How to cook frozen fish in a pan, in the oven: tips, step -by -step recipe. Do I need to defrost frozen fish before cooking?

How to cook frozen fish in a pan, in the oven: tips, step -by -step recipe. Do I need to defrost frozen fish before cooking?

Recipes for making frozen fish.

Fish is a healthy protein product that contains a huge number of minerals, trace elements and fatty acids. This is a great solution for dietary nutrition and athletes. Seafood is the main source of protein for people involved in a set of muscle mass. In this article we will tell you how to properly cook frozen fish.

Can you fry frozen fish without defrosting or not?

There are several diametrically opposite opinions regarding whether it is necessary to defrost the fish before cooking or not. It all depends on the method of its preparation and heat treatment.

You can fry frozen fish without defrosting or not:

  • It is best to defrost the fish, and by slow thawing on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. However, such an opportunity is not always available, and is not suitable for all types of fish.
  • If you are going to cook boiled fillet, or bake it in the oven, in foil, then it is not necessary to use preliminary defrosting. However, if you plan to fry fish, extinguish it in the gravy, it is recommended to defrost it.
  • An ideal method of defrosting is the thawing method in the refrigerator, or using cold water. To do this, it is necessary to place the fish in the package, thoroughly tie it so that water does not get into it. Place in a container with cold water and change it when it becomes icy.
Finished dish
Finished dish

How to quickly defrost frozen fish?

In order to correctly defrost the fish in the microwave, it must be thoroughly washed and completely wipe with moisture. It is necessary that it be completely dry. Use minimum power mode so that there are no cooked areas. In order for the product to thaw evenly, it is necessary to turn the carcass from time to time. It is better to do this every 2 minutes. 

How to quickly defrost frozen fish:

  • Often use a double boiler or a slow cooker for defrosting. What is considered gentle methods of defrosting, which helps maintain the density of the fish. However, this method is suitable only if you are going to cook soup from fish in the future, or boil it.
  • The method is not suitable if you plan to fry or prepare a product in the oven, with the formation of a rosy crust. In the slow cooker, defrosting is carried out for 20 minutes, in mode with minimal heating bowl. Quite often, a trick that is not suitable for meat is used for thawing.
  • It is necessary to sprinkle the fish abundantly with salt and wait for it to thaw. The freezing temperature of the salt solution is much lower than ordinary water. Therefore, salt destroys ice. Only the upper layer is defrosted, the insides remain frozen.

Why can't you defrost fish in hot water?

There are several ways that in no case should be usedduring Defrostings of fish, since its consistency, density can be spoiled. As a result, you will receive destroyed fish fibers that cannot be adapted to make dinner. 

Why you can’t defrost fish in hot water:

  • It is not allowed to use hot water for defrosting. In no case should you bend the fish and stuck it away from the side. So, you run the risk of damaging fibers, as well as a ridge of fish.
  • Pisces have less dense fibers than meat, they are very simply deformed and destroyed. In the process of contacting hot water and ice carcass, fibers burst, turning into porridge.
  • You can not leave the fish open without using a film or package.

Please note that it is best to store fish in containers with a closed lid. If you do not plan to cook fish yet, you can cover it with a damp cloth. 

Seafood Cocktail
Seafood Cocktail

Is it possible to freeze the thawed fish again?

It happens that after preparing dinner or lunch, a sufficient amount of product remains, which is a pity to throw away.

Is it possible to freeze the thawed fish again:

  • Experts believe that this cannot be done, because after repeated defrosting, the fish will turn into jelly. After purchasing, it is necessary to cut the carcass, packing into a container in order to use portions.
  • During thawing, the carcasses multiply microorganisms that are on its surface. In case of repeated freezing, they lose their activity, but after thawing they begin to multiply again. This can lead to damage, and increases the risk of poisoning. 
  • It is recommended to fry the entire portion, and lay extra pieces in the finished form in the freezer.
Marine life
Marine life

How to cook frozen fish in a pan?

The frying of frozen fish is not much different from fresh. To do this, you must pre -defrost the carcass, and cut it into portioned pieces. At the same time, the fins are removed, and the inner dark plaque is cleaned with a knife or washed off with cold water. This film can give additional bitterness.

