Beautiful fences for private houses: photo, description. Types of fences for private houses - useful tips for choosing, price

Beautiful fences for private houses: photo, description. Types of fences for private houses - useful tips for choosing, price

The fence is necessary for any private property, whether it be a house, a garden, a garden or a summer cottage with a pool and a bar. After all, you can hardly feel comfortable and protected when you are open to any outsider. Fortunately, today's market offers the richest choice of fences, for every taste and wallet.

In this article we will consider what fences can be put in a private house. And you will also learn about the types of these very fences.

What are the types of fences for a private house?

  • Several important aspects are triggered here, and first of all, the location of real estate, then, based on financial capabilities, are determined with the material for the fence, its functional purpose, etc.
  • In order to decide which material will become the optimal solution, it is necessary to first understand which task should be completed: just fences or obstacles for an uninvited guest, or someone else's envious look.
  • Then it will become clear not only which starting raw materials will become the best, but also such parameters as the necessary strength of the material, continuous or with gaps, a fence is necessary, etc.
  • Of course, the sizes related to both the site and the private house are important so that they look in proportion to each other. It is necessary to pay attention to ensuring that the style in which the fence is made corresponds to the style of the house that it will protect, combined in color scheme and other parameters.
  • Well, of course, you need to take into account landscapeon which your real estate is located, and such a very significant detail as the amount of finances, on which it depends on whether you can realize your dream or be content with what will be affordable.

The main options used today can be considered:

  • Stone fences. They are most appropriate if the facade of the building is also trimmed with a stone or its imitation (in whole or in part). This type of fences looks very respectable, quite durable and durable.
  • Brick fences for a private house. This type of fence is much cheaper, and it looks quite solid, especially if you successfully compose a brick with metal or the same stone, “guess” with color.
From brick
From brick
  • Concrete masonry. A fairly democratic option is in high demand due to the possibility of their rapid installation, and the main drawback is in relative short-lived.
  • Metal fence You can do it both using corrugated board and forged products. In the first case, you get a sufficiently durable and not subject to environmental conditions. At the same time, it is poorly opposed by the blows and is quite capable of covered with dents. The second option creates a feeling of space, the area of \u200b\u200bthe site visually increases, but such fences look relatively simple. Such fences are hardly suitable for those who do not want to “be in sight” among prying eyes. Therefore, often metal fences, especially forged, are combined with another material or with a green hedge.
Imperious view
  • Wooden fences for a private house It’s far from far from those that were once and represented a classic picket fence, subject to all weather misfortunes that reduces its service life. Therefore, we are not talking about the durability of such fences, but with a successful combination with the architectural buildings of the enclosed area - this is quite acceptable.
  • Shifer fence It looks simple and unpresented enough due to gray. But as an option for a calm area, without intensive traffic and pedestrians, it is quite appropriate because of its relative cheapness. You can’t call such a fence durable, it is rather fragile, but the small costs invested in the purchase of such a fence are quite justified.

If you choose a fence for your home, consult your family. But also consult with professionals. Keep in mind that most often the fence is put for decades, so it should be durable and delight the eye.

Do -it -yourself private

  • You should start with familiarization with regulatory documents regarding this in order to properly withstand the distance between neighboring houses, and to the roadway, and so that your fence does not “fall out” of a holistic row.
  • The norms are provided The distance from the fence to the house is 3 m or more, to non-residential premises-at least 4. Trees should not “approach” the fence closer than 2 m, and shrubs - by a meter. The height of the fence can be up to 2.5-3 m, depending on the height of the house itself. A slightly different requirements for the fence for a private house that shares the neighbors - it should not exceed one and a half meters, and the neighboring courtyard should be partially visible.
  • On your own, in the presence of skills, you can build a fence of any material: whether it be plastic or wood, such a familiar grid-shirt, metal or concrete, or even lay out with good old brick. The result of a combination of several of the above materials is interesting: say, say wood with stone or brick.
  • And, of course, any fence will decorate the hedge (and in some cases, by the way, it limits the fencing of their territory).
  • Each of the above materials has its own advantages and disadvantages: the most durable and thorough fence made of stone is least of all an obstacle to overcome the fence of wood or grid-wrapping. Therefore, in each case, the golden principle should be taken into account, combining the concepts of functionality, quality and price.

