How to properly sculpt Sams with a triangle at home: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

How to properly sculpt Sams with a triangle at home: methods, tips, step -by -step instructions, photos, videos

From this article you will find out in what ways you can sculpt Sams.

Samsa is an Asian dish, like Slavic pies, with minced meat in the middle. And how to sculpt Samsu correctly? We find out in this article.

How to sculpt sams with a triangle: Cooking secrets

Secrets About how to properly sculpt Sams, so that it is tasty, juicy, crispy:

  • Sams in Asia used to be made mainly from lamb with fatty fat, and now the success is successful, chicken.
  • The meat is added to the meat, finely chopped onions (almost as much as meat), a bunch of cilantro, spices (black and red pepper, zira).
  • In order for the filling for Samsa to be more juicy, raw potatoes, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin, tomatoes and sweet peppers, or vegetables can be rubbed on a coarse grater.
  • Asians Sams are baked in a tandoor, but if you do not have such a stove, then you can bake in the oven or fry in a pan.
  • The main dough from which Sams is sculpted is puff and puff yeast.
  • Puff pastry in Asia is done as follows: knead the fresh steep dough from flour, water and salt, give it to rest for about 1 hour at room temperature, then very thinly, almost to transparently rolled out. The rolled dough is lubricated with melted fatty fat, twisted into a roll, again allowed to stand for about half an hour in a cold place, cut into pieces and rolled mugs.
  • Mugs on Sams are rolled out 10-15 cm in diameter.
  • To make the edges of the mug better blind, moistening them with water.
  • If you make a beautiful decorative seam, then Samsa will bake a seam on top, if ordinary - a seam from below.
  • When the whole Samsa is wound, we lubricate it with yolk mixed with milk, sprinkle with sesame seeds and immediately bake at an average temperature of 35-45 minutes.
To sculpt delicious juicy Sams, you need to know some secrets

How to properly sculpt sams with a triangle from circles: step -by -step instructions, photo

Method 1

Sculpt sams from circles The test is needed in this sequence:

  1. From pieces of dough, roll out a mugs of 0.5 cm thick.
  2. We put 1 tbsp on the circle. l. filling.
  3. We raise the two sides of the dough and pinch to the middle to make a kind of horn.
  4. The rest, not crap, raise part of the dough up and pin it perpendicular to the resulting seam. So our samsa acquires a triangular shape.
If you sculpt sams from the circles, 3 sides can be pinched

Method 2

You can sculpt sams with a triangle from the dough mug if the edges of the dough are thrown into the filling in the form of a triangle, and do not adhere to them, but only coil corners so that the juice of meat and vegetables does not flow out.

Sams from circles can simply be thrown one edge to another, and pinch the corners

How to properly sculpt sams with a triangle of squares: step -by -step instructions, photo

Sculpt samsa from squares It is necessary in this sequence:

  1. Roll out a large layer of puff pastry.
  2. We cut it into squares with a side of approximately 12-14 cm.
  3. We put the filling on the square, bend it in half, we put the edges of the dough - the triangle turned out.
You can sculpt sams from squares

How beautifully to sculpt sams with a triangle with a decorative seam: step -by -step instructions, video

If you want to sculpt samsa beautifully, then you can pinch the dough decorative seam:

  • Roll out circles of dough.
  • Put the filling on them.
  • We pinch the sams with a triangle with an ordinary seam.
  • On top of the usual seam, we make forks from one side and the other.

Video: How to pinch samsa beautifully?

So, we learned to sculpt Sams in various ways.

Video: delicious puff samsa

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