How to cook frozen fish in a pan:

  • It is necessary to flavor fish with salt, spices, and leave for 5 minutes at room temperature, soak in marinade. After that, breading is carried out using flour and frying in a hot pan. Remember, you need to use exclusively hot oil, without additional taste additives. It is best to choose a refined product.
  • It is necessary to fry over high heat, until the crust is formed. This will achieve a beautiful golden hue and will interfere with the scatter of the product. As soon as you get a brown crust, it is necessary to reduce heating, and bring to readiness.
  • Unlike meat, you do not need to cover the fish with a lid, otherwise you will not get a dense, crispy crust. Regarding the time of cooking, then small fish, such as bulls or capers, must be frying for 10 minutes. If these are pieces of mackerel or hek, you will need about 15 minutes. The fillet will be made the fastest, it takes 5-7 minutes to cook it. This is due to the fact that it is small thick and does not have bones. 

How to cook frozen fish in the oven?

It is very easy to cook frozen fish in the oven. To do this, pre -defrost it. However, it is necessary to clean the insides, remove the dark film, and also remove the fins and tails. 


  • Juice of one lemon 
  • 1 kg of fish 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Parsley 
  • Foil 
  • Vegetable oil 

How to cook frozen fish in the oven:

  • Remove the fish from the freezer, grate with salt, pepper and fill the cavity where there were insides, with parsley, having previously chopped it finely. Now take each carcass, wrap it in a foil bag.
  • It is necessary to make sure that the juice from this package does not flow and is inside. In the process of cooking, the fish will boil in this juice. It is necessary to place the blanks in the oven at a temperature of 220 degrees.
  • Cooking time is 30 minutes. After baking, it is necessary to remove the foil, and abundantly water with lemon juice. Thanks to this method of cooking, the fish will not fall apart and there is no need to defrost it. 
In foil
In foil

Is it possible to bake frozen fish without defrosting?

There is another good method that is suitable for cooking rather thick and large pieces of fish.

Is it possible to bake frozen fish without defrosting and how to do it:

  • In this case, the dish is baked in the oven, you do not need to defrost the product. However, you should first remove the ice crust or glaze that is on the surface. To do this, sprinkle the piece abundantly with salt and wait a few minutes.
  • Wash off with cold water, ice will leave with saline solution. Be sure to dry using a paper towel. Now you can use spices and marinade. To do this, sprinkle fish with wine vinegar, add salt and spices. Put the product in the sleeve or foil, lay out chopped onions on top, as well as carrots chopped by circles.
  • A peculiar pillow should turn out.Please note that the entire structure of foil or sleeves should not proceed, but be sealed. Install the net in the oven, and substitute a baking sheet under it. It is best not to prepare large pieces using a smooth, flat surface, like a pan, because it will contribute to burning. If you cook on the grid, the grill effect is created, so the fish does not burn and completely baked.
  • On average, cook a rather dense, thick piece of fish for 50-60 minutes. Heating should be at 220 degrees. After cooking, remove the sleeve for baking or foil, sprinkle with lemon juice. Vegetables will be an excellent addition to the dish, giving it juicies. 

Frozen fish falls apart: reasons - what to do?

Many housewives complain that in the process of cooking, frozen fish falls apart into pieces. 

Frozen fish falls apart, reasons:

  • Incorrect freezing technology. The enterprise, which carried out freezing, used fairly high freezing temperatures, and not a dry method. Thus, the water that was inside the fish turned into crystals that contribute to damage to the fibers.As a result of this, the fish falls apart. It is best to purchase fish in proven outlets, where fish arrives immediately after fishing. 
  • The wrong process of frying, using too cold oil. In no case do not lay the fish in a cold pan, and do not fry over low heat. At the very beginning, it is necessary to achieve the formation of brown crust for 3-4 minutes. For this, a rather strong fire is used. A ruddy, crispy crust is a sealing layer that will prevent the deformation and cringing of fish. 
  • Incorrect fish storage. The product that has been frozen several times and defrost also has a damaged structure of the fibers, so it will certainly fall apart in the preparation process. 

If you bought such a fish, you should not be upset. You can resort to some tricks.