Inexpensive fence for a private house

  • Now, with a huge selection of materials, it is quite possible to find an option, acceptable both in price and in quality. Of course, a budget fence for a private house must also be considered as to what purpose it becomes and what its main function becomes: preventing free passage in your territory or decorative.
  • For example, a small area is quite permissible to protect a net grinder, more - pagan, and if you need to inexpens a large area inexpensively, then it is more likely corrugated board.
  • The most expensive metal fence from Euro -Stacecium will cost, durable, resistant to wind gusts, and at the same time quite aesthetically looking at the site. The practicality of such a fence allows even to make its base surface for the street lighting scheme. Among the minuses is the relatively long installation and attractiveness of a metal fence for “metallists”, handing over a stolen metal for a penny to scrap intake points.
  • It will cost cheaper fence from polycarbonate, which, as a rule, is combined with another material. It is quite durable (if all technologies are observed and applied by UV layer) and light in the installation. The corrugated board can also be selected inexpensive, and it is better to use this material for fencing a small area, since it must be installed on the foundation, and this is additional costs. This is a very popular budget option.
From polycarbonate
From polycarbonate
  • Plastic Also available to the majority, it is durable and easy to assemble, but looks quite attractive. In addition, it does not require special care. It’s good for everyone to be familiar, familiar and quite quite a pocket-a mesh-wrap, which even a novice owner can install. But she also has disadvantages: not very durable, she also opens up a wide overview of your territory for curious eyes, and also quickly loses its appearance under the influence of external factors.
  • Wooden fence - The most budgetary version of the fence, especially since, if desired and skill, you can create almost a masterpiece from it. Among the advantages of such a fence are undoubted environmental friendliness, an easy attitude, among the shortcomings - fragility and a high degree of susceptibility to external factors.
Budget and environmentally friendly
Budget and environmentally friendly
  • One of its varieties is the picket fence, also fast and easy to install. And finally, planting around the perimeter of the site or house living trees or shrubs, Which are weaved in a hedge - if you do not use outlandish overseas plants for this, of course, quite quite affordable people with an average income. Another advice, if your fence has lost its former look, do not rush to change it. Try to update it with a photograph.

Territory behind a private house fence

  • We are talking about a plot of land near the house on which the farm is being conducted and the house itself is serviced. It is the border of this territory that can become the place of installation of the fence, distinguishing the property of the owner of the site and the municipal (located on the other side of the fence). By the way, there may be several owners.
  • If the calculation of the house territory for apartment buildings is carried out according to the formula, then this option is not suitable for the private sector. To measure the site, it is necessary to compose The plan, marking the boundaries of the territory on it and applying absolutely all the buildings located on the site. Having settled the question with the neighbors and making sure that there are no disagreements regarding the rights to land, the owner can issue ownership of it by putting the site on the cadastral list.
Design of the territory
Design solution
  • You can also draw up a lease on the territory by the fence by contacting local self -government bodies, they will also determine and rent depending on the area, which is indicated in cadastral documents. Having designed the territory behind a fence of a private house in the property, the owner is obliged to keep it clean, as well as adjacent from the street (usually about one and a half meters).

Brick fences for a private house

Now especially in fashion, they are convenient in that you yourself can choose the right height and thickness of the fence, such fences are practical and reliable, not to mention the fact that many can lay out brickwork themselves without resorting to workers' services.

The pluses of brick fences for a private house include:

  1. Reliability. This is a high -strength fence that completely hides the territory from other people's views and at the desired height - from encroachments on your property.
  2. Durability - Brick masonry is resistant to temperature changes, rain, snow and other climatic factors.
  3. Respectable appearance, Especially if you complement the fence with architectural elements in the form of arches or columns.
  4. It does not require painting and other care.
  5. Transforms the appearance of the entire territory, As a designer part of the landscape.
Creates a wonderful appearance
Creates a wonderful appearance

Among the minuses:

  1. Relative high cost Both the brick itself and its laying.
  2. The former use of a brick (if you have made a fence from that in order to save money) less durable.
  3. Additional The need for the foundationwhich entails additional expenses.
  • The fence can be folded from facing bricks, which is used with decorative masonry, Giving the opportunity to various color solutions, supplement it with wood.
  • You can decorate with stab brick, which will make the structure easier and elegant. The rough ceramic brick is of different shades, which makes it possible to create your own color scheme.
  • As for the usual ones silicate bricks, Outwardly, they are inferior to other species, but are most reliable in operation. Fashionable clinker brick today is quite durable, without voids, but also quite expensive.
  • Hyperpressed brick Resistant to external natural influences, is produced in different colors and can be either stab or smooth. And finally, fences made of lego brick, Which is not laid out in the usual way, but is connected from hotel parts and glued with special glue.

