a decision on the need for a drain pit. It all depends on the frequency of using the shower and soil. For example, sand instantly absorbs moisture and you can not worry about the drain. But when making the showering on the chernozem, you should take care of the drain so as not to turn the zone around the shower into a swamp.

If there is already a cesspool on the site, install a shower nearby, and draw a pipe of drain into it. Important - the pipe of the drain should always be under the slope.

Preparation of the crate before pouring concrete
Preparation of the crate before pouring concrete

Now we move directly to the construction of the shower. Remove all grass, garbage and irregularities from the ground. Install the formwork as in the photo. Lay the drain pipe in the center of the future cabin.

  • Pour the crushed stone bottom and trim for sealing. In the corners we score four columns from the profile. They can be put evenly, or under the same inclination, as in our photo. We score pipes to a depth of 20-30 cm.
  • Now we fill everything with concrete and rest on this day. The next day we check the design and after lunch you can already start the next step. Racks on top along the perimeter are strengthened with a profile pipe. We also strengthen diagonally. For those who are not friends with welding, it is enough to twist the structure on the bolts with nuts.
  • The last step in the frame is to supplement the tank grill. We primer and paint the structure. Leave to dry.
The frame can not be sewn, but hang curtains for the shower. But this design is not suitable in windy weather
The frame can not be sewn, but hang curtains for the shower. But this design is not suitable in windy weather

In the meantime, we prepare the doors, paint the tank if necessary, and also prepare the shower system.

When the paint dries, you can go to the skin. For capital solutions, a board, corrugated board, polycarbonate are suitable. For budget and quick solutions - an oilcloth, a film in several layers.

How to make a summer shower for a meal from a metal profile?

Another material for the budget shower in the country is a metal profile. They wondered how to build a street summer shower with your own hands from a metal profile - read our article, and the assembly of the soul will take only a few hours!

First, decide on the place and plan of the shower. The same plan is suitable for a shower from a metal profile as in the previous section. We collect the frame, concreting its base. More detailed in the previous paragraph. We collect a grate for a tank from the profile and fasten it on the roof of the structure.

Shower for giving a metal profile
Shower for giving a metal profile

Cook the doors from the profile and hang on the hinges. Satisfied around the perimeter with a metal profile. Install a water tank and a shower system. We fasten the pens and the hook - we invite the first people who want to water procedures.

For concrete structures, you still need a foot pan. It can be cut from wooden pallets, or you can put it from scratch.

And in conclusion, we offer to read our article, About how to deal with rodents in the country. Do you want us to talk more about the country life? Ask questions in the comments.

How to build a street summer shower with your own hands: tips

Nikolai: They bought a cottage in the spring and immediately decided to spend the summer on it. Summer shower is a classic of country life, and I, as a real owner, got down to business. Concreted, at the hint of the builder with the help of crushed stone, cement, sand and water. I kept the day - for the shower no longer needed. Then he collected the structure for a couple of days, and after a week I had a shower with two zones - shower and locker room. The frame with the corner. He sheathed with a board from the pallets, opened with varnish - beauty!

Max: After construction, there was a corner and metal profile. I calculated - exactly for shower. Gathered in a couple of days. For beginners advice - it is better to take the tank from the metal. The plastic in the first winter cracked. It is to blame, I didn’t go to the end, but still.

Video: Summer shower with your own hands! The budget option is suitable for everyone!

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