  Frozen fish falls apart, what to do:

  • Take a liter of water, dissolve one tablespoon of salt, and place the product from the freezer for about two hours. Thanks to the salt solution, all the gaps that are inside are saturated with liquid, the fish will become dense enough and will not fall apart in the cooking process. 
  • However, it may be watery. There are several more ways that will prevent fish deformation.
  • The use of a cow. For these purposes, take two eggs, enter 50 ml of milk and pour approximately a tablespoon of flour. As a result, you will receive a liquid dough. It is necessary to dip it in it, pre -spaced fish. Rinse the carcass, remove the ice crust, but you should not defrost completely. Salt and pepper, be sure to wipe with a paper towel so that the surface is not wet. Only after that use the batter and fry over high heat until a golden crust is obtained. 

How to cook frozen fish fillet?

On sale there is a fish fillet, compressed bar, consisting of small pieces of fish. Preparing a pressed product is quite simple. It is necessary to observe the rules in order to prevent the crumbling of the bar on small components. Unlike fish on the bone, the fillet does not have a dense crust, so it is most often collapsed with improper preparation. We advise the fillet not to defrost, but cook immediately in frozen form. It should be removed from the freezer, sprinkle with salt to remove the glaze from above. After that, dry the surface with a towel.  


  • 1 kg of bars of fish fillet 
  • 2 eggs 
  • 50 g of flour 
  • 30 ml of milk 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • Vegetable oil 

How to cook frozen fish fillet, recipe: 

  • It is necessary to put flour in one bowl, and in the other eggs with a small amount of milk. Enter salt and pepper into flour. 
  • Briquetes prepared in the above method, it is necessary to panic in flour, dip in an egg, put again on a plate with flour. Thus, a shell consisting of several layers will turn out. It is she who will interfere with the deformation of the product.
  • Place the prepared products on a very hot pan and fry on each side, for 3 minutes. It is impossible to cover with a lid in any case, this will contribute to the scattering of the fillet into fragments. Reduce fire and bring to readiness. The fillet in briquettes differs in a small thickness, so it is prepared quickly enough. Submitted with lemon juice and tomato. 
Red fish
Red fish

Is it possible to freeze the cooked fish?

If you prepare too much fried fish, do not throw it away.

Is it possible to freeze the cooked fish:

  • Since the product refers to perishable, quite acceptable process of freezing. For these purposes, it is necessary to place the finished pieces in the bag and remove the air if there is vacuum packaging. If it is not, a foil, or a regular bag, containers for freezing, is quite suitable.
  • Frozen fish can be stored in the freezer from 3 to 6 months. It is recommended to defrost it by slow thawing, or extinguish in the sauce. Frying fish can be supplemented with tomato gravy.
  • To do this, put the fish into the pan, pour a mixture of tomato paste with water and sugar, enter chopped onions with carrots. Tash on low heat for about 20 minutes. You can add sugar and salt to taste. 
Finished dish
Finished dish

How to cook a frozen fish in a tomato?

To prepare a hake, its preliminary defrost is necessary. It is best to do this on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. 


  • 1 kg of Heck 
  • 50 g of flour 
  • 150 g of vegetable oil 
  • Salt 
  • Spices 
  • 30 g of tomato paste 
  • 2 large bulbs 
  • 2 large carrots 

How to cook frozen fish in tomato, recipe:

  • Remove the fins, remove the scales if it is available, and clean the abdomen from a dark film. After that, sprinkle with salt and pepper. Next, dry with a towel so that the surface is not too wet. Plan in flour and fry over high heat until a brood is brown.
  • Put the fish on the plate and leave it. Pour vegetable oil into the other pan, lay out chopped carrots, onions and add tomato paste after the vegetables purchase a golden hue.
  • Dip the pieces of prepared fish in a boiling gravy, cover with a lid and simmer for another 5-10 minutes. 
In tomato
In tomato

Many useful articles about freezing products can be read on our website:

It is not worth using warm water for defrosting, as the juice will flow out as a result, and the piece will lose its shape, all fibers will destroy. You can also use the microwave, the only drawback is its small size. It is not suitable for defrosting large fish. 

Video: How to cook frozen fish?

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