A brick can be successfully combined with wood, corrugated board, a metal picket fence, forging, stone, as well as among themselves, combining stab or decorative views with ordinary.

You can combine
You can combine

Fences for a private house metal

  • Metal fences for a private house are diversity, they can be Stack, in the form of a grid, forged.
Gorgeous decoration
Gorgeous decoration
  • Among the advantages - Reliable protection against penetration into your territory, since it is almost impossible to cut or damage them with the help of improvised means. If you use corrugated board, no one can look into your yard. The distinctive quality of the metal is its durability, in addition, the surface of metal fences is covered with a layer that protects against problems such as Corrosion or rust.
  • Such a fence is easy in the construction, reliable and resistant to external influences. In addition, a metal fence can be made in any coloring suitable for your common design solution.
  • The disadvantage can be considered enough High price, Especially if it is a cast product. The nets are much cheaper. In addition, in a couple of decades, the metal fence will still need painting and additional processing from rust. Nevertheless, the popularity of such fences is great.

Forged fences for a private house

  • The main advantage of forged design its artistic value and the ability to not only choose the pattern you like, but also come up with it yourself, having ordered on your own sketch. These are strong and durable structures, at the same time they are completely easy to operate.
  • Forged fence It is much more resistant to corrosion, to external atmospheric influences. The main thing is not to forget to periodically clean it, which can be easily done using an ordinary garden hose. It is very presentable, and at the same time successfully opposes mechanical influences and any blows.

As you know, beauty is expensive, so the cost of forged fences is high. In addition, they are quite massive, which complicates the process of transportation and installation. Another disadvantage can be considered the openness of such structures that it does not protect against prying eyes.

Forged splendor
Forged splendor
  • Having decided to protect your house with a wrought -up fence, you should decide what functional purpose it will carry, and, based on this, choose a type: it is a simple stamping, without any artistic excesses, or either Fencing decorated with curly elements. You can also combine these two purposes by using art forging only in separate parts of the fence.
  • You can combine forged fences with many materials. So, using polycarbonate, you thereby shield your territory, making it inaccessible to someone else's look, as in the case combinations with corrugated board. Excellent combination forged fence with stone or brick, on which forged rods are installed.

Fences for a private house from a profiled sheet

  • Professor It is a fairly thin metal sheet (up to 5 mm), which is stamped (which tightens the metal) . Basic shades - Silver metal, but you can find various basic colors, the main thing is that all sheets are from the same batch. You can find on sale various sizes of corrugated board, so you can choose a suitable for your site without subsequent fitting for the desired size.
  • A fence from a profiled sheet for a private house It is easily mounted on a metal frame, the sheets are overlapped. The main thing is that the frame itself is leveled and has strong compounds - it depends on both the reliability of the entire structure and its appearance. Such fences are very well combined with another material (brick, stone, metal).
  • If speak about the durability of the profiled sheet, then it is processed from corrosive phenomena due to rain or snowfalls, which is quite resistant to minus temperatures. The only thing that can affect is the prolonged exposure to sunlight, which contributes to a slight burnout of the metal.
  • Minus the fence from corrugated board It is weak impact resistance: If you hit it hard on it, then you can’t avoid dents, not to mention the car inadvertently enters it. Therefore, such fences are appropriate in quiet calm areas where there is no lively movement.

Wooden fences for a private house

  • The most familiar to our eye, fences familiar from childhood. Today, of course, they already look different- stylish and modern. And if such a fence is combined with the buildings that are on the territory of the site - this is a great solution. To facilitate the installation of the fence today, the sections are already completely ready to use, which can only be assembled in a single design, and this is enough to do it yourself.
  • Those who dream of an individual project can come up with yourself sketchwhich the masters will fulfill in accordance with your wishes.
  • The wooden fence performs more decorative function, Since it does not have much strength and is not able to withstand heavy loads. It is simple enough to install it, including And yourself, you should only take care of a reliable foundation and a durable frame. With proper regular care, such a fence will last for about 20 years, while the initially high -quality raw materials and the correct protective coating are important.
  • And one moment: with a wooden fence for the private sector It can perfectly harmonize any wooden structure in your yard (bench, table, gazebo) if they are designed in a similar style.
  • This type of fence gives the facade a highlight and originality, perfectly if there is altanka, benches or other buildings, in style, continue the appearance of the fence.
From wood
From wood
With a green design
With a green design

Fence design for a private house

The fact that the fence today has become part of the general design of the courtyard is unnecessary. Therefore, depending on what the purpose of the fence, it is possible to divide the hedges into several types:

  1. Fence-fortress, who is obliged to protect against the territory of households, outsiders and animals penetrate, as well as from extraneous views.
  2. For beauty. In this case, the emphasis is on decorative elements, and it is hardly possible to talk about the practical meaning of such a fence.
  3. The fence is as the basis For the subsequent landing of trees or shrubs forming a hedge.
  4. Far from noise and dust - A clear material is appropriate here, which will not allow the dust, noise, and gusts of wind into the courtyard, but at the same time it will be penetrated for the rays of the sun.
  5. To determine the boundaries of the site.
With greens
With greens
  • Depending on these functions, both the design and the material that is most suitable for the embodiment of the plan is selected.

According to this principle, for example, wooden fences can be made classic, without gaps, with gaps, a ladder or blinds, in the form of a wattle fence or lattice. Metal - in the form of forged rods, which look very beautiful in combination with another material that hides all corrugated board (vertical or horizontal fastening), a metal picket fence, profile pipes, metal siding, blinds ...

  • There are many types of bricks for laying a fence, and besides, you can use brick in different colors. And how many types of stone can be used in the construction of the fence: porphyry, quartzite, basalt, not to mention granite or sandstone! And even the most ordinary concrete can be combined, for example, with forging. What can we say about such natural beauty as a hedge ...
  • You can perform a fence in many styles, from minimalistic to eco -style, decorate with mosaic inserts, create a real picket fence, as in the old days (it will look especially beautiful in a summer cottage) or lay the logs strictly along the boundaries of the site. For lovers of unusual solutions, you can even offer colored bottles or plastic grid.

The height of the fence of a private house by law

  • As regulatory documents say, The dividing fence between the sites cannot be higher than one and a half meters. But if you want to put a higher fence, then you can cheat a little. According to the rules, the fence is installed on the sections, and there you can not put high.
  • And, having retreated at least a meter deep into your yard, you can establish a fence of the height you need, calling it household construction. Thus, formally the law will not be violated.
  • Fence for individual residential development not regulated by regulatory documents. Therefore, each local administration can establish (or not establish) its own rules. For each region, they can be different. It is possible that soon such regulatory regulations may appear, so it is better to properly stipulate the height of their fence with both neighbors and referring for building permits to the local administration. All results must be fixed in writing.

Fences for a private house: Price

  • Let's start with fences for a private house from corrugated board, having a relatively inexpensive price that begins with 870 rubles. and 820 rub. per linear meter, respectively, with a polymer and galvanized coating (height of 1.5 m).
  • A metal picket fence starts with 1050 rubles. For the linear meter (galvanized), pillars, lags and screws are also included in the price. Polymer picket fence is worth from 1170 rubles.
  • Rabitz - One of the most budget options. Its cost - from 310 rubles. For the linear meter at a height of one and a half meters.
  • One and a half meter fence From polycarbonate, you can buy at a price 1800 rub. For the linear meter.
  • Wooden fences have a price of order 980 and 1150 rub. per linear meter at a height of 1.5 and 2 meters, respectively.
  • The beauty of a forged fence is estimated in the amount of 5-25 thousand rubles. Depending on the complexity of manufacture and how many additional decorative elements are used.

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Video: 100 photos of ideas of beautiful fences

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Comments K. article

  1. Recently, they bought a new bathhouse for a plot in the tower, at the same time decided and replace the fence in the same place. The fence was chosen by the corrugated board so that the site did not see (the husband insisted, as for me, it is strict and not very aesthetic). Now I think how to decorate it. I saw ideas on how ivy or other pack plants are allowed by such a fence. Has anyone tried to realize this